Dc Universe - Tumblr Posts

ed writing a letter to the love of his life
Y'all that was a heavy couple of rants
To lighten the mood for my batman universe fans;
Batfam <3

Summary: You are Joker's new obsession even though you truly do not want him.
Word count: 1.6k
a/n: I just imagined this as I was listening to Gangsta by Kehlani and I got an idea so I hope you guys love it.
Being Bruce Wayne's assistant had its perks, but the perks started during your third year of working with him. That included allowing you max out his card on dresses to accompany him to galas, being seen with him in public, knowing he's batman, training because in a way you are now at threat.
It was a fun lifestyle, if you remove having to drive like a lunatic when paparazzi is getting out of hand, and babysitting his adopted and biological sons when he can't take care of them; which is very weird because Dick is older than you, or waking up at early hours of the day to go to his house and make sure he gets ready then the worst of all, obsessed villains that think getting you or getting rid of you is the only way Batman would love them and you would have to show your fighting skills that is always unfair because there are always more of them than you.
But the worst of all the lunatics has to be the Joker, you were terrified of him, mainly because he loved you, almost as much as he loved his 'Batsy' and he really loved his Batsy.
A little around the time he broke up with Harley Quinn was the time you began working with Bruce, and when he saw both of you standing together he 'didn't know who to choose from' he would tell you a couple months later when he first kidnapped you.
It got to the point when he is fighting batman he would say dumb shit like "Bring our wife with you next time" which you purposely decided the fact he called you his wife and only think about the fact he also called you Bruce Wayne's wife, but he was far to old for you sadly, both of them were actually but that didn't stop you from blushing the first few times and neither did it stop Joker from flirting with you every chance he got.
Maybe it's leaving flowers with a note at your front door, flowers that have a camera inside so he can watch you from where he is. Obviously Bruce also has gotten many of them, so when he found himself at your apartment waiting for you to get ready, he told you to throw them out and when you asked why, let's just say you never accepted flowers from anyone again when you received a text message from an unsaved number asking why you threw away his love for you.
You were walking on your own a couple of months after that, on your way to the Wayne manor, it was very early and Alfred wasn't available to carry you with the limousine so you had to walk. You forgot to take your guard dog with you so you were suffering your consequences when you were dragged into an alleyway by some weirdo touching you inappropriately saying something about boss saying they should see if you're good enough.
Luckily, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy had come to your rescue, immediately killing the man and befriending you but what Harley had told you was by far scarier than the sad predicament you just got into, "Girl, you have to protect yourself more, you know you are now the lunatic's bride. He might love you as much as he love his batsy."
You thanked them before rushing to work, this time in a cab, now with a borrowed gun from Ivy just incase the driver is also a worker from the Joker.
You were undeniably late for the day, you were supposed to wake up Bruce Wayne with Alfred as you brief him with what he is supposed to do and help him get dressed.
But when you had came, he was still in a towel, luckily done having his bath but not dressed, saying something about waiting for you because you always make him look his best.
As you were getting him ready, you two engaged in the short conversations you would usually have, and you realise it was your mistake entirely when you had spilled to Bruce about what had happened that morning and you knew it even more when you had to attend to Bruce's injuries from when he went to beat up Joker and felt worse when he had kidnapped you and beat you up the same way Batman had beat him. Although he tended to your scars after it didn't make it any better, especially because he wasn't being careful because you never told him where Harley was.
When Nightwing had come to save you, you were a shaking mess, he was happy you looked better than his brother did but he knew you were going to be scarred for life with what just happened, after beating up the Joker's henchmen he went away with you crying in his arms saying something about wanting to quit.
He reassured you all would be fine, but you both knew you weren't sure about it but you allowed him deceive you as you both scaled buildings before you finally found yourself in your home, still terrified and shaking you begged him to stay with you.
And you looked so shakined up that he couldn't refuse, that's when you both realised you had a lot in common and you two learned to enjoy each other's company.
Bruce let you take a break because he felt truly sorry for you and all the sixty days of that break you spent it with Dick, realising how fun he truly could be, simply enjoying you boths company.
He told you about his long-distance open relationship wife, Starfire, and you told him about the fact you don't date just fuck around from time to time.
That was the day you both first had sex with each other, it was great you'd both tell each other the next day, but when you find out Joker kidnapped Nightwing and tortured him a bit before Dick found a way to escape you both knew you could never do that again, but that didn't stop you.
You became even stronger by time went by, you and Dick began dating along the way, you felt bad for his wife that was on another planet entirely but when you finally met her she told you that it was perfectly fine that she was happy for you both.
But she had kissed you which was really weird but you found out it's just her way of communication and you had to fight the urge to not ask her to do it again because your dating her husband but when she kissed you again you knew your life was just crazy.
Joker kidnapped you that very day Starfire went back to her planet after you guy's platonic make out session and put laughing gas on you as he forcefully made out with you, he tried to rape you that very moment, he had began laying hickeys when Batman and Robin had come in and began beating him and his henchmen up.
Damian recognised you immediately and felt sympathy for one of the first times in his life, you didn't deserve this, his baby sitter, his kind of sister-in-law and his friend he brutally killed most of the henchmen leaving the others hurt.
Batman would scold him later that they were heroes and heroes don't kill, he wouldn't listen, throw in a "They deserved it" and go upstairs.
As your at home trying to heal, Harley and Ivy would come over and let you cry on their shoulders, you couldn't bring it in you to see Dick, but he understood.
Harley helped you get rid of the hickeys that had decided to not go, that reminded you of the pain you had just felt and you all would hug then cuddle while licking ice cream and watching a rom-com.
When you finally gained the courage to see Dick he engulfed you in a big hug and said he wasn't mad that it wasn't your fault, and it would make all the tears come back to you and he would comfort you to sleep before giving you hickeys of his own to help you forget.
Later on you would find out Bruce had sex with the Joker to get him off your tail it had worked and the Joker stopped disturbing you for such a long time that Dick was able to propose to you and you two were engaged when Joker came looking for you again.
This time you were ready though, as he tried to kidnap you with his disguises you shot him and walked away. Joker obviously didn't die but he knew he had ruined you for life and that was all he truly wanted.
For you to be ruined, for you to be corrupted and destroyed by him, and he laughed as his henchmen patched him off and he laughed when he got a life sentence for all the shit he had put you through.
He ended up escaping jail, of course he did but he never disturbed you again but he knew you would never forget him ever in your life.
And that was all he wanted, for his bride to be a lunatic, he gifted you flowers on your wedding day. Flowers that you burnt and you didn't know he was watching you burn them with a smile on your face but a smile on his face too. He had finally gotten what he wanted.
As he opened a random creepy book of his that he was gifted. "Burning flowers, a sign of love and devotion" he knew he had won, he knew he had gotten everything he could have ever wanted.
The good part of you.
Bruce: Are you going to make sure nobody picks on your brother?
Jason (7 y.o): [holding Tim's (3 y.o) hand] ..mhmm, yeah
Bruce: You're gonna stick up for him?
Jason: Y-yeah!!
Bruce: What is- What's the matter with him? Do you remember what its called?
Jason: Anxe-anxi-anshi-
Bruce: Anxiety?
Jason: Anxiety!
Bruce: Yes.
Bruce: And if kids pick on your brother, what are you gonna do?
Jason: ..
Jason: KILL THEM!!!

i had to share this comment here, cause i doubt anyone who will see it will get it lol
Leonard : My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Mick: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Leonard : That one. I want that one.

I'm working on a much bigger project featuring this guy. I'll probably start sticking stuff for it in here as it comes so be expecting a lot more DC from me lol. Now, headcanon time!
Jason Todd is probably one of my favorite DC characters, but also one that I feel has been generally mishandled.
One of the biggest things I think people forget about Jason is that he is, in fact, an anti-hero.
He does messed up shit because he knows that it's arguably the only way to really make a difference. Batman's methods, while generally noble, are relatively ineffective in the grand scheme of things. Due to the corruption of Gotham's justice system and rehabilitation system for criminals, the Big Bads really don't get their just desserts, which only leads to more people getting hurt and continuing the cycle of violence that has existed for so long.
Let's be real - the Joker has probably single-handedly ruined more lives than Batman could ever hope to save. I know, I know - that's dark, but it's probably true.
Trying a more drastic approach to keeping criminals off the streets doesn't seem too insane when those criminals don't get a clue to maybe stop after being beaten to a pulp by Batman.
I guess a lot of them are into that sort of thing lol.
In any case, Jason kills the bad guys so the families in the city won't have to worry about losing a child to the Joker's insanity, so women won't feel afraid to walk 100 feet down the sidewalk without turning into another missing persons photo on the ever-growing list, so that children don't have to worry about losing their parents to a hostage situation gone wrong.
I would argue that Jason Todd is not a bad person. In fact, I would argue that he is a very good person who is willing to go further than anyone else to help others because he knows exactly what it is like to be lost the grief, pain, and rage that comes from not being helped.
Anyway, that's all I've got for know. I'll probably do more character study stuff for the Bat family soon. Should be fun.
I made yet another thing. And it's on Youtube! That's pretty neat!
And then they laughed in the car for thirty minutes before finally going on whatever mission they had. I like to think that Bruce was originally going to say they had a family emergency or something but Jason was like, "Nah, I got this."
Anyway, headcanon time:
After raising Dick, whose humor consists mainly of puns, dad jokes, and bits of sarcasm, Bruce got whiplash when along came the hundred pounds of sarcasm and dark humor that was Jason Todd. And who tf hits Batman with a crowbar after stealing his tires?
Jason Todd was a menace and will continue to be a menace, and Bruce thinks it's hilarious.

The Dollmaker: probably one of the creepiest villains from DC, at least in my opinion. Bro turns his victims' corpses into dolls, was raised by a cannibal, and made his mask out of parts of his fathers face. WTF.
Some of the villains in Gotham could legit have horror movies made about them - this guy is definitely one of them.
Anyway, yet another addition to the DC project I'm working on.

Another piece of the DC project I'm working on. Onto the headcanons!
Tim Drake - boy genius, arguably the most likely to inherit the mantle of the bat (but we'll talk about that later), and somehow always ready to throw hands with a child.
Tim may be the greatest detective in the world, possibly even better than Batman. Even Ra's al Ghul sees it, being the only person other than Batman himself that this man is willing to call 'detective'.
Tim is sort of a dysfunctional genius - smart as all hell and has extremely high potential (which certainly reaches in some fronts), but has issues in fully realizing exactly how far he can go for one reason or another. Sleep deprivation is definitely one of those reasons.
He has a strong moral backbone (I figure he's closer to Dick than Jason on the scale of 'morality), though it could be reasonably difficult when you could have the entire world in the palm of your hand which, considering he runs Wayne Enterprises now, isn't too far off.

Haven't done anything DC-related for a while so here's Dick and some headcanons.
Funnily enough, Dick Grayson is by far the most perplexing character in the Bat family (for me). He's been through a lot, seen a lot, done a lot, and yet he's still a shining beacon of hope and goodness for everyone in his life. He isn't possessed by obsessions for vengeance or rage, nor the trauma he's experienced. While the death of his parents and those close to him has certainly dictated some aspects of his life, it has never dragged him down into the darkness like it has others. It does, however, allow his to deeply understand people and their needs (see his relationship with Damian when Dick was Batman, how close he is with Jason, etc.).
And therein lies what makes Dick one of the best heroes (in my humble opinion). The overwhelming ability to care for others and the pure desire to help where he can - that, right there, is Dick.
In the darkness, there will always be light. It's surprising to see, especially in as dark of places as Bludhaven or Gotham.
Sorry for the long paragraphs lol. I have a lot to say.

OC art for a fanfic I'm working on. Another redhead for no particular reason.
Anyway, this is Morgan. She's the main cause of some serious problems currently arising in Gotham. As always, things are not what they seem, much to Mr. Jason Todd's annoyance.
This is going to be such a long story; I really did myself in this time.
OK, random conversation me and my dad had.
Can superman taste spicy foods?
I mean, capsaicin literally triggers the pain receptors in your mouth. So does Superman feel it if he eats a Carolina Reaper or something?
Thank you for the explanations! It explains a lot about the 80s/90s Shazam and the latest movies. I'd love to read more issues with him to Get how they messed him up
@ace-is-undead It’s nice to meet a new fan! I hope you make lots of friendships on here❤️
For anyone who’s curious, this person asked me:
as someone taking interest in Captain Marvel because of the movies (never heard of him before :/), I'd love to know why you think the movies ruined Billy's image! Bear in mind, I recently started reading some comics about Shazam
I knew I’d be making a hella long comment, so I thought, hell, let’s make a post!
Now, as a preface, I worded what I said a little too strong. The 2019 movie isn’t the worst piece of Shazam/CM media ever. There are definitely parts of it that I liked. The humor was 10/10 for me, and I did like the costumes. There are things about the story I don’t like, but for the purpose of all of us not sitting here for the next two hours, I will stick with just Billy’s personality.
This post will probably have stated everything more eloquently than me lol:
Many Golden Age heroes were created/used to combat war trauma. To the kids who read those comics, it made them feel safe. To read about these people with fantastical abilities, who regularly fought Nazis, supervillains, and entire armies.
Captain Marvel was a little different, though. It wasn’t an adult who was doing the protecting. Or, it wasn’t JUST an adult. It was also Billy Batson. A kid, like all of the other kids reading these comics. And it was different from kid heroes like Robin because he was the hero. The main hero.
Before the New52 reboot, basically from the 40s-2000s, but I could be wrong, Billy was a homeless kid. His uncle Ebenezer threw him out after his parents died and stole his inheritance. He got a job at Whiz Radio and became a reporter, giving him enough money to get his own apartment.
In one continuity, his friend Dudley becomes his guardian. In the most famous interpretation, the Power of Shazam series from the 90s, he is, after some time, adopted by his twin sister Mary’s adoptive family the Bromfields, and Nora Bromfield happens to be their mother’s cousin.
The important thing to grasp from this is that Billy was independent. Responsible. And when he got his powers, he was also responsible with them. He has a few fumbles, but he was always able to keep them and do good with them.
His Captain Marvel persona was also like that. He led the Squadron of Justice, a team of Fawcett heroes. There are also instances of heroes like Batman and Superman praising him as a trustworthy hero, even knowing about his identity.
It’s also important to note that, while in some times the Captain character is childish, he is never stupid. He makes mistakes, is a little goofy, but he never does anything outright cringe worthy.
A prime example of a good interpretation is the JLU episode Clash. The whole JL really likes him. For some reason my tumblr is acting up today so I can’t put any videos without it not allowing me to type afterwords. But the series is on Netflix. Like holy heck, Bruce says they all like him because he’s sunny. Bruce!
There’s also comic examples, like Action comics #768, which is in the POV of Superman. I’m just gonna put everything Clark thinks as text.
“And then it happens.”
“Armed with the wisdom of Solomon, the patience of Atlas, and the focus of Achilles, a teenage boy in the body of a man defends human kind to a frog goddess.”
“I can’t imagine anything more ludicrous. I can’t imagine anything more moving.”
“With unmatched eloquence, he explains humanity’s needs, our weaknesses, and our relationships with nature to a being as old as time.”
“She retorts. It’s not the act itself that enrages her, but the fact that her people are taken for granted.”
“Bred, butchered, wasted. Without appreciation for the contribution to the lifecycle.”
“He emphasizes. It is a horrible thing to be underestimated, unappreciated, forgotten.”
“His sincerity is a living thing. They speak for an eternity until Heqt has been heard and appeased.”
“Then, the war is over. Diplomacy and reason succeeds, where force…where I… simply would have failed.”
This is another example:
I mean the whole Captain Marvel-focused panel is Clark and Bruce arguing with Diana that Cap will be a great asset to the League, and how Bruce wants him on because he’s just GOOD. They all knew he was a kid, and they didn’t care because they trusted him that much!
Many 80s and 90s comic showed Cap as this beacon of hope, very akin to his Fawcett era, which is why so many of us liked it. He was still goofy at times, but it never overshadowed how much of a hero he was. Hell, the Fawcett heroes never gave a damn about him being a kid. All they saw was a person doing good, and they automatically began working with him.
He would get into friendly tussles with Superman, and him and Diana hugged one time, and she confided in him about how she might die. I can’t find the issue, but it’s drawn by Alex Ross, so that may narrow it for you.
Cap was genuinely respected. There are even some comics where Billy’s is interacting with the League as himself and they treat him like any other friend!
And Billy was chosen not because he was a last resort, but because the Wizard saw so much good and purity in him. He still made mistakes, but he was never not worthy.
Compare that with, not just the Shazam movies, but the DCAMU movies(JL War & Throne of Atlantis), and you get a whole other monster. I mean, he is just dumb, awful. He’s good when he’s Billy, a little snarky while also being a good person and comforting Cyborg(before taking his jersey, lol). But when he’s Shazam(his name in the DCAMU) every single thing that came out of his mouth was just… not it. If gets even worse in Throne of Atlantis. Literally almost everyone on the team hates him. The only reason Cyborg doesn’t is because he knows his identity.
In the 2019 Shazam movies, hes very similar. They made him a lot more jaded, which just ruined his character for me because Billy is the type of person who would rather die than talk down to other kids going through what he did. I’m cool with the rebelliousness, it’s just that that I’m worried about. It’s even worse in the 2013 shazam comic series because he’s actually way meaner there. Like jeez, why do you want me to hate this boy so much DC??
And as his Shazam self, he’s like ten times more goofy and irresponsible, which is such a backwards take it’s insane.
The character of Captain Marvel was beloved by so many children because it showed that they could be just like those other heroes. They could fight the monsters and get the job done, and no one would look down on them. They would be taken seriously. Seeing this kid bond with and interact with and be trusted by these seasoned adult heroes was EVERYTHING.
I may not have a grown up in the 40s/50s, but I did get introduced to him in JLU, and then Young Justice, and then obscure media, and then comics. And through that journey, the take I loved infinitely more was of Captain Marvel being this guy who made mistakes, but always tried to do the right thing.
Making him out to be this…immature dude who never knew what he was doing just stomped on all of us. It also really irks me because that is how some people will be introduced to him. As opposed to who he really is. And they won’t be interested because the face value is all they’ll see.
Heck, some people think he’s one of the weakest DC characters when he ranks in the top ten. He’s the Champion of Magic and guardian of the Rock of Eternity for Pete’s sake! He’s fought and almost won against the Specter himself! (Day of Vengeance comic series, it’s so good!)
It’s unclear why his character has been so diminished. Some people, including me, think DC is trying to lower his…everything in general so he can never measure up to the Man of Steel, which is so petty it’s ridiculous.
Hopefully he’ll get something in James Gunn’s new DCU, a movie or a show. Because I feel like there’s a chance to reintroduce the true Captain/Shazam to people.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my petty-fueled rant😅. Sorry for the angry spews. Anyway, there are some good reading lists for Shazam/Cap on tumblr. I really advise you to check those out. Though there are also a few articles on google listing all of his appearances, so if you wanna get detailed then those are where you should go.
We also have a Captain Marvel fan club! Go over to @im-not-buying-it-ether and ask for an invite for more content.
I hope you have a fulfilling journey!

I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Oh, yeah, I’ll tell you something
And when I touch you I feel happy inside -
this is so goo, thank you so much!!!!
hi can you do a static x reader and just some general dating headcanons? thank you ☺️
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐜'𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐥

𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, none at all, just straight fluff <33
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞, the request didn't exactly specify if you wanted the yj version or the version I used, so hopefully this is what you meant💀, anyways enjoy !!

⬤ hhhh I'm so Inlove with him look at my bby- anyways 😁
⬤ now,, for this relationship to work out you would already have to know that virgil is a superhero, bc y'all seen how his friendship with daisy was barely working💀
⬤ so let's just say right after the big bang happened he went straight to going to see you and richie afterwards
⬤ so technically that would mean you and richie got powers since virgil was still doused in the big bang gas, BUT that's another story for another time <33
⬤ so with that being said, let's go ahead and jump into these hcs ✨
⬤ OKAY. so, with virg being a teenage superhero and all he doesn't really have much time for you sadly, trying to balance school, getting good grades, and being a superhero was pretty hard
⬤ but nonetheless virgil is glad that you understand his lifestyle and you don't tend to get mad at him whenever he's late for a date or two
⬤ but when he does have time for you best believe he makes it worthwhile
⬤ he'll take you out on small day dates when both of you have time, you'll both go too the mall, park, or the burger place virgil had to work at once
⬤ when he's not fighting anybody and off patrol he'll fly to your window with his board and ask if you wanna fly around the city with him
⬤ HATES when sharon teases him😭
⬤ "aw look at my baby bro, all grown up now!" she'd say while getting in his face and squishing his cheeks together
⬤ cue him pushing her off of him and coming up with a snarky remark back to her
⬤ and then there's you standing in a corner laughing your ass off💀
⬤ also when he's not busy, any chance he gets he's showing you off to anybody around y'all😭 ⬤ but as soon as a nigga tries something virgil is on they ass like grass ok ⬤ one time francis (hotstreak) was flirting with you and well let's just say when francis was causing trouble as usual, static rocked his shit a little more than usual
⬤ but all in all static is a very nice boyfriend and you wouldn't trade him for the world :))

𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ; I'm not too happy with these so maybe I'll go back and edit them later on, but here's what I came up with for the time being, enjoy !!
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

You know I never thought I could make a rant about the mha toxic fandom and it's fans but here I am..
Now,when I first watched my hero academia it's so fun for me with the heroes,adventures and defeating villains. Reminds me of my childhood days where I watch cartoons such as,courage the cowardly dog,powerpuff girls,my little pony,legend of Korra,looney tunes and all the other cartoons I watched in my childhood. As soon as I got to the internet and boy...I was so disgusted with the ships such as bakudeku,kiribaku,izuku with all might or his mom or a monster(like a nomu? Idk-) or anyone else like aizawa. They even make rule 34 of my childhood cartoons!(some actually idk.) And there are toxic fans like anti-bakugou fans who don't see kaachan is changing,people hating on izuku,and sooo much more than you could POSSIBLY imagine! I gotta say I feel disgusted and disappointed with everyone on the internet,that's why I made the daryonna and friends series,reality changers,aus,stories,etc. It's something that we can all enjoy like happiness,silliness,songs,and more to bring back not only my childhood but everyone else's childhood as well. I also left the gacha community because of how toxic it is just line the toxic fandoms and it's fans. I still use gacha for everyone's entertainment as much. So I will continue:
Daryonna and friends
Reality changers
Learning with pibby
Five nights at freddy's
Super Mario bros
Sonic the hedgehog
Cartoon network shows
Friday night funkin
And so much more!😊💕
![[MY RANT ON TOXIC FANDOMS AND IT'S FANS]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/08b38de12d8957e5d98923b72c7f825a/58c84c5a413d6043-07/s400x600/ecea4f4c2161c79f7ff9532a0a06b5787bcb3a39.jpg)
![[MY RANT ON TOXIC FANDOMS AND IT'S FANS]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/11faaa792df21740d63ee4e5c673464b/58c84c5a413d6043-12/s400x600/3d5485705226223bcac21299547021b16e517fbd.jpg)
![[MY RANT ON TOXIC FANDOMS AND IT'S FANS]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/72b57846054f6f4cde4759a30874d382/58c84c5a413d6043-a6/s500x750/4d7b43f7ddb63bd72bc13926a36aef09914e028e.jpg)
![[MY RANT ON TOXIC FANDOMS AND IT'S FANS]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a95b9ff2eb0910583e4d45ea35b60122/58c84c5a413d6043-8f/s500x750/1bdcf17938c7ca0daefdc424a9cb8808e97dd4fa.jpg)
![[MY RANT ON TOXIC FANDOMS AND IT'S FANS]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c6679f0931d1927ae51af1ee85257847/58c84c5a413d6043-16/s640x960/f8c1feead52e5c6be60aa7f63ad62821e3d14b06.jpg)
![[MY RANT ON TOXIC FANDOMS AND IT'S FANS]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/81979d96c34a4be561c0ef1f7e1af420/58c84c5a413d6043-e9/s500x750/93dbed69aac9c9b1e323aa525a8fe01b1e3f73fc.jpg)
![[MY RANT ON TOXIC FANDOMS AND IT'S FANS]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d7331393256b633bc8960ed6d763a2a2/58c84c5a413d6043-4a/s500x750/21e9c80e0bc9f4de60d1da16abe48abbb1722d84.jpg)
![[MY RANT ON TOXIC FANDOMS AND IT'S FANS]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6c49c1e38a0f10da40701bc2dd4e50b0/58c84c5a413d6043-26/s640x960/3717a02abe3c54334f91dd645e0426cc4a85137d.jpg)
![[MY RANT ON TOXIC FANDOMS AND IT'S FANS]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e9e1cce011e332f32e29604328774caa/58c84c5a413d6043-76/s1280x1920/1c5e1397fcd804fda6e16b00af0677af46257062.jpg)
![[MY RANT ON TOXIC FANDOMS AND IT'S FANS]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d15de27a9b8548c30a1a1207b9187b7a/58c84c5a413d6043-81/s500x750/da97621fb0ce7ea251d640c65d3e870c3dfd6fab.gif)