minexkuramae - 倉前 美音
倉前 美音

{indie Mine Kuramae} { from Fruits Basket } Semi-selective Personal designer and seamstress at Ayame Sohma's clothing shop.

275 posts




           “And where exactly did you think Ayame                  learned his fierce work-ethic from?”

With an arched brow, Hatori turned towards the false maid and moved to rest his chin in his palm, and his elbow on his desk. He hadn’t expected company, admittedly, particularly not so from the serpent’s partner. ‘Partner,’ yes, in all senses of the word- that was what Mine was to Ayame. In a way, it was comforting for the physician- to know Aya had a safety net when things grew rough. It was… Relieving.

Hatori found her to be an interesting creature herself, to so readily accept their curse, to join this circus called the Sohma clan while batting her eyelashes innocently. It was… Intriguing.

Snuffing out the cigarette- the scent would ‘cling’ to the expensive fabric, and stain the garment brown (how many times had Mine chided Hatori for it), Hatori moved to now stand, opting to pour his visitor a little drink. A bit cheekily, he extended the glass out towards her, and it was here that he issued a silent challenge: this is one of my best years, how many sips of this scotch will it take before you’re on the floor? Let’s see how you hold your liquor, Mine.

                                “This should loosen us up. Drink.”


“No sex can be a pretty powerful motivator, Tori.” She retorts, adjusting her glasses as if proving a point. A serious expression seems to take over her usual cheerful demeanor, though it only lasts briefly before the corners of her lips twitch into a grin. While she herself was very open about her sexuality, she knew a certain dragon who was not. With a soft chuckle she smooths out the front of her dress, making sure her apron was just right. “All jokes aside, I think it speaks volumes that Aya listens to every word you have to say. I’m sure you definitely had a hand in his discipline when it comes to his craft. He’s about as difficult, if not more so, to pull away from his work.”

Her gaze lingers on the cigarette that he snuffs out, giving him a knowing look before following him as he stood to pour her a drink. It was no secret that Hatori liked his whiskey, and not just any old whiskey; his profession did well to fund his guilty pleasure by allowing him some of the best liquor money could buy. With a nod she accepts the silent challenge, taking the glass and proudly knocking it back before wrinkling her nose a little at the burn. “Ah... I feel honored that you’re sharing a drink with me. Hopefully this means you’ll allow yourself some time to relax. Aya is out of town with some potential clients, so you’ll have to forgive my selfish desire to want to spend time with you. It’s not often enough that it’s just the two of us.”

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More Posts from Minexkuramae

7 years ago

@hatori-sohma || STARTER CALL

@hatori-sohma || STARTER CALL

“I really do insist that you take a break, even if it’s just for a moment. I swear you’re just as bad as Ayame...” It’s as though she’s stepping from one organized chaos to another, although instead of the scent of flowers and fabric she’s met with tobacco and whiskey. 

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7 years ago
;;sometimes If Im Feeling Down I Remember How Ayame Always Gets Down On His Knees And Puts On Mines Shoes

;;sometimes if I’m feeling down I remember how Ayame always gets down on his knees and puts on Mine’s shoes before they head out without ever even being asked and I??? cry 5ever???

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7 years ago



       “I wouldn’t say they’re healthy or make a good meal but-” Asa leaned forward, holding her hand out for some of Mine’s dark chocolate-covered espresso beans.


“They add a little pep to your step~!” She gathers up another fistful before sprinkling some into the palm of the other’s hand. “Though I suppose it may fall short of being an actual meal.”

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7 years ago



        “  YOU certainly know how to make me feel better.”     He was JUST finishing up this sleeve for a NEW dress that was in the works. They’ve been WORKING for what seemed like days ( – though it’s only been six hours ) STILL – a break was CERTAINLY needed. While finger tips felt  like the needles he was working with, lightly clenching them into slight fists and JOLTING at the pain. PERHAPS working too much was resulting into hands beginning to cramp – let alone the amount of times he naturally pinned himself  — NEVER gets old. Walking over toward the table, he sat down against the cushion of the sofa and sighed out.   “ Oo! White tea — SUCH tea is appreciated for it’s SUBTLETY, complexity, and natural sweetness. Of course, this compliments our PERFECT skin, doesn’t it?”  VERY good choice on her end.


“I should hope so after all this time!” She lets out a soft chuckle, pouring each of them a cup before taking a seat beside the other. There’s a sigh of relief as she takes a a sip of her own tea, snuggling up close to Ayame. Perhaps she was a bit of a hypocrite for always getting on the other for his long hours of work, after all she herself had an unhealthy habit of not sleeping until a project was finished, but she only did it because she cared. “Why yes~! Though I must say your skin looks much better than mine! Have you been using the tea-tree oil infused facewash I got last week?”

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7 years ago

“What’re you going to do with that dessert?”

Whatre You Going To Do With That Dessert?

“Wouldn’t you like to know. Be good and help me with some errands and maybe I’ll show you later.”