Azleea Ameera | Malaysian 🇲🇾 | 21 years old | 7th June 2003 | High-functioning ASD and ADHD | Professional modern and traditional artist
974 posts
TUGS And Theodore Tugboat Humanized Characters No. 8
TUGS and Theodore Tugboat humanized characters no. 8
misspeppermint2003 liked this · 3 years ago
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TUGS and Theodore Tugboat humanized characters no. 5
3 days after I'm drawing Ryan and Sonny talking to each other, I draw and paint a picture of James talks to Henry about Thomas and Percy.
Thomas and Friends humanized characters no. 8
Today, I've been already draw and paint a picture of Luke talked to Philip and Toad about Thomas, who's been seriously ill due to an incident while working with Hiro and Kenji in the Japanese Railway.
After being fainted unconsciously at the Billinton residence house at night, Percy's paying a visit on Thomas at the Wellsworth Hospital. Thomas was hooking up to an IV line that rehydrated him.