That's How We Love Chishiya Also, His Condescending Self Is Attractive Asf And U Write Him Amazingly
that's how we love chishiya also, his condescending self is attractive asf and u write him amazingly so it's a win-win! also yea it's too soon for sure it's where it's good like we see the tension rising and yet nth's really happening. and yea I like the fact she's stunning for most of people and chi couldn't care less we love (1) man that values the brain instead. OMG okay i'm scared but at least kuina's here so we have hope!! can't wait for the best writing to come!! take ur time tho haha ily
!!! I THOUGHT I ANSWERED THIS AND I DIDNT 😭😭😭 But yesss!!! Slow and steady wins the race! For now 🌚 Chishiya is just that type of man who could care less about looks but like- big brain = sexy, which MC admits to not having so she’s on thin ice but Chishiya gives it a pass because she’s an enigma to him and vice versa, god I love writing their dynamic, ive never written a couple like this before so it’s really fun! And yes 🌚🌚🌚🌚 soon my love, soon. Things are gonna be a mess

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More Posts from Missyasf
Chapter 4 of Game of Hearts should be up this Sunday so the hyped!!! :)

nothing but love and respect for all the funky little last boss fans out there, y’all are brave as hell and i admire that
you're so right to write like you did like it's SO good I love it so much. and true it's so funny cause they always are picking on each other yet they're always together in the end (not that they both would admit they kinda enjoy this picking on one situation) but i can't wait to see how the "chemistry" will grow ! and kuina asking so bluntly if they slept together had me quacking we love a good kuina reference and yes she was SO missing!! ugh i'm so exited to see what is next!!
!!!!! Hehehe it’s one of my favorite things to write and personally? I think their banter totally keeps Chishiya engaged with her, there’s never a dull moment and he likes things to be interesting, so it’s a win-win. They might bicker and banter, but at the end of the day, they still enjoy being with one another- which you’re totally right, neither of them would EVER admit to that, they might not even be consciously aware of it truthfully!
I threw in Kuina’s comment just for shits and giggles honestly 😭 It’s too early for that yet and I knew there was no other response from Chishiya besides 😐 Nty cough won’t be like that for long 😌 I think, personally? That’s probably why MC enjoys him so much, shes written to where it’s pointed she’s considered extremely attractive (conventionally or unconventionally, that’s up to you guys). Which i’d admit I was hesitant to do, one, because it is an insert, but I feel like it was needed because Chishiya is probably the only person who doesn’t see people skin deep. He values her company no matter who she is or what she looks like (especially when she worked in a field that could be a bit dehumanizing, which her feeling dehumanized is a big part of her character, past and insecurities)
Anyways!! I’m so excited to have a my fav in the group!! Kuina’s dynamic and friendship with Chishiya is much needed for the next few chapters because hmmm, things are gonna...derail soon...

Anytime Chishiya pisses off Niragi he threatens to accidentally put his snake into the lil rat cage 😋🙌
Chishiya owns pet rats
Niragi owns cute snakes
Pass it on
you know who could beat Chishiya at a diamonds game? The psychotic lesbian Yumeko Jabami that is all