Game Of Hearts - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Hi I loved chapter three of game of hearts. However I have to admit I was a little confused on the mechanics of how the game worked, probably a me thing since I can struggle with that kind of thing. Is there any chance you could make a post of some sort explaining it a bit better? If not that's totally ok please dont go out of your way to do anything you're not comfortable with or don't have the time to do! I can always reread again to figure it out at some point. thank you for you for writing!!

Nooo it’s totally okay haha! I meant to write a note at the ending clarifying that chapter 3 was a little...rough around the edges lmao, particularly with the game but I was extremely tired and felt the need to go ahead and post as it had been a week! I will definitely go back later and clean it up a little.

The mechanics of the game are quite simple in theory, everyone sits in a circle of chairs with backs to one another (like musical chairs), everyone puts their blindfolds on for 1 minute and the person who is holding the name tag with the title Tagger will use their one minute to place it onto the next person.

Everyone must deduce who the tagger is among the twenty minutes they have when the tagging sequence is not going on. The required game clear was to discover who the tagger was- by confession, their tag exposed or by any other means of proof. But in typical hearts game fashion panic tends to rise and everyone begins accusing one another and distrusting each other (on a small scale as it is 3)

There was actually a very simple solution to the game, the rules never stated who the tagger had to be, only that the tagger is discovered. The stuffed bear Rikku in the blindfold was purposely placed there for the tagger title to be put on it. But instead they chose to make the game harder then it needed to be, MC manipulated a confession from the tagger and thus clearing the game. I hope this helps!! Feel free to ask for anything else if you need clarity!! :)

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4 years ago

just letting you know I love your story so much and can’t wait to read part 4 !! such an amazing writer omg pls don’t doubt yourself you’re doing so great !! have a great day angel

Oh my goodness thank u so much hun!! Haha this story has definitely been challenging as I have never written an enigma quite like Chishiya before, who goes from pretending to be (menacingly) naive, to cold hearted jerk, to cheshire intrigue and enjoys watching things go down with that smug face of his. I constantly go back and forth with his dialogue because I want it to sound true to his nature but he is SUCH a mystery, lmaooo I’m so glad you guys are enjoying the story though 🥺

Things are progressing nicely and the real fun begins next chapter because I feel like, there’s kind of a beginning of a mutual understanding to one another between MC and Chishiya, he still a condescending little prick but like ?? MC takes it with a grain of salt lmao, and that’s what I needed with her otherwise a (lowkey dysfunctional) relationship wouldn’t work. She gotta be tough as nails to ignore some of this mans bullshit 😤 thank u sm for sending babe 🥺🖤

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4 years ago

That does help so much! I also enjoy that you went along with how you seemed to go along with things in true hearts fashion, cause it seems like with (almost all) hearts games, it's possible for everyone to get out alive if people are calm and think through the solution...

Yesss! Absolutely I’m glad I could help clarify things! It took me several times of writing down the rules and editing before I sat there and was like,,, gee I hope this makes sense HAHAHAHA I love writing games but they can be really tricky trying to come up with games and cohesive rules! If there was one thing I wanted to make sure when writing this hearts game in particular it was making it (in someways) obvious how to beat the game, but instead of letting that happen, I wanted everyone descend into a semi panic and choose the unnecessary hard way out as well, this is back in the beginning days of the Borderlands when many arent fully experienced with games (I also might’ve judged the original timeline a bit for surprise reasons 😅)

Now, we know MC is a psych major and she can already heavily analyze both people and situations so I feel like it’ll be a matter of time before she realizes this, but the first sin has already been committed in a way, like this death particularly, and moreso about the way she went about it (and the possible death of her father 😳) is definitely gonna haunt her in some parts of the series.

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4 years ago

omg chishiya is indeed a cryptic character which makes him so hard to read but also to write but u do it so well. I like the cat n dog rls they have where u also see a spark of "who tf are u and why am I intrigued/attracted by u" and the depth u bring to MC ! i mean ugh so good girl I love reading your work so much I re-read the first 3 chapters so much already ! she's so tough already due to what she has been through which is what chi needs! anyway gushing over ur story for life! <3

!!!!!!!!! He truly is! If there’s one dynamic I love for the both of them it’s the petty cat dog, back and forth they both have. Because while yes MC gets upset!!! Such as when he was an ass when all she wanted to do was make sure she was okay, or how she got mad at him during the game. Of course she’s upset but her theatrics almost, in a way, don’t really phase him, but I think deep down he’s almost? Amused? Enjoys watching her flail around and bubble bullshit out of her mouth (that’s sometimes really accurate and ouch) Which is why she pointed that out, and maybe in that moment he caught himself and immediately went 😡 HAHAHA

If there was one thing I noticed in the Manga while reading Chishiya’s arc, it was fascination with Kzuuryu and his need to treat all equal. I wanted MC to reflect a type of that humanity such as that, that would keep him, in some ways mystified but intrigued, particularly at MCs ability to read people. They go into this a little bit in the next chapter! I had hoped, in original planning that MCs character would be a little softer, but given everything she’s been through, her line of work, her major? She cannot tolerate bullshit for more then a few minutes 😭

I feel strongly that Chishiya is definitely on the end of the spectrum that’s like, why tf am I intrigued with you? And if there’s anything Chishiya enjoys, it’s interesting people. Whereas MC right now, outwardly feels like why is this man intriguing but hmmm if you squint you might begin to see a lil attraction there. I’m SUCH a hoe for enemies to lovers, or at least down to fuck in their case- 😧 HAHAHAH okay okay okay I’ll shut up now!! thank u for letting this lil author ramble a ton 🥺🖤

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4 years ago

Chapter 4 of Game of Hearts should be up this Sunday so the hyped!!! :)

Chapter 4 Of Game Of Hearts Should Be Up This Sunday So The Hyped!!! :)

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4 years ago

girl how dare u writing something this gooooood i’m loving it sm but i hate u for this cliffhanger dkqkdkqkd no jk please keep it up i love the dynamic between chishiya and the reader so much !! omg okay i shut up now but AMAGAAAAD i loved it 😔

!!!! I just knew when I was writing the end that it NEEDED to be like that 😩 I’ve had that moment in my head for the last TWO WEEKS especially to the Dangerous Woman remix I’m slowly creeping and crawling their interest in one another because rn it’s like ??? Mutuals who get on each other’s nerves but everyone else doesn’t like them that much so they chill together???

But I ALSO love pegging Chishiya in that doesnt want to be apart of the group but begrudgingly participates but ONLY because of MC (he secretly enjoys it though) not that he’d ever admit that. Not only this but Queen Kuina is here!! If there’s one dynamic I’m gonna steal from the Netflix adaption it’s their friendship bc I eat that shit up, Chishiya needs 1™️ bastard friend, and it’s Kuina 😌

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4 years ago

you're so right to write like you did like it's SO good I love it so much. and true it's so funny cause they always are picking on each other yet they're always together in the end (not that they both would admit they kinda enjoy this picking on one situation) but i can't wait to see how the "chemistry" will grow ! and kuina asking so bluntly if they slept together had me quacking we love a good kuina reference and yes she was SO missing!! ugh i'm so exited to see what is next!!

!!!!! Hehehe it’s one of my favorite things to write and personally? I think their banter totally keeps Chishiya engaged with her, there’s never a dull moment and he likes things to be interesting, so it’s a win-win. They might bicker and banter, but at the end of the day, they still enjoy being with one another- which you’re totally right, neither of them would EVER admit to that, they might not even be consciously aware of it truthfully!

I threw in Kuina’s comment just for shits and giggles honestly 😭 It’s too early for that yet and I knew there was no other response from Chishiya besides 😐 Nty cough won’t be like that for long 😌 I think, personally? That’s probably why MC enjoys him so much, shes written to where it’s pointed she’s considered extremely attractive (conventionally or unconventionally, that’s up to you guys). Which i’d admit I was hesitant to do, one, because it is an insert, but I feel like it was needed because Chishiya is probably the only person who doesn’t see people skin deep. He values her company no matter who she is or what she looks like (especially when she worked in a field that could be a bit dehumanizing, which her feeling dehumanized is a big part of her character, past and insecurities)

Anyways!! I’m so excited to have a my fav in the group!! Kuina’s dynamic and friendship with Chishiya is much needed for the next few chapters because hmmm, things are gonna...derail soon...

You're So Right To Write Like You Did Like It's SO Good I Love It So Much. And True It's So Funny Cause

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4 years ago

that's how we love chishiya also, his condescending self is attractive asf and u write him amazingly so it's a win-win! also yea it's too soon for sure it's where it's good like we see the tension rising and yet nth's really happening. and yea I like the fact she's stunning for most of people and chi couldn't care less we love (1) man that values the brain instead. OMG okay i'm scared but at least kuina's here so we have hope!! can't wait for the best writing to come!! take ur time tho haha ily

!!! I THOUGHT I ANSWERED THIS AND I DIDNT 😭😭😭 But yesss!!! Slow and steady wins the race! For now 🌚 Chishiya is just that type of man who could care less about looks but like- big brain = sexy, which MC admits to not having so she’s on thin ice but Chishiya gives it a pass because she’s an enigma to him and vice versa, god I love writing their dynamic, ive never written a couple like this before so it’s really fun! And yes 🌚🌚🌚🌚 soon my love, soon. Things are gonna be a mess

That's How We Love Chishiya Also, His Condescending Self Is Attractive Asf And U Write Him Amazingly

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4 years ago

omg it's okayyyy!! but this is a very well written story like the quality girl we love! also i think she is pretty smart because to keep chi entertained? girl u need a sacred amount of smart ass and intelligence lmao maybe not his type of intelligence but i think she is and their dynamic girl i miss!! i'm exited and scared about what u have in store for us girllllll release ittttt

Hahaha I definitely think she has proved to him, that despite not being intellectually entuned, doesn’t mean a person can’t be interesting! I think the interest really began the moment after she ripped him apart in chapter 2 (which was lowkey a sore spot for him but like) it was after that scene he realized there was more to her then meets the eye. In fact, I think Chishiya gets annoyed at her own self deprecating comments because he sees the potential she has and she’s just like 😃 sir I’m a Dumbass™️ 😃

HAHAHA !!! Your feedback keeps me THRIVING boo I’m writing all these scenes in excitement for our deep dive convos 🥺🖤🖤🖤

Omg It's Okayyyy!! But This Is A Very Well Written Story Like The Quality Girl We Love! Also I Think

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4 years ago

Real heavy on the


“Niragi is over there, Chishiya.”

“NO, Kuina, not that idiot, MY idiot!”

“Ohhhh, Y/N is in the kitchen.”

Vibes with your story and I fucking love it omg 😭😭😭

PLEASEEE HHAHAHAHA my favorite moment to write in chapter 4 was totally when Chishiya was like- ‘I already have a partner’ and MC was like 😟👀 before he was like, ‘it’s u Dumbass’ OH MY GODDDD I can just imagine him doing something like that!!! I love writing the bastard energy they radiate together it’s what really sells their dynamic 😭😭😭

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3 years ago

working on !!! game of hearts 5!! I’m so sorry I haven’t posted yet guys!! I just haven’t had the time to write 🙇‍♀️ hopefully I’ll be able to finish it up this Sunday!

anyways bleep bloop my mind has decided to regress back to its interest in attack on titan from my former teen years and become a golden number 1 simp for Eren- and given I am very sad you could expect some toxic angst with that headass boy 😡

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3 years ago

HEEEEY just to let you know i think about ur aib story constatly and i'm so exited for the next part!!

!!! 🥺🥺🥺 thank u so much!!! I love those two idiots in goh!!! It’s taken me awhile to get to writing on it mainly because I’m working on other projects but hopefully the next part will be out soon!!! I cant confirm but things might get a little ✨spicy✨

HEEEEY Just To Let You Know I Think About Ur Aib Story Constatly And I'm So Exited For The Next Part!!

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3 years ago

Is the AIB series discontinued? It’s been months

Girl it’s been a month and a half and I’m a busy bitch 😭 if I was going to discontinue the series I would’ve made a post or at least clarified in the Masterlist, it’s coming! I just haven’t had the time to focus on writing for AIB, especially when some of my other writing on my other blog has taken precedence.

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3 years ago

Do you have any idea when you get back to aib? I'm looking forward to your story It's so good, I hope you're well, drinking water!!!

I can’t say for sure as of! What I can say is that I’m about a quarter way through the chapter as of? I’ve just been so busy with other updates and day to day life activities that I just haven’t quite had the time to write for it! My schedule will be calming down come next week so once I have a moment I will get back to it!

I’ll be sure to let you guys know as soon as I’m able too when chapter 5 will make a comeback!! 🥰

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2 years ago

I stayed up, ‘till 6 in the morning, because I was reading Game of Hearts. How could you do this to me, publishing such talent like that. It was so good I couldn’t stop. Literally everything about it is amazing. I’m really excited for it. Thank you dear author 🙇‍♀️.

- 🫶🏻

Awwh I’m so happy you enjoyed it so much! I’ve definitely had fun writing it throughout the year and honestly, being able to post chapter 5 has me hyped to get chapter 6 out! Just seeing that subtle shift in Chishiya and MC’s relationship has me almost frothing out the mouth because my man may be an asshole but he still shows his care in his own way.

lil snippet from chapter 6 as a treat anon 🫶

He gave a you shove but not before grabbing at the back of your top, yanking the tie undone as you let out a gasp, immediately grabbing the front that loosely hung as you heard several whistles and multiple cat calls from men in the crowd.

Your lip twitched as you trudged around the table, Chishiya didn’t even spare you a glance, but oddly enough his jacket was already in his hand holding it out to you, you stared at it for a long moment before grabbing it.

Zipping it up you sat down next to him, “You’re being awfully charitable tonight.”

“You need every ounce of it with how big of an idiot you’ve been acting.” Chishiya cut his eyes into you as if you somehow had been offending him this whole time.

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