he/him*projects onto all of my ocs so much they begin projecting onto me*
108 posts
The Politics In Warrior Cats Radicalized Me
the politics in warrior cats radicalized me
halfclanblood liked this · 2 years ago
More Posts from Monochromaticmessenger
Some of you gave up TumblrClan life to become a Twittypet.
You need to re-prove yourself.
it is already november 2nd i swear it was march like three weeks ago but no nope no the third anniversary of november 5 2020 destielputinelection is in three days that’s fine i’m fine time is sooo fine
just had to take a fucking second and close my eyes because i remembered that on the night of november 5th tumblr had convinced me, an outsider, that this was an actual gif of Castiel Supernatural being sent to mega fruit hell

*comfort character kills someone* *snapping fingers in support like i’m at a poetry reading*
good morning tumblr it’s overcast and cold as fuck with a chance of um. the skull