he/him*projects onto all of my ocs so much they begin projecting onto me*
108 posts
*comfort Character Kills Someone* *snapping Fingers In Support Like Im At A Poetry Reading*
*comfort character kills someone* *snapping fingers in support like i’m at a poetry reading*
More Posts from Monochromaticmessenger
they put pussy in the water supply to keep the lesbians healthy

ⓘ Fact Check
There are currently no jurisdictions worldwide that mandate the addition of pussy to drinking water, nor have any clinical trials shown that the addition of pussy to drinking water has any significant effect on the heath of lesbians.
For more information on Tumblr Fact Check or to report inaccuracy, please see our reports page.
Some of you gave up TumblrClan life to become a Twittypet.
You need to re-prove yourself.
good morning tumblr it’s overcast and cold as fuck with a chance of um. the skull
“i beg your pardon” “with all due respect” and “if i do say so myself” all have the exact same level of audacity and i love it
everyone make sure you leave out the milk and cookies and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife and knife tonight 🥰