literary era wips ✧ kofi! ✧ insta

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26. Is There A Wip Youd Like To See Recreated In A New Medium (ie. Movie, Audio Drama Podcast, Web Series,

26. is there a wip you’d like to see recreated in a new medium (ie. movie, audio drama podcast, web series, animation, musical)? 

Yet again: Destination Seoul haha. This WIP fits more of the slice of life/contemporary genre, so I think it'd do well as a webtoon or a kdrama, which would just BE MY DREAMMM. Like I'll literally have to translate it in Korean if I have to.

from: wip ask game

  • voidsteffy
    voidsteffy liked this · 2 years ago

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2 years ago

6. write 3 sentences of any wip you’d like, post it in the answer. 

thanks for another ask! xx

It crept up on all of us. Pancreatic cancer, I think- no, know, after my mother translated it for me.

The doctors confirmed it for what felt like the millionth time, their voices flat and tired, and me, struggling to understand what they were saying.

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago


welcome to writblr ! we're so glad to have you here haha

POETRY >> honestly sad poetry at 3 am hits different 😂 i feel like my reply is already turning weird haha

ooh, what kind of literary fiction do you like reading? for me, writing literary fiction is so hard... I could never, so I already respect you for doing it haha

does the "planning stage" include a detailed outline? 😂 because TEACH ME YOUR WAYS

me, desperate for some writer friends/mutuals

hi everyone!

this is just a post where writers get to know writers, and hopefully through reblogs/comments we can find more people who not only read/write our genre, but just people who have similarities with us.

it's kind of a simple "get to know me" post, and anyone can join <3

feel free to tag your mutuals and reblog !!

name: genres you like to write in: genres you like to read in + fav books/media: favorite line from your current wip:

name: ave

genres you like to write in: currently writing contemporary (ya/romcom/romance, give me them ALL), but I also like to dabble in fantasy!

genres you like to read in + fav books/media: i'll consume literally anything haha. Fantasy, mystery, historical fiction, romance, young adult, you name it. I'm awful with horror, though ;-;

percy jackson (MY CHILDHOOD), harry potter (OBVIOUSLY), Better Than the Movies, From Lukov with Love, The Love Hypothesis, These Violent Delights, the list goes on...

favorite or latest line from your current wip: [latest line, because what a mood- from Destination Seoul] Ha. Per usual, the universe hates me.

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2 years ago

5, 14 and 18 for the ask game!!

adnaaaa ♡ thanks for the ask !!

answered 5 here

14. what’s your favorite thing about writing? 

My favorite thing about writing is that it's my work of art. It's not like an essay where I have to follow a rubric or something where there's a set of rules that restrict me from thinking in a certain way. I can basically write my thoughts and whatever I want, enjoy myself, and not have second thoughts. It's a good outlet for me to channel my emotions, and the freedom of it is what I love!

18. do you have people encouraging you to write? 

Friends both online and offline do. It's more of them asking for updates on my WIP which I willingly give, and just their support or enthusiasm is encouraging.

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

14 and 17 for the wip ask game please (:

ahhh hi friend ♡ thank you for the ask!

14 is answered here

17. what do you do to motivate yourself to write? 

This is such a hard one, because some days I'd be dead tired and not want to write at all. The biggest motivation for me is looking just at other authors. Seeing them holding their published novel and making it gives me motivation because I want to get there, too. Other ways are either listening to my own curated playlists, reading snippets of my writing, or simply talking to someone about it. Visuals like moodboards also help!

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

21. have you ever been burned out from writing? 

thank you again for the ask! xx

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Burnout happens. It's not a myth.

I've actually learned that there are different writers other than the plotter/plantsers that we generally know. There's this thing called "binge writing" where basically instead of writing every day consistently, some writers have to get in the zone and almost refuse to leave it until their wip is done. I actually think that I might be a binge writer, because once I get in the zone, it stays for like 2 weeks and my wip is the only thing I can focus on.

Though burnouts do happen! Especially on long writing days where you push yourself or when you don't refuel your creative cycle.

from: wip ask game

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