Wip Ask Game - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Writing Ask Game: Fruit Theme!

Send me a fruit and I’ll respond with a short share! 

Optional: Include the name of the WIP you’d like me to talk about! 

🍏 Share a scene from your first chapter 

🍐 Share a scene from the climax of your WIP

🍎  Share a scene where a character is tempted by something/someone

🍊  Share a scene with some description that you’re proud of

🍋  Share a scene that involves love (platonic too!) and/or friendship

🍌  Share a scene that includes comedy/humour or jokes

🍉 Share a scene where your character is happy or excited

🍇  Share a scene where your character gets angry or upset

🍓  Share a scene involving a dream or an ambition 

🍈  Share a scene where your character opens up or confesses something

🍒  Share a scene where a character succeeds at something

🥝  Share a scene where a character fails at something

🍑  Share a scene where two (or more!) characters work together

🥭  Share a scene that introduces a new character 

🍍  Share a scene where a character relaxes or has downtime

🥥  Share a scene where a character makes a discovery

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2 years ago

💀, 🙃, and 💅🏼 for the wip askmeme!

Going to answer using my wip HoD

Word count: 48688

How I feel about it rn: TBH, not good. The only reason I haven't given up on it is because of how much time, world building and words I've done for it. Hopefully it's just a phase and I fall back in love with it. There are a lot of gems in HoD

Baddie moment: Not many atm but I think this one comes close enough.


Ice formed around the Witch like the outer layers of a trench, but their points sharp and thick- repelling the arrows without give. The ice bending to her will- shooting out from its base. Her arms swooping through the air, showing haste in every motion; a deadly dance she had mastered long ago.

Two shards of ice to the left, one to the right- one after the other, there were yelps and screams, followed by bodies falling through branches.

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1 year ago

Wip Ask Game

RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!

Me: Hey it's looks fun, let's do it!

Also me: *second later, after realizing that about half of my WIPs don't have a title because I'm writing it on paper at school* Oh. Oh no. Not the title!

Me: *next second later, realizing that I'm a mess so most of these papers are out of a satchel I brought among other purposes, specifically for that* Well, gotta pull Drake and ignore my responsibilities to dig some shit up :D

I managed to get through both of these inconveniences so here we are, ask if you want. Most of them are one-shots but some (majority) are on their way to becoming something like my contingencies prompt fill (40 pages in Word document, over 20,000 words :D)

Wally&Danny are chaos incarnate

Dani's dress up game and Batman's rouge gallery

GIW made a lot of mistakes and the biggest one was going against Young Justice (cartoon)

I got feels moment so Danny gets hurt

J'onn J'onzz raids GIW to help white Martian. He meets one and a half ghost instead

Phantom is part of Young Justice

do barely organised worldbuilding notes count? I could tell you some things about it and maybe finally go back to working on it. There are deified turtles

That's it? I honest to God thought there was more to it, but well I was mistaken once again. Ask away I'm more than a little excited to ramble about all of this (maybe not the feels one because there really isn't much more to it but I can share some pieces)

If you want you can specify in ask if you would like a snippet or some info. If you don't do that you are condemned to whatever I'm more excited about.

I hope you all will like it

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1 year ago

Whats your danny wally chaos fic about?👀

There isn't much to this fic in terms of plot if I'm being honest. Just when I saw this post about Danny and Wally being besties in Young Justice and using mix of intangibility and speed force for pranks and shenanigans I thought it would be funny to write. So now I have 1000+ words without aforementioned mix but I'm getting there and when I do arrive, it'll go easier from there. I hope at the very least.

But, here is little snippet:

Wally was not late on mission briefing because he had been stealing cookies M’gann had baked. He wasn’t. He was perfectly on time, Batman hadn’t said anything crucial and Danny was even later. Mere seconds but that’s not important. After speedster yanked door of briefing room and stormed inside, half ghost phased through wall right behind Artemis, apologizing quietly. Girl spun around and punched him before boy eve blinked.

“Don’t you ever sneak up on me again.” Threat was clear in her voice but Danny had none of that.

“How was I supposed to know you were here?! I don’t have X-ray vision!”

“Use door like normal person!”

“Phasing is faster.” He said with suddenly much calmer shrug.

“You lazy–!”

“Like I said, your mission will be –“Batman continued as if nothing happened, successfully shaming bickering teenagers into shutting up. He explained how they had to check out some suspicious lab.

Wally wasn’t really focusing on that. It seemed that Danny’s mess covered his late arrival. He should save ne cookie as a thank you gift. Yeah, Phantom deserved that. Which cookie though? Best one? Now, it felt like too much but on the other hand…

Batman finished briefing and young speedster was glad that he really wasn’t expected to come up with plans since he kinda missed whole thing, debating over cookies and methods of putting one of them inside other boy’s pocket. Yeah, his brain sometimes did that. He still had no idea. Well, they had whole trip to think, so maybe he’ll manage to decide. They all stood up to leave when adult hero added:

“Kid Flash, Phantom, next time be on time.”

So he got caught too. Well, it means no cookie for Danny, which meant he didn’t have to decide which one he shouldn’t eat. But also, it meant 'disappear as fast as you can'.

Hope you enjoyed this and thank you so much for asking. You made my day

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2 years ago

5.  do you listen to music while writing or no? if yes, what’s your favorite kind of music to listen to? 

hi there! thanks for the ask ♡

I usually listen to music while writing, yeah! But there are days when I just can't get in the zone, and I usually find that writing by hand or sitting in silence helps me enter my world a little faster than music.

I usually listen to ballads or something classical, sometimes even scores from other romance movies. Listening to someone singing distracts me most of the time, and I find myself vibing more than I do writing lmao.

But obviously Taylor Swift + Ed Sheeran has the most romantic yet also angsty songs. BTS is also on my list, along with IU and Akmu.

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

3 & 7 for the ask game ❤️ @catharticallysarcastic

@catharticallysarcastic ♡ thanks for the ask :))

3. what’s a wip that you’ve procrastinated on the longest? why?

I would say Destination Seoul. Usually I'm very on and off with my writing, but when I have time to write, the words easily flow out. Except with this WIP, I've been getting serious imposter syndrome, and I can't write without comparing myself constantly to other writers and without stressing myself out. It's a terrible habit and situation that I'm going through that blocks me from liking my writing, and it's why I've been posting little snippets in hope to excite myself again.

7. do you outline before writing? if so, what’s your outlining process like?

NOOOOO PANTSER all the way. I usually have bullet points of what I want to achieve/the tropes or themes, but even if I write an outline, I write something completely different. Hopefully my next WIP will have a good, fully detailed outline, though! (Except I always say this, whoops).

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

6. write 3 sentences of any wip you’d like, post it in the answer. 

thanks for another ask! xx

It crept up on all of us. Pancreatic cancer, I think- no, know, after my mother translated it for me.

The doctors confirmed it for what felt like the millionth time, their voices flat and tired, and me, struggling to understand what they were saying.

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

5, 14 and 18 for the ask game!!

adnaaaa ♡ thanks for the ask !!

answered 5 here

14. what’s your favorite thing about writing? 

My favorite thing about writing is that it's my work of art. It's not like an essay where I have to follow a rubric or something where there's a set of rules that restrict me from thinking in a certain way. I can basically write my thoughts and whatever I want, enjoy myself, and not have second thoughts. It's a good outlet for me to channel my emotions, and the freedom of it is what I love!

18. do you have people encouraging you to write? 

Friends both online and offline do. It's more of them asking for updates on my WIP which I willingly give, and just their support or enthusiasm is encouraging.

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

5, 8, 14 of the wip asks :) (@gwens-fiction)

hi there! thanks for the ask ♡ (@gwens-fiction)

5 answered here

14 answered here

8. describe your current wip in a sentence. 

sentences are the bane of my existence, but here we go:

In order to escape disastrous blind dates (which often end in arguments or marriage proposals), and fulfill her mother's desire of having a date to her aunt's wedding, Hyeri employs infuriating and charming Kim Taeyoung as her fake boyfriend... by kissing him.

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

21. have you ever been burned out from writing? 

thank you again for the ask! xx

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Burnout happens. It's not a myth.

I've actually learned that there are different writers other than the plotter/plantsers that we generally know. There's this thing called "binge writing" where basically instead of writing every day consistently, some writers have to get in the zone and almost refuse to leave it until their wip is done. I actually think that I might be a binge writer, because once I get in the zone, it stays for like 2 weeks and my wip is the only thing I can focus on.

Though burnouts do happen! Especially on long writing days where you push yourself or when you don't refuel your creative cycle.

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

14 and 17 for the wip ask game please (:

ahhh hi friend ♡ thank you for the ask!

14 is answered here

17. what do you do to motivate yourself to write? 

This is such a hard one, because some days I'd be dead tired and not want to write at all. The biggest motivation for me is looking just at other authors. Seeing them holding their published novel and making it gives me motivation because I want to get there, too. Other ways are either listening to my own curated playlists, reading snippets of my writing, or simply talking to someone about it. Visuals like moodboards also help!

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

13. what’s a wip that you’re determined to actually post within this month/the next few months?

Destination Seoul. Like I need to finish it and then start the rewrite/reoutlining process. Once I feel satisfied enough, I'm also hoping to get alpha readers for it.

Other than that, Live Again needs to be reoutlined drastically to fit the fantasy genre haha. So yeah, the next months are definitely busy!

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

26. is there a wip you’d like to see recreated in a new medium (ie. movie, audio drama podcast, web series, animation, musical)? 

Yet again: Destination Seoul haha. This WIP fits more of the slice of life/contemporary genre, so I think it'd do well as a webtoon or a kdrama, which would just BE MY DREAMMM. Like I'll literally have to translate it in Korean if I have to.

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

Hi hun, 4, 7, and 22 for the WIP asks? xx

hi megan! thanks for the ask xx

7 answered here

4. what’s a wip that’s fairly easy for you to get back into writing? why? 

Currently I have one WIP that I'm drafting and I'm outlining my other, Live Again. I would say that out of the two, Live Again is definitely easier to get back into!

22. when do you know you’re really in a writing frenzy?

You just know. Like I usually write in sprints because I usually need to throw myself in the WIP. But if the timer goes out and I'm still in there, noticing the time and just writing and writing and writing and not wanting to do anything else, then I'm in a writing frenzy. I can't stop, which is the best feeling in the world.

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

25 & 26

Joey! thanks for the ask xx

answered 26 here

25. is there a wip you’ve re-written? 

I'm currently in the process of rewriting Live Again into a much more fantasy-like story (it was too contemporary for me haha). But there hasn't been a wip that I've rewritten, only a few drafts that I finished. (The editing process is clearly something I'm not used to).

from: wip ask game

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2 years ago

Number 20 for the wip ask game please!! (Hope no one asked this already)

hi there! thanks for the ask xx

20. how do you usually come up with story ideas? 

ooh, this is such a good one. really, thousands of ideas come at me a day. it usually starts with a trope (fake dating), or a general scenario (like girl grieving over her father's death). Most of them usually come while I'm reading, talking to someone, or listening to music!

then I start to think about what subplots I can add to that, or I write a drabble to see if it's just a spur of the moment idea or something I really want to make my wip. I think developing the character definitely helps (basically background info.)

So far, only 2 have made it out haha out of the possible million ideas I have. But yeah! It's a fun process... if only I could finish my wips just as fast haha

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2 years ago

12:01 has me like 👀, I want to know more!

i'm glad (young me would be proud lmao).

the short version of it is: about a teen who has recurring nightmares about her father's death a minute after midnight, the time the accident happened

the longer explanation: young me had no idea what to do. i had an interesting premise and ran with it for like 50k words, then got stuck, then never went back.

maybe future me knows better than to follow through with a shiny idea when it won't go very far? 😂

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2 years ago

For the wip challenge: I wish I could just ask for every wip in your post but I guess it will be too long 🙈 so I start with these two lovelies 😌

Korean Myths & Destination Seoul

HELLOOOO <3 thank you @orphicpoieses for the ask!

ahhh you can ask anything you want! just letting you know that 12:01 has already been answered in my previous posts hehe.

ooh, destination seoul. the project that has my heart and also the project that drives me insane. basically, it's: a fake dating ya romance set in Seoul, Korea where a teen tries to escape the blind dates her chaotic family sets her up on for her aunt's wedding. mostly it touches upon going back to your roots and really accepting it, as i've seen (and felt personally) more of a trend where as people are pulled between two cultures, they struggle to choose both, and think that they can only choose one. I just hope it represents the idea that it's not too late to accept your culture, and you don't need to live in a place to accept your family's origins!

anyways. onto the korean myths because this is still in the work and an interesting one. the premise is still in the works, but it's based on the tale of the abandoned princess in one of the folklore there, and possibly with a mix of beauty and the beast.

an abandoned princess sets out to find the cure of a disease plaguing the kingdom while it is on the brink of rebellion in order to prove her family's worth and save her father from treason. the cure: a dragon's pearl, except the owner of the pearl - the exiled prince - is cursed to turn into an imoogi, a beast of war and destruction. one desperate to save her family, and the other desperate to prove his worth, they set off to the depths of hell to truly find the plague's origins, and who caused it.

and that's kind of what i have for now? i'm still plotting act 1, but there's definitely all kinds of mythical creatures (gumiho, dragons, etc.) and betrayals and themes of worth and found family woven in!

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2 years ago

character asks as taylor swift ‘midnights’ tracks

— or, i’m procrastinating hard on writing and can’t stop listening to taylor swift

🥀 lavender haze : tell us about your oc’s relationships (romantic/platonic/etc).

💄 maroon : what old wounds do your ocs have that affect them in your story?

⏳ anti-hero : what insecurities do your ocs struggle with?

❄️ snow on the beach : do your ocs show different sides of them to different people?

💭 you’re on your own, kid : tell us something your ocs have given up.

🌧 midnight rain : are they a morning bird or night owl? sunshine or rain?

🐚 question…? : if there is one thing your ocs can change about themselves, what would it be?

🦹 vigilante shit : tell us about the significant events that shaped your ocs

💎 bejeweled : describe what your oc would wear to a party.

🎯 labyrinth : what are your ocs’ biggest “uh-oh” moments in your wip?

🐱 karma : what tropes do your ocs fit in? (click here for inspo)

🍬 sweet nothing : do your ocs give or take? do they expect things in return?

🧭 mastermind : tell us what your favourite and least favourite thing about your ocs.

⚔️ the great war : do your ocs have rivals? tell us about them.

🌌 bigger than the whole sky : did your ocs lose someone important to them? what would happen if things had turned out differently?

⚜️ paris : tell us your favourite moment in your wip.

❤️‍🩹 high infidelity : are there things your ocs regret? what are they?

💣 glitch : what did your ocs not plan to happen but it somehow worked out?

🎐 would’ve, could’ve, should’ve : what are the experiences that left your ocs scarred?

🔮 dear reader : what advice would your ocs give their younger selves?

📸 hits different : what song/lyric do you associate your ocs to?

🍑 bonus (thanks @wordsbynathan): which of your characters has the most “sexy baby” energy?

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2 years ago

trick or treat!!!

trick 👻

trick or treat asks/event here

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