moonlxt - moonlxt

Chill Chilean Chick // she/they // 20 y/o, bisexual af, trying to pet as many cats as possible in this life, still learning english so correct me if my grammar is terrible. That's it.

118 posts

Holy Shit I Posted Something About Telenovelas A Couple Of Hours Ago And One Of My Favorite Actors Just

Holy shit I posted something about telenovelas a couple of hours ago and one of my favorite actors just fucking died.

More Posts from Moonlxt

1 year ago

When we got a second cat in my house, we thought it would be like those videos of cats grooming each other, sleeping together and playing like kittens.

It's been 3 years now and it seems that's not happening because the kitten we adopted is a bit of a bully and the cat we already had is the embodiment of stereotypical cat behavior.

I'm also now scared to get a third cat because I know for sure that it would team up with the second one to bully the first.

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1 year ago

Build a submarine, recruit some of your millionaire friends, go explore a sunken ship in the middle of the ocean and come back when the FBI is gone.

Quick the FBI is here what do I do

1 year ago

Honestly, I don't think I will ever make fun of someone's first crush even if it's the most absurd thing in the world like Scooby from Scooby-Doo or the vacuum thing from the Teletubbies, especially because I don't have the right to do it when my first crush was this dude.

Honestly, I Don't Think I Will Ever Make Fun Of Someone's First Crush Even If It's The Most Absurd Thing

Yes, it's a red rabbit puppet thing. It's from a Chilean tv show for children, and this man (or bunny) is the absolute worst example of how to be a good person you could see on tv.

Good thing about him:

-He's a good journalist

-He cares about the environment and global warming (sometimes)

Bad things about him:

-Gambling addict

-Smokes and drinks alcohol (yes, in a children's show lmao)

-Liar, scammer, would commit tax fraud if it means to have more money to gamble.

-Has a giant debt with almost everyone in this world, including his own best friends.

-Gambled his friends Christmas gifts, lost them, and then gave them horseshoes instead.

-Womanizer, has a full notebook filled with his girlfriends phone numbers. Should also mention that they were all his girlfriends at the same time.

-Sometimes he lives in the trash.

So yeah... I don't regret it tho.

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1 year ago

I am usually called a "young old lady" by my family because I love watching telenovelas, like, at some point in my life I just started one to laugh at the drama and accidentally got seriously invested in these characters problems, and now I have watched and rewatched a ton of them over the last three years. Either I really like them or everytime I watch one I get possessed by the spirit of a Chilean grandma that forces me to start telenovelas as if I were addicted to them like crack.

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