Just a guy that loves to create art. (And stories, on AO3) Current obsession: The Koopalings (from Mario)
76 posts
What Other Headcanons Do You Have For The Koopaling
What other headcanons do you have for the koopaling
(Warning, you might have doomed yourself... But I really, really like the ask! I will never pass up the oppertunity to gush/share about my Koopalings).
My Koopalings are all biologically related, and all share the same mom and dad. (Junior of course doesn't. He is Bowsers bio son, while the others are adopted. But the other seven are biological siblings).
That usually sparks the question "But, why do they look so different then?"
Ludwig and Morton have a condition whereby their colours are different than they were originally supposed to be. (Melanism is a condition where an individual of a species produces more melanin (dark pigment) than is normal for the species).
Ludwig was supposed to be the same light blue as Larry, but due to being partially melanistic, he became a dark blue instead. (This also goes for Ludwigs eyes, which are dark blue instead of the light blue that practically all of his other siblings have).
Morton is pretty much fully melanistic, which is why he is completely white/black/brown. His pigment is devoid of all other colours. (Similar to Ludwig, Morton’s eyes are brown instead of light blue).
Lemmy simply has his hair dyed. He actually has the bright green colour hair that Iggy has.
(These go for both my Koopas as well as the humans. But with the human forms, the dark green on the shaven part of Larry’s hair is also actually just hair dye).
Where Ludwig and Morton have a medical condition that doesn't really affect their daily lives, Iggy and Roy unfortunately aren’t as lucky...
Iggy has epilepsy. He can sometimes have seizures, and when he does, he’s pretty much “out of the playing field” for a few days. He can do stuff the next day… But don’t count on it being a lot. (Seizures, or at least mine, which Iggy’s are like, hurt like hell for your muscles, and leave you tired and even lesser focussed than usual, for a good couple of days afterwards). For someone as naturally energetic as Iggy, this sucks ass. Luckily, he can tinker on some small things again the next day. Just not big things that he really need his focus for.
Roy’s sunglasses aren’t just for show. He actually needs them to see well. His eyes are over sensitive to light, so he needs his sunglasses to actually comfortably see shit, without having to constantly squint his eyes.
Extra stuff I can't find a nice flow to, but want to share-.
Iggy loves to bake. His dad, grandpa, and older brother eventually became fed up with his exploding science projects, that they had to find him something else. (Of course the others eventually got problems with it, too, but Bowser, Kamek, and Ludwig were the most vocal ones.)
Morton eventually suggested cooking to his big brother, which Iggy did try... But it ended up being more frustrating than fun for him.
(Cooking was a bit too free for his liking).
Eventually Larry wanted to try and bake muffins when he found a recipe for them which he thought sounded yummy. Iggy was the only one with no other duties that day, and was willing to help his little brother. This made him realize that baking was the thing that satisfied his need/want that his science projects gave him, but this was much safer. (Of course, shit can burn. But a charred cake is much better than an explosion).
He bakes every once in a while. He does it on his own just as often as with one of his siblings. The one that he bakes with significantly more than the others, is Larry.
(This is shown in one of my one-shots over on Archive Of Our Own, where Iggy bakes, with the help of Larry, and a bit of help from Junior).
[I will make another post with another thing about my Koopalings, but lets not make this one too big...]
If anyone has more specific questions about my Koopalings (all 7 + Junior in this case), don't be afraid to ask!
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More Posts from Moony7drac
Whos everyone favorite sibling >:D
I used to have a simple, straight to the point answer for this one, but then they started to develop more... (If you get what I mean).
Short answer, the most common/ best-known combo's, are Ludwig and Larry, Iggy and Lemmy, Roy and Wendy, and Morton and Junior.
As for the longer, more complex answers,
I'm gonna respond to this one as if the answer comes from the Koopa themselves. (Much more fun that way).
Every time you see "Ian", that's me. (I needed another person to kind of interview them, and since this is my AU, we're using my main OC).
But, as to not make this an unskippable ad, I put a "Keep reading in here". So, for the long answers, go down below.
Some of their answers are longer, and others are pretty straight foreward.
(Also, I colourcode everyone in what they do and say. There are a few letters which are somhow not coloured, but I swear, I edited this like, 4 times already, but they keep showing up. So, please forgive me for that, as that is truly Tumblrs fault).
First up, Ludwig and Iggy.
I think Ludwig and I are the most biased with this question...
My favourite is Lemmy. I mean, he's my twin brother. How can I not?!
And mine is Larry. During our time out on the streets, (time between losing bio parents and found by Bowser), Larry was really, really young... He started seeing me as his parent, and, well... While he definitely also is my little brother, he also feels like my son sometimes... How weird that may sound...
So, yeah... Of course, my favourite is my twin, and Ludwig's is his "son"...
Ludwig leaves to go back to what he was doing before answering this question.
But, honestly? Ludwig is a very, very close second...
He's always been there for me when I was feeling (more physically) down... And, well, he's my favourite science buddy!
The camera switches over to Ludwig, who's walking through the halls back to his room.
To be completely honest, while Larry is probably my number one, I can't deny that Iggy had that spot before that/before our lives completely flipped...
He truly cares about everyone's well-being. After all, he has healed my fingers a lot of times, whenever the piano fallboard fell onto my fingers...
Plus, while I am not going to admit this to his face, his hugs are actually pretty calming. Somehow...
Iggy. I mean, of course I dearly love all of my siblings, but, well...
Iggy's my twin... It's really, really hard to beat that.
Roy flicks his eyes back and forth and sweats a bit at first at hearing the question.
He then folds his arms over his chest and turns his head away.
Pff. Like I have a favourite.
Ian: O, really? Then why do you seem to enjoy their presence so much?
What about the Just Dance battles against Ludwig? Or the study sessions with Iggy? Being Lemmy's spotter during new acrobatic stunts? Being the one to help Wendy when she has a new idea for clothes... Or sparring against Morton... Playing sports against Larry... Or, and don't try to deny this, having those fire breathing contests against Junior?~
Roy sighs as his shoulders sag a bit. He grumbles before he answers.
If you must know... That's exactly why I don't have a favourite.
Roy blushes a bit as he looks away again.
I can't choose...
Well, I’m not sure… Roy is probably my favourite, but he is also very much a menace for me.
A few seconds pass.
Actually, so is Junior...
How about this, as they are both as well at the top as at the bottom of my list, they both 50/50, and therefor count as one.
Ian: Yeah, okay, I can work with that... But, give me the explanation in return.
Deep sigh.
Roy has pretty much always been my older brother, you know? While the other three also always have been there for me, Roy was there for me on a different level. But, we also fight quite a bit...
As for Junior. While he's a spoiled little brat, he does, admittedly, have artistic talent. It's often that I explain a design I have in my head, and Junior is able to draw it pretty correctly.
Morton and Larry
Hmm... Can I really only choose one?
Ian, off camera, "Kinda, yeah."
I suppose...
Morton suddenly perks up and smiles.
My favourite younger sibling is Junior, my favourite big bro is Roy, and my favourite older bro is Iggy! There! Just one!
You can't be mad, he did give just one... Just one for different categories...
As for mine, Ludwig.
Larry chuckles and rubs the back of his neck.
It's actually been that way since hatching...
Mom and dad had told us the story of the day I had hatched...
Apparently, I had been crying pretty much since I got out of my egg. Iggy and Lemmy were already home at that point, and the rest weren't trusted enough by mom and dad to safely hold me...
But, no matter who held me, I just wouldn't stop crying...
But then, Ludwig came home. He had been doing some after school stuff, which is why he was late. Mom had pushed me into his arms, becoming frantic about my crying, and trying whatever she could. But the moment I was in Ludwig’s arms, I apparently immediately stopped crying.
So, yeah... Ludwig's my favourite... and he has been that since my birth...
Lastly, Junior
Morton! He's always there when I need him. He's always willing to make me food or carry me around on his shoulders.
Small bonus bit, just cause I can-
Roy: Wait! How do you know about the Just Dance battles and the study sessions? Those are secrets between them and me!
Ian: I have my ways~
Roy: Growl. Just... Don't tell anyone about that, capiche? No one is supposed to know that Luds and I play Just Dance, nor is anyone supposed to know that I like biology...
Just have fun, that's by far the most important part.
And if you just keep doing it, you'll grow and get better at it eventually
"I cant draw" then do it bad who gives a fuck.....
Happy Easter everybody!
As you can see, I didn't make any drawings to celebrate, but I did make a story!
That's art too, right?
(Also, in my stories they're Koopa's)

I just got these little guys for my birthday!
I wanted Iggy the most, but my parents went, "Yeah, but you can't get just one, then he'll be lonely," so they got me 3 more!
What do the koopalings think of the Mario bros?
It kinda depends on the timing, as I also eventually put Bowuigi into my AU, (so they all eventually take a liking to Luigi), but there is one massive thing that happens a bit before the two get together, so the Koopalings of the time in between those two things will answer this. (This thing is known by Iggy and Luigi, while the rest knows nothing.)
Ludwig is fairly “neutral hating” both of them. He doesn’t hate hate them, but since they bested him so many times, he… doesn’t really like either of them all that much…
Iggy’s opinion on the two is vastly different for one compared to the other. He is fairly neutral, to even somewhat liking to Luigi (they’ve become on an at least neutral ground between them two). But hates Mario. (Once Bowuigi is in effect, this will lessen, but Iggy will never get all that close to Mario).
Lemmy… Doesn’t necessarily hate Mario as much as his twin does. He understands that something has happened between Iggy and the plumber brothers, but Iggy refuses to explain what this was exactly. His hate for Mario is about as heavily as the rest of the family, but he’s warming up on Luigi, as his demeanour has… changed, when fighting the physically smallest Koopaling…
Roy hates both of them. Has since he knows them, and it hasn’t changed throughout time.
Wendy is similar to her youngest older brother. There’s not all that much difference between their hate for Mario and hate for Luigi.
Morton… Isn’t all that “capable” of hating people… (I can’t really explain it better…) But he does know that he absolutely does not like them.
Larry is not all that fond on Mario, as he always immediately gives his all in their fight. (Inspired by that Larry is pretty much always the first to encounter, and seems overall the weakest fighter.) But… Luigi seems to try and make it a fair fight. Where Mario comes barging in with the heaviest/strongest powerup he was able to find, Luigi usually only has a mushroom (the red ones.)
Junior follows his dad. Hates both of them, but especially Mario. He takes away his mama! (Yes, I’m gonna go that route).