Bowser Junior - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Idea for a Soldier Poet King AMV

This AMV will use Super Mario Logan charectrers

Soldier is Joseph, though it's more in the sense that he soldier on through life as it did deal him a unfortunate hand.

The poet is Cody, I would refer to him as a poet More into how he can be able to dismantle and and analyze others actions through words.

The king/ruler would be Bowser Junior ( I'm accounting for the originals, not the puppets), not only is he technically a prince (a form of royalty and a ruler, so for the sake of the video and the song he is refers to as a ruler) due to being the son of the king Bowser, he does seem to posses some qualities of royalty (for better or worse).

This is just an idea I had, If you use it credit me, and please, if you do not like it, you can be polite and disagree politely.

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3 years ago

Mario characters super forms (Part 3): Bowser Junior

All right, today we are going to be creating a super form for Bowser Jr.

The beaches are going to be using for this is a mech, specifically one based off Of the Koopa Clown Car.

I imagine since the Clown Car is such an integral part of Junior's charecter he will manifest one regardless if he is using it or not.

The after manifesting the Clown Car I would imagine that it would form a mech suit based off of junior.

But it'll also use the help of another tool.

The paintbrush.

The paint brush will help by not only acting as a weapon (akin to a sword), it is also fortifies the mech by coating it in powerful paint.

That is pretty much about it, If you want to use this concept make sure to credit me, also please try to give me a suggestion.

There's one more thing I want to do before I post, I'm not going to give a super form based off of Bowser. The reason why is he already has a super form, Giga Bowser. So don't try to suggest it.

Good day

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1 year ago

So, I finally finished the other 4 Koopalings! (Well, technically 3 + Junior, but I often call them 8 Koopalings to keep it easy)

But, I present to you

Roy Koopa

So, I Finally Finished The Other 4 Koopalings! (Well, Technically 3 + Junior, But I Often Call Them 8

(His shoes/boots are a sort of work in progress, since I'm not sure if I want to keep em like this, but I couldn't find/think of anything better for him.)

Roy is the strong and tough one. I feel like he would love to show off his muscles, and what better way to do so by plainly displaying them? The camouflage printed pants fitted his brash and rough personality. We cannot forget that Roy is also amongst the coolest of the crew, for which I used the pattern on his shoes. Flames, yet in more of his pink and purple colouring scheme.

Wendy Koopa

Wendy is the fashionista, unfortunately I am not, so I hope I worked out well enough. (It's also partly why I had trouble coming up with clothing ideas for her).

So, I Finally Finished The Other 4 Koopalings! (Well, Technically 3 + Junior, But I Often Call Them 8

First and foremost, I gave her hair. The games really did her dirty by not giving her any. I thought her bow would fit perfectly for her to use it to set her hair in a ponytail. Of course, we couldn't forget her bracelets, necklace and heels either. I eventually went with giving her a shirt with bell sleeves, and an airy skirt to go with it. (And a gold belt for over its overflow).

Morton Koopa

So, I Finally Finished The Other 4 Koopalings! (Well, Technically 3 + Junior, But I Often Call Them 8

Morton is the only one in much darker colouring than his siblings, so my headcanon is that he has some form of Melanism (Albinism is the lack of melanin to give colours, turning it white, he has the opposite, as Melanism is the overabundance of this, turning it black). Due to having some form of Melanism, he has 'reverse' Vitiligo.

I remembered his as a boss of Dessert land, assigning his the colour yellow to work with. He also wears sandals because of this. But to also still keep with his original black white colour scheme (+ a little bit of brown), it's where the colouring of his shirt comes in.

(Bowser) Junior Koopa

So, I Finally Finished The Other 4 Koopalings! (Well, Technically 3 + Junior, But I Often Call Them 8

The youngest and one of the most wild ones of the group. I feel like he would not have the patience to tie his shoes, so his dad got him velcro strap shoes. Of course his famous Bandana around his neck could not be forgotten. The rest of his clothes are inspired by what I often see small(er) kids wearing. Just some loose-ish clothes, of course in Juniors colours.

Like said in my other/first half of posting my human form for these kids, this is placed in order of oldest to youngest. It's just that Larry is supposed to be in between Morton and Junior. But due to already having been revealed in the other part, he isn't shown here.

Talking about the other part, I have decided to change Ludwig's eye colour. He has the same brown grayish eyes as Morton on that drawing, but I will be drawing him with Dark blue eyes from now on. (Due to my now headcanon, which is an extension of Mortons, is that Ludwig kinda has Melanism too. He was supposed to be Larry's blue, but due to this condition, he became a much darker shade of blue).

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1 year ago

(Failed) Piggyback rides

As a celebration for Mar10 day, I made some more drawings with my human form Koopalings!

(Totally didn't find out Mario day was today like, yesterday, and coincidentally had these ready-).

But :

Trying to lift your (much taller) twin brother

(Failed) Piggyback Rides

And failing, because you're not that strong...

Given, both of the twins aren't exactly known for their strength, but I guess it's easier for the tall one to lift the small one than vice versa...

And :

When you're tasked with taking care of your little brother for the day,

But he decides to be a nuisance...

(Failed) Piggyback Rides

Junior didn't mean to be one, (this time-), but he forgot that Ludwig isn't as strong, nor as experienced with having someone on their shoulders like Juniors normal buddy, Morton, is.

Also, I tried a sorta new line art style for these. It's pretty much using my lining style for digital drawings.

So, that's using the same/a similar colour for the line, as the content is.

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11 months ago

(Shoulder) Piggy back rides

(Are those still called piggy backs? Genuine question-)

The prince and heir to the throne of course has to be carried. Their dad insisted that only one of his siblings could do that for him though.

Luckily for Junior, Morton was willing to take that job.

(Shoulder) Piggy Back Rides

Morton is the gentle giant for my universe, he just wants to help his siblings any way that he can. Plus, he's strong. So why would he not carry Junior around if he asks for it?

Now, we have seen that Lemmy cannot lift Iggy. But the other way around? That goes surprisingly well.

(Shoulder) Piggy Back Rides

Maybe he should not block his brothers view though...

the twins luckily both have very good balance, so nothing bad happened here.

Also, shameless self-promition for my stories,

this is very much a human version of a small bit at the end of one of my stories about these guys. (In the stories they're Koopa's though).
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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11 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Happy Easter everybody!

As you can see, I didn't make any drawings to celebrate, but I did make a story! 

That's art too, right?

(Also, in my stories they're Koopa's)

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9 months ago

My Koopalings pride headcanons

Happy Pride guys!

To celebrate pride, I decided to share my pride headcanons for my Koopalings. (I will only go into the sexuality part if I have vibes for it, otherwise it's romantic).

Ludwig; Gay and Ace (he likes guys, but he just doesn't see the appeal in sex).

Iggy; Bi/Pan. Perhaps a bit leaning towards guys, but if it's a girl that he likes, he certainly won't mind. It's about mind and chemistry, not the gender. Also Demi. He really needs/wants to know the person first, before he starts to really fall in love.

Lemmy; Pan. Just… Look at that hair. I couldn't give him anything else than that… (Besides. He just feels like the one to honestly not care about that shit.)

Roy; Bi. Both guys and girls are good. One side has positives that the other gender doesn't have, but that exact same thing is true in reverse.

Wendy; Still deciding if I want her to be a lesbian or be hetero cause she didn't have as clear of a vibe as the others did. Only thing I do know about my Wendy, is that she would fall head over heals pretty fast.

Morton; Demi. He only gets the feeling if he already knows the person. He thinks he is "capable" of feeling romantic feelings, he just hasn't had them yet. (He uses the word "capable" for feelings for romantic stuff, because Ludwig says that he's pretty much "incapable" of liking the idea of sex.) Also, Pan, cause he wouldn't mind the gender though. Much like his older brothers Iggy and Lemmy, whatever happens, happens.

Larry; Guys. Just, guys. (Aka gay.) He never really understood the appeal of girls whenever a guy talks about them. However… when he overheard, (or sometimes even joined,) the girls and their talk about boys… Now that was stuff he was interested in.

Junior; Hetero. Gladly wears rainbows to support his sibling/family though.

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8 months ago

What other headcanons do you have for the koopaling

(Warning, you might have doomed yourself... But I really, really like the ask! I will never pass up the oppertunity to gush/share about my Koopalings).

My Koopalings are all biologically related, and all share the same mom and dad. (Junior of course doesn't. He is Bowsers bio son, while the others are adopted. But the other seven are biological siblings).

That usually sparks the question "But, why do they look so different then?"


Ludwig and Morton have a condition whereby their colours are different than they were originally supposed to be. (Melanism is a condition where an individual of a species produces more melanin (dark pigment) than is normal for the species).

Ludwig was supposed to be the same light blue as Larry, but due to being partially melanistic, he became a dark blue instead. (This also goes for Ludwigs eyes, which are dark blue instead of the light blue that practically all of his other siblings have).

Morton is pretty much fully melanistic, which is why he is completely white/black/brown. His pigment is devoid of all other colours. (Similar to Ludwig, Morton’s eyes are brown instead of light blue).

Lemmy simply has his hair dyed. He actually has the bright green colour hair that Iggy has.

(These go for both my Koopas as well as the humans. But with the human forms, the dark green on the shaven part of Larry’s hair is also actually just hair dye).

Where Ludwig and Morton have a medical condition that doesn't really affect their daily lives, Iggy and Roy unfortunately aren’t as lucky...

Iggy has epilepsy. He can sometimes have seizures, and when he does, he’s pretty much “out of the playing field” for a few days. He can do stuff the next day… But don’t count on it being a lot. (Seizures, or at least mine, which Iggy’s are like, hurt like hell for your muscles, and leave you tired and even lesser focussed than usual, for a good couple of days afterwards). For someone as naturally energetic as Iggy, this sucks ass. Luckily, he can tinker on some small things again the next day. Just not big things that he really need his focus for.

Roy’s sunglasses aren’t just for show. He actually needs them to see well. His eyes are over sensitive to light, so he needs his sunglasses to actually comfortably see shit, without having to constantly squint his eyes.

Extra stuff I can't find a nice flow to, but want to share-.

Iggy loves to bake. His dad, grandpa, and older brother eventually became fed up with his exploding science projects, that they had to find him something else. (Of course the others eventually got problems with it, too, but Bowser, Kamek, and Ludwig were the most vocal ones.)

Morton eventually suggested cooking to his big brother, which Iggy did try... But it ended up being more frustrating than fun for him.

(Cooking was a bit too free for his liking).

Eventually Larry wanted to try and bake muffins when he found a recipe for them which he thought sounded yummy. Iggy was the only one with no other duties that day, and was willing to help his little brother. This made him realize that baking was the thing that satisfied his need/want that his science projects gave him, but this was much safer. (Of course, shit can burn. But a charred cake is much better than an explosion).

He bakes every once in a while. He does it on his own just as often as with one of his siblings. The one that he bakes with significantly more than the others, is Larry.

(This is shown in one of my one-shots over on Archive Of Our Own, where Iggy bakes, with the help of Larry, and a bit of help from Junior).
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

[I will make another post with another thing about my Koopalings, but lets not make this one too big...]

If anyone has more specific questions about my Koopalings (all 7 + Junior in this case), don't be afraid to ask!

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8 months ago

Whos everyone favorite sibling >:D

I used to have a simple, straight to the point answer for this one, but then they started to develop more... (If you get what I mean).

Short answer, the most common/ best-known combo's, are Ludwig and Larry, Iggy and Lemmy, Roy and Wendy, and Morton and Junior.

As for the longer, more complex answers,

I'm gonna respond to this one as if the answer comes from the Koopa themselves. (Much more fun that way).

Every time you see "Ian", that's me. (I needed another person to kind of interview them, and since this is my AU, we're using my main OC).

But, as to not make this an unskippable ad, I put a "Keep reading in here". So, for the long answers, go down below.

Some of their answers are longer, and others are pretty straight foreward.

(Also, I colourcode everyone in what they do and say. There are a few letters which are somhow not coloured, but I swear, I edited this like, 4 times already, but they keep showing up. So, please forgive me for that, as that is truly Tumblrs fault).

First up, Ludwig and Iggy.

I think Ludwig and I are the most biased with this question...

My favourite is Lemmy. I mean, he's my twin brother. How can I not?!

And mine is Larry. During our time out on the streets, (time between losing bio parents and found by Bowser), Larry was really, really young... He started seeing me as his parent, and, well... While he definitely also is my little brother, he also feels like my son sometimes... How weird that may sound...

So, yeah... Of course, my favourite is my twin, and Ludwig's is his "son"...

Ludwig leaves to go back to what he was doing before answering this question.

But, honestly? Ludwig is a very, very close second...

He's always been there for me when I was feeling (more physically) down... And, well, he's my favourite science buddy!

The camera switches over to Ludwig, who's walking through the halls back to his room.

To be completely honest, while Larry is probably my number one, I can't deny that Iggy had that spot before that/before our lives completely flipped...

He truly cares about everyone's well-being. After all, he has healed my fingers a lot of times, whenever the piano fallboard fell onto my fingers...

Plus, while I am not going to admit this to his face, his hugs are actually pretty calming. Somehow...


Iggy. I mean, of course I dearly love all of my siblings, but, well...

Iggy's my twin... It's really, really hard to beat that.


Roy flicks his eyes back and forth and sweats a bit at first at hearing the question.

He then folds his arms over his chest and turns his head away.

Pff. Like I have a favourite.

Ian: O, really? Then why do you seem to enjoy their presence so much?

What about the Just Dance battles against Ludwig? Or the study sessions with Iggy? Being Lemmy's spotter during new acrobatic stunts? Being the one to help Wendy when she has a new idea for clothes... Or sparring against Morton... Playing sports against Larry... Or, and don't try to deny this, having those fire breathing contests against Junior?~

Roy sighs as his shoulders sag a bit. He grumbles before he answers.

If you must know... That's exactly why I don't have a favourite.

Roy blushes a bit as he looks away again.

I can't choose...


Well, I’m not sure… Roy is probably my favourite, but he is also very much a menace for me.

A few seconds pass.

Actually, so is Junior...

How about this, as they are both as well at the top as at the bottom of my list, they both 50/50, and therefor count as one.

Ian: Yeah, okay, I can work with that... But, give me the explanation in return.

Deep sigh.

Roy has pretty much always been my older brother, you know? While the other three also always have been there for me, Roy was there for me on a different level. But, we also fight quite a bit...

As for Junior. While he's a spoiled little brat, he does, admittedly, have artistic talent. It's often that I explain a design I have in my head, and Junior is able to draw it pretty correctly.

Morton and Larry

Hmm... Can I really only choose one?

Ian, off camera, "Kinda, yeah."

I suppose...

Morton suddenly perks up and smiles.

My favourite younger sibling is Junior, my favourite big bro is Roy, and my favourite older bro is Iggy! There! Just one!

You can't be mad, he did give just one... Just one for different categories...

As for mine, Ludwig.

Larry chuckles and rubs the back of his neck.

It's actually been that way since hatching...

Mom and dad had told us the story of the day I had hatched...

Apparently, I had been crying pretty much since I got out of my egg. Iggy and Lemmy were already home at that point, and the rest weren't trusted enough by mom and dad to safely hold me...

But, no matter who held me, I just wouldn't stop crying...

But then, Ludwig came home. He had been doing some after school stuff, which is why he was late. Mom had pushed me into his arms, becoming frantic about my crying, and trying whatever she could. But the moment I was in Ludwig’s arms, I apparently immediately stopped crying.

So, yeah... Ludwig's my favourite... and he has been that since my birth...

Lastly, Junior

Morton! He's always there when I need him. He's always willing to make me food or carry me around on his shoulders.

Small bonus bit, just cause I can-

Roy: Wait! How do you know about the Just Dance battles and the study sessions? Those are secrets between them and me!

Ian: I have my ways~

Roy: Growl. Just... Don't tell anyone about that, capiche? No one is supposed to know that Luds and I play Just Dance, nor is anyone supposed to know that I like biology...

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8 months ago

What do the koopalings think of the Mario bros?

It kinda depends on the timing, as I also eventually put Bowuigi into my AU, (so they all eventually take a liking to Luigi), but there is one massive thing that happens a bit before the two get together, so the Koopalings of the time in between those two things will answer this. (This thing is known by Iggy and Luigi, while the rest knows nothing.)

Ludwig is fairly “neutral hating” both of them. He doesn’t hate hate them, but since they bested him so many times, he… doesn’t really like either of them all that much…

Iggy’s opinion on the two is vastly different for one compared to the other. He is fairly neutral, to even somewhat liking to Luigi (they’ve become on an at least neutral ground between them two). But hates Mario. (Once Bowuigi is in effect, this will lessen, but Iggy will never get all that close to Mario).

Lemmy… Doesn’t necessarily hate Mario as much as his twin does. He understands that something has happened between Iggy and the plumber brothers, but Iggy refuses to explain what this was exactly. His hate for Mario is about as heavily as the rest of the family, but he’s warming up on Luigi, as his demeanour has… changed, when fighting the physically smallest Koopaling…

Roy hates both of them. Has since he knows them, and it hasn’t changed throughout time.

Wendy is similar to her youngest older brother. There’s not all that much difference between their hate for Mario and hate for Luigi.

Morton… Isn’t all that “capable” of hating people… (I can’t really explain it better…) But he does know that he absolutely does not like them.

Larry is not all that fond on Mario, as he always immediately gives his all in their fight. (Inspired by that Larry is pretty much always the first to encounter, and seems overall the weakest fighter.) But… Luigi seems to try and make it a fair fight. Where Mario comes barging in with the heaviest/strongest powerup he was able to find, Luigi usually only has a mushroom (the red ones.)

Junior follows his dad. Hates both of them, but especially Mario. He takes away his mama! (Yes, I’m gonna go that route).

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7 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Koopa week 2024, day 2! Larry's day!

(My) Larry is often accociated with games and sports, so I decided to sort of combine this, into a physical game. Hide and seek, combined with tag! You have to hide, but when you get found, the finder/tagger has to tag you first. Which means that you can hide, like, 3 times, and still be a hider afterwards.

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7 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Koopa week 2024, day 7, our favourite small goofball, Lemmy!

I got the prompt "For Lemmy you could have him feeling sad because he’s not big as his siblings" from a friend over on tumblr (@milk-powrit) So, that's what y'all are gonna get for today!

(But, if you know my works, you know it'll have a happy ending).

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7 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Second to last day of Koopa week 2024... Ludwig!

The oldest of the Koopalings... The first to become an adult... So, he deserves some more childish fun before he becomes one, right? Well, his siblings certsinly thought so, too!

So, they set up an old fashioned food fight for the family.

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7 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Last day of Koopa week, Junior! Finally a one-shot that I didn't have to speedrun to get out in time-...

But, last day of Koopa week, it would be a nice one to have a one-shot set into the future, right? So, that's what's gonna happen here. A piece of story that's set into the future.

Bowser has retired (not dead) and given the crown to Junior. But, now that he's king, that means everyone is an adult. That must mean they wanna leave and go live on their own, right?... And it'll leave Junior all alone...

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7 months ago

How old is everyone?

Welp, this has been plaguing me for about a week or so... (All throughout the Koopa week, at least).

But, I think I have an idea for ages that I write them the most with. (The adult age for Draconic and MagiKoopa's (which the Koopalings are a mix of) is 27 in my AU)

Ludwig is 26 Iggy & Lemmy are 24 Roy is 22 Wendy is 16 Morton is 14 Larry is 12 Junior is 10

But, these are still a work in progress, as they "have" to meet a couple of requirements:

Ludwig, Iggy + Lemmy, and Roy are close in ages, because they went to school together (Iggy Koopa day 2024, Lemmy part)

I want Morton, Larry and Junior somewhat near in ages

But Morton has to be able to cook

And Larry has to be able to ride a horse

Yet I want Larry and Junior to be quite young when they’re found by Bowser

While Ludwig, Iggy, Lemmy and Roy have to be able to take on at least some form of responsibility at that timing (They lost their parents and the house from an accident (still deciding on the specifics of that) and had to live on the streets for the time between that and being found by Bowser)

Yet Ludwig is not quite an adult for around the ages I write them as

Plus, I want them to have been under Bowser’s care for some time by the time I write them as

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6 months ago

Koopalings heacanons; Love language

I got inspired by me and a friend of mine for this, as we both know we love each other (platonic in this case), but show it in vastly different ways.

So, how do my Koopalings convey their love for each other?

General info:

The five types of love languages are:

- Physiscal touch.

- Verbal

- Acts of service

- Quality time

- Gift giving

Ludwig is mainly gift giving, with a denial on physical touch.

Iggy is mainly physical touch, with verbal as a pretty close second (or perhaps almost equal), and a hint of quality time (he hates that he hasn’t found something for him and his dad, and him and his sister to do together.)

Lemmy is mainly physical touch.

Roy is mainly acts of service, and a chunk of quality time.

Wendy is mainly gift giving/acts of service (her gifts are always something that you’ll need, like a nice suit for an important event.)

Morton is mostly physical touch.

Larry is quality time with physical touch.

Junior is gift giving and quality time.

More/Deeper info under the cut.

Ludwig’s gift giving is in the form of how he always makes his family a personalised music piece, which he spends hours, if not days, on to get it perfected.

And while he is never the one to initiate a hug or so, he is the one to pull away last.

He will also say to stop leaning on his head to Iggy, or to ruffle his hair with just about anyone, but he either doesn’t try to slap the hand/paw away, or does it with minimal power. (And sometimes even starts to softly purr when pet).

He will sort of give the physical touch too, though. Just not in ways most immediately think of.

It’d be like sitting on the couch reading something, and letting Larry lay against his leg while the younger one is playing a game.

Iggy is of the physical touch and some verbal love. The biggest example, is with Lemmy when either is not feeling well (or just ‘cause). Or with Ludwig, when he's overworking himself again.

Lemmy will often use Iggy’s chest as a mattress, and Iggy will hug/hold him in return. (And of course we have the whole thing of Lemmy standing on Iggy’s shoulders while they’re walking.)

As for with Ludwig, when Iggy notices that Ludwig is overworking himself again, (usually by not having seen Ludwig all day long, while he has been out of his room himself), he'll get to Ludwig’s room, get behind him, lays his arms over Ludwig’s shoulders and his head on top of his.

When Iggy “annoys” Ludwig, and Ludwig says something like “I hate you…” or “You’re a menace…” Iggy simply responds with “Love you too Luds/Luddy.”

Bonus on the physical, he is very quick to use his long and slim tail to wrap around someone's ankle during a hug. This isn't always a conscious doing, and it has happened that someone tripped.

Lemmy is mainly physica touch, as he is not afraid to jump onto anyone (usually back, but also shoulders with Iggy and Roy).

He loves to hug people, and lay/sit in people’s laps.

Roy is mainly acts of service, as he will see someone struggle, and help them out if possible. Like he did in Lemmy day 2024. If someone can’t get the new jar to open, he’ll say “give here”, and open it for them. Or, (in case if the small ones), he’ll grab the jar they want from the higher shelf, with a “here you go” or sometimes even wordless.

His quality time is through little things personalised on the combo.

Just Dance battles with Ludwig (usually late in the evening or night, as both agreed that no one must know).

Study sessions or simply physical research. (He and Iggy both took Biology in school, and due to this, sometimes accompanies Iggy when going out to find shit out (about plants or peole/creatures)).

Being Lemmy’s spotter while trying new tricks, as landing just that tad bit wrong can result in shit that not even Iggy or a trained nurse can really help with. But, Roy is strong enough to safely catch the little Koopaling, and is very quick to see when it (will) go wrong.

With Wendy it’s helping her while she’s making new clothes, or simply play dress-up. He’ll gladly let her paint his nails, as they’re often not that pretty on their own due to his love for fighting and showing off how strong he is. (And he thinks he rocks certain of the nail polish colours).

With Morton, it’s mainly the sparring sessions. But, what not many know, he’ll gladly watch shows and/or movies with his fellow strong brother. Or race each other on their motorbikes. (Quite a lot small things).

He loves to play against or with Larry in sports or games. He especially loves to play shooter games with Larry on his team. Together, with Roy’s knowledge on firearms, and Larry’s gaming skills, they almost always win.

With Junior, it’s an admittedly smaller amount of things and times. But, he’ll still gladly try to see who can get the farthest with their fire breath. Currently, Roy can go the farthest with the straight fire breath, while Junior can keep his fireballs going for longer than Roy.

Wendy is mainly a combo of gift giving and acts of service. She’ll make things you’ll need (soon). Usually this is clothes, like a fancy suit for an upcoming event. But it can also be something like a book for Ludwig or Iggy that has to do with whatever they’re researching. Or spices that she overheard were almost gone/empty on the kitchen.

Morton is very much about the physical touch. He loves to pick his siblings up and hug them. With the little ones also picking them up and put them on his shoulders. Although… He has done it once or twice with Ludwig and Iggy… (He would with Roy, but because they’re both the same size, it would bring him out of balance.)

Larry is quality time with a bit of physical touch

He’ll just be near/hanging our with Ludwig. Bake with Iggy. Do parkours with/against Lemmy. Spar or play games against Roy. Talk love interests (and sometimes fashion/trends) with Wendy. Just chill in Morton’s lap (usually when watching TV, or playing something on it). And play some sports with Junior.

But he loves to hug, and will sometimes also just cling onto someone’s leg. (This happened especially when he has just hatched. Ludwig still has a few scars on his leg from baby Larry’s claws…)

Roy usually just continues walking like nothing’s wrong. Morton and Iggy pick him up and carry him. And Ludwig looks down at Larry for a moment, giving Larry the opportunity to let go. Sometimes he does, but when he doesn’t, Ludwig just floats the rest of the way to where he was going. (He casts the spell onto on himself, so Larry has to really hold on. But, or course he never flies too high, so that if Larry fails to hold on, he won’t really be hurt from the fall.)

Junior is mainly gift giving and quality time.

Similar to Ludwig, he’ll always have a drawing ready for the person’s birthday. Usually this is a drawing about something he and the receiver like to do together. (Or just something that is really conveying their relationship).

One of the instances;

He has given Ludwig a drawing of the older brother scolding or explaining something to him once. Ludwig rolled his eyes, but thanked Junior anyway. Either way, it is a birthday present after all. But when he did something with blacklight a few days later, and it accidentally hit that drawing, a message of “Thank you for teaching and help me understand the boring stuff” appeared. (Yes, Ludwig shed a small tear).

Thank you for listening to me ramble if you made it this far!

If you have any questions due to this post (or a previous one, or just in general), please feel free to let me know/ask me!

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6 months ago

Koopalings sleeping positions

(These are my ideas for my Koopalings).

Ludwig; Is a side sleeper, and needs something in his arms. Preferably a plushie/stuffed animal, but a sibling will work well, too. And if he must, a blanket or pillow will suffice for the night…

Iggy; Can fall asleep in almost any position. Well, keep sleeping in any position, is probably a better explanation… He can fall asleep on his back or his side, but as long as there’s no one to “restrain” him, he most likely won’t wake up in the same position he fell asleep in. Sleeping on his side while hugging someone? Will keep hugging them all night long. Lemmy curls up and falls asleep on his chest? He’ll be an amazing mattress for the night. Falling asleep without anyone in his arms or on top of him? Yeah… He has woken up hanging half off of his bed… Multiple times.

Lemmy; Curls up, much like a cat. It’s pretty much the only position he sleeps in. Or curled around something. He sleeps on Iggy’s chest, but has also fallen asleep curled around someone’s head a few times. He doesn’t care about the surface he’s on though. Sure, bed or person is the best, but couch, floor, or grass, is also fine for him. Heck. Even atop of the fridge, is where he can sleep. Yeah… Kamek will not forget the fear he felt when something (relatively big) suddenly moved on top of the fridge, when he was making early breakfast for himself… O yeah, did I forget to mention that Lemmy has the magical equivalent of sleepwalking? (Or accidental magic, whatever you want to call it. ~ Iggy) It has happened quite the few times where Lemmy fell asleep in his bed, but woke up somewhere else. Usually in a flowerbed in the garden, but on top of the fridge, or some other place where it’ll scare you if you’re not prepared, is not out of the options…

Roy; Is a stomach sleeper. He also usually doesn’t have a pillow. It’s very quickly that it elevates his head into a position that’ll cause his quite the amount of neck pain, which isn’t exactly ideal for a fighter… He is the opposite from Lemmy in regards to surface to sleep on due to this though. He usually can’t really use a pillow, so he needs his head to be able to rest on a soft and comfortable surface. It’s highly uncommon to see him sleep on anything else than a bed or couch (and the stuff that belongs in that same category). Or he must be really, really tired/sleepy.

Wendy; Is a back sleeper, and wears a mask. She prefers to be surrounded by soft stuff, so you better bet that she has those extremely fluffy pillows and blankets. She also has the “power” to fall asleep at any time. This (thankfully) is a conscious thing, and not something akin to narcolepsy, like the rest had initially feared when she started to display this as a young hatchling.

Morton; Is a side sleeper. He likes to lay against something though. It’s not like Ludwig needing something in his arms. He can sleep just fine without sleeping against something. But, 4 out of 5 times, he can be found sleeping close to the wall next to his bed.

Larry; Can sleep in any usual position, and uses a mask while sleeping. It has a Bluetooth speaker in it, so that he can keep listening to music. He falls asleep significantly faster when he has something to listen to. Usually this is music, but when they have a big sleepover, and people (usually the twins if it’s one with their family,) are talking still while everyone should be trying to sleep, Larry will actually fall asleep due to their talking

Junior; Prefers sleeping on his sides, but can also sleep on his back. He has this thing where his body (aside from his head), has to be covered by the blanket when he sleeps on his bed or on the couch. He will seriously wake up if he doesn’t have it. Or if he moves a bit and a bit of the blanket falls off of him, this can wake him up.

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5 months ago

Bonus, and a reblog because these two things pretty much belong together.


Ludwig; Ludwig has a four poster bed, standing with the headend against a wall, but otherwise in the middle of said wall. (It also has curtains, so he can close them and hide the plushies he has laying in his bed).

Iggy; Surprisingly, Iggy has a pretty regular/standard rectangular bed. (He's allowed a few normal things). But, I'll spoil that our favourite weirdo has a bedside table that's in the form of a pineapple instead of your standard wooden rectangular one. His bed stands in the corner of the room, but with a small path between it and the wall. (So he can hang/slide off of that side, too, haha).

Lemmy; Because he sleeps curled up anyway, his bed didn't need to be all that big or in a more regular form. So, his bed is in the corner or his room, and is the form of a quarter circle.

Roy; Roy was truly made for the mountains, as even his bed is reminiscent of it. His bed is built in between a small cave, of which the entrance isn't even viewable from the door. So, compared to all the others, you walk into Roy's room, and will see his bed 'missing', and only a weird rocky structure in the corner of his room.

Wendy; Wendy’s bed is in a more regular form like Ludwig and Iggy’s, but instead of standing with all four legs on the ground, it hangs from the ceiling. It’s placed in the middle of her room, so that she can swing it (softly) in every direction. (Of course, it’s filled with soft blankets and pillows.)

Morton; Morton has a more square shaped bed, and is placed in the complete corner of his room, with one side and his headend touching walls.

Larry; Larry’s bed looks a bit like a nest. Both by the outside looks of the sides of his bed, but also because the sides of his bed are higher than the middle of it. (Kind of like a bowl, but of course with sides that he can easily climb over.)

Junior; Sleeps in a hammock, placed in the corner of his room. He has multiple forms of hammocks, so he switches it out for another one from time to time.

Koopalings sleeping positions

(These are my ideas for my Koopalings).

Ludwig; Is a side sleeper, and needs something in his arms. Preferably a plushie/stuffed animal, but a sibling will work well, too. And if he must, a blanket or pillow will suffice for the night…

Iggy; Can fall asleep in almost any position. Well, keep sleeping in any position, is probably a better explanation… He can fall asleep on his back or his side, but as long as there’s no one to “restrain” him, he most likely won’t wake up in the same position he fell asleep in. Sleeping on his side while hugging someone? Will keep hugging them all night long. Lemmy curls up and falls asleep on his chest? He’ll be an amazing mattress for the night. Falling asleep without anyone in his arms or on top of him? Yeah… He has woken up hanging half off of his bed… Multiple times.

Lemmy; Curls up, much like a cat. It’s pretty much the only position he sleeps in. Or curled around something. He sleeps on Iggy’s chest, but has also fallen asleep curled around someone’s head a few times. He doesn’t care about the surface he’s on though. Sure, bed or person is the best, but couch, floor, or grass, is also fine for him. Heck. Even atop of the fridge, is where he can sleep. Yeah… Kamek will not forget the fear he felt when something (relatively big) suddenly moved on top of the fridge, when he was making early breakfast for himself… O yeah, did I forget to mention that Lemmy has the magical equivalent of sleepwalking? (Or accidental magic, whatever you want to call it. ~ Iggy) It has happened quite the few times where Lemmy fell asleep in his bed, but woke up somewhere else. Usually in a flowerbed in the garden, but on top of the fridge, or some other place where it’ll scare you if you’re not prepared, is not out of the options…

Roy; Is a stomach sleeper. He also usually doesn’t have a pillow. It’s very quickly that it elevates his head into a position that’ll cause his quite the amount of neck pain, which isn’t exactly ideal for a fighter… He is the opposite from Lemmy in regards to surface to sleep on due to this though. He usually can’t really use a pillow, so he needs his head to be able to rest on a soft and comfortable surface. It’s highly uncommon to see him sleep on anything else than a bed or couch (and the stuff that belongs in that same category). Or he must be really, really tired/sleepy.

Wendy; Is a back sleeper, and wears a mask. She prefers to be surrounded by soft stuff, so you better bet that she has those extremely fluffy pillows and blankets. She also has the “power” to fall asleep at any time. This (thankfully) is a conscious thing, and not something akin to narcolepsy, like the rest had initially feared when she started to display this as a young hatchling.

Morton; Is a side sleeper. He likes to lay against something though. It’s not like Ludwig needing something in his arms. He can sleep just fine without sleeping against something. But, 4 out of 5 times, he can be found sleeping close to the wall next to his bed.

Larry; Can sleep in any usual position, and uses a mask while sleeping. It has a Bluetooth speaker in it, so that he can keep listening to music. He falls asleep significantly faster when he has something to listen to. Usually this is music, but when they have a big sleepover, and people (usually the twins if it’s one with their family,) are talking still while everyone should be trying to sleep, Larry will actually fall asleep due to their talking

Junior; Prefers sleeping on his sides, but can also sleep on his back. He has this thing where his body (aside from his head), has to be covered by the blanket when he sleeps on his bed or on the couch. He will seriously wake up if he doesn’t have it. Or if he moves a bit and a bit of the blanket falls off of him, this can wake him up.

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5 months ago


I posted a sleeping position headcanons for my Koopalings a little bit ago, and now it was time for a little more info about their beds.

Ludwig; Ludwig has a four poster bed, standing with the headend against a wall, but otherwise in the middle of said wall. (It also has curtains, so he can close them and hide the plushies he has laying in his bed).

Iggy; Surprisingly, Iggy has a pretty regular/standard rectangular bed. (He's allowed a few normal things). But, I'll spoil that our favourite weirdo has a bedside table that's in the form of a pineapple instead of your standard wooden rectangular one. His bed stands in the corner of the room, but with a small path between it and the wall. (So he can hang/slide off of that side, too, haha).

Lemmy; Because he sleeps curled up anyway, his bed didn't need to be all that big or in a more regular form. So, his bed is in the corner or his room, and is the form of a quarter circle.

Roy; Roy was truly made for the mountains, as even his bed is reminiscent of it. His bed is built in between a small cave, of which the entrance isn't even viewable from the door. So, compared to all the others, you walk into Roy's room, and will see his bed 'missing', and only a weird rocky structure in the corner of his room.

Wendy; Wendy’s bed is in a more regular form like Ludwig and Iggy’s, but instead of standing with all four legs on the ground, it hangs from the ceiling. It’s placed in the middle of her room, so that she can swing it (softly) in every direction. (Of course, it’s filled with soft blankets and pillows.)

Morton; Morton has a more square shaped bed, and is placed in the complete corner of his room, with one side and his headend touching walls.

Larry; Larry’s bed looks a bit like a nest. Both by the outside looks of the sides of his bed, but also because the sides of his bed are higher than the middle of it. (Kind of like a bowl, but of course with sides that he can easily climb over.)

Junior; Sleeps in a hammock, placed in the corner of his room. He has multiple forms of hammocks, so he switches it out for another one from time to time.

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1 year ago

I want to share a snippet from chapter 3 of The Lovelorn King, a little moment between Junior and Y/n, because I'm feeling angsty and apparently can't keep my WIPs a secret. :P


"Peach makes him sad..."

Junior's fingers pluck at a loose thread on the blanket, his gaze falling from the book in your hands to the fucshia sheets rumpled below his chin.

"How so?" you respond absently, thumbing through the pages to see when the chapter ends. With any luck, once it's finished, you might be able to encourage the young prince to return to his own bed and leave you in relative peace.

The Koopaling's muffled response, however, is strange enough to snag your attention.

"Cos' he loves her, but she hates him..."


Lowering the book into your lap, you lean back a little further until your spine hits the head board, blinking mutely at Junior as you finally take note of the deep furrow between his brows and his downcast eyes.

Bowser is in love with Princess Peach...?

Your heart goes out to the poor woman.

Yet, if Junior is to be believed, it sounds as though your royal pen pal doesn't share the same affection for her would-be suitor, a fact that seems to have put the young koopaling in a glum frame of mind which in turn tugs at your feeble heart strings.

For the umpteenth time, you give yourself an admonishing kick for immediately trying to think of ways to set his mind at ease.

Perhaps it wouldn't have hurt to inherit some of your father's apathy after all...

But though Junior may be the son of the tyrant who locked you in this room, you can't get away from the reminder that you're dealing with a mere boy, a young child, as evidenced by the way he stole in here and asked you to read him a bed time story....

What quarrel would any self-respecting Queen have with a child?

Clearing your throat, you duck your head in an attempt to catch the koopaling's eye, hesitantly responding, "Hate is a... strong word. I'm sure she doesn't-"

"-She does!" he suddenly insists with a shout, tossing the blanket aside and pushing himself up onto his stubby arms to glare at you from across the bed, "She hates him! She says he's a monster! And she hates monsters!"

As soon as the words leave his mouth, the young koopa falls uncharacteristically still and quiet, lowering his eyes down to his hands with a sombre expression, eyebrows once again sliding together over his forehead.

Startled away from speech, you can only watch on as he slowly curls his hands into tiny fists, and in doing so, hides his claws from sight.

"If she says Papa's a monster..." he croaks at a volume you didn't think he was capable of achieving, "Does that... make me a monster too?"


Thanks for reading <3

You can find the whole fic here x

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