moony7drac - Moony7Draco

Just a guy that loves to create art. (And stories, on AO3) Current obsession: The Koopalings (from Mario)

76 posts

Based On/Inspired By My Own "love Language Koopalings Headcanons", I Made A Drawing Of A Part Of Iggy's

Based on/Inspired by my own "love language Koopalings headcanons", I made a drawing of a part of Iggy's explanation.

(Him being very much of the physical touch.)

Based On/Inspired By My Own "love Language Koopalings Headcanons", I Made A Drawing Of A Part Of Iggy's

He will often stand behind Ludwig and "use him as a headrest". Ludwig near always pretends to not like it, but he secretly loves to get hugged. (He just barely ever gives them).

Btw, this is simple family love. No romance for those who might think it with this.

Also, I tried to show the difference in their body types more in this one. With a hint of more of my own view of what their body types are like. (Potential extra colouring will come later. We're doing things step by step).

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More Posts from Moony7drac

7 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Day 5 of Koopa week, which mean it's Iggy's time for the spotlight!

As my Iggy is more of the healer, I made a lot of little one-shots (for a far as "little" is with mine...). With each part focussing on Iggy helping/healing them. I will warn, some are worse than others, but I will try my best to let you know what the injury sustained is at the beginning notes of each new story. (If I didn't give a proper warning, please kindly let me know, so I can fix the warning for it).

It will also be mentioned when it takes place, and in what AU (Koopa or human)

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7 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Last day of Koopa week, Junior! Finally a one-shot that I didn't have to speedrun to get out in time-...

But, last day of Koopa week, it would be a nice one to have a one-shot set into the future, right? So, that's what's gonna happen here. A piece of story that's set into the future.

Bowser has retired (not dead) and given the crown to Junior. But, now that he's king, that means everyone is an adult. That must mean they wanna leave and go live on their own, right?... And it'll leave Junior all alone...

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7 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

The first day of Koopa week 2024...

A friend of mine on here ( @milk-powrit ) requested I make a one-shot starring/centred around the Koopa of that day, and Bowser is the first!

This is honestly just Bowser getting to talk about his kids, and how he loves them, and what they do.

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7 months ago
The Last Sunset...
The Last Sunset...
The Last Sunset...
The Last Sunset...
The Last Sunset...

The last sunset...

For the last sea day, and full day overall, Ludwig, Iggy, Lemmy, and Larry went to see the last sunset we'll get from this cruise.

(And played a bit with with it in photos 2, 3, and 4)

The Last Sunset...
The Last Sunset...
The Last Sunset...

The last group pictures on the ship...

(Including some other plushie friends that were there for the ride as well-. The two darker brown bears are bought during the cruise).

The Last Sunset...

The final info of the cruise and its journey...


And a totally inconspicuous picture of some books/the small library of the ship...

The Last Sunset...

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6 months ago

Koopalings heacanons; Love language

I got inspired by me and a friend of mine for this, as we both know we love each other (platonic in this case), but show it in vastly different ways.

So, how do my Koopalings convey their love for each other?

General info:

The five types of love languages are:

- Physiscal touch.

- Verbal

- Acts of service

- Quality time

- Gift giving

Ludwig is mainly gift giving, with a denial on physical touch.

Iggy is mainly physical touch, with verbal as a pretty close second (or perhaps almost equal), and a hint of quality time (he hates that he hasn’t found something for him and his dad, and him and his sister to do together.)

Lemmy is mainly physical touch.

Roy is mainly acts of service, and a chunk of quality time.

Wendy is mainly gift giving/acts of service (her gifts are always something that you’ll need, like a nice suit for an important event.)

Morton is mostly physical touch.

Larry is quality time with physical touch.

Junior is gift giving and quality time.

More/Deeper info under the cut.

Ludwig’s gift giving is in the form of how he always makes his family a personalised music piece, which he spends hours, if not days, on to get it perfected.

And while he is never the one to initiate a hug or so, he is the one to pull away last.

He will also say to stop leaning on his head to Iggy, or to ruffle his hair with just about anyone, but he either doesn’t try to slap the hand/paw away, or does it with minimal power. (And sometimes even starts to softly purr when pet).

He will sort of give the physical touch too, though. Just not in ways most immediately think of.

It’d be like sitting on the couch reading something, and letting Larry lay against his leg while the younger one is playing a game.

Iggy is of the physical touch and some verbal love. The biggest example, is with Lemmy when either is not feeling well (or just ‘cause). Or with Ludwig, when he's overworking himself again.

Lemmy will often use Iggy’s chest as a mattress, and Iggy will hug/hold him in return. (And of course we have the whole thing of Lemmy standing on Iggy’s shoulders while they’re walking.)

As for with Ludwig, when Iggy notices that Ludwig is overworking himself again, (usually by not having seen Ludwig all day long, while he has been out of his room himself), he'll get to Ludwig’s room, get behind him, lays his arms over Ludwig’s shoulders and his head on top of his.

When Iggy “annoys” Ludwig, and Ludwig says something like “I hate you…” or “You’re a menace…” Iggy simply responds with “Love you too Luds/Luddy.”

Bonus on the physical, he is very quick to use his long and slim tail to wrap around someone's ankle during a hug. This isn't always a conscious doing, and it has happened that someone tripped.

Lemmy is mainly physica touch, as he is not afraid to jump onto anyone (usually back, but also shoulders with Iggy and Roy).

He loves to hug people, and lay/sit in people’s laps.

Roy is mainly acts of service, as he will see someone struggle, and help them out if possible. Like he did in Lemmy day 2024. If someone can’t get the new jar to open, he’ll say “give here”, and open it for them. Or, (in case if the small ones), he’ll grab the jar they want from the higher shelf, with a “here you go” or sometimes even wordless.

His quality time is through little things personalised on the combo.

Just Dance battles with Ludwig (usually late in the evening or night, as both agreed that no one must know).

Study sessions or simply physical research. (He and Iggy both took Biology in school, and due to this, sometimes accompanies Iggy when going out to find shit out (about plants or peole/creatures)).

Being Lemmy’s spotter while trying new tricks, as landing just that tad bit wrong can result in shit that not even Iggy or a trained nurse can really help with. But, Roy is strong enough to safely catch the little Koopaling, and is very quick to see when it (will) go wrong.

With Wendy it’s helping her while she’s making new clothes, or simply play dress-up. He’ll gladly let her paint his nails, as they’re often not that pretty on their own due to his love for fighting and showing off how strong he is. (And he thinks he rocks certain of the nail polish colours).

With Morton, it’s mainly the sparring sessions. But, what not many know, he’ll gladly watch shows and/or movies with his fellow strong brother. Or race each other on their motorbikes. (Quite a lot small things).

He loves to play against or with Larry in sports or games. He especially loves to play shooter games with Larry on his team. Together, with Roy’s knowledge on firearms, and Larry’s gaming skills, they almost always win.

With Junior, it’s an admittedly smaller amount of things and times. But, he’ll still gladly try to see who can get the farthest with their fire breath. Currently, Roy can go the farthest with the straight fire breath, while Junior can keep his fireballs going for longer than Roy.

Wendy is mainly a combo of gift giving and acts of service. She’ll make things you’ll need (soon). Usually this is clothes, like a fancy suit for an upcoming event. But it can also be something like a book for Ludwig or Iggy that has to do with whatever they’re researching. Or spices that she overheard were almost gone/empty on the kitchen.

Morton is very much about the physical touch. He loves to pick his siblings up and hug them. With the little ones also picking them up and put them on his shoulders. Although… He has done it once or twice with Ludwig and Iggy… (He would with Roy, but because they’re both the same size, it would bring him out of balance.)

Larry is quality time with a bit of physical touch

He’ll just be near/hanging our with Ludwig. Bake with Iggy. Do parkours with/against Lemmy. Spar or play games against Roy. Talk love interests (and sometimes fashion/trends) with Wendy. Just chill in Morton’s lap (usually when watching TV, or playing something on it). And play some sports with Junior.

But he loves to hug, and will sometimes also just cling onto someone’s leg. (This happened especially when he has just hatched. Ludwig still has a few scars on his leg from baby Larry’s claws…)

Roy usually just continues walking like nothing’s wrong. Morton and Iggy pick him up and carry him. And Ludwig looks down at Larry for a moment, giving Larry the opportunity to let go. Sometimes he does, but when he doesn’t, Ludwig just floats the rest of the way to where he was going. (He casts the spell onto on himself, so Larry has to really hold on. But, or course he never flies too high, so that if Larry fails to hold on, he won’t really be hurt from the fall.)

Junior is mainly gift giving and quality time.

Similar to Ludwig, he’ll always have a drawing ready for the person’s birthday. Usually this is a drawing about something he and the receiver like to do together. (Or just something that is really conveying their relationship).

One of the instances;

He has given Ludwig a drawing of the older brother scolding or explaining something to him once. Ludwig rolled his eyes, but thanked Junior anyway. Either way, it is a birthday present after all. But when he did something with blacklight a few days later, and it accidentally hit that drawing, a message of “Thank you for teaching and help me understand the boring stuff” appeared. (Yes, Ludwig shed a small tear).

Thank you for listening to me ramble if you made it this far!

If you have any questions due to this post (or a previous one, or just in general), please feel free to let me know/ask me!

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