moreneuroticthanjudicious - shh, i'm thinking!
shh, i'm thinking!

keisha • 25 sideblog for @thejudiciousneurotic

340 posts



More Posts from Moreneuroticthanjudicious

What about the Tartles in underwears or in bikini?

What About The Tartles In Underwears Or In Bikini?
What About The Tartles In Underwears Or In Bikini?
What About The Tartles In Underwears Or In Bikini?
What About The Tartles In Underwears Or In Bikini?
What About The Tartles In Underwears Or In Bikini?

Sure, why not? (DO NOT MIND MICKEY PLS.)

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I’m sorry, I can’t come into work today. I didn’t get a long rest and god gave me a point of exhaustion. All my skill checks are at disadvantage.

may i offer you something ? water ? food ? my heart ?? a whole life together ???

My boyfriend just woke up, mostly still asleep and told me “don’t worry, it’s getting better” in a heavy, American accent, which is unusual for an Australian man.

“Why are you American?” I asked, to which I got:

“Sorry, it’s getting better” in a stereotypical posh English accent.

“Why are you English?” I asked, amused.

“What is he normally?” He managed to ask.

“He? You’re not anyone else, you’re you.”

“Ugh, me” was the last thing he said, in a right proper Aussie accent before he fell back into proper sleep.

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