moreneuroticthanjudicious - shh, i'm thinking!
shh, i'm thinking!

keisha β€’ 25 sideblog for @thejudiciousneurotic

340 posts

Moreneuroticthanjudicious - Shh, I'm Thinking! - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

You have to stop ruining things for yourself preemptively because you believe they’ll fail anyway. Give yourself a chance to succeed.

5 months ago
moreneuroticthanjudicious - shh, i'm thinking!
5 months ago
moreneuroticthanjudicious - shh, i'm thinking!
5 months ago
moreneuroticthanjudicious - shh, i'm thinking!
5 months ago
The Bookworm And Her Fluffy Pillow

The Bookworm and her Fluffy Pillow


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5 months ago
They're Getting Married! (only For The Tax Benefits, Ofc)

they're getting married! (only for the tax benefits, ofc)

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5 months ago

op just discovered trolling

Kind of a Reddit AITA post but sometimes it is a little funny to fuck with people in ways that deliberately conform to a stereotype of what they must think of you. the other day I was talking to my friend and I randomly said that I wanted a pet chimpanzee. I'd dress it in person clothes (dungarees and hats) and I'd teach it to love science fiction. And this girl nearby was like "you know how dangerous those things are, right? Also how unethical it is to keep an ape as your pet for your own amusement" and I was already seeing where the conversation was going so I was pretending ignorance like "yea but it wouldn't just be for my amusement. It would have practical points too." And she ignored that statement entirely to say "Well chimpanzees can rip faces off" and I was like. What's the most frustrating thing I can say now. Finally settled on "Mine wouldn't do that though." and you could tell she wanted to hurt me very very badly. Like a chimpanzee would if I had one as a pet

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6 months ago

40,000 years ago, early humans painted hands on the wall of a cave. This morning, my baby cousin began finger painting. All of recorded history happened between these two paintings of human hands. The Nazca Lines and the Mona Lisa. The first TransAtlantic flight and the first voyage to the Moon. Humanity invented the wheel, the telescope, and the nuclear bomb. We eradicated wild poliovirus types 2 and 3. We discovered radio waves, dinosaurs, and the laws of thermodynamics. Freedom Riders crossed the South. Hippies burned their draft cards. Countless genocides, scientific advancements, migrations, and rebellions. More than a hundred billion humans lived and died between these two paintingsβ€”one on a sheet of paper, and one on the inside of a cave. At the dawn of time, ancient humans stretched out their hands. And this morning, a child reached back.Β 

6 months ago
moreneuroticthanjudicious - shh, i'm thinking!

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6 months ago
moreneuroticthanjudicious - shh, i'm thinking!
6 months ago
If You See This On Your Dashboard, Reblog This, NO MATTER WHAT And All Your Dreams And Wishes Will Come

If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.

6 months ago
moreneuroticthanjudicious - shh, i'm thinking!
7 months ago

πŸ‘ how πŸ‘ many πŸ‘ shrimps πŸ‘ do πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ hgave πŸ‘ to πŸ‘ eat

πŸ‘ before πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ srimps πŸ‘ flimp πŸ‘ geep

πŸ‘ eeb πŸ‘ ko πŸ‘ freeg πŸ‘ nan πŸ‘ zo πŸ‘ big πŸ‘ zig

πŸ‘ shrimps πŸ‘ are πŸ‘ made πŸ‘ of πŸ‘ shrimp

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7 months ago
7 months ago

periods are medieval honestly. like sorry I got suicidal last night turns out I had too much blood in me. yeah no some of it fell out and I'm fine now.

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7 months ago
moreneuroticthanjudicious - shh, i'm thinking!
7 months ago

for the sake of appearances i am very much a β€œthat’s none of my business” and β€œi don’t need to know about that. you keep that to yourself” sort of fellow. removed. respectful. but being fully honest i AM a nasty little ears perked freak… like yes tell me all of your information without being prompted at all. i love to listen.

7 months ago
moreneuroticthanjudicious - shh, i'm thinking!
7 months ago

We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.

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7 months ago
7 months ago
moreneuroticthanjudicious - shh, i'm thinking!
7 months ago

i don't know who needs to hear this, but guilt, self-hatred and shame are not sustainable sources of growth and healing. you can't hate yourself into feeling better, or being better. you can't repeatedly punish yourself for your flawed humanity and expect wholesome results.