morsartis - Morsartis

Your friendly pansexual fantasy writer and theorist. Come and be welcome. I'm happy to take requests for different fandoms as well! !!REQUESTS ARE OPEN AND ENCOURAGED!!

143 posts

Marvus Xoloto X Reader

Marvus Xoloto x Reader

You first saw him again on TV of all things. Some nameless talk show that played so late at night it could almost be considered early morning. You wouldn’t have paid it any mind- just simple white noise as you tried to convince your body to just sleep. Of course, sleep was made impossible when you registered exactly who was on your shitty little TV. Wide awake and in disbelief you watched Marvus go through those familiar routines you’d come to expect from him a life time ago. He was selling his act so well you knew that the reviews would be a never ending loop of praise. It wasn’t at all surprising of him and you found yourself smiling as fragments of old memories floated to the surface. Knowing him he’d collapse on the first vaguely soft surface he found and sleep well into the afternoon before his PR team blew up his phone. The thought finally drew you into action. Pulling out your phone you opened up Chittr for the first time in a long time and set about finding Marvus. It wasn’t hard. Finding a celebrity was always the easy part. Shooting off a friend request you hoped he’d see it. With luck he might realize it was you and accept. You didn’t bother with anything else as you turned off the TV. It wasn’t helping you sleep and Marvus wouldn’t see your request until the weekend if at all. Trudging from the couch to your bed you contemplated texting Polypa. She was always ready to talk with you when you couldn’t sleep. It was tempting- especially if she felt like sneaking into your house to spend time with you. She never asked for an invite, always just showing up on your couch or already in your bed. A long time ago you might have been put out by that. But it was a long time ago for a reason. Now you were used to the casual breaking and entering she did. You’d offered to let her live with you but she’d told you that she hadn’t wanted anything in her job leading back to you. It didn’t surprise you that she was still an assassin even on Earth. She was good at what she did. 

Flopping down onto your bed you let your phone drop onto the mattress with you. Sleep was slow coming but it was coming. Finally. Eyes closing you could feel your body start to sink further into sleep like a rock in water. Which was, of course, the moment your phone buzzed with a notification. Snatching it up off the bed you glared blurry eyed down at it until your sight finally focused. 

Marvus accepted your friend request!

Oh, well then. It looked as if things were looking up. With a smile you set your phone back down and closed your eyes. Your phone buzzed again and figuring it might be Marvus you picked it back up. 

Zebruh sent you a friend request!

Oh hell no. 

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More Posts from Morsartis

5 years ago

Home pt. 1

(part one of the Home series)

There was something peaceful about getting away from things for awhile. Something relaxing about being able to put life on the back burner even if it was just for a day or so. It was what had drawn you to the ramshackle cabin in the first place. The abandoned home was remote and unimpressive. A sort of thing your eyes could sweep over and miss if you weren’t careful. To say it was love at first sight might have been a bit dramatic but... It was nice to have a place to go where no one would look for you. Most had simply seen a money pit- and in a way it was- but you had seen a project. Your interest had started small, it made a beautiful photography set, and that was where your interest deepened. From there you had cleaned up the surrounding area, pulling weeds until your hands were red and sore, snapping pictures of the little well pump your had uncovered. Then you had wanted pictures of the porch. But the porch was falling apart and certainly not as photogenic as you would have liked. So you simply asked a few stores in town if they had pallets they wanted to get rid of. Surprise, surprise, they did. That was how the porch got new steps and boards. You had used some left over stain you’d found in the attic with an excuse of needing it for a photoshoot. An easy half truth to keep. No one in your family asked a single question, they were well used to your antics. 

It didn’t occur to you how deeply invested you were into the cabin until you used the many needed repairs as a way to vent out your frustration. Somewhere along the way you had become wholly attached to the abominable thing. The cabin was your little secret, a place that only you seemed to know of. That seemed to become useful as you watched your family life fall apart at the seams. 

Your sister was getting married, something you were excited for, even your parents were excited. Until they learned to who- or rather what- your sister was marrying. A young dwarf woman who looked at your sister like she hung the moon. It hadn’t even crossed your mind that your parents weren't as enthused with your sister’s happiness as you were. That night had led to one of the biggest fights you’d ever seen. Your parents tried everything to convince your sister to break off the engagement to no avail. She loved her fiancée. In the end she had packed her things and left. What your parents didn’t know was that you helped her. She had asked you to come with her and while you regretted not doing so, you had a plan. The cabin was slowly coming along and while you still needed to buy some much needed appliances it wouldn’t be long. It might not have been ideal, the cabin was off grid after all, it would certainly do in the pinch you were in. So you put extra hours into your job and buckled down for the long haul. You wanted to be out of there before the wedding and your sister was going to get a wedding present even if it killed you. She deserved at the very least that much. 

You were close to your goal. All you needed was a fridge to replace the busted one and then you could focus on some bare necessity furniture. At the moment you were working a late night shift at your new job, you had to juggle two if you wanted to meet your deadline, and going over your mental checklist. After you bought that fridge you would need to buy a bed first. Having something to sleep on was important, especially with your two jobs. Once you had that set up you could begin sneaking your things out. It was best not to alert your parents to what you were doing. Who knows how they’d react...

“(y/n)?” You nearly jumped out of your skin. Turning swiftly you found your coworker- one of the mothpeople- staring at you in concern. Their hands were clutching each other as they stared you down. You smiled reassuringly. 

“I’m fine Azar, no need to worry.” He seemed to think it over before nodding slowly. 

“Alright then. If you are sure.” Giving him another reassuring smile you nodded. You liked Azar, he was slow to warm up to others but once he did he was very kind. It might have had to do with his appearance, he was a death’s head moth with a very punkish fashion sense, not the most friendly looking person. But you found out soon enough that once someone extended an olive branch in his direction he latched on with all four hands and didn’t let go. You were glad to have him as your friend. 

Once again you were lost to your thoughts as you closed up that night. Azar had offered a ride but you had apologetically declined. When everything was all set up you’d take him up on the offer. But until then you had to focus on the goal at hand. Though you still felt bad for declining the offer.

(EDIT: PART 2 is up!)

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4 years ago

Tagora Gorjek x Reader

He ran at a temperature best described as lukewarm, it was always the first thing you were reminded of when you spent time with him. He wasn’t the coldest of the trolls you knew of course. Granted, neither of you got to do so as much as you’d have liked. He was a busy troll and you had your own things to stress over. Your chats and gossip were usually reserved for facetime on whatever app or device happened to be handy. Tagora had a strict schedule and while yours was more hectic due to family matters he always made time to talk. But luckily for you both of you had found the time to hang out in person again. It was a breath of fresh air- even if the pampering made you squirm. You knew that Tagora liked having a ‘spa buddy’ but that didn’t mean you didn’t feel bad for him spending all that money on you. As much as he made up a big deal about your debt to him you also knew him well enough now to know he was full of shit. He was throwing prices out there and not keeping track of what you owed at all. That and he wouldn’t let you pay him back even when you did have the money. He liked spoiling you for some asinine reason though you were getting better at returning the favor. 

Like now. A bottle of iridescent teal tail polish and that Starbucks he liked so much sitting on the little bedside table and a couple of ridiculously fluffy bathrobes- it’d been a dent to your wallet but that was fine really- you were finally going to hang out together. You’d both planned this day weeks in advance and Tagora hadn’t shut up about all the new products he wanted to try with you. Some of it you’d looked up and nearly had a heart attack at the prices. You knew you shouldn’t have checked the prices on the products because it always led to you being anxious about using them but there were a few troll products humans couldn’t use without consequences and you liked to be careful. Luckily Tagora was almost as vigilant as you when it came to products. Which was why you were both reclined on the human bed he’d gotten just for the two of you, your skin was so silky smooth now it felt like you’d gotten rid of a years worth of grime. It also smelled nice- certainly not as strong as most human products were. Just a faint scent that you wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for the sheer amount of it you’d both used. Somewhere in Tagora’s hive you could hear Ferret dad scuttling around and the soft sound of Tagora breathing. The bed shifted and you opened an eye to watch him grab his Starbucks from the table and sit up slightly. He looked peaceful laying back with you and drinking that sugary monstrosity. The rigid way he usually help himself had melted away to loose shoulders and half lidded eyes. They were filling out more with teal lately- an indicator of an adult molt coming up. He’d mentioned it a couple of times asking you to check in on his lusus when the molt hit and make sure nothing in his fridge rotted. That bit of biology lesson had been enlightening as well as deeply disturbing. It also saddened you to think Ferret dad would be leaving to find a new charge soon. Reaching over you grabbed Tagora’s free hand and gave it a squeeze. His lips twitched around his straw as he squeezed back. This was your favorite part of your spa days, just relaxing together. Being able to reach out and hold hands when you wanted to. He gave you a gentle tug as he leaned back over to set his drink on the table. When he settled again there was that familiar sly grin- sharp teeth poking out from behind black lips- that told you he had some sort of juicy gossip to share with you. 

“You won’t believe what I overheard the other day.” He started, voice hushed with glee. Oh, you thought with your own smile, this was going to be good. 

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5 years ago

Home pt. 2

(Part 2 of the Home series.)

Dead on your feet did not describe you at that moment. You were well past that mark, swaying ever so slightly as you stood, at this time of night the store was almost dead. Only a few other people were milling about, most of which were nocturnal. At the moment you stood in the hardware aisle. You needed more bathroom tiles. Luckily it was only a small spot but you wanted it done before any water damage could set in. But the tiles you needed were out of reach on the top shelf. You had told your parents you were stopping at the store for a new shaving razor- and you were- but your main reason was the tile. It would take away from your fridge budget but even so all you needed was one more check. The thought of having such a big part of your renovations done had put you in such a chipper mood you hadn’t even complained about the double shift one of your bosses had forced on you. Though now you were beginning to see a problem. It was going to be dangerous climbing up the shelves in this state but you needed those tiles. 

“(Y/N)!” A voice called out causing you to jump from surprise. Azar stood at the other end of the aisle with a basket hanging neatly from one arm. He looked just as surprised to see you as you were to see him. 

“Azar? Hey.” You smiled tiredly. The surprise melted to concern the closer he came to you. It might have been the bags under your eyes. 

“Are you alright?” He asked, his antennae flicked about in concern. For a moment you found it incredibly endearing- and distracting. 

“Yeah just a double shift y’know?” Your laugh sounded only slightly defeated. Azar frowned and grabbed the tiles you had been staring at. 

“Is this all you needed?”

“Yes, thank you.” 

“You can thank me by letting me take you home. There is no way you can drive in your state.”

“I walked-,”

“Even more concerning. Just let me do this alright? I’ll sleep better knowing you didn't pass out on the sidewalk or got jumped on the way home.”

You bit your lip. On one hand you didn’t want to walk home. He had valid points on that front. But on the other you knew your parents would throw an absolute fit if they saw him. 

“Listen Azar, I’d love that but-,”

“No buts. I am going to take you home.”

“Yeah, okay, but-,”

“(Y/N). If the thought of me knowing where you live makes you uncomfortable I’m alright dropping you at the end of your street. I just don’t want you to walk all the way home when you are clearly exhausted.”

“It’s not that Azar,” You sighed, shoulder’s slumping, “It’s my parents. They’re very... Traditional.”

You could see the moment he realized what you meant. At first his face went carefully blank and then his whole body went taut with what you assumed was anger. 

“So you have to sneak around behind their backs? That is no way to live!”

“I know but I’m working on it. They already kicked out my sister, she was lucky she had a fiancée she was already semi-living with.”

“Do you have a place to go if they do kick you out?”

“Sort of?” You dragged out sheepishly. Azar sighed. 

“I won’t pry. Just know that if push comes to shove you can stay at my place for as long as it takes to get back on your feet.” 

You stared at him stunned. Was he really willing to do that for you? It nearly made you cry with relief at having a plan b that didn’t involve crashing with your sister and her wife. Instead you simply nodded and allowed him to lead you towards the check out. The cashier raised a brow at the two of you but didn’t ask questions, just rang you both up and sent you on your merry way. 

Azar dropped you off two houses down from your own, waiting until you had given a wave from your doorstep before he drove off. Fortunately it seemed your parents were fast asleep and you happily snuck up to your room. Closing the door softly you pulled out the tile and stuffed it into the bottom of your hiking bag. The less questions the better. Next week was pay week and the thought followed you to bed. Next week was the break you needed. Soon you’d have a fridge to stock and the only major purchase you’d have to make after that was the bed. Everything else could simply be moved. Your parents couldn’t have you arrested for theft if you only took what you had bought in the first place. Yes, once you had the fridge and the bed you’d be home free. 

(Part 3 is up!)

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5 years ago

Modern Fantasy Dwarf Headcanons #1

Dwarves flock to mountain ranges and usually build their capitol in the largest mountain of that range. Though they prefer the company of other dwarves it is not uncommon to find dwarves in mining towns/former mining towns. There is no safer mine than a dwarven mine as they follow regulations strictly and efficiently, unwilling to risk the life of a single worker lest production go down. 

Be warned though! If a human works alongside dwarves for any extended amount of time the dwarves closest to them tend to adopt the human families into their own whether the humans in question likes it or not. This caused quite a bit of trouble in the past though not as much as it does in the present. 

Dwarves who adopt human families into their own have a tendency to simply take the children of the family (especially those of the human extended family) that aren’t being treated right. This has caused some strain between the communities as this is protected under dwarven law but illegal under human law. Most disputes end up in a mixed race court. Only one dispute has ended up going all the way to the High Council, The Copperbeard Clan vs The Herring Family. (The main reasoning being that the claiming dwarf was still rather young herself). The case is the most recent and set up a wobbly law stating that one member of the human family must contend that the minor would be safest with the claiming dwarf. Despite its more volatile nature as a law it has held strong since its establishment in 1982. 

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