Tagora Gorjek - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Tagora Gorjek x Reader

He ran at a temperature best described as lukewarm, it was always the first thing you were reminded of when you spent time with him. He wasn’t the coldest of the trolls you knew of course. Granted, neither of you got to do so as much as you’d have liked. He was a busy troll and you had your own things to stress over. Your chats and gossip were usually reserved for facetime on whatever app or device happened to be handy. Tagora had a strict schedule and while yours was more hectic due to family matters he always made time to talk. But luckily for you both of you had found the time to hang out in person again. It was a breath of fresh air- even if the pampering made you squirm. You knew that Tagora liked having a ‘spa buddy’ but that didn’t mean you didn’t feel bad for him spending all that money on you. As much as he made up a big deal about your debt to him you also knew him well enough now to know he was full of shit. He was throwing prices out there and not keeping track of what you owed at all. That and he wouldn’t let you pay him back even when you did have the money. He liked spoiling you for some asinine reason though you were getting better at returning the favor. 

Like now. A bottle of iridescent teal tail polish and that Starbucks he liked so much sitting on the little bedside table and a couple of ridiculously fluffy bathrobes- it’d been a dent to your wallet but that was fine really- you were finally going to hang out together. You’d both planned this day weeks in advance and Tagora hadn’t shut up about all the new products he wanted to try with you. Some of it you’d looked up and nearly had a heart attack at the prices. You knew you shouldn’t have checked the prices on the products because it always led to you being anxious about using them but there were a few troll products humans couldn’t use without consequences and you liked to be careful. Luckily Tagora was almost as vigilant as you when it came to products. Which was why you were both reclined on the human bed he’d gotten just for the two of you, your skin was so silky smooth now it felt like you’d gotten rid of a years worth of grime. It also smelled nice- certainly not as strong as most human products were. Just a faint scent that you wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for the sheer amount of it you’d both used. Somewhere in Tagora’s hive you could hear Ferret dad scuttling around and the soft sound of Tagora breathing. The bed shifted and you opened an eye to watch him grab his Starbucks from the table and sit up slightly. He looked peaceful laying back with you and drinking that sugary monstrosity. The rigid way he usually help himself had melted away to loose shoulders and half lidded eyes. They were filling out more with teal lately- an indicator of an adult molt coming up. He’d mentioned it a couple of times asking you to check in on his lusus when the molt hit and make sure nothing in his fridge rotted. That bit of biology lesson had been enlightening as well as deeply disturbing. It also saddened you to think Ferret dad would be leaving to find a new charge soon. Reaching over you grabbed Tagora’s free hand and gave it a squeeze. His lips twitched around his straw as he squeezed back. This was your favorite part of your spa days, just relaxing together. Being able to reach out and hold hands when you wanted to. He gave you a gentle tug as he leaned back over to set his drink on the table. When he settled again there was that familiar sly grin- sharp teeth poking out from behind black lips- that told you he had some sort of juicy gossip to share with you. 

“You won’t believe what I overheard the other day.” He started, voice hushed with glee. Oh, you thought with your own smile, this was going to be good. 

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8 months ago

We haven’t seen Gor-Gor’s Hands! WHAT IS HIS SECRET?! This is a BIG Hiveswap mystery! THEY COULD BE TENTACLES FOR ALL WE KNOW!!!

We Havent Seen Gor-Gors Hands! WHAT IS HIS SECRET?! This Is A BIG Hiveswap Mystery! THEY COULD BE TENTACLES
We Havent Seen Gor-Gors Hands! WHAT IS HIS SECRET?! This Is A BIG Hiveswap Mystery! THEY COULD BE TENTACLES
We Havent Seen Gor-Gors Hands! WHAT IS HIS SECRET?! This Is A BIG Hiveswap Mystery! THEY COULD BE TENTACLES
We Havent Seen Gor-Gors Hands! WHAT IS HIS SECRET?! This Is A BIG Hiveswap Mystery! THEY COULD BE TENTACLES
We Havent Seen Gor-Gors Hands! WHAT IS HIS SECRET?! This Is A BIG Hiveswap Mystery! THEY COULD BE TENTACLES

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8 months ago

우리팀일때 가장 든든한 새키

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4 years ago
Your Name Is TIRONA KASUND. You Are FOUR AND A HALF SWEEPS OLD And 100% Certain That Your Good For Nothing

Your name is TIRONA KASUND. You are FOUR AND A HALF SWEEPS OLD and 100% certain that your good for nothing COWORKERS are OUT TO GET YOU.

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1 year ago
Gosh I Love The Troll Grubs They Are Absolutely Adorable,,,
Gosh I Love The Troll Grubs They Are Absolutely Adorable,,,
Gosh I Love The Troll Grubs They Are Absolutely Adorable,,,
Gosh I Love The Troll Grubs They Are Absolutely Adorable,,,
Gosh I Love The Troll Grubs They Are Absolutely Adorable,,,
Gosh I Love The Troll Grubs They Are Absolutely Adorable,,,
Gosh I Love The Troll Grubs They Are Absolutely Adorable,,,
Gosh I Love The Troll Grubs They Are Absolutely Adorable,,,

Gosh I love the troll grubs they are absolutely adorable,,,

Also, Tagora would open the baby gate for Galekh's goat dad just to piss him off. Goat father thinks he's a riot,

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1 year ago
Grubs-a-day 25: Tagora

Grubs-a-day 25: Tagora

A compilation of pictures of ferret grub zaniness.

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10 months ago
Tagora Would Make One Hell Of A Mommy

Tagora would make one hell of a mommy

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9 months ago
Last Two Of The Hiveswap Fellas!

last two of the hiveswap fellas!

forgot to mention in the last post, but all goldbloods are drone bees. that's why they look like that! azdaja got his drone features removed as it ruined his aesthetic :'>

Hiveswap Body Headcanons
Hiveswap Body Headcanons
Hiveswap Body Headcanons
Hiveswap Body Headcanons

hiveswap body headcanons

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1 year ago

Day 2 of Cringetober: Self Insert

Lazy and self indulge end card draw over? Yes please.

Day 2 Of Cringetober: Self Insert
Day 2 Of Cringetober: Self Insert

These two were my favorites from friendsim

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6 years ago

I can't believe my number one post is me being a clown fucker.

In addition, Tagora Gorjek is a Lawful Slut. Fight me.

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6 years ago
I Finally Gave Friendsim A Try And I WAS NOT PREPARED To Fall In Love This Easily.
I Finally Gave Friendsim A Try And I WAS NOT PREPARED To Fall In Love This Easily.
I Finally Gave Friendsim A Try And I WAS NOT PREPARED To Fall In Love This Easily.

I finally gave friendsim a try and I WAS NOT PREPARED to fall in love this easily.


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6 years ago
Sometimes U Just Gotta... Sticc That Leggy Out Real Far.
Sometimes U Just Gotta... Sticc That Leggy Out Real Far.
Sometimes U Just Gotta... Sticc That Leggy Out Real Far.
Sometimes U Just Gotta... Sticc That Leggy Out Real Far.
Sometimes U Just Gotta... Sticc That Leggy Out Real Far.

Sometimes u just gotta... sticc that leggy out real far.

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