Zebruh Codakk - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

the indigo car

all these people could fold you like paper and then there's zebruh

The Indigo Car

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4 years ago

Heyhey! i just wanna ask if u can do some zebruh headcanons? (if ur comfortable with it bc I know some people don’t like him) and ur writing is rlly good, keep up da good work bro! :)


❤️Zebruh Codakk general headcannons❤️

So you’ve landed on alternia with your good friend MSPA reader

They basically went around and befriended a bunch of weirdos, assholes, and best of all pains in the ass.

So after becoming friends with one of the COOLEST people you’ve never met, *cough cough* polypa

You ran into the BIGGEST FUCKING ASSHOLE Zebruh Codakk, or should I say PAIN IN THE ASS

He was so fucking annoying, at least, to you. reader was obviously uncomfortable with him but they weren’t going to say anything. They were too nice.

He kept saying weird things with emojis to them, he barely paid attention to you. He didn’t even look at you. So you just ignored him.

Eventually he and reader became friends, with both of you walking away. He eventually began to run into you even when reader wasn’t there.

He actually turned out to be pretty aright. He had funny jokes and whenever he “flirted” with you, you could just laugh it off

He found you very very interesting.

He loving being around you and talking to you because he couldn’t believe he found someone who could stand him.

And as your friendship one month anniversary, you got him marvus’ signature cause like, who doesn’t want that?

He eventually being to feel very red for you, resulting in him avoiding you and ignored whenever you called

His Lusus and you found this very annoying.

His Lusus cause he had to hear zebruh cry every night and complain about how “♠️they’d never be red for me♠️”

And you well because you thought he hated you.

You ended up doing was marching over to his house- HIVE and having zebra dad open the door

You demand he tell you why he was ignoring you and I quote,

“♠️well isn’t it obvious! You don’t return my red feelings! So I had to make sure I wouldn’t catch anymore!♠️”


“Zebruh I’m red for you too-“


You get tackled and kisses all over your face.

His Lusus is just glad he finally got off his ass

They man loves to help you with EVERYTHING. You have literally moved into his house, reader didn’t want to because of friendship confidentiality

He loves being around you 24/7

He does give you space though, he’s considerate of you and your h u m an needs

His kisses are so long and passionately. He loves kisses I’m sorry to tell you.


His dates are like sTUPID expense with tons of gifts

He has toned down his flirting with other people, simply, because they’re not you. He wants to be with you for as long as you’ll have him. He really does love you.

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4 years ago

may we get some yandere zebruh headcanons,please? stinky lil man. . . 👿

I see you are a man of taste. You deserve a raise. Go to my house and fuck my f/o

❤️yandere Zebruh Codakk headcannons 🖤

You both basically meet the same way, reader is trying to make friends and you’re tagging along. But it’s more off. Strange. Lingering looks, touches, uncomfortable laughs, being too close too soon.

He felt uncomfortably close to you, he’d run into in strange places. Low blood places, when you’re handing out with Diemen. It didn’t make sense

He wasn’t suppose to be there. He wasn’t suppose to. It felt wrong and uncomfortable. You felt raw and uncomfortable around him. Like he could see everything you’ve tried to hide

And he could see it. He paid the drones to watch you whenever you walked pass them. He knew everything about you.

The obession was quick. He saw you and it began it itch at him. Like if he wasnt touching you his skin would burn off. He knew there was no way he’d get you to come to him. You’d rather run to Ardata, and he knew that. He knew you hated him but it only made him crave you more.

He doesn’t care, you’re in love with him. Even if it’s pitch black. He calls to drones one night. He knows you’re doing to be walking to your hive by yourself tonight, no reader. Just you.

He gets the drones to bring you back to his hive. He can’t help holding you in his arms. Like if he even makes a small mistake you’ll wake up and disappear. But you fit so well in his arms. Like a perfect little doll

He chains you with velvet in his basement. He’s decorated perfectly just for you. You eventually wake up, to him cuddling into you. No way of moving. You can’t do anything. Not even beg to be let go, what are you doing to say with tape covering your mouth?

🖤Oh don’t worry red love, your going to be okay! We’re finally together!🖤

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4 years ago

Marvus Xoloto x Reader

You first saw him again on TV of all things. Some nameless talk show that played so late at night it could almost be considered early morning. You wouldn’t have paid it any mind- just simple white noise as you tried to convince your body to just sleep. Of course, sleep was made impossible when you registered exactly who was on your shitty little TV. Wide awake and in disbelief you watched Marvus go through those familiar routines you’d come to expect from him a life time ago. He was selling his act so well you knew that the reviews would be a never ending loop of praise. It wasn’t at all surprising of him and you found yourself smiling as fragments of old memories floated to the surface. Knowing him he’d collapse on the first vaguely soft surface he found and sleep well into the afternoon before his PR team blew up his phone. The thought finally drew you into action. Pulling out your phone you opened up Chittr for the first time in a long time and set about finding Marvus. It wasn’t hard. Finding a celebrity was always the easy part. Shooting off a friend request you hoped he’d see it. With luck he might realize it was you and accept. You didn’t bother with anything else as you turned off the TV. It wasn’t helping you sleep and Marvus wouldn’t see your request until the weekend if at all. Trudging from the couch to your bed you contemplated texting Polypa. She was always ready to talk with you when you couldn’t sleep. It was tempting- especially if she felt like sneaking into your house to spend time with you. She never asked for an invite, always just showing up on your couch or already in your bed. A long time ago you might have been put out by that. But it was a long time ago for a reason. Now you were used to the casual breaking and entering she did. You’d offered to let her live with you but she’d told you that she hadn’t wanted anything in her job leading back to you. It didn’t surprise you that she was still an assassin even on Earth. She was good at what she did. 

Flopping down onto your bed you let your phone drop onto the mattress with you. Sleep was slow coming but it was coming. Finally. Eyes closing you could feel your body start to sink further into sleep like a rock in water. Which was, of course, the moment your phone buzzed with a notification. Snatching it up off the bed you glared blurry eyed down at it until your sight finally focused. 

Marvus accepted your friend request!

Oh, well then. It looked as if things were looking up. With a smile you set your phone back down and closed your eyes. Your phone buzzed again and figuring it might be Marvus you picked it back up. 

Zebruh sent you a friend request!

Oh hell no. 

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1 year ago
2 Zebruhs I Drew Lately Because Hes Soo Cute
2 Zebruhs I Drew Lately Because Hes Soo Cute

2 zebruhs i drew lately because hes soo cute

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8 months ago

다운받아놓고 안쓴펜들 써보기

이메레스 참고

나는 여유가 없을때 짓는 표정이 좋드라.. 널 사랑하지만 니가 짓걸이는 개소리는 못참어.,

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4 years ago

The reason act 2 took so long to finish is because every troll is getting an extremely gruesome and realistic canonical death, except zebruh, in the end he's the one to save both alternia and earth, and joey admits he was the hero all along:)

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7 months ago

This is Alternia

Chixie Roixmr - This Is Alternia

【Chixie Roixmr - This Is Alternia】

From 2018 to now, I finally finished the painting I'm sorry if anyone likes zebraman

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3 years ago

The part in Hiveswap Act 2 where Marvus waves at Zebruh and even blew him a kiss was so cute

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9 months ago
Last Two Of The Hiveswap Fellas!

last two of the hiveswap fellas!

forgot to mention in the last post, but all goldbloods are drone bees. that's why they look like that! azdaja got his drone features removed as it ruined his aesthetic :'>

Hiveswap Body Headcanons
Hiveswap Body Headcanons
Hiveswap Body Headcanons
Hiveswap Body Headcanons

hiveswap body headcanons

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2 years ago

LUL OR CULL with Trizza Tethis

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8 months ago
Zebruh XP

Zebruh XP

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1 year ago
I Hate This Fucker Right Here Blends Him Up

i hate this fucker right here blends him up

I Hate This Fucker Right Here Blends Him Up

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1 year ago

idk if anyones done this already lmao

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