Behold the soup that is my brain! Big nerd, I love D&D and I paint warhammer figures too. Usually I post miniatures I’ve been working on. She/Them
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Mouldy-gremlin - Maybe Tired? - Tumblr Blog
Finished the bastard today

Over all a delight to paint

The cult is a Cawdor/Redemptionist gang turned to the worship of slaanesh hence the flames on his clothes

An angle i didn’t take a good enough picture of yesterday showing off the arm
Got some painting done today.
A mutant from the accused cultist kit with a head swap for flavour reasons i may get into later
I’ve been working on a slaanesh cult for necromunda for a while now. I really wanted some spawns and these were perfect for the job.

This blessed creature has been incredibly fun to paint so far. I got to play around with a recipe for skin that I’d seen and wanted to try out.

A lot of layering and glazing so it took a long time but it was worth it.
I really like how this thing looks like it can’t contain its mutations anymore and is bursting at the seams.

Still have a ways to go in this guy but it’s shaping up pretty nicely
Got some painting done today.
A mutant from the accused cultist kit with a head swap for flavour reasons i may get into later
I’ve been working on a slaanesh cult for necromunda for a while now. I really wanted some spawns and these were perfect for the job.

This blessed creature has been incredibly fun to paint so far. I got to play around with a recipe for skin that I’d seen and wanted to try out.

A lot of layering and glazing so it took a long time but it was worth it.
I really like how this thing looks like it can’t contain its mutations anymore and is bursting at the seams.

Still have a ways to go in this guy but it’s shaping up pretty nicely
I'm begging you to turn the sound on
“Cvstodia” seems like a terrible place for a vacation. But hey, aside from the monsters and fanatics there’s at least some nice architecture to look at


Will Elder
Woah, the worm hands were ONE TIME!
How was i supposed to know the book with the funky stand did that anyway? It had like 12 really thick pages and i thought it was carpet samples or something.
Besides, the whole ordeal was made way worse when that buff green guy shouted to “Come check this out, some idiot messed with the worm hands tome!”
I mean who the hell even leaves something like that out during a fucking house party?
Worst party of my life

James Warhola
question: would you be mad if there were still giant insects
no. i think that would whip ass actually

Finally got around to firing up my 3d printer.
After many hours of cursing and googling as well as a few ritualistic sacrifices i finally got it to print successfully.
And now my child is born

Behold the greatest creature the monster manual has to offer! The glorious flail snail!

Gunk, a shiny shell, a bunch of flails, a beautiful smile... The list goes on.

I mean look at this lovely face.
Looking forward to getting some paint on it.
Haven't quite figured out how I'll do the shell yet, thinking the airbrush is gonna be seeing a lot of action.
The model is by Yasashii Kyojin Studio over on myminifactory.

Probably not exactly the colours I'll be going for but close enough
I also printed another figure at the same time but he'll have to wait until saturday before i post any pictures of him.

why does this whole scene look & sound like a YTP

The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.

respect oldman fun pics

1. Mountain of Teeth 2. Erotic 5G
ok eels that was funny but can you spit the pizza back out now. please

Had this guy laying around for a while so I figured I'd actually try and get around to finishing him. Might do a couple small touch ups here and there as well as the base rim but I'm quite happy with how he's looking.

Quite a fun figure to paint and a good excuse to get some free hand practice in.

He will be receiving some bretheren at some point as i have quite a few old marines I've been meaning to get to for a good while now.