Dark Angels - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Dark Angels Blade Guard Veterans I Finished Recently. I Tried To Make A Video Of The Process But Messed
Dark Angels Blade Guard Veterans I Finished Recently. I Tried To Make A Video Of The Process But Messed
Dark Angels Blade Guard Veterans I Finished Recently. I Tried To Make A Video Of The Process But Messed
Dark Angels Blade Guard Veterans I Finished Recently. I Tried To Make A Video Of The Process But Messed

Dark angels blade guard veterans I finished recently. I tried to make a video of the process but messed up the videography so I’m just posting the results here

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1 year ago
First Squad Of Deathwing Assault Finished
First Squad Of Deathwing Assault Finished
First Squad Of Deathwing Assault Finished
First Squad Of Deathwing Assault Finished
First Squad Of Deathwing Assault Finished
First Squad Of Deathwing Assault Finished
First Squad Of Deathwing Assault Finished
First Squad Of Deathwing Assault Finished

First squad of deathwing assault finished

I love the watcher so much

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2 years ago

Had this guy laying around for a while so I figured I'd actually try and get around to finishing him. Might do a couple small touch ups here and there as well as the base rim but I'm quite happy with how he's looking.

Had This Guy Laying Around For A While So I Figured I'd Actually Try And Get Around To Finishing Him.

Quite a fun figure to paint and a good excuse to get some free hand practice in.

Had This Guy Laying Around For A While So I Figured I'd Actually Try And Get Around To Finishing Him.
Had This Guy Laying Around For A While So I Figured I'd Actually Try And Get Around To Finishing Him.
Had This Guy Laying Around For A While So I Figured I'd Actually Try And Get Around To Finishing Him.

He will be receiving some bretheren at some point as i have quite a few old marines I've been meaning to get to for a good while now.

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1 year ago

Finished this guy a couple weeks ago but haven’t gotten around to taking any decent pictures until now.

I got him as a birthday present and simply had to get started as soon as possible.

Finished This Guy A Couple Weeks Ago But Havent Gotten Around To Taking Any Decent Pictures Until Now.

This model has been a real test of my skill and patience but I’m happy with how he turned out. I didn’t realise quite how huge he is before I’d put him together.

Finished This Guy A Couple Weeks Ago But Havent Gotten Around To Taking Any Decent Pictures Until Now.

Non metallic Lion El’Jonson was truly an undertaking. The sheer amount of complex gold caught me off guard and getting the green armour right took some time.

Finished This Guy A Couple Weeks Ago But Havent Gotten Around To Taking Any Decent Pictures Until Now.

I had some struggles figuring out what i wanted to do with his sword but i landed on a vibrant green as I like power weapons nice and colourful.

Finished This Guy A Couple Weeks Ago But Havent Gotten Around To Taking Any Decent Pictures Until Now.

A closer look at his plasma pistol. Over all he’s been a fun project even though the size and complexity of this figure made the process a little more taxing than usual.

I already have a bunch of first born marines that have been gathering dust for far too long and it’s about time i got around to them.

Finished This Guy A Couple Weeks Ago But Havent Gotten Around To Taking Any Decent Pictures Until Now.

Here are the tactical marines that are ripped off their old 25mm bases and ready for some paint and new 32 mm bases but I have a bunch more that I need to paint strip.

Most of my old space marines are from two assault on black reach boxes and two dark vengeance boxes. So lots of monopose marines and lots of air brush work to be done.

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3 years ago
The Lion Backhanding A Chaplain So Hard His Head Flies Clean Off Remains A Certified Dank Angel Moment.

The Lion backhanding a chaplain so hard his head flies clean off remains a certified Dank Angel™ moment. Literally talk shit, get hit. Love how his unhinged behavior in this audiobook is just an appetizer to what happens once he links up with Bobby G and the golden hawkboi on macragge. No orbital bombardment on civilians you say? Improvise, adapt, overcome says the lion. He is a mess of a primarch that can sort of externally hide how internally fucked he is and I just think he’s neat. Also he calls his sons “little brother” which is wholesome. Hope he wakes up from his nap soon. Daily petition to wake him up @ James Workshop.

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1 year ago
Just Wanted To Let Yall Know Im Alive And Very Busy But I Love These Two Lads. Character Painting Is
Just Wanted To Let Yall Know Im Alive And Very Busy But I Love These Two Lads. Character Painting Is
Just Wanted To Let Yall Know Im Alive And Very Busy But I Love These Two Lads. Character Painting Is
Just Wanted To Let Yall Know Im Alive And Very Busy But I Love These Two Lads. Character Painting Is

Just wanted to let y’all know I’m alive and very busy but I love these two lads. Character painting is so refreshing after doing so many armies back to back. I have WIP and finals of the lord invocatus I did recently as well so I will share those soon. To anyone reading, go paint something!!!

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1 year ago

So I finished Unremembered Empire...

Actually I finished it like a week ago, I've just been wrangling with some gnarly insomnia and haven't had the brainpower to post. Ending thoughts:

For some reason I was under the impression that Vulkan was stark raving mad and stark raving naked when he charged Konrad Curze, and I'm deeply disappointed that he wasn't. Would it make sense? Probably not. Would it be fucking wild? Absolutely. I can only shake my head at Abnett's cowardice.

Does Curze have any motive beyond, "lol killing fun"?

Lion and Guilliman just fucking jumped Sanguinius as soon as he got off the ship, didn't they. Dude must have been so happy to see his brothers, and then they just cram a crown into his hands.

Euten rallying the Shattered Legions was phenomenal. Can we just make her their temporary primarch while they're on Macragge? They could use a mom, is all I'm saying.

I know it's a very serious moment, but I find the unexpected orbital drop to be such a hilarious concept. Baffled Macraggans getting bombarded by equally baffled Dark Angels. Imagine having a drop pod land in your neighborhood, and now you have these deeply embarrassed Astartes on your porch apologizing for blowing over your garage. Everyone comes out to stare. Someone's grandpa is convinced that the Word Bearers are attacking and has to be restrained from opening fire with a rusty old lasgun. A small child keeps escaping her parents to tell the Dark Angels that their armor is the wrong color. The Arbites are trying, and failing, to hustle everyone back into their homes. And then the Ultramarines come tearing in like the most deranged traffic cops to ever dog the streets. I'm gonna write fanfiction about this, mark my words.

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8 months ago

Decided to redraw my TMC oc Cecelia in this dress I found online, I was trying to find a theme for her fashion wise and I found out that "Romantic Goth" is one of them. (Vibe and color wise (black, white, gray and red) and tbh yeah.. Though she usually wears tuxedos)

So yeah, the colors might be a bit lazy but that's because I was experimenting (I also took like 1 hour to color it lmao)

Decided To Redraw My TMC Oc Cecelia In This Dress I Found Online, I Was Trying To Find A Theme For Her
Decided To Redraw My TMC Oc Cecelia In This Dress I Found Online, I Was Trying To Find A Theme For Her
Decided To Redraw My TMC Oc Cecelia In This Dress I Found Online, I Was Trying To Find A Theme For Her

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