mowochii - Mochi

lvl. 19

862 posts

Hunny It Was Amazing But I Do Want A Dom Gender Neutral With Sub Brothers And Over Stimulating Them~

hunny it was amazing but i do want a Dom gender neutral with sub brothers and over stimulating them~ your choice if you want to do it

Writing for all the brothers would be a pain in the ass so I'll just write for my favorites/the ones i have a very clear idea for!♡

Reader x Lucifer/Mammon/Leviathan

General Warnings: Overstimulation, butt stuff lol, double dick levi💪🏾

Section Specific Warnings: Handheld vibrators, bondage/Anal fingering and hand+blowjob, swallowing cum/Tons of cum, dildo usage

 Hunny It Was Amazing But I Do Want A Dom Gender Neutral With Sub Brothers And Over Stimulating Them~


A chronic over worker. The moment you set eyes on him, you knew breaking him would be easy as-




A sly smirk crossed your face as the eldest demon brother arched his back, eyes rolling and tongue lolling as he released a silent scream. His hands, stuck uselessly above his head, clawed at the mahogany frame of the bed, deep scratch marks accompanied by an ear-splitting noise almost covering the sound of his broken moans.


As the final spurts of his fifth orgasm covered his torso, you drag the vibrator through the filth, up to his lips. Still cloudy minded, he licks his own fluids off the toy, and you laugh. "Faithful as a dog now aren't you? You'd wag if I asked right about now, huh?" Your laugh resembles a cackle this time; the ease of which you brought the avatar of pride to his knees is almost as amusing as the fearful look that unfogs his gaze when you turn the vibrator back on.

Slowly, you drag it down his lips, his neck. Unexpectedly, vibrant red swallows the black of his pupils, leaving two ruby like eyes gazing at you from beneath dark eyelashes wet with unshed tears. He gulps when you stop, right above his navel. The vibration slowly gets stronger; you boost it, one setting, then the next.

You dip ever so slightly lower.

He closes his eyes- you wish he wouldn't hide that excellent ruby color from you.

Another inch down, and it's powerful enough to reach the beginning of his cock now. He clenches his teeth, and you move slightly farther away as his wings begin to twitch more violently than before. Big as they are, getting hit with a feather or two is inevitable, but at this rate the whole wing would smack you in the face.

Its not a bad thing though- it's proof of his pleasure.

Teeth clenched so tightly they could break, you drag the vibe head in teasing circles around the base of his cock. The choked gasps drive you on as you watch his thighs twitch. His dick, spent as it is, still manages to produce tiny beads of precum that slide from his soft shaft onto the stained sheets.

Heavy breathing and the toy are the only sounds in the room.

'One last time, for good measure,' you think.

He seems to read your mind, and a panicked no turns into a screaming moan as you drag the max setting vibrator back up his cock, holding his stuttering hips down as you hold it to the head, letting precum splatter a bit more before he blanks, breaking the bindings that held him all this time in the process.

"N-no more. I under- fuck." It sounded suspiciously close to a weep.

You blink, rather innocently for your current position. "Do you really?" You twirl the toy in your hand.

A slurred flurry of yes's meet your ears, and you smile. "Wonderful." You tap his dick head again, all cheer and wonder now. "Now then, let's get you cleaned up! Shall we?♡"


He finds it overstimulating when you so much as look at him. Touching him with purpose? He feels like he's-

"-gnna' die."

You stare up at him sweetly, the combination of two fingers in his ass dragging steadily over his sweetspot and you pumping him fast and hard making his legs a weak, shakey mess.

When you first sat him in your lap, a blush laid heavy in his cheeks. By now, the flush had spread to his quivering thighs, his leaking dick, everywhere you could and couldn't see. A glance at the clock behind him shows it's been an hour, and you smile.

Gaze drifting back to him, you say sweetly, "What was that, hon?"

He chokes on a moan, hips twitching up into your hand as another orgasm threatens to spill over. "I'm gonna die!"

You chuckle at his dramatics, but just in case, you check his body language.

Tanned skin slick with sweat and hot as a summer day pressed against you, close enough you could feel the push of his chest when he breathed. Short, heavy gasps on the shell of your ear sent shivers down your back. When you listened close, you could hear him whisper.

"Please, fuck, yes!"

Butterflies in your stomach. Your own eyes flutter shut, and you listen more. To his pleads for you to keep going, to the wet sound of him bouncing on your fingers, to the squeak of the couch that he'd drowned out long ago.

Fuck, he sounds so good. You need him- more of him.

"Louder, baby." You sound as breathless as he's left you.

He doesn't seem to hear you, though. In an effort to get his attention, you move to release him-

New found strength allows him to grasp your hand, his grip tight and desperate.

"No, no, no, no...." he cries, music to your ears, "please, please don't stop. I'm so close. I need you."

Emotion warps his voice, but you hear him perfectly clear. You chuckle, "If you still want more, I haven't fucked you hard enough yet." He gasps as you add a third finger.

He allows you to stop your administrations to lay him down, though not without whining.

Your eyelids flutter to halfmast, and in a voice silky and soft as the brand name clothes covered in his cum next to you, you say, "Watch me, Love."

He shivers.

Your tongue glides up his thigh, picking up some of the cum that sprayed there. Despite your directions, his eyes roll back as you lick his tip, and when you swallow him to base, his last thought before releasing down your throat is lost.


He's so easy to tease. Too easy, in fact. You've gotta catch him off guard, add a challenge to it! And while you're at it, why not add in a game?

"You're losing, Leviathan."

Headphones lost, controller strewn across the room somewhere, the game-loving demon had forgotten what game he was even supposed to be playing.

In your hand was a tentacle dildo, purple, long, and covered in rounded bumps that dragged against his tight walls in the most delicious way.

All fours in his tub, the drain was struggling to handle the massive amounts of cum his twin cocks produced. It had started to gain some height, his fingers being completely covered by this point. Each new shot splashed more onto the sweaty, exhausted demon's body.

"Did you hear me? I said, you're losing. For each loss-"

Cupping his throat, you drew his head backwards to look you in the eyes. The black of his pupils was void like, irises an unsettling orange ring around them that seemed to pulse with something dangerous. You swept his sweat-soaked bangs from his forehead, kissing the cleared spot and licking the salty taste from your lips. "-is another orgasm."

Fast; so fast you almost miss it, his pupils devour his irises total, and his tail unravels from his leg for your waist, damn near dragging you into the puddle of cum he sat in. His arms tremble hard and collapse as his cocks twitch once, twice, and release his heaviest load of the night. You watch with slitted eyes as his muscles spasm, enjoying the half-formed moans and squeaks that reach your ears.

Even as he cums, you don't stop your movement. Even as he sobs as his prostate is once again abused through his orgasm. The weak movement of his hips to meet your hand betray the fat tears that drip from beneath dark, pretty lashes.

You pause for the first time in what seems like hours, ignoring the desperate noise that leaves him as you get up.

Half formed thoughts wonder what you're doing, where you've went.

He's alerted of your return when you grasp his neck lightly to pull him up, leaving him sitting on the fat dildo you left inside him. "Here, Love. Play your game- your teammates were getting mad at you." He blinks slow, uncomprehending, before you put his controller in his hands. His sticky, cum-covered hands. He looks up at you again, at the smirk on your face, then back to the controller and the game being played.

And the only thing he can think is...



A/N: i had something planned for Belphie too, but i couldn't execute it the way i wanted:((( this turned out way longer than i expected in the end though. Maybe its cause im writing at my usual time again! (Cough two am cough) anyways, sorry for the wait @lazari-zalgoid but i hope you enjoy anyways♡ love yall, happy new years!!

Also the way i wrote these you'd think Mammon was my favorite lmaooo

Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged♡ and this isn't spell checked lol its two am

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More Posts from Mowochii

2 years ago

*hic* *hic* G-godfather Ghost

He’s in the middle of the checkout line when the phone in his pocket buzzes. He ignores it at first, but a glance towards the fifteen year old employee lazily scanning the items of the first of five in line, him being the sixth, tells him it won’t be any time soon before he’s there. He checks his phone, eyes widening when he sees, “SOS” written across the screen. And from Price’s wife no doubt. Three jars of pickles shatter on the floor along with a bag of chips and a pack of ground beef, and he sprints for the exit, car keys already in his hand as he prays nothing is wrong with her.

It’s about twenty minutes before he gets to Price’s flat and pulls into the driveway, already scanning for any signs of struggle or attack. There are none visible so far and he grabs the glock he has in the glove compartment for emergencies before he gets out and runs for the door, banging on it. Footsteps sound behind it followed by a baby’s cry and the door pulls open to reveal Price’s dearest wife, disheveled in dirty clothes and tangled hair (he’s like eighty-seven percent sure there’s baby vomit in it), with swelling tears in her own eyes as she holds a screaming eighteen-month-old.

She takes one look at him before breaking down much like her son, blubbering loudly, “I can’t get JJ to stop crying, Simon.” Tears are streaming down her face as she cries, “I’ve tried everything to get him to stop. I’ve tried feeding, burping, napping, changing his diaper, everything. He just won’t stop.” She reaches out with her free hand to him. “Simon, please, I can’t stop him from crying. Help me.”

SOS, indeed, he thinks and immediately puts the safety on his gun, putting it on the side table as he steps inside, takes the baby, and closes the door behind him. JJ stops crying as soon as Simon starts hushing him and muttering, “Giving your mum trouble, ay? What are we gonna do about you, Banshee?”

JJ’s cries subside as he coos at the masked man and she starts crying harder. “How’d you do that?” she bawls. “Oh God, I’m a horrible mum. I can’t stop him from crying ever. Only Jonathan can. He never cries when Jonathan is here. Only when I’m with him.” she’s almost inconsolable, rubbing harshly at her eyes as she blubbers, “He hates me. My babe hates me.”

“He doesn’t hate you,” Simon sighs and gently takes her in his free arm, putting his chin on her head to calm her more; he rubs her back. “It’s okay, mum” he murmurs. “Newborns aren’t easy. Gotta take it in stride.” He looks at her. “Why didn’t you call Price?”

“Because he’s so busy,” she cries into his black sweatshirt. “He’s so good with him when he’s home and I know when he goes into work, he’s busy and I don’t wanna disturb him.”

“He’s JJ’s dad. Besides, don’t lump the old man in with other men. He’s a good one.” Simon pulls back, free hand wiping her tears. “I’ve gotta treat you like Soap, don’t I?” she only looks at him as his fingers brush her under eyes. “Go eat and shower. I’ll take care of JJ for you.”

She quietly nods, lips pulled in a upside down “U” before she leaves, disappearing into the kitchen. He starts bouncing JJ lightly, talking to him. “Bub, you gotta stop being a banshee to your mum. You’re gonna drive her crazy. And if you drive her crazy, your dad is gonna go crazy and then I’m gonna go crazy.” JJ just laughs and tugs at the strings of his sweatshirt before seeing if they’re edible.

Simon walks to the kitchen and watches as she stands in front of the refrigerator and shoves food into her mouth. He almost laughs, almost, as the memory of a drunk Soap shoving roast beef out of the pack and into his mouth comes to mind. Still though, he watches as she eats until she’s no longer hungry, then bypasses him and goes to her bedroom. The shower starts after a while. It’s almost two hours before she comes out and peeks her head from the doorway.

Simon is there with JJ, playing with a stuffed action figure Gaz had gotten him when he was born, making up stories about himself taking out enemies. JJ is enjoying it, giggling along and she smiles sadly before closing the door.


Price gets home around seven-thirty and when he sees Ghost’s car in his drive, he’s confused and a little concerned as he walks through the front door. Setting his things down, he walks around the corner into the den and Simon is there on his couch watching some show about ancient warriors and weapons, JJ drooling onto his sweatshirt.

“Simon?” he calls, and the man lifts the remote in a greeting. “Where’s—”

“Bed. Asleep,” he interrupts. “Been asleep since two.”

Price walks into the bedroom and sees her curled up on his side of the bed, clutching his pillow; he smiles at the sight and closes the door, walking back into the den. “How long have you been here, Simon?”

“Since eleven-forty-five.” He rubs JJ’s back. “Little guy’s been driving her crazy. Crying on her.”

“Shite,” Price curses. “She kept saying everything was fine.”

“Oh no, she’s lying. Thinks she’s a bad mum ‘cause he cries so much with her.” He looks over. “I think he just likes us soldiers, yeah?”

The old man sits beside down on the floor and gently runs a hand through the brown hair on his son’s head. “Yeah, never cries when I take him in.”

“You want me to take him for a few days so she can rest?” Simon offers. “Me and the Banshee will have a good time.”

“I don’t think she’d mind that. Well, she might. She’s awfully protective of the lad.”

“Of course. It’s her babe.” Simon inhales and exhales. “Give me a blanket, yeah? May as well stay the night.” Price nods and rises, handing him a blanket before reaching for JJ and Simon swats at him. “Hands off my godson.”

“He’s my kid,” Price argues and Simon glares at him.

“And I’m holding him. Try tomorrow if you can pry him from me.”

Price rolls his eyes but raises his hands in defeat, content to kiss JJ’s head and, “I love you, son,” before he squeezes Simon’s arm and disappears into the bedroom to cuddle his wife and sleep peacefully.

2 years ago

Girlbossin 💅🏾

It’s a wild evening back on the base in Las Almas, drinks are poured, food is served, and the 141 and Los Vaqueros are getting to know each other better than any gunfight will ever let them. Spades has unfortunately found herself stuck in the middle of a cutthroat poker game with Alejandro, Ghost, and Price. Gaz, Soap, and Rudy had long decided to bow out of the game after each losing a good chunk of their paycheck, but God, the stakes were high now. A bottle of vintage bourbon, three rare cigars, a couple thousand dollars, and a few gemstones Spades had handy.

It's dangerous as the bets keep growing, and even Spades is starting to sweat like Alejandro and Price are as the cards keep moving.

It’s Price who tosses his cards into the pile first, a curse under his breath and Alejandro follows with, “Mierda.”

It’s just Ghost and Spades now, and he’s staring her down cooly.

“Feeling the heat, love?” he asks nonchalantly, and she inhales and exhales.

“I’m feeling something, Simon.” She looks at him. “I wonder if this is the night I finally lose?”

Something in his eyes reveals shock which quickly turns to pride as he shows his cards. A straight flush of diamonds. Five to nine. Everyone groans and Simon chuckles darkly as he collects his winnings.

Spades doesn’t show her cards, merely rises from her seat to cross the table, taking Simon’s bourbon from him; she sips it and gets low on his shoulder, whispering in his ear, “I’ll lose some night, but that night is not tonight.” She sets her cards down in front of him and he goes slack. “Eat my flush, babe.”

“No…” he breathes. “There’s no way you managed this.”

Five men are sticking their heads over to see what her hand is and it’s one of the rarest hands you can get. A royal flush, all Aces.

Spades hands the men back their items, save the money and gems, but takes Simon’s bottle of bourbon, and plucks Price’s lit cigar from his mouth, puffing it as she dances away towards a group of men and women barbecuing, as free and as pridefully as she pleases.

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2 years ago

Man is hurt and left for dead

He felt her moving even before she started moving, heavy arms wrapping around her waist to pin her against him. She gave a sleepy laugh, trying to untangle herself from him. “Babe, I gotta go pee.”

“Pee later,” he muttered against her neck, already throwing a leg over hers. “Wanna cuddle.”

“Baaaaaaaaabe,” she giggled, trying to no avail to free herself. “I gotta goooooooo.”

“Noooooooo,” he mocked back, burying his head in the pillow. “Stay with me and cuddle”

She dissolved into laughter and resigned herself to her fate. “At least let me roll over so I can see your handsome face.”

There was a moment of stillness. “…Promise you won’t run when I open my arms?”

“I promise!” she chirped. “Scouts honor.”

“Alright,” he agreed, unwinding his arms and legs. “I trust you. You better not break—”

The second, his grip slackened, she bolted, hurtling off the side of the bed and into the bathroom, cackling as he started to groan and whine about, “Being betrayed by his most lovely.”

She returned shortly to see him face down in the bed, still groaning and she crawled onto the mattress, laying on his back as she dug her hands under his chest. “I’m sorry, babe,” she murmured, turning her head to lay on the expanse of his shoulder blades. “I had to go tinkle.”

“You left me.”

“I know,” she pouted, kissing his back. “You had to spend two minutes in bed without me. I’m so sorry.”

“Now you’re mocking me.”

“I do it because I love you.” She squeezed his sides. “C’mon handsome, lemme see you.” He turned his head and gave her a pout. “I love you,” she grinned, and he looked away, a smile turning up the corner of his lips.

“Love you more.”

She rested her head back on his shoulders. “I love you most.”

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2 years ago

Simon’s about ten feet from his front door when he decides he doesn’t want to walk anymore. He’s half tempted to lay down on the floor, call his girlfriend, and see if she can’t pull him into their flat. He decides to walk the rest of the way and leans against the door, face first into the cool metal as he fumbles the keys into the lock, not bothering to look for the keyhole. It takes all of five minutes before he manages to get the key in and unlock the door. And when he does, he slips inside, closes the door behind him, drops his bags in the hallway, yanks off his mask, and drops to his knees to lay on the ground. He lets out a long groan as the muscles in his back and limbs relax, all the tension from the missions in the past months fades.

Footsteps sound through the flat, the echo of his love’s voice calling for him through the rooms and into the hall. He doesn’t look up, only opens his eyes to see her face in front of his; she’s wearing one of her face masks, the gooey gold eye masks, and a cherry red lip mask beneath. It makes him want to laugh and he snorts, low in his chest as her nose scrunches up.

“Don’t laugh at me,” she chastises. “I’m doing all this so I could look pretty for you when you got home.”

Simon reaches out and touches her head, fingers brushing gently in her hair; she smells so comforting, like vanilla and orange blossoms, like her shampoo, like home. He’s suddenly falling in love with her all over again as he murmurs, “You look beautiful to me all the time, love.”

Her eyes light up and it makes his heart swell, peace washing over him. “I made chicken and rice. It’s in the oven.”

“With the cream of mushroom?”

“With the cream of mushroom,” she smiles. “And I added an extra can of cream of chicken so it’d be really good for you. And I deep-cleaned the apartment. So it’s clean for you. I also bought you a new leather jacket and boots, so we gotta hit a pub sometime soon so I can show you off to all my ladies.”

He melts further onto the floor, wondering how a man like him has been given a woman like her; she is his salvation amongst all his damnation. “I love you,” he says, quietly, wholeheartedly, and Simon Riley has never felt more human than ever in his life. When he’s here, he forgets about Ghost, forgets about everything that’s brought his life to its knees. He’s Simon, he’s whole, he is loved here.

Her hand moves to brush along his cheek, his nose, his brows, and she smiles at him. “I love you, Simon.”

2 years ago

I'm in love with this y/n 😫

Opposites: violent yandere x quiet reader

Warning: slightly masochistic yandere, mentions of death (I apologize for this. I cut out a lot cause I feel it became too much in terms of sadism for some) Jack knew he shouldn’t harm people since it would upset you but he loved the look you have him when you scolded him for his wrong doings and how you’d make him pay for it. You never hurt him but you made sure he knew he not to do it again. Well you at least tried to. Too bad for you that he was a glutton for punishment. He thought of wearing jackets more often but loved when people questioned what remained on his body afterwards. The visible proof he belonged to you and you alone. Most people believed your personalities wouldn’t match due to your quietness. A person that kept to themself and an obnoxious airhead that liked to start stuff just couldn’t be good together. You two loved each other dearly and while Jack wouldn’t let his outburst affect your relationship in any way, he wasn’t afraid to kick someone’s ass for messing with you or do worse. A shiver would always run down his spine when he remembered the first time he let his anger take hold of him for too long. - “This is all your fault you know?” Jack crouches down, his eyes locked into a stare with ones permanently frozen in fear. “Y/n has been mine even before we started dating but you could never let them go now could you? It doesn’t matter now though.” A cruel smile forms on his lips as his voice becomes a harsh whisper. “I’ll make sure to hide your hands well so even in death you won’t be able to touch my angel.”

Jack felt a heavy weight lifted of his back once the bastard’s body was gone for good. He still hated him with every fiber of his being. The person he killed was a fellow student that was well liked by everyone but just couldn’t be happy with that. He just had to try and take what wasn’t his and so he paid the price for it. Anyone in their right mind would’ve see that Jack wasn’t in the wrong for what he had done. Jack thought that he got away with the deed. No one questioned him about the disappearance and the buzz soon died after a few weeks. He believed he’d get to live the rest of his life in peace with the one he loved and never look back. Until the day you walked into his living room, holding a bloody baseball bat. It was just going to be a normal date night when Jack asked you to get his jacket for him. His room wasn’t the cleanest and when you looked in his closet you found the old bat. He didn’t know what to do as you stood there, stoic. He was sure you put two and two together and his life would be ruined. He was more worried about never seeing your face again than actually going to jail. Taking slow steps towards you, Jack tried to think of the right words to say but nothing came out. The blank look on your face made his heart ache and he fell to his knees, hugging your waist as his face buried into your stomach. “Y/n please forgive me. I know what I did was wrong but I just had to do it. He wouldn’t leave you alone. I told him time after time that you were mine but he just didn’t want to listen. If you really want to turn me in then just bash my head in with that bat. Say it was self defense. I’d rather die in this exact spot than fall to prove my innocence and be taken from you.” Jack jumps a bit as the bat falls to the ground with a loud thud. His body tenses as you wrap your arms around in him a gentle embrace. “I know it’s hard for you to control your anger Jack.” You say in a soft tone as you look down at him. “Remember when we first met? You were mad at the world as usual. You’ve gotten better with it but deep down I know it’s hard to hold back so I’m not mad this time. That’s why I’ll go easy on you.” “E-easy?” “Jack…. You didn’t honestly think I’d forget about this so easily did you? I need to make sure you know not to do this again. One day you might slip up and get caught so why don’t I do something so that you’ll never do that again in the first place?” - No-one would have ever guess that you were the cause of the rope burns around his wrists or the odd bruises that would litter his skin at times. With a simple smile you’d deny having any part in those markings and that’d be the end of it. Not for Jack though. His face would go deep red every time you got away with it and gave him a glance out the corner of your eye with that smile on your face. He just couldn’t understand how you could be so cute yet so cruel at times.

One afternoon Jack was hang out with a friend when you came out or nowhere and nearly scared the daylights out of him. “I’m terribly sorry.” You tell his friend as you grab Jack by the arm. “I need to talk with him for a few minutes but you can have him back soon.” The friend nods, knowing how Jack got when anyone got in the way of your relationship. He shuttered involuntarily as a memory of what happened to the last person came to mind. You thank him before leading Jack off and he felt both nervous and excited because of your tight grip. “Hey Jack? Did you know there’s another person missing from town? Their face was a bit familiar. I believe we ran into them a few days ago and I remember that you didn’t like their tone when speaking to me.” Jack swallows hard and tries to think of what to do. He knew that lying to you would only make things worse for him but he secretly wanted that. “W-well I didn’t have anything to do with their disappearance. All my time has been focused on you my precious doll. Trust me when I say I haven’t even been by that old park in years.” You grin as you place your hand on his cheek. His heart beat quickens at your touch and as you lean in to whisper something in his ear. “How did you know they were last seen at the park then?” “….. Shit”

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