they/them|-|HI! Nice to meet you! I am Zoey I am mostly self taught artist, I take suggestions for almost everything and you can draw my oc just tell me when you do|-| https://artfight.net/~Realitylizard225577
177 posts
Mrmrsdarklordjrthethird - It Tis I A Human - Tumblr Blog
yay whiteout

If this gets 20 notes ill make one of moonwatcher, or whatever dragon+object you guys think of
Also commison page (hopefully) coming soon

Smallest bug I have ever caught!
Here you go my bug loving mutual @fivetrench

Drawings of the wings of fire spider tribe by @tobuzzu

Guys a swear it’s a cow

Drawing my mutuals #20 yay!
for @cryptidcake02 I noticed that they have opposite colored eyes:)
lol I couldn’t reboot your post but I animated it bc I was a bit bored

Big art dump lol goood luck looking through these

Drawing my mutuals #19 I’m pretty sure
Varyrynenite and her mate astronomy for @minttea31 hopefully you like it!

Uhm drawing my mutuals # 18 I think idk
For @welcometothevoidmychild wow sorry I didn’t finish it so I tried to draw it again but it still didn’t turn out that well

Taking a break from drawing my mutuals to draw a present for a good friend of mine
Good job if you can tell who it is

Drawing my mutuals #17
Drawing this character was really fun! @gremalkinn sorry for not coloring it I might color it in the future thought

Ok I think this is drawing my mutuals #16
for @crystalized-obsidian (sorry it’s not colored)
Ok so this will be the last drawing I put out before I start posting slower I’m sorry but school has started and there is going to be a lot of stuff that I need to work on
Mutuals who I will draw next please be patient
@gremalkinn @welcometothevoidmychild @minttea31 @cryptidcake02 @inktherain @bandomenjamin @sky-raider7

Drawing my mutuals #14 this fella was fun to draw
Yayay that’s so many i dont know how i did that

Drawing mutuals #14
wow that was crazy fast lol anyways it was fun to draw them! @thumpercloudbright

Drawing my mutuals #13 sorry I didn’t color it

Drawing my mutuals #12 for @fivetrench
no offense buuuut

What happens when a Merman falls into wonderland?
✨ Read Merman in Wonderland ✨
On Webtoons and Tapas!
I might not post for the next couple of 10 month but I’m not dead I swear I’m just school
😇please forgive me
that’s a joke I won’t forget about y’all but imagine I will be posting less thought so be prepared

Drawing mutuals #11 @clownpalette it was hard to get the right colors since you use so many lol so I just eyeballed it

I wish I could interact with my characters like this
also thank you @fivetrench for Tyrone’s new outfit he is still refusing to wear shoes though

What do you guys think of him? Hes my dnd character feel free to ask about him! (Bonus points if you can tell what his tattoo says)

There he is with a normal sized pirate (hes smoll) hat and a him sized top hat