24 they/themBi If anyone is interested my Instagram is @8alpaca.queen8 I cosplay and do art!
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This is my new fav wisdom teeth video
The person whose name is written in this notebook…(▽ミズキ)
*ominous Death Note writing music* The person whose name is written in this notebook will, in 40 seconds… forget how to ride a bicycle wHAT THE HELL IS THIS *falls off bike*
bye i love this

Beware fictional crushes.

Dan saying “I have a big tiger in my pants.” in French.

my new years resolution is to……*spins wheel*…uh…..*throws dart*
happy 2016! its practically still new years, so i made these handy GIFS to determine what you need to do more of this year. take a screenshot and to find out what ya get! (dont remove plz: (fast gifs multiple gifs epilepsy) )

i personally love to over analyze everything and suffer
The Signs Lost In The Woods
Aries: takes time to enjoy doing all the crazy shit you can get away with in secluded areas, but eventually gets bored and throws a hissy fit
Taurus: makes it into a camping trip and genuinely enjoys the scenery, until the mosquitos arrive to claim their territory
Gemini: is extremely snippy until they find a way out because no outside world no communication and no wifi
Cancer: definitely terrified and hiding under a tree until someone finds a path out and comes to get them
Leo: laughing a lot because of how ridiculous the situation is, but ultimately just wonders why they came into the woods in the first place
Virgo: is panicking hysterically but somehow manages to get everyone out safely within five minutes
Libra: doesn't really care about the bugs or annoying weather, and just wants to make sure their friends don't get eaten by bears
Scorpio: is really fed up by everything and everyone and storms off to go sleep under a tree until they feel like looking for a way out
Sagittarius: runs off and explores every nook and cranny of the woods, more interested in the adventure than getting out
Capricorn: makes a plan for a steady return, but gets pissy when someone calls it stupid and goes to sulk in a tree
Aquarius: is super annoyed but tries to kill time by taking a bunch of pictures of leaves and searching for cute animals
Pisces: cries and screams because "this is scary" and "what if we never make it back"

my math teacher tried to hit on another teacher
The Signs as Art School Experiences
Aries: paper that costs +$7 a sheet. you have to buy 5 but the teacher only has you use 2
Taurus: is this ink, paint, ketchup, or blood? you haven't been working, eating, or around sharp objects
Gemini: the sound of the drawing class one floor above you dragging furniture around as they rearrange to make room for a live model or still life
Cancer: there's a drunk student crying in the hallway at 3AM because he's not good at writing english paper outlines
Leo: you wanted to shoot your animation? too bad. all the FlipBook stations are either broken or occupied
Virgo: goddammit the live model is fucking hot
Libra: a building full of students desperately clicking save on various drawing/rendering/animating programs the second they hear thunder
Scorpio: "am I the only one who read the instructions or did I do the project completely wrong?"
Sagittarius: the drawing teacher drawing over your work then criticizing their changes as if they were your marks on critique day
Capricorn: the fucking freshman bus
Aquarius: Drinking your paint/ink water because you thought it was your coffee
Pieces:"it's a statement about society and youth culture"

im a really affectionate person once you get past my 5 layers of shyness, awkwardness, fear, vague dislike, and loneliness

When you forget your phone at home

When you see someone wearing merch from a fandom you’re in