mrsnobodyimportant - Unbetitelt

50 posts

Writing Challenge Day 14: Describe Your Style

Writing challenge Day 14: describe your style

My style is honestly pretty simple. I usually just wear a hoodie or pullover and sweatpants. In summer I wear T-shirts and long pants. I never wear shorts, because of a medical problem. I really like the goth and steampunk style tho.

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Is it weird to be a Poe Kinnie and a Fyodor Kinnie at the same time?

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11 months ago

Im sick of getting body shamed by my own mom

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1 year ago

Writing challenge Day 16: someone I miss

*Her*. I miss her. I miss my ex gf. We parted because of her parents. It's for the best they said. You'll find another person they said. No. I'll never find someone like her. Because the day I'll date someone else, the thought of her will always linger in the back of my mind. She was my other half, the one who completed me. Without her, my heart is just a shattered, looked away dream. I don't know what the future brings for me. If I think more than I realise that she...was my only reason to live. My only reason to keep going. My only reason to...She made me feel, for the first time in my life. She made me feel, what people called love. I like to call it freedom. I haven't seen her in a while...I think I'm dieing. I'm tired without her. So endlessly tired. I miss her.

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1 year ago

Some comments really are...😬

As someone who enjoys The case study of Vanitas/ Vanitas no carte and ships Vanoé I've seen some shipping wars between Vanoé shippers and Vanitas x Jeanne shippers. And honestly? It's just kinda... ridiculous. I'm sorry that I have to say It this way, but, fighting over the sexuality/ love interest of a fictional character? Really? I mean, some of the comments are funny and all, but it's still important to remember that 1. Those characters are fictional. Therefore you can't really know their sexuality or stuff like that. (Unless it's been confirmed by the mangaka) 2. Even if somethings canon, that doesn't mean people can't ship other things. The meaning of the word ship after all, is that you want to see two characters together, even if they're not canon. 3. Everybody can have opinions. Let people ship what they want and respect their opinion. (As long as the ship isn't something like minor X adult) So yeah, be respectful and don't judge other people based of their opinion.

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1 year ago

Is it just me?😃

I just realised that Suegiku and Vannoé (is the accent right?😭) are kinda similar.

Bye, that's all I wanted to say.

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