mrsnobodyimportant - Unbetitelt

50 posts

Im Sick Of Getting Body Shamed By My Own Mom

Im sick of getting body shamed by my own mom

More Posts from Mrsnobodyimportant

1 year ago

I'm curious 🤔

Okay so, I ship Sherliam. No need to explain why. But I'm kinda curious. Are there any, I mean ANY, Moriarty the patriot watchers/enjoyers who, like, DON'T ship Sherliam? Cuz...If yes...Where are you? How come I've never seen you? I- Do you even exist? Or does the whole fandom just agrees with those two husbands?

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1 year ago

"My child is completely fine"

No. No it's not. Your child is fucking broken right now. They think that they're useless and annoying and nobody will miss them. They just lost the most important person in their life and their only reason to keep living is someone who hates them. They cling onto anyone giving them the slightest bit of attention. They feel like crying every time but they just have no tears left. They're stressed out, tired and overthink everything. They see no fucking purpose in life anymore. They're burnt out and hate themselves. They think that they're never going to be accepted no matter what, that they'll never be enough. They think everybody hates them and would be better without them.

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10 months ago

WE WON!!!!!


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6 months ago

I can't be the only one wanting Scars backstory

I mean, where did he get his scars from? Why did he join this criminal group with the unspellable name? Is Rover involved in his past, causing him to be so obsessed with him/her ? If yes, how?

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1 year ago

Writing challenge Day 14: describe your style

My style is honestly pretty simple. I usually just wear a hoodie or pullover and sweatpants. In summer I wear T-shirts and long pants. I never wear shorts, because of a medical problem. I really like the goth and steampunk style tho.

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