I Laughed So Hard - Tumblr Posts
deergirl chaser who is beggining you to not get The Surgery (antler removal)

In Tomodachi life, Luigi drew a picture of Blues and it looked not so good...
When is a bed not a bed? (When you’re not in it)
WinterIron, T, 2.7k, crack, bedsharing, pining | AO3
Dear @hddnone, I hear you like bed sharing fic. I also like bed sharing fic, and I ADORE your work and also you. So here’s this. I wrote it in a night I never do that who even am i. As always, thanks to Stella for title assistance.
“I take it back,” Tony calls out the open doorway, “this safe house is not well stocked, they forgot one very important thing.”
Bucky appears in the doorway a second later, looks around the small bedroom, and then fixes Tony with an unimpressed look.
“There’s only one bed,” Tony says slowly, in case Bucky somehow missed it, but Bucky just shrugs. And of course it’s not a problem for him, he’s not the one uselessly pining away like a character in an old timey romance novel.
“So you take it,” Bucky says, “I hardly sleep anyways.” Then he turns to leave, like that’s just the end of the conversation.
“That is not the end of this conversation!” Tony says, following him back out into the equally tiny living room.
Keep reading
My mom talking about how she thinks magic is real: “I’m whispering so that God can’t hear me.”
mutual 1: I want to turn that man's prostate into silly putty
mutual 2: here's smth i doodled during science class lol

mutual 3: pls remember that you personally can drink milk and still be a lactose intolerance ally!! anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know their history :]
mutual 4: fucking a robot girl in the ass call that backend programming
mutual 5: holy shit I need him so fucking bad holy shit holyyy shit oh my god

mutual 6: anyone get kind of horny putting the ignition key in the car....it's so intimate....turning him on....
mutual 7: so lets talk about where scrimblo's arc is realistically going- I know a lot of people are trying to argue that he's being manipulated but this ignores the fact that there is clearly unresolved conflict between him and bleebus about their moralities
mutual 8: happy propeller penis thursday
mutual 9: "scrimblo and bleebus need to discuss their morality" god forbid a pathetic boywife does some torture 🙄🙄
mutual 11: guys we're not getting a new album
mutual 12: please stop sending me death threats
mutual 13: why is my whole dash talking about this band I don't even listen to.....
mutual 14: hey boy nice knife wound can i put my tongue in it
mutual 15: i'm going to fall into lake michigan
Writing challenge Day 19: My first love
My first love was in like, primary school I think. It was with a boy, let's name him L. I barely even knew him, we just sat together sometimes. One day, he just randomly confessed that he loved me. I was probably like: "Er okay...Cool...Me too?". I was so confused ngl😭 We stayed together like this until I think, 5th grade? My first kiss with him was under a fucking table💀 I broke up with him tho, because I realised woman are prettier. He was fine with it. I think he's gay honestly, because he always has that thing with a guy (let's call him B) going on. I still have a picture, where L sat on B's lap and B was fucking choking him. L was moaning like-. But yeah, that's basically it.
![Nipple Chilllin. [x]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9ad937b494ebd35c138ebf39bd663904/tumblr_ndcxr5NjVT1rjjr2to1_500.gif)
![Nipple Chilllin. [x]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2467647f574b978487ddde2e2feac273/tumblr_ndcxr5NjVT1rjjr2to2_500.gif)
![Nipple Chilllin. [x]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a781fb1c2819f13a4007e552998e254b/tumblr_ndcxr5NjVT1rjjr2to3_500.gif)
![Nipple Chilllin. [x]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/02641488b6e733ef2d9645841abcedf5/tumblr_ndcxr5NjVT1rjjr2to4_500.gif)
![Nipple Chilllin. [x]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/603ca7bedc18952d90b4dc1ad26870c5/tumblr_ndcxr5NjVT1rjjr2to5_500.gif)
Nipple Chilllin. [x]
it’s soooooo funny seeing people on tiktok making theories about the show bc they never read the books like… everyone is in love with luke and his friendship with percy and now i just saw THIS !??!!?

idk man
And thus Harrison-Starkey
a tale of three ducks. and a few more.
it was the best of ducks (huey), it was the worst of ducks (scrooge). it was the age of wisdom (donald), it was the age of foolishness (dewey). it was the epoch of belief (louie), it was the epoch of incredulity (goldie). it was the season of light (webby), it was the season of darkness (I've run out of characters)

in which mikami gets stuck in traffic and is late to the warehouse meeting
So I just finished watching the Nimona movie and...spoilers below guys.
So the movie felt like one of those fever-dream fanfics in the best possible way. When you just find that fanfiction that is perfectly imperfect. All the characters are the same but then the author adds more stuff to them, somehow making them even better, new characters, old characters, a new plot that words perfectly, just...phenomenal. Beautiful. Hilarious. The most insane, exciting, chaotic, delightful, I'm running out of adjectives; metal movie I have seen in a long time.
And the fact that it was an allegory for trans kids not fitting in and wanting to commit suicide.
Just wow.
Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture.
They’re the same picture.
I See No Difference.

For those that are going to miss the eclipse on Monday, I have created a simulation of what the eclipse will look like along the path of totality