Doing The Right Thing
Doing the Right Thing
Ransom Thrombey/Drysdale x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, some sexual themes (nothing too bad though), spoilers though I did change a little bit of the plot, a kind of ooc Ransom, and terrible writing (I blame it on being sick)
(GIF is not mine)
Summary: You knew you were making the right decision but do the Thrombey/Drysdale family agree with you?
Author’s note: The amazing @capshoney gave me prompt 35 and 51 from this prompt list. Since I’ve had so much fun writing about Ransom, I just had to make this a Ransom fanfic too. <3
I really wanted to show how self-centered this family is. Or, at least, how self-centered they seemed to me. I hope everyone likes it. It’s kind of different from the other Ransom fics I’ve been writing. >.<

(In this fanfiction, Ransom didn’t kill Harlan.)
“What did you just say?”
If you weren’t already on some of the Thrombey and Drysdale’s shit list, you certainly were now. You doubt anything would change that so why stop? You shrugged before crossing your arms over your chest, watching as the family lost their minds over the simple action. You couldn’t help the smirk that crossed your lips as Linda continued to lash out at you, leaning forward as if to pounce if it wasn’t for her husband holding her back.
“Do I need to order you a hearing aid Linda? I was pretty clear on what I said.” You chuckled as she gasped, a sharp glare from not only her but everyone else in the room now being thrown in your direction.
“You little bitch. Our family took you in. We helped you!”
You lifted your hands in defense, contradicting the amusing smile that still played on your lips. “No. I believe it was Harlan that helped me.”
It was a simple statement but it left a soft smile on your face as you glanced at the portrait of Harlan. It had been almost twenty years since Harlan had learned from his grandson about your situation and changed your life. You could still remember the grief when he sat down with you at his office, a comforting hand on your shoulder as he confessed he knew about your living conditions.
Your father had passed away two years prior and your mother? She found comfort in a bottle rather than pay attention to her grief stricken daughter. The times she did notice you, it was just to leave another bruise that you hastily tried to hide.
It had been Harlan that put up with your panic, defending the woman you now knew was toxic. It had been Harlan that sent her away, leaving you in the care of your grandmother. A woman who had been trying to see you but was turned away time and time again by her own daughter. It was Harlan that later took you under his wing, giving you the motivation you needed to make something of yourself. To not dwell on the past.
You loved Harlan and he loved you too. But you didn’t expect for this to happen. Harlan had you given you more than enough. He helped you get back on your feet. He helped you find a therapist to work through the trama. He helped you with school work, finding a job, and years later, finding the courage to confess to the man you loved. He gave you his support and you didn’t need any more from him. But he never stopped giving.
When the will was read, you were a wealthy woman. You and Marta would split everything. Marta would receive the house. You would get the publishing company. The money would be split between you two and immediately, you knew exactly what you had to do.
Every last dime you received went to charities across the country, supporting countless abuse victims to help get them back on their feet. It would help give them a second chance just like Harlan did for you.
Of course the selfish people before you didn’t agree with your decision.
You shrugged again. “It’s only right that I follow in his footsteps and help others too.”
“It wasn’t your money to give away!” Linda paused. “And the publishing company?”
“Harlan trusted me to run it. I’m going to do my best to make him proud.”
You knew you were making things worse by telling them you weren’t giving up control of the company but you wanted to see them suffer. After all the snide comments and insults thrown at you, it was only fair...right? But you had taken it a step too far and as Linda broke free from her husband’s arms, a dangerous look in her eyes and her hand raised, you immediately backed away.
You didn’t get far through. A strong arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you tight against a chest you knew all too well. Instinctively, you snuggled closer towards it, taking a deep breath of his scent as you lay a hand on top of his arm. Finally, you looked up, a soft smile on your face to finally see your protector. Though Ransom didn’t notice, too busy glaring at his mother who froze in her spot.
“Don’t you fucking touch her mother.” He said while his grip around you tightened. You couldn’t help but smirk as it was now Linda who backed away from her son’s sharp look. She quickly tried to compose herself as she snapped.
“Did you know about this? Did you know that my father was giving your...your whore…”
“Insult her one more time. I dare you.” He growled, cutting off her rant. He paused. “You know what? Fuck this.”
With that, he led you away from the screaming group towards the front door of the mansion. Once he slammed the door, he didn’t stop and started towards the car.
“Are you happy now?” He asked while not even looking at you. You arched an eyebrow before rolling your eyes.
“That’s rich coming from the jackass that always likes to piss them off.” You were on a roll today. But unlike the family inside, Ransom wasn’t having it. Or at least, he knew how to catch you off guard. He pinned you against the car, his body leaning against yours as he gripped your chin and forced you to look at him. His warm breath fanned against your face and while you knew he wasn’t trying to seduce you, you couldn’t help but feel weak at the knees. Your face was beginning to turn red.
“You’re so god damn stubborn.” He frowned. “Just because you got the money doesn’t mean they’re broke. Who knows what they’ll do to you.”
You scoffed. “I can handle them.” This only made Ransom growl, his grip on you tightened as he slightly shook you.
“Did you not hear the detective? What if they did something to grandad? If they did something to their own family, imagine what they’d do to you?” And there it was. The spark of worry that shined in Ransom’s eyes.
You sighed, finally moving to run a hand through his hair as you moved your face away from his grasp. Instead, you snuggled closer against him as a soft hum escaped your lips. While a lot of people thought your boyfriend was a self-centered rich asshole, you got to see this side of him. It wasn’t perfect but it was more than enough for you. Once again, you thanked Harlan for pushing you two together.
“We can hire a bodyguard. Or better yet, I’ll hire you as my bodyguard.” It was enough to make Ransom chuckle, his body starting to relax as he caressed your lower back. “You make me feel safe Ransom. You make me feel alive. If you stay by my side, we’ll figure this out...together. But I had to do this.”
Ransom sighed as he finally let go of you to slide his sunglasses on. No doubt he was taking a moment to settle down after the mess you made. “...You really had to give it ALL away?”
It wasn’t complete acceptance but then again, when did Ransom ever fully agreed with you? You laugh as you shake your head, tiptoeing to kiss him quickly.
“We’ll go on a vacation once we settle into our roles at the publishing house.”
“Of course. Every CEO needs a good COO.” Ransom laughed as he got into the car, grinning when he started the engine.
“And you think I’m the best choice for that position?”
“ But it’s a better title for payroll than ‘(y/n)’s personal eye candy.’” You winked before you grabbed your shades from the visor. You were about to put them on before Ransom grabbed your hand.
His eyes locked with yours, he kissed the back of your hand gently. But it wasn’t enough and soon, he pulled you close to him to kiss you. It was rough, which was often the case with Ransom but you could feel the emotion through the gesture. As he left you panting, your lips already starting to swell with the force of his kiss, it was his turn to wink.
“You know...I think your first order as CEO should be to soundproof your office.” He said as he finally started to drive.
You laughed and rolled your eyes before responding. “Keep acting cocky like that and I’ll be banning you from my office.”
“You can’t resist me.” You wanted to scoff and retort with some witty comeback, but it faded away as you looked at your joined hands. You smiled, shaking your head as you looked out the window.
“Come on. We have an empire to run.”
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More Posts from Mrsoutoftime

Being cute aka Chris Evans
Can you do a Peter Parker x reader one-shot where the reader is the female version of Johnny Storm/The Human Torch and she enrolls in Peter’s high school and the other guys at school don’t know she’s dating someone and ask her out and she rejects them all and then to prove Peter’s hers, she passionately kisses him in front of everyone and she decides to be cheeky and grabs Peter’s butt with heated hands and Peter’s a blushing mess because she has never touched him like that before? No smut
Thank you for the request! I really appreciate it!
At the moment, I’m only writing stories for:
Steve Rogers
Chris Evans
Johnny Storm
Frank Adler
I’m thinking of adding more characters later but for now, if you have a suggestion for those four, please feel free to leave me a message!
Hi! I just found your blog today and I think I read everything you've written. They are all very good. I hope write more.
I’ve been gone from Tumblr for so long that when I posted my latest story yesterday, I wasn’t sure if anyone still wanted to read my work. It made my day to get this message the first day I came back.
Angst/fluff Prompt List
Please don’t repost (stealing isn’t cool, but reblog if you wish) <3 <3
“I love you, please don’t go.”
“Stay here tonight.”
“Please don’t walk out of that door.”
“I thought things were going great.”
“Don’t you love me?”
“You make every day worth living.”
“I’ll keep you warm.”
“I’m never letting you go.”
“You meant too much to me.”
“I won’t let you.”
“How could you ask me that?”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“Shouldn’t you be with him/her?”
“I’ve got you.”
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“It’s late. Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“How are you feeling today?”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“We’ll figure this out.”
“This isn’t goodbye.”
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
“Wanna go grab a drink?”
“What the hell were you thinking?!”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Kiss me.”
“I care about you.”
“You could have warned me!”
“That was unexpected.”
“You haven’t lost me.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Don’t cry.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“You make me feel safe.”
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“All I wanted was for you to be happy.”
“I can’t do this on my own.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.”
“Don’t be afraid.”
“You’re always on my mind.”
“You have no idea how much I want you right now.”
“You’ve always felt like home.”
“I can’t imagine this world without you.”
“Dance with me.”
“Trust me.”
“Why are you crying?”
“Who hurt you?”
“Nothing is wrong with you.”
“You make me feel alive.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“Who cares about what they think?”
“Let’s go.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You’ve always got me.”
“I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”
“Is this okay?”
“You look like you could use a hug.”
“Did you need something?”
“Do you have a ride home?”
“I am home.”
“What happened back there?”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“Why me?”
“I’m right where I belong.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
“You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
“You need sleep.”
“Excuse me?”
“What are you doing?”
“What did you expect?”
“You’re not alone.”
“We’re meant for each other.”
“You’re worth it.”
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
“I’ve always been honest with you.”
“It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
“Just breathe, okay?”
“When I’m with you, I’m happy.”
“Going somewhere?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m right here.”
“You’re so adorable.”
“I’m better, now that you’re here.”
“I could never forget you.”
“Forget it.”
“That’s in the past.”
“You make me happy.”
“You’re more than that.”
“I won’t lose you too.”
“Come cuddle.”
“Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“It’s not that easy.”
“I’ve had enough.”
“I fell in love with you, not them.”
“You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to.”
“I am Home”
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst and Mediocre writing
(GIF, like always, is not mine)
Author’s Note: Long time no see, huh? I’ve been dying to write again and while this first attempt isn’t great, it’s a start. This is #63 from a recent prompt list I reblogged onto my page. Please feel free to leave a number in my inbox with one of the characters I’ll write for. I’d love some inspiration!

You were a fool.
From the moment Steve volunteered to return the stones, you had assumed he’d come back. That he’d back in a few seconds and sweep you up in his arms before you both helped the world recover from Thanos.
You hoped that he’d choose the life he made with you.
Yet as you fiddled with your wedding ring, leaning against the wall by the open door, your heart broke as you overheard your husband and Bucky talk on the other side.
“You’re really going back to return all those stones?” Bucky asked, leaning against the counter as he watched Steve fasten his gloves. His feet fiddled with some of the damage from the recent fight, his eyes focused on the floor to hide his sullen expression. “Someone has to Buck. I know the locations of where to return the stones and honestly? I don’t think any of the others are fit to do this right now.” Steve sighed, running his hand through his hair as he leaned down to fix his boots next.
Bucky paused. “You’re not coming back, are you?”
“What are you talking about?” Steve finally looked up, watching as Bucky did too to reveal his bloodshot eyes.
“Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it. You have the chance to go back and have a life with her. She’s the love of your life, Steve.” It broke your heart that he didn’t object. Or at least, you didn’t think he did as the room went quiet. You almost jumped when Bucky finally spoke up again. “You deserve a happy ending Steve. You’ve done enough for this time. It’s about time you went back to yours.”
Once again, the silence killed you. You felt like your heart stopped as you painstakingly waited for Steve to speak. Whether to confirm or deny it, you just needed to know. You needed to prepare yourself for a world without your husband. You held your breath as you counted the seconds until someone would speak and break the tension that seemed to haunt the room and the hallway where you were.
“Stop being ridiculous Bucky.” Steve finally said. But his voice was flat, completely unlike the one you came to love. Steve’s voice that you knew was full of conviction, truth laced in each word. Whether it was to save the world or to promise you that he’d be home for Thursday pizza movie nights, you never once doubted him. But this time, you faltered and obviously Bucky did too as he sighed again.
“Whatever you say pal. I’ll see you over there.”
You needed to go. You didn’t want them to catch you eavesdropping. But you stood frozen in your spot. The tears raced down your face as a hand flew over your mouth to hide the sobs. Your ring scraped over your lips, as if reminding you of all the precious memories you had and the ones you would lose the opportunity to experience if he chose to leave you behind.
Bucky froze when you saw you on the other side. He didn’t alert Steve of your presence though. Instead, his arm wrapped over your shoulders as he steered you away while he whispered words of comfort in your ear. But nothing helped. The only thing that could would be to see the man you loved return back with an empty briefcase and a smile on his face.
The three of you were silent as Bruce and Steve discussed the details of the mission. Sam had been oblivious just like you had been, hands tucked into his pockets as he waited nearby. But you and Bucky knew better. Bucky hovered near the end of the clearing, hands tucked into his pockets while didn’t know what to do. You stood next to the platform, struggling to find the strength to speak when Steve finally came your way. You were losing him. What could you say?
It all happened so fast though. The briefcase was locked, Mjolnir was picked up, and in just a few moments Steve was standing by your side. A small smile was on his face as he took your hand, lifting it to his lips to kiss it gently.
“Why the long face, doll? I’ll be back before you know it.” Lies. But you couldn’t say it as tears welled up in your ears. It felt hard to breath as he gently placed his hand against your cheek. You held it tighter against your skin and savored the feeling. With shaky hands, you finally took his hand and kissed his wedding ring.
“I hope I made you happy. Even if it was just for a small amount of time.” Steve looked at you in confusion.
“Doll, I don’t understand.” He said, letting out a weak chuckle as he pulled you close against him. “Is this another one of your song references? Because now really isn’t the time.”
You just shook his head, trying to force a smile on your face. “I love you.”
Steve smiled. “I love you too. Always.” He kissed your forehead before he finally let go. You missed his touch, your arms instinctively reaching out to grab for him before they fell limp against your side. No. There was nothing you could do to change his mind. Not when his best girl was waiting for him.
As he finally took a step onto the platform, he shot you one last smile before he disappeared. Then there was nothing. You were nothing. Your arms wrapped around yourself as you stepped away from the scene, venturing off towards the nearby lake to clear your head.
Steve had left you. He left the life he made with you. It made you feel insecure. Did you mean that little to him? You’ve been with him since the attack on New York but it meant nothing compared to the little time he spent with his precious Peggy. But you didn’t blame him. She was perfect. Unlike you. The bitter thoughts in your head kept repeating your insecurities, the panic attack that hit you making it hard to breath.
You didn’t even hide the tears as you fell to your knees, clutching the grass as you struggled to catch your breath. You missed him. You missed everything about him and it was too late. It was too late to tell him to stay. It was too late to tell him how much you needed him.
How quickly you crumbled apart without him. As you still struggled with your thoughts, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Quickly, you shook it off as you tried and failed to wipe the tears from your face.
“Leave me alone Bucky.” But it wasn’t his voice that said your name next. You gasped as you whipped your head around. It was like seeing Steve after years apart and not trusting your legs, you remained sitting there, looking at him in shock. Your mouth was wide open, your eyes wide as you struggled to speak.
“You thought I’d stay?” He asked, kneeling beside you as he gently helped wipe your eyes. Your silence was enough of an answer as he weakly chuckled, leaning forward to rest his forehead on yours. “How could I leave my best girl?”
It was then that you pulled away, constantly shaking your head as you struggled to put some distance between you two. “Best girl? No Peggy was. Is.” You paused, trying desperately to speak despite the pounding in your head. “You could have stayed in the past. You could have gone home.”
Steve couldn’t stand the distance. He pulled you close, not that you objected, holding you tight as he looked in your eyes. His voice was firm, the same truthful tone was back as he leaned closer to whisper against your lips.
“Love, I am home.”