mtnman451 - Untitled

47 posts

Kamala's "Outrage."

Kamala's "Outrage."

This woman is so out of touch with reality it's scary.

More Posts from Mtnman451

6 months ago

Alexa in the bag for Harris

Amazon Alexa gives starkly different answers when asked why to vote for Trump versus Kamala Harris
Fox Business
Amazon Alexa responded very differently when asked for reasons why to vote for Republican former President Trump versus Democrat Vice Presid

Does anyone else find it strange that every time Big Tech gets caught trying to interfere in our elections, it's just an "Error?"

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6 months ago

You can't deal with a democrat voter.

7 months ago

Joe Biden's new Book: How to Sell Out Your Country and get Praised by Your Own People for Doing It.

Biden said during the debate: "I have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life"

Democrats are professional liars.

6 months ago

Climate Change.

Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions - Competitive Enterprise Institute
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today. None of the apocaly

In the next couple of months you'll probably be hearing some rather shocking predictions coming from The Harris/Walz Campaign. I just thought Y'all should have some context with which to put their "Dire" warnings.

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6 months ago

How you can trust Demoidiots? SKamala changes strategy, but her puppeteers don't want her to deal with the illegal immigrants and have unleashed CNN, they need children and desperate people to exploit. Avoid this shit!


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