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just putting this out there:
do men realize how much power they give women when they ask for a blow job? i mean honey your dick is in her mouth treat her with respect or get castrated, bitch.

this is disgusting behaviour and another example of where the police think they are above the law. those offers are responsible for a man’s death and because they wear the blue uniform it is justified in the eyes of the law. please please please sign the petition if you see this and haven’t already, it costs nothing. however if you can spare any expenses, please donate to the Gonzales family too!

Jorge Gonzalez, suffered a broken neck, and a compressed spine at the hands of 3 sheriff deputies in Texas. He couldn’t even hold his head up for this mugshot…so they had to hold it up for him. They actually thought the mugshot was more important than a hospital visit.
After a deputy tripped him he hit his face hard and went unconscious. They tased him couple of times “to wake him up”.
He was left paralyzed neck down, went through a series of surgeries, and was in ICU on the ventilator for over a month after the arrest.
According to the hospital he went over 26 hours in Hidalgo County jail without necessary medical attention that could have saved his life.
Here's something I'm sure you find infuriating;
"I'm not into politics. I don't really know, I'm just not a political person."
We know that this IS being political! It means you condone everything - you don't think anything is worth fighting for, you're fine with the status quo as long as it benefits you vaguely. It's the mindset of someone so aggressively individualist, that the suffering of others is simply not a concern - since the system can't be broken, if they're alright. The kind of people to vote for a fascist if it'll mean that their taxes are lower next year. To stand by and watch oppression is insidious. Not even watch - to Celebrate oppression as long as it's against the "savages" and "beasts." Mass mistreatment still exists beyond the gulf surrounding apathetic suburbia.
Let's try to make this as clear as possible for hopefully the final time. The ONLY viable option who can beat Trump this November is JOE BIDEN! Not kamala Harris, not gretchen Whitmer, not Pete buttigieg, not Gavin Newsom. But Joe biden.
Harris can't beat Trump, she just can't, she's less popular than biden amongst moderates and her own party. Whitmer, Newsom, buttigeig or anyone else are not known enough to win over moderates this close to the election. So please just stop the "biden needs to step done" talk and accept that he may not be perfect but right now he is our only option. If you don't want Trump to be president, then your only option is to vote joe biden

President Biden's plan for the first 100 days of his next term:
—Restore Roe v. Wade
—Sign John Lewis Voting Rights Act
—Expand Social Security and Medicare
—End all medical debt
—Raise the minimum wage
—Pass the PRO Act for workers
—Ban assault weapons
—Lead the world on clean energy
—Permanent child tax credit
—$35 insulin cap for all
—Build more housing
—Invest in child care and elder care
you want that? FIGHT! for it, check if you're registered to vote and then find a way to volunteer, everyone can make a difference everyone!

just came across this on twitter i’m sorry but i can’t trust anyone who un sarcastically says “I, in my great and unmatched wisdom”
If you really want to know where you are going, don't forget your History!

its not even wednesday 💀

GOP staffers are just weird. Anyway, here’s my Twitter for those who are still on that sinking ship.
It would honestly be funny if cons said that Indivisible or whatever are the “committees for the defense of building back better” to make it sound like Democrats are communists or something, like the “committees for the defense of the revolution” in Cuba, and of course there’s the committees for the defense of the fourth transformation in Mexico who are AMLO and Sheinbaum’s foot soldiers. But yeah, as if republicans don’t have moms for liberty which are their foot soldiers for fascism. Every political movement has its loyal foot soldiers lol

George Santos bringing down Republicans by spilling the tea. He really is our strongest soldier…
Remain calm… patriots are in control.
Unpopular opinion: The CIA and state dept’s policies CAN and DO change between administrations.
While this doesn’t mean that they change drastically, some areas have changes.
From the Cuban thaw under Obama and reversal of it under Trump, to the Iran Deal, to Biden being pretty friendly to center left Latin American leaders compared to 70 years ago, things do change between administrations.
Like I literally saw people making up conspiracy theories that Biden installed Milei despite the fact that Biden has been friendly to Lula and Petro.
Like, good god, this ain’t the Cold War anymore and US foreign policy is not being run by the Dulles brothers. Not saying it is perfect but to think Biden/Blinken are like the Dulles bros is so dumb when there’s no evidence to suggest that Biden was trying to rig elections against center left leaders in Latin America.
United we stand, divided we fall…
I don’t care on which side of the political spectrum you identify. The threat to our democracy is a clear and present danger!
A 🧵 Buckle up it’s a long one.
This is not a fight about 2A, it’s not about abortion, it’s not about education, it’s not about sexual orientation, it’s not about taxes or immigration or about healthcare. This fight comes down to a religious minority, trying to push its narrow views upon our country.
The Heritage Foundation and its Project 2025 threatens to dismantle nearly 250 years of progress toward equality for all. And I for one am not going to stand for it.
We must unite against the GOP with Joe Biden as the nominee. He cannot be replaced on ballots without being challenged. “Protest” voting for other parties will sign the death certificate of our nation. The same thing happened in 2016.
A very brief history. Zoroastrianism was founded around 3500 years ago. “Zoroastrianism…held that a messiah would come at some future date…to redeem humanity in an event known as the Frashokereti which was the end of time and brought reunion with Ahura Mazda…
These concepts would influence the later religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.”
This monotheistic view of religion has existed for less than half of recorded history and many religions still have pluralistic beliefs. #Christianity has done nothing but oppress people since its inception. And now a very narrow interpretation of it is being weaponized against us.
It’s a disease that spread throughout the world, literally killing millions of people as missionaries spread disease from one continent to another. It didn’t matter how many indigenous people died as long as they believed and converted.
Ancient rulers seized upon the opportunity to adopt the religion and thus take power and wealth* from the people. Sound familiar? Wars have been fought for control of territory around the world.
*This was the 2nd goal of missionaries.
And now a sect of ultra-conservative Christian Nationalists threatens to end our constitutional republic in favor of an authoritarian state.
They’re trying to divide us even further so they can win. We CANNOT let that happen. Moderate, Liberal, Progressive, Libertarian, Conservative, it doesn’t matter, we will all suffer equally if Project 2025 succeeds.
They have been chipping away at certain liberties for 8 years already. It’s clear that they only have self-serving goals to make the rich richer and to oppress citizens like in other authoritarian regimes.
It is truly terrifying to see dystopian novels coming to life before my very eyes. These conservatives fear change and clearly believe that liberalism is the root of all evil.
On the contrary, education leads to enlightenment and free thought, so “liberal” thinking is really just how they demonize those who are educated and have opposing opinions or beliefs.
One example from #Project2025 is that “conservative” republicans have been trying to strip funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting since its inception. @NPR & @PBS are run by CPB.
Why? Because they educate people & allows them to adopt beliefs that oppose theirs. They lament that no republican president has been able to do it. They argue that most viewers are liberals & that not enough conservative programming is offered so it should be shut down. Boo hoo😢
How about that educated viewers use their common sense and reasoning to conclude that stories from 2000+ years ago are not fully relevant to modern society? 👩🏼🎓👨🏽🎓
Science is not theological yet conservatives want to apply theology to everything. The world isn’t flat. Evolution & Climate change are real. Vaccines save lives. The USA was NOT founded as a Christian nation. If not for free thinkers, we’d probably still be living in the Iron Age.
Most people want to be part of a group & religion is the most common way to achieve that goal. We are conditioned from birth to believe what we’re taught and not question it. This is how racism & bigotry continue to thrive along with political ideology.
Morals are morals. They aren’t inherently conservative or liberal. You are either kind to others or not; you follow the rules or don’t; you tell the truth or you’re a narcissistic pathological liar. It’s that simple. That is all that’s required to define a good person.
The notion that sexuality has anything to do with morality is utterly absurd, but this is what conservatives argue. They LIE to justify taking rights from anyone they don’t like. They fear what they don’t understand.
They oppose abortion because it’s a numbers game to them. They think more babies = more followers. Well, we’re already seeing that no abortion = higher infant mortality. So that myth is busted.
Much of the Project 2025 platform directly attacks the Biden administration and seemingly relies on data that is short-sighted at best. I’m sure many of the arguments for or against the many chapter topics are false-flags to make it look balanced.
I hope someone is trying to fact-check the book, as many of the end notes are just commentary or references to current laws. Statistics are cherry picked to support their claims.
Even my 16-year-old understands the implications should departments like education and health & human services get shut down or changed from what they currently are. 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈
If you made it all the way through, thanks for reading. Please share because our lives depend on it. We all need to #VoteBlue2024 to put an end to the GOP madness once and for all.