SFW ONLY TICKLE BLOG - Deimos - She/He/They/Bunself - AdultInbox/Requests open unless disabled/stated otherwise! (See Fandom list in intro post for requests)
172 posts
Uhm Uhm I Did It But I'm Embarrassed Heheee
uhm uhm i did it but i'm embarrassed heheee
no specific trope, just some feathers. maybe i'll get something a little more interesting done soon. under the cut because i'm shy right now - i gotta build some confidence

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More Posts from Multifandom-brainrot
sorry for disappearing for a while again should be back in business soon +)
WAHH!! WHAT!! I REALLY LIKE THIS Lee 2B my beloved
WARNING: This contains tickling, nothing else.
Lee!2BDamned and Ler!Sanford
As 2BDamned was sleeping in his office, Hank writes a note and leaves the office with Deimos to run some errands. Once he woke up, he looked around and saw a note. "Hey Doc, I'm going to do some stuff with Deimos. We will be back." he stopped reading as someone knocked on his door. When he got up and stretched, he opened the door and saw Sanford. "Oh, it's you." the medic said as he walked out of his office and headed to the living room. "Are you alright 2B?" Sanford questioned as the medic would sit on the couch. "It's just too much work, I can't even focus on anything else." the unlicensed doctor said as he took his sensor goggles off and rubbed his eyes. Then, Sanford sat down nearby him and turned to him. "You should take it easy 2BDamned, just relax for now." he informed the medic. Without a word, 2BDamned would lie his head onto the meat hook wielder's shoulder and sighed. "Doc? You don't look so happy." Sanford said as he put his arm around the medic. "I just need a break from work." he informed the taller man as he would look at his phone and put it beside him. "Hank and Deimos are running errands, they might come back in an hour or so. They won't be that long." Sanford said as he rubbed 2BDamned's right arm. Until he heard the medic giggled and stopped rubbing his arm. "Are you giggling 2B?" he asked as 2BDamned stopped. "What? I only felt something tickling me." the medic informed and realized that he noticed that Sanford was doing it. As the muscular man continued, the unlicensed doctor went from giggling to laughing, including him snorting. "So that's why you were giggling. That's cute." Sanford said as he started gliding his fingers against 2BDamned's back. "H-hey! Sanford, knock it off!" the medic exclaimed as he started squirming and laughing. "God I could do this all day." he said as he went for the sides. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! CUT IT OUT SANFORD! IT TICKLES SO BAD!" 2BDamned yelled as he felt the taller man scribbling his hands across his stomach, trying to push him away. "It's supposed to." the muscular man said as he inhaled and blew raspberries on 2BDamned's neck. "SANFORD! DOHOHOHON'T!" he cried as he slapped the meat hook wielder's back in order for him to stop. Suddenly, Sanford stopped and let the medic catch a breath for a bit. "What the hell was that all about?" 2BDamned questioned as he yelped, seeing the meat hook wielder's hand squeezing his kneecap. "Seriously, you lose it when I squish your kneecap? I'm going to remember that." the muscular man said with a chuckle and saw the medic covering his face with his hands. Suddenly, Sanford would be tickling 2BDamned's kneecap and chuckled like a villain. "PLEHEHEHEHEASE! I CAN'T TAKE IT! I YIELD! I YIELD!" the unlicensed doctor shouted with laughter as he kicked his other leg and banged his fist on the couch, hoping that the hook wielder would stop. "Say Doc, admit that you are ticklish." Sanford said as the medic stared at him. "I ADMIT! I GIVE UP!" 2BDamned yelled as he went limp. Without a word, the meat hook wielder would look at the exhausted medic and ruffle his hair. "Sorry Doc, I couldn't imagine that you were this ticklish." Sanford said as 2BDamned looked at him for a minute, then kissed the unlicensed doctor on the forehead. "I'm just going to pretend none of this happened." he said as the taller man smirked. "Well that's out of the way, what do you want to do now? Do you want to rest down with me until Hank and Deimos return? Well I guess we could watch a movie or play a video game. Maybe we'll-" Sanford said as he noticed that the medic was asleep, leaving him in silence. So he decided to rest down with 2BDamned, until Hank and Deimos returned back from running some errands. "What happened here?" Deimos asked the mercenary. "They must've been watching a movie or something." Hank said as he went to the back. As for Deimos, he shrugged and went to his room to relax.
I too would like to do this......... +]

made a character opinion bingo
Mary, for the short time I've been here, you've been a wonderful person. I'm so glad I got to talk and interact with someone like you. I hope you do well wherever you end up. I will miss you, and I consider you one of the many people I admire on this website. Stay safe out there. <3
As for the anons, I can't say this in a nice way. They need to grow up and learn some goddamn respect. Someone like you doesn't deserve hate, especially to such a violent degree, and they're simply just nobodies hiding behind a screen because they're cowards. That's all they will ever be. Cowards. They can't stand seeing other people happy and decide to ruin it for us. It's no one's fault except theirs; especially if they can't figure out what the hell a block button is. But they wanted to take it further for no good reason. And if I get backlash for saying that, so be it. But it's the truth.
If, one day, you happen to return by random chance, we will welcome you with open arms. <+]
It's me. Mary. And I have an announcement.
I am officially quitting tumblr :(
Why? Because I have been receiving death threats from anons. They have also been threatening to leak my IP if I don't delete all of my tickle-related posts. This is just affecting my mental health.
But don't worry. I'll always respond to you if you send messages to me.
And I understand if you are upset with me about this.
There will still be some posts on this blog, but they will not be tickle-related.
And now I will say my goodbyes to the friends I made along the way.
Any many others.
They are all such amazing and kind people and I really don't want to leave this all behind. But I'm just tired of these anons constantly harrasing me.
Goodbye. I'll miss all of you very much.