she/they, bisexual | 20 | Multifandom blog | I post a lot of things | Requests: OPEN
332 posts
Well, Its Like What You Said Here
Well, it’s like what you said here

EXPECT. we do one for each other! you get what I mean?
Oh yeah I get what you mean! Sorry for the late response, I've been pretty busy with family stuff :)
dahlias-love liked this · 1 year ago
daemontargaryennn liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Multifandoms27-blog
Happy Birthday Seto Kaiba!

He'd get a Blue Eyes sheet cake for sure lol
All the people who think Seto Kaiba and Alexis Rhodes/Asuka Tenjoin look alike (and are potentially related) say aye
Hello Everyone!
Quick introduction - my name is J, I'm 19, and this blog will be my own original work. My main blog is @multifandoms27-blog
Now this first story is titled "Not What It Seems" and most of it (if not all lol) is a roleplay that me and my boyfriend have created over the course of 4-5 years. He has given me permission to use this storyline and post it given that people want to see it. I'll be posting an introduction to some of the characters that we first see, along with some visual representation.
Below is a masterlist of chapters and character introductions!
• ───────────────── •
Chapter one - coming soon
• ───────────────── •
Redd Nichols introduction - coming soon
Lance Nichols introduction - coming soon
Sam Reed introduction - coming soon
Maelstrom introduction - coming soon
My new blog is out, it's @jwritesstuff4! I only have one post out, but I encourage you all to look at it if you're interested (and hey if you don't wanna, no biggie, I understand <3)
Chapter 1
Synopsis: A girl going through college wanting to make friends, but is faced with two problems in doing so - her hermit lifestyle and social anxiety. However, as she navigates through college she meets a boy and they become fast friends. But...is that everything?
Warnings: none
previous chapter | next chapter | full masterlist
• ───────────────── •
Redd Nichols moved through the campus ways into the cafeteria. Many people were crowded there, laughing and talking, but some were doing homework or sitting alone. She was one of those people. Making friends wasn’t her strong suit, and certainly not on a college campus where she knew next to nobody. She sat at one of the tables which already had a man there, but she made sure to sit on the opposite side of him.
She opened her computer and got to work on a homework assignment. She didn’t have anywhere she needed to be, she could sit in that chair until the campus closed for all she cared. However, the urge to make friends kept nagging at the back of her mind. She just started here, but it seemed like everybody had their cliques. She stole looks at the man from over her computer.
Like her, he had brown hair. It was short and slightly curly, and he had blue eyes. That was all Redd managed to see before he looked up at her. Quickly, she looked back at her computer and hoped he hadn’t caught her.
“Can I help you with something?” The man asked.
“Oh no, no sorry I was just staring off into space.” Redd spoke nervously. Why was this so hard for her to do?
“It’s okay. I’m Sam. Sam Reed.”
“Redd.” She finally looked back up at him.
His eyes were a dark blue, but he had the kindest smile. She gave him a smile back. “What’re you working on if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Oh just stuff for programming.”
“Ew.” She grimaced, remembering her high school coding class.
“I know.” Sam rolled his eyes. “But it’s what I have to do.”
“Is it your major?” Redd asked.
“Sort of.” Sam typed more on his computer and sighed dejectedly. “I’m a computer science major but this isn’t what I want to do with my life.”
“What do you want to do?”
“Build computers.” Sam’s smile was brought back a little bit. “I’ve always loved building stuff. Computers, Lego’s, Gundam kits, you name it.”
Redd nods. “That’s cool! I’ve built a couple Gundam’s myself, but never a computer. You must be pretty smart.”
“Eh, I don’t think so. It’s just something that comes with instructions and you follow it, just like Lego’s, or IKEA furniture.” Sam clicked his mouse twice before typing more into his computer. “What about you? What’s your major?”
“Oh, General Education for now, at least until I can figure out what I want to do.” She sheepishly looked away. Sometimes Gen Ed majors got some bad reputation, and she didn’t want this potential friend to be put off by her major.
“That’s cool. Any idea of the major you want to declare?”
“No idea yet, but I’m hoping to get there soon.” Redd put her gaze back on her computer.
“I’m sure you’ll get it soon. Hey, I have to run to class, but it was lovely chatting with you.” Sam closed his laptop and Redd could see his broad shoulders. “I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah! For sure!” She smiled and waved as he left the table.
If she saw him again, she would want to strike up another conversation, which means this is possibly her first college friend! She couldn’t wait to tell her uncle.
• ───────────────── •
Getting home around an hour later, she could smell cigarette smoke. Her uncle Lance was home. “Lance? Why are you home? I thought you were working tonight.”
She dropped her bag at the front door and moved through the house, ending up at the back of the house. Lance was standing at the back door, half in and half out. He had a cigarette between his fingers as he turned to look at his niece coming through the house. As he turned however, he revealed a woman with bright blue eyes that seemed to glow. Redd stopped and shifted uncomfortably.
“Hey kid, how was school today?” Lance asked, flicking his cigarette.
“Fine…who is this?” Redd pointed to the woman she’d never seen before.
“Oh her? This is a girl I work with, Maelstrom.” Lance pointed to her with his thumb.
Redd sensed something wrong with her. She noticed Maelstrom had her hood up, but it seemed like something underneath it was jutting up under the hood. Aside from that, something was just…off.
“Nice to meet you.” Redd noticed the air was stiff.
“You too. Lance, I should probably take my leave.” Maelstrom spoke with urgency.
“Alright, I understand.” Lance and Maelstrom seemed to share a knowing glance, one that made Redd uncomfortable.
Maelstrom shouldered past Lance and past Redd before leaving out of their front door. She blinks a little before looking at her uncle. “New girlfriend?”
“No, I work with her.” Lance took a drag from his cigarette.
“Uh huh, and what was that look at the end?”
“She’s married.” He avoided the subject. “Besides, she’s not my type.”
“What kind of name is Maelstrom?” Redd asked.
“The kind of name you shouldn’t utter so casually.” Lance threw his cigarette down and stomped it out. “So, spaghetti for dinner?”
“Sure. Wait, hold on, you can’t say the first part and not elaborate. Is she one of us?” Redd asked after Lance closed the door.
“No. She’s just someone I work with sometimes. A boss of a boss of a boss of my boss.”
“You never tell me what you do.”
“And for good reason. What happened at school today?”
Redd decided to drop it. Lance was normally dodgy about his work life. “Fine. I met a man today.”
“Man or boy?”
“He seemed like a man to me. His name is Sam.” She smiles at the memory.
“What did I tell you about men?”
“I know, I’m going to get to know him more before I trust him. I got it.” She put her hands up. “You really think I’d reveal everything to him on the first day?”
Lance chuckled and ruffled her hair. “Atta girl. Now come help with the spaghetti. You want garlic bread?”
“Oh do I!”
• ───────────────── •
First chapter wohoo! I know its probably a slow and weird start, but I promise this will pick up soon. Thank you for reading this far, and I hope you enjoyed!