Kaiba Seto - Tumblr Posts
(i see this, qiekz.)
kaiba and mokuba :3?

its october the 6th you know what that means (day 6 of drawing kaiba every day of october) 6/10/2023
heres a drawing of the them b4 i pass out :3 sorry if its not that great yesterdays drawing really took a lot lol ^_^
plz reblog] [requests still open read pinned for info.]
Yu-Gi-Oh dub continuity please. (You can smoosh DSoD dub into the timeline if you want to. I usually do.) Aro ace female reader, neurotypical but weird anyway. (I may be an introvert who spends hours alone by choice and doesn’t have a huge social circle, but I was born to be a ridiculous anime character who dresses flamboyantly, has a sense of the dramatic, and wants to impress people. It’s certainly how I try to live in Real Life.) Reader quickly lets go of past irritations, and is more interested in honesty than not getting her feelings hurt. Smart, and self-teaches herself whatever skills seem interesting or useful to her. Rather childish in a lot of ways even though she is an adult, with a real sense of wonder. Rarely responds to sarcasm with more sarcasm. Reader is also a decent duelist, but not at Kaiba’s level. Physically she’s three inches taller than Yugi, with a very slight build, no makeup, long straight hair past her waist, boyish posture and movement, and a great sense of balance and understanding of moving her own body. Not a lot of physical strength though, she can probably only do about 10 push-ups.
Reader always calls Kaiba by his last name. Kaiba calls Reader by her first name.
Set after the run of the show. Reader and Kaiba have become friends. (Mokuba and Yugi secretly worked a lot behind the scenes for years doing friend-matchmaking in order for the friendship to materialize. 😋) They have similar interests, figured out how to communicate well (although perhaps more brusquely than most,) trust one another, and each believes the other to also be uninterested in romance/sex (which is highly reassuring when you suspect all your friends and relations will one day fall in love and accidentally push you out of their life.)
I’d love some writing with excitement, adventure, trouble, or danger! (If you want to throw in some angst that would be fine as well.) Perhaps the reader and Kaiba end up in a bad situation which is quickly flying out of their control. One of the fun things about Yu-Gi-Oh is the fact this could stem from any number of absolutely bonkers reasons! Maybe they were abducted by aliens to be sold to other aliens as “important Earthlings you can enslave to show off or feel more important.” Or maybe a rival company decided to get quite cutthroat and try to take over Kaiba Corp with literal force. Did they get accidentally transported to a fantasy dimension where they drew the ire of an evil leader? Or maybe an eviler Gozaburo shows up from another dimension and tries to force Kaiba to join him in a multi-dimensional conquest, with the explicit threat that if he doesn’t help, then Kaiba and those he cares about can spend their lives firmly under Gozaburo’s thumb, serving him in much less enjoyable capacities. You can use any scenario that seems fun to write! (You can also include other characters like Yugi, Joey, Mokuba, etc. if it feels like the story needs it. I would love to be friends with any of the good guy Yu-Gi-Oh characters.)
Uh, silly thing, but I don’t like profanity, so it would be great if you could not use any when writing this particular request. (It’s definitely possible to write scary, threatening, creepy dialogue without it, so I hope it doesn’t inconvenience you too much.) Sorry!
And please don’t write the two main characters as having any interest in romance/sex.
Some violence is okay though. Even the dub has a lot of implied violence and brutality. Just, don’t go overboard into R rated territory.
Hope the formatting isn’t too bad.
If you have any questions, or would prefer I send in a different request, or would like me to send in this request again with different formatting, or would like to tell me you are refusing my request, feel free to DM me.
P.S. Do you have a Ko-fi or something similar?
Hiya Dei! No, I don't have anything like that. Maybe I should set up one though?
So sorry this took so long to write, but its finally here! I really do hope you enjoy it!
Edit: Fixed some POV errors and added the opposing companies' name.
Content: Platonic! Seto Kaiba x fem!Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping
Notes: I really enjoyed writing this!! It was like writing an episode of Yugioh and I've always wanted to do that :3 This turned out to be 13 pages long, so yippe!! I had a little funny joke at the end here lol
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After graduating Domino high, it’s like everybody hit the ground running with their dreams. Tea moved to America to pursue dancing, Joey and Yugi started working at Solomon’s shop, Bakura left Japan with his father to travel, Tristan began working at his fathers company, Duke left Domino City to spread Dungeon Dice Monsters around…and then that left you and Kaiba.
Kaiba needed someone who could watch Mokuba, but someone he could trust, and someone he could keep close. Joey and Tristan and Tea were out of the question, Duke definitely no, he would be caught dead before letting Mokuba around Bakura, and Yugi can’t keep anybody safe.
So he decided to hire you. A week after graduation, Kaiba approached you with the job position. You were thinking about your future anyway, figuring out whether or not you wanted to go to college, or go straight into the workforce, or do both. When Kaiba laid out the job position for you, you practically jumped on the idea.
“If you can’t handle this job position now, then back out of it while you still can.” Kaiba teased, though to a bystander, he was just insulting you due to his lack of a smile.
“I can handle it, don’t go doubting me just yet, Kaiba.” You jabbed back, also without a smile.
Finally, Kaiba allowed a small smirk to form. “That’s what I like to hear. Come with me, we’ll start the paperwork ASAP, and you start tomorrow.”
It was hardly much work compared to the pay you got from Kaiba. Your job was just to keep close to Mokuba and make sure any shady characters got dealt with. The rest of your time could be spent with Kaiba in his office, or doing something with Mokuba. It truly was a dream - you got to be near your best friend and get closer to the younger Kaiba brother.
So far, no shady characters have gotten past your watchful eye. But about six months after taking the job position, everything flipped upside down.
• ───────────────── •
A new ride and section of the arcade was built into Kaibaland, and Mokuba practically begged you to take him. You agreed, and now you were trapped in the heat with Mokuba and a few other security guards. The guards did a good job at keeping bystanders away from grabbing you or Mokuba, or just getting too close in general. You had to get used to paparazzi, but after the last three years with Yugi and your old friend group, that wasn’t a hard transition.
Mokuba stopped your train of thought by tugging your arm. “(Y/n), (Y/n) look! There’s the new rollercoaster! Can we go on it?!”
The heat was making you nauseous and dizzy. While you wanted nothing more than to go on with him, you knew you had to pass it up so you wouldn’t completely ruin his day. “Sorry, Moki. I need some water, I’m not feeling too good. But I’m sure one of the guards would be happy to go on with you.”
Mokuba pouted, but nodded. “Okay. But can we play games together in the arcade?”
“Absolutely.” You grin, patting the boy's head.
One of the guards, Bishop, volunteered to get on the ride with him. You approved it, knowing you could trust Bishop. He had been with Kaiba for a couple years now, and has always carried out his orders flawlessly. Another guard, Keith, went to grab you a bottle of water. You sat down on a nearby bench and watched as Mokuba got on the ride with Bishop, waved to him, then he was off. Leaning back on the bench, you felt like you were able to relax for the next few minutes. You closed your eyes, knowing the guards will help protect you while Mokuba was on the ride.
More than a few minutes passed, and the sounds of screaming from the roller coaster had stopped. Opening your eyes, you looked up to see if Mokuba had gotten off. To your horror, the ride wasn’t moving. Nobody was getting off or on. Part of the ride was going through tunnels, and since the ride itself couldn’t be seen, you guessed it was in one of those tunnels. Scrambling to get up and run towards the ride, you approached the fear-stricken teen girl trying to operate said ride.
“What happened? Why is the ride stuck?”
“A-ah! Miss (Y/n)! I-I don’t know, the wheels stopped and I can’t get it to work!” The poor girl was shaking, she was afraid she was going to lose her job.
Looking up at the broken up tunnels on the tracks, you had no idea which one the ride was in. Instead, you turned to the girl. “Which tunnel did the coaster go in before it stopped?”
“That one…” The girl pointed to the highest one, before her voice trailed off.
You looked up and saw a helicopter approaching the ride, one that didn’t look like a Kaiba Corp one. You immediately grew anxious. “Keith, Cole, Sam! Code: Mocha!”
“Yes ma’am!” The three men yelled in unison before swiftly taking out walkie talkies to inform other guards of the situation both on and off Kaibaland.
However, it was too late. Two men dropped from the helicopter and - presumably - cut a hole into the tunnel. Your heart rate picked up, and you foolishly tried to mess with the controls one more time, hoping and praying that it would work and you could get Mokuba back safe.
The teen girl next to you gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. You snapped your head back up to see the two men - now with an additional third man - rising back into the helicopter holding a struggling Mokuba.
“Mokuba!!” You screamed, banging your fists against the control panel.
There was nothing you could do. The three men got Mokuba into the helicopter and flew off, then suddenly the coaster began to move, the screams of the other passengers picking back up. Tears pricked your eyes and your head hung low. “Mokuba…”
• ───────────────── •
You sat in Seto’s office, eyes downcast as you informed him of what happened to Mokuba. He didn’t say anything for a moment, and you were afraid he was going to have an angry outburst. He had every right to of course, you just didn’t want something to hit you. Seto took a deep breath before standing.
“You were at the bottom of the coaster?” He asked.
“And Mokuba was with Bishop?” Seto asked.
“I have an idea of what happened then. Come with me, (Y/n).” He grabbed his suitcase, closed his laptop and shoved it in before moving briskly past you.
You got up and quickly followed. You didn’t know if Kaiba was mad, but you decided it would be better to follow than ask questions. Kaiba stopped at Lisa’s desk - his secretary - and informed her to cancel any afternoon plans he had, and have his chopper ready, before continuing his strut throughout the building. They headed for the elevator, and once Kaiba pushed the highest button, you finally began to ask questions.
“Who do you think took Mokuba?”
“Bishop’s old company - Knightly Rook, a rival of Kaiba Corp in the business world for a little while now. But I never thought the company would stoop to this. Bishop was pretty loyal to them, and I had wondered why he quit. Now I know he never really quit.” Kaiba glared at the wall.
“No way…you really think Bishop was in on the kidnapping do you?” (Y/n) asked in disbelief, eyes wide and mouth almost gaping.
Although, it made sense. There had been a third man to join them after Mokuba was caught. Bishop hadn’t come off the ride. Your eyes fell to the ground and you turned your head away. “I’m so stupid…I’m so sorry, Kaiba. I thought he would be safe…”
“This isn’t your fault. It’s mine for not looking into him more.” Kaiba spoke, with an air of irritation in his voice. “We’re going to fix this, one way or another.”
You look up at him. “You mean…?”
Kaiba looks down at you and nods. “We’re going to duel them for Mokuba.”
“Wait, I don’t have my deck-” You objected before Kaiba placed a hand on your shoulder, and the other hand offered you your deck. “Oh.”
“You keep leaving it in my office. Your cards will get bent if you don’t put them in a case.” Kaiba made a mental note to get you one. Maybe he’d get you one with designs of your favorite card on there.
“Are we going to do a double team?” You asked.
“Most likely. The CEO and his assistant are close, and are almost never seen apart.” Kaiba explained. “Of course, I trust you’ll keep up with me during this duel.”
“Yes, Kaiba.” You nod, putting your deck away securely.
The elevator doors opened and they both stepped out into the gleaming sun. It had been an hour since Mokuba was kidnapped, but it felt like it was even hotter outside than before. Or maybe it was your body trying to get used to the fast shift between the heavily air conditioned Kaiba Corp building, and the scorching heat outside. The blades of Seto’s chopper were just beginning to start up, and he continued to stride towards it. After you both sat down and secured yourselves in your seats, Kaiba placed his briefcase on his lap and opened it.
“Can you hold this for me?” Seto asked.
“Sure.” You nodded, grabbing his computer.
He then lifted the bottom of his briefcase to reveal all of his cards. “I’ll allow you to pick ten to boost yourself in this fight. I can’t have you lagging behind.”
You gave him a pointed look. “I can handle myself with my deck.”
“Fine. Five cards, take it or leave it.” Seto moved the briefcase for you to get a better look at the cards.
Grumbling under your breath, you looked over some monster, trap and magic cards before choosing five you figured would benefit you. “Thank you, Kaiba.”
He only hummed, and began assembling his own deck. You saw him slip the three Blue Eyes into the deck of 40 cards, and you cracked a smile, but didn’t say anything, and the smile faded as soon as it showed up. You were nervous. For Mokuba’s safety and wellbeing, for your job, for your friendship with Kaiba. Were you done at Kaiba Corp for this? You hoped not.
Once Seto was done assembling his deck, he turned towards you and noticed your nervous look. He was nervous too, for Mokuba’s safety. But you seemed like you were worrying about a lot more. “...something on your mind?”
“Oh nothing, just going to gamble a child’s life over a children’s card game, what else is new.” You spoke sarcastically.
Kaiba understood. It was a lot for you to take in - before, either he would get Mokuba back himself or you had Yugi and his friends there to help you. Now, you’re Kaiba’s only backup. “I suppose you could put it that way.”
“How long until we get to this company?”
“A few hours. It’s on the other end of Japan. They’ll get there before we do.” Seto explained, looking out his own window.
“What do they want with Mokuba?” You asked.
“Probably something to do with me ignoring their requests for a meeting.” Kaiba spoke dismissively. “I doubt they’d purposely harm Mokuba if they ever want a shot at being in my good graces. Though now, that ship has already sailed.”
You looked back at him. “Kaiba, what happens if we lose?”
Kaiba glanced at you and huffed. “I don’t lose. And just because you’re some second rate duelist doesn’t mean you can go doubting yourself now too.”
Second rate? You thought to yourself. It was a step up from Joey, you supposed. “Thanks, Kaiba.”
“Whatever.” Kaiba shrugged and turned away.
As much as Kaiba acted mean and teased you, you knew by now that it was good fun. He wouldn’t keep you around if he actually hated you, much less let you use some of his cards and duel side by side with him. Kaiba had slowly become an older brother to you, and Mokuba had become a younger brother. You had hoped you’d become a sister to them, if not then a close friend. You watched the world go by as the helicopter flew to the Knightly Rook building. You closed your eyes and decided to rest for a moment before you’d have to hit the ground running.
• ───────────────── •
The helicopter landed and Kaiba shook you awake. The doors opened and once you both stepped out, you were met by a glammed up couple surrounded by guards. The man wore a mahogany suit, looked older (about his 50’s), had a cane that was likely for show, and had a dark grin on his face. Next to him was a woman who looked younger (about her 30’s) with a matching mahogany dress and a white fur shawl that went around her shoulders and down her left arm. On her left hand was a big shiny diamond. The woman laughed.
“Darling, you think they’re here to pick up dear Moki?”
“Don’t call him that!” You yelled, Seto put a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“Where is he?” He asked.
The man spoke. “Follow us, and you shall see.”
“And if we want to stay up here?” You asked.
“Then I guess Moki will cease to be~” The woman giggled, causing your eyebrow to twitch.
“We’ll follow you.” Seto glared at the couple.
“Excellent!” The man exclaimed, clapping his hands twice.
The guards formed a group around you and Kaiba, forcing you two closer to the couple. The man stuck his hand out to shake with Kaiba's. "Reginald O'Malley, nice to finally meet you, Seto Kaiba."
"Can't say the same." Kaiba reluctantly shook his hand, causing Reginald to laugh.
The woman stuck her hand out to you, and you swore her ring almost blinded you. You hesitantly shook it.
"I'm Sasha O'Malley." The glammed out woman grinned.
"(Y/n) (L/n)." You responded, not wanting to touch her any more than you already had to.
Reginald led you and Kaiba inside. The building didn't look like a company building at all. The walls were a golden yellow, with redwood flooring. The windows gave you a nice view over the city. Wasn't this supposed to be the corporate building of this company? Where were the workers? And come to think of it, where was the pilot of your ride here?
Reginald led you over to the sizable fireplace. "Now friends, I'm sure you're wondering why I've gathered you all here."
"Not really." Seto narrowed his eyes at him. "Just get to it, Reginald. I don't have all day."
The man chuckled before pulling a picture frame to the left, and the fireplace began to turn. It revealed stairs leading down. Was that where he was keeping Mokuba? Was that where his workers were?
"Come my friends, for a duel." Reginald grinned and led them down the stairs.
You clenched your jaw in irritation, but took a deep breath and cooperated, following the couple down the stairs. Seto was behind you. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a gigantic arena fitted with four seats. So this was going to be a double team duel.
"Big brother! Big sister!" Mokuba yelled from his cage, dangling in the air.
"Mokuba!" You and Kaiba yelled in unison.
"Beat us in a duel, and we give the boy back. But if we win, we take Kaiba Corp. Deal?" Reginald grinned, holding his hand out.
Seto growled before taking his hand into a bone crushing grip. "Deal."
• ───────────────── •
The duel was seemingly nearing an end. Sasha was the lowest count with 500 life points left, though that was to be expected. You only had monsters in your deck. Reginald was a little harder to beat, and was at 2300 life points. You and Seto were doing good, Seto with 3700 life points and you with 3000.
It was your turn, so you draw. Mirror force.
"I play this card face down, and my Luster Dragon attacks Sasha head on!"
Sasha didn't have any monsters on the field, with Kaiba destroying the last one last turn with his Battle Ox. Luster Dragon has 1900 attack points, so Sasha's points drop to zero. She whines to her husband from across the arena.
"Darling, I lost! Please win for me, I want that company!"
"Of course dear." Reginald nods and draws a card. "I summon Blackeyes, the Plunder Patrol Seaguide in attack mode! Now, I sacrifice him to summon Wattaildragon in attack mode!"
You knew that card. Wattaildragon had 2500 attack points. So while it couldn't hurt Seto, it could still hurt you. And Reginald knew that. "Wattaildragon! Attack (Y/n)'s Luster Dragon!"
The dragon let out a roar before preparing to attack. You acted surprised for a moment before you smirked, catching Reginald off guard. "You forgot about my face down card. You activated my trap - mirror force!"
The card lifted face up to show mirror force, which made the Wattaildragon's attack bounce off and hit it, destroying it completely. Reginald had no more monsters on the field.
"Darling that is not what I wanted you to do!" Sasha yelled but Reginald ignored her.
"Kaiba!" You called.
"Right. Blue eyes! Attack Reginald head on, and finish this duel once and forever!" Kaiba yelled.
The Blue Eyes let out a roar before firing a beam straight at Reginald. His life points had dropped to zero. You and Seto shared an accomplished look and a thumbs up. Then Seto's phone rang.
"Well it's as I expected. Reginald here isn't a rich man. In fact, he's been committing thirty years worth of financial fraud." Seto gave the glammed out couple a dark grin. "You're both going away for a long time."
• ───────────────── •
It turns out that the pilot doubled as an infiltrator. Seto had planned to duel the couple as a distraction either way. He had managed to get all of Reginald's statements and aliases and fraudulent checks. Police surrounded the building, and both Reginald and Sasha were taken away in cuffs, with an added charge of kidnapping. Their guards, along with Bishop, got taken away too.
Mokuba ran up to Seto and (Y/n), hugging them both. "I knew you guys would come for me! That was an awesome duel!"
"Thanks, Moki." You smiled, ruffling his hair causing him to laugh. "We're just glad you're alright."
Seto nodded in agreement. Mokuba grinned up at them. "Well...for being kidnapped and all, you know how you guys can make it up to me?"
"Therapy?" Seto and you spoke together.
"No silly, ice cream and duel monsters!" Mokuba threw his hands up excitedly.
You and Seto looked at each other before laughing. "Sure Mokuba, sure."
• ───────────────── •
Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
Happy Birthday Seto Kaiba!

He'd get a Blue Eyes sheet cake for sure lol
My bf: Let me put this nicely…
Me: uh huh
My bf: Kaiba would skip the birth of his own child to duel Yugi
*muffled burst stream noises*
All the people who think Seto Kaiba and Alexis Rhodes/Asuka Tenjoin look alike (and are potentially related) say aye
Whatever, but at least make Kaiba Seto lose to the reader in a match
Why did you send this twice anon
But, your wish is my command
• ───────────────── •
Content: Seto Kaiba x gn!Reader
Warnings: None
Notes: I did this as a warm-up, so its pretty short. If you want a part two where they reconcile, just send in the ask and I shall get to it when I can. Thank you!
• ───────────────── •

You watched Seto's life points drop to zero, and the holograms projecting your monsters and trap cards disappeared. Seto froze, but his fists remained shaky. His adopted fathers words rang in his head... to fail is to die, Seto.
He felt his heart skip a beat when his life points made that God awful sound, signaling he had dropped to zero. He never thought his partner could beat him in duel monsters. The arena stands slowly lowered them both to the ground, where Mokuba was watching. He loved you, but he loved his brother more.
Mokuba ran to Seto, yelling for him all the way. Seto was still frozen in shock, staring right at you. You felt bad, but at the same time glad to know all that time learning duel monsters has paid off. You began to walk over to him, and that's when you realized he had a hundred yard stare, instead of staring straight at you.
Mokuba tried shaking the sense back into Seto, but it reminded him too much of his first duel with Yugi, where he went into a coma. Mokuba felt tears well up in his eyes. As you approached Seto, Mokuba whipped around and suddenly turned on you.
"Don't you dare come any closer!"
"What? Mokuba, it's all just a game, I'm here to help-"
"No! You stay away from my brother! Get out!" Mokuba's tears fell down his cheeks.
You looked over at Seto, who continued not to look at you. His cards still laid on the virtual board. If Seto was going to act like a sore loser, then maybe you should just leave.
"Fine." And with that, you turned and left the area all together.
• ───────────────── •
Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
lmaooo I like to think that at first, Kaiba Corp staff really did not believe Kaiba's s/o was really involved with him and that she is just another delusional fan trying to bypass security...until the big man himself comes down-
“I’m just trying to drop off his glasses.”
“Mr. Kaiba doesn’t wear glasses.”
You shrug. “I don’t know what to tell you. He absolutely does and these are them.”
The guard frowns at you. He doesn't say a word.
You hold out the glasses. "Look. I know he's busy, but can you just give these to his assistant or something? He's going to get a headache without them."
"We don't accept packages for Mr. Kaiba." He picks up the phone on his desk. "And I'm going to call security to escort you out of the building."
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, distracting you from your current frustration. You pull it out to see a text from Seto. I left my glasses at your place.
"I know," you say out loud, talking to yourself as you type. "In your lobby... they won't take them..." Then you hit send.
"Ma'am." A burly man wearing a bulletproof vest steps up in front of you. "If you don't leave, I'm going to have to use force."
He's overkill for this situation. "Do fangirls come in with guns normally?" You know they all think you're crazy, but the SWAT team doesn't seem necessary.
The man doesn't respond as he grabs your arm. He begins to pull you toward the front doors.
Your phone starts buzzing again. This time the screen shows a video call from Seto Kaiba. You hit accept.
He's sitting in his office. You can see his windows have been shaded to reduce the light in his office. "What do you mean they won't take them?"
You flip the phone toward the security guard so he can see his boss on the screen. "Ask him."
The man straightens up, releasing his grip on your arm. His scowl disappears. "Mr. Kaiba. Sir. The front desk told me we had a disturbance. I'm just following their orders."
"Useless," Kaiba mutters, just loud enough to be heard. "You have new orders. Escort her straight up to my office." You hear the noise that indicates the call is over.
The guard doesn't notice. "Yes, sir, right away." Then he holds out his hand, pointing toward the elevators. "After you, miss."
You flounce past the front desk, smirking at the man sitting behind it as you go by. Once you're at the elevators, the security guard keeps anyone from entering the next elevator to open. He holds it open for you and then joins you inside, glaring at anyone who might think about joining the two of you. He holds his card up to the reader and presses the button for the top floor.
Then he presses another button. It has a lock on it which doesn't give you too much of an idea, but the elevator doesn't stop until it reaches the top floor. At the top, he holds the door open and lets you exit before him.
He tells Kaiba's assistant that he has a VIP guest for Mr. Kaiba. The assistant just nods at you, having seen you in the evenings, and gestures for you to go in. The security guard doesn't wait and hurries back to the elevators.
You push the door open, letting yourself into his office. "I didn't realize bringing these to you would be such a hassle." You put the glasses down on his desk.
"They couldn't find you on the visitor list?"
"They didn't check. I didn't think to ask since I was just trying to drop off a pair of glasses." You checked the time. "I'm running super late for work now."
"Important people never run late."
You smile, knowing he's only partially serious about that statement. "Well, I'm not doing this again."
"My reception staff will be better trained next time."
You wave off his comment. "It's a hassle. Just keep a spare pair at my place."
He raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Are you telling me to buy a pair just to have them at your place?"
"You're telling me you don't have a spare pair of glasses somewhere?"
"Why don't you just move in with me? Then we don't need to worry about spares of anything."
You frown. This conversation is nothing new, and Seto has taken advantage of every opportunity to ask since about five dates in when you made it clear that marriage at three months of dating was insane. "Kaiba Mansion is too far away from my job. That commute would suck. I don't even know how you do it." To be fair, he spent more time at your place now and didn't do that commute much.
"Well your place is far too small," he says as if you've asked him to move in with you. Which you won't. He's already taking up far too much space in your closet. His jackets have turned into an invasive species, crowding out your work clothes. "I suppose I could buy a place in the city..."
And talk of new housing is your cue to leave. "Now I really will be in trouble at work. I'll see you later."
Later that day, when he sends you a text with a link to a multi-million dollar townhouse, you know this is your own fault. You've encouraged a man who needs no encouragement. You text him back, letting him know that girlfriends of less than a year generally don't weigh in on property purchases.
I'm not super into puppyshipping but for those who are, you think Seto and Joey ever bond over how shitty their dads are?
Like, just one day Joey mentions his dad's issues and Kaiba's just responds by mentioning something about Gozaburo in return. Or maybe it's vice versa and Joey doesn't pry since he's picked up most of the pieces after the whole Noah arc.
Why I Think Seto Kaiba's Autistic
I fucking said so.
Based off the comments of my last puppyshipping post. Has anyone considered a world where Serenity and Mokuba start hanging out and that subsequently leads to Joey and Kaiba reluctantly having to spend time together and noticing how similar they and how caring they are towards their siblings and how Kaiba's eyes soften ever so softly whenever Mokuba speaks with him and how Joey somehow always smells like caramel and....

I'm blaming Yu-Gi-Oh! For my taste in men...
I cannot found the OG image AAAHAAHAHAH! But anyway, I hope you could enjoy this thingy I made in December.
Nah, brother.
I was searching for a few references on Pinterest until I found this one meme and thought: "This sounds like something Kaiba would say." And here I am!
Here is the translation:
"Even if I, being the best of the best, can sometimes feel bad, then just imagine how you all must feel being good-for-nothings(also, A bunch of worthless?)."

Plus the original:

So cute