Yugioh Seto Kaiba - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Seto Kaiba Relationship HC's

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Content: Seto Kaiba x gn!Reader

Warnings: None

Notes: I've fallen back in the Yugioh rabbit hole

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Seto Kaiba Relationship HC's

ADHJKHFKJ Okay, continuing from this

After you began dating, Seto let the rumors swim around for a few more weeks, wanting to enjoy what little secrecy he had left with you

When he did announce that you two were together, suddenly you became an "influential" interest on social media

Your parents/guardians were pretty impressed

Seto by now has learned how to ignore the public, and if he sees you struggling with it, he'll help you

Mainly by having you create new private accounts and turning notifications off on the now widely known ones

But when you go out in public, he almost always makes appearances with you

He wants you to be safe, and the media is saying that you're getting him out of his shell

Kaiba isn't very...attentive? Emotionally he's just not expressive

Sometimes he'll hold your hand or whatever, but never in public. In the beginning of the relationship, in private, getting him to be physically affectionate with you was like pulling teeth

Seto sucks as a romantic partner LMFAO

He's trying his best-

Seto eventually learns the importance of physical affection, and will try to give you some at every opportunity he can

He's still the CEO, he's a busy man

Makes sure you're safe at school or with Yugi, makes you check in with him every hour

If you don't respond or check in, he'll send Roland out to find you

Will probably make you turn on your location after a couple scares lol

Seto is possessive, but not exactly jealous

You agreed to be with him, so you belong to each other. Not anybody else

Always has you matching his outfits, no matter the color

Would probably try to persuade your parents into letting you move in with him after you two have been together for a year

He's pretty serious about you

Seto doesn't attach easily to people, so once he gets with you he pretty much thinks that you're it

That being said, if he's so busy to the point where he feels like it's tearing your relationship apart, he'll set aside time for you, even if he has to work a little bit while he spends time with you

When that happens, he'll probably have you come to the office with him, so you can still be in his presence

He also just likes being around you

Will take a 5-10 minute cuddle break every like, four or five hours

He's at Kaiba corp for a long time

His sleep schedule is shit btw, so if you text him randomly at like, 2:30 am, he'll hit you with "go to bed"

Seto is a great listener when you need to vent to someone. But he isn't that great with verbal or physical comfort

If you want comfort from him, he'll ask you to show him/tell him exactly what you want

After so many times of this, he'll remember what you want and will eventually be able to comfort you without asking what you want

That goes for almost every area in the relationship btw

After some time passes, he'll learn to be a good boyfriend for you

After you move in with him, he makes sure half of his room is empty so you can put your stuff in

"Seto, why is half of your room emtpy?"

"It's our room now. Put what you can in here, but then we have to leave for a dinner date by 8." Seto checked his watch.

"Well...can you help me?"

"Sure. It'll go faster that way." Seto nodded.

He gets so good at the boyfriend thing, that sometimes he'll come back home to give you flowers for no reason at all

He also likes putting flowers in your hair if you're on a picnic, with Mokuba, on vacation, or just to see you smile

He just gets even better when one day he comes home with a ring

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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2 years ago

Sssoo :’D

I really really really loved your Seto Kaiba HC and I was wondering if we could get a part 3?

(Completely ok if you say no! ;v; I just stumbled upon your blog and really loved the way you wrote him!)

Take care and stay hydrated!!

I actually did make a part 3. It can be found here!

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1 year ago

if you’re still taking yugioh requests do you think i could get atem and kaiba comforting an s/o who’s afraid of storms (especially thunder and lightning)? thank you!! 🩷

OMGOMGOMG YES HI I just saw this in my inbox!!! I am absolutely still taking Yugioh quests!!!

Content: Atem x gn!Reader; Seto Kaiba x gn!Reader

Warnings: None

Notes: You didn't specify if Atem was in modern or ancient times, so I just went with ancient times......I'm a history/mythology nerd so I took the chance lol sorry. I also slipped in a small YGOTAS reference at the end of Atem's part lol

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If Youre Still Taking Yugioh Requests Do You Think I Could Get Atem And Kaiba Comforting An S/o Whos

❥ Pharaoh Atem

Normally, it was custom for the Pharaoh and his spouse to sleep in separate bedrooms. This allowed them both down time after being in the public eye all day. As much as you loved your husband, you needed this time away, even if it was to just rest.

After your servants helped you undress and get ready for bed, you were left alone with your thoughts. Although, you were so exhausted you just wanted to sleep. You'd be up and at 'em again in the morning.

You hadn't even realized you fell asleep until a loud boom woke you, practically shaking your room. Sitting up immediately, your heart beginning to thump rapidly in your chest, you opened your mouth to yell for anyone who was still awake.

"Guards! Guards!"

Almost immediately, a couple of the many palace guards entered the room, all three being armed. "Your majesty, are you alright? Are you hurt?"

"I'm-" You were interrupted by another loud boom. You screamed and shut your eyes. "Fetch my husband! Please!"

"Right away, your majesty!" The three left the room to get their king from his room.

Soon, Atem strode in swiftly, and the sight before him broke his heart. His spouse, curled up in a tight ball on their bed, scared out of their mind. He quickly approached them, and gathered his (Y/n) into his arms. "There, there...I'm here, my love. What's gotten you so afraid?"

Clinging onto him almost immediately, you answered, "The storm...I wasn't expecting it..."

"Oh, my love..." Atem gently moved a strand of hair out of your face. "It is only a storm, it will pass."

"No, Atem...I have always been afraid of them. Since I was a child." You shook your head, moving away slightly to look at him.

"Is there any way I can help you with this fear?" He asks, voice soft and kind, as always, and his hand gently rubbing your arm. "I can try to cover your ears, but I'm afraid my hands do nothing compared to the might of Set."

Atem adds a small giggle to the end of his last remark, showing you that he was kidding. It makes you giggle too. "Oh, Atem...how I love you so."

Another boom flows through the sky outside, making you jump and scream, scaring Atem for a moment. He tightens his hold to try and calm you. "My (Y/n), it's okay. As long as I am here, I will protect you. Set will not harm us."

"How can you say for sure?" Your voice shook with fear. "Set is a fearsome God, Atem...have you forgotten all of his stories?"

"Set would not harm the royal family, he protected my father during his reign, and his father before him, and his father, and so on." Atem then gave his spouse a smile. "We are safe. But, if you still feel scared, I can stay with you throughout the night."

You nod. "I...would like that very much."

Atem nods, then moves your head rest out of the way so you both lay on the bed, your face in his chest. "Is this okay?"

You nod again, then yelp and jump closer when another boom rings in the room. Atem thought for a moment. "There is one story that comes to mind about Set. You recall how Anubis killed him, yes?"

You nod. Atem carries on.

"Well, after going into the afterlife, Set had begun to do good things. My father once told me a story about how Set travels with Ra on his nightly trip to the underworld, and Set helps him battle the fearsome Apophis."

You focus in on what your husband is saying. The warmth of his arms around you and his body being pressed to yours, the softness of his voice as he tells a story passed down through generations, and suddenly you find yourself falling asleep once more.

"...and now, when people hear thunder, they are reminded that Ra is engaging in an epic battle, with Set by his side." Atem finishes not too long after, waiting for a response. When he doesn't get one, he looks down to see you've finally fallen back asleep, and the thunder seems to have gotten quieter. Set was moving away, possibly sensing the Pharaoh's spouses discomfort.

Sighing softly to himself, Atem placed a kiss on your forehead and taking in the peaceful look on your face, before finally falling asleep himself. Screw the rules, he's the Pharaoh.

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If Youre Still Taking Yugioh Requests Do You Think I Could Get Atem And Kaiba Comforting An S/o Whos

❥ Seto Kaiba

It was after hours at KaibaCorp, and Seto was still at his desk like usual. You, having finished work three hours ago, stopped by to try to coax him back to the house so that he could get some sleep. Of course, he didn't budge. Like usual. Knowing you were going to be sitting here for hours, you opted to order some dinner for the two of you.

"What about Mokuba? Where is he?" You asked Seto before ordering the food.

"He's with Yugi, he wanted to attend one of his game nights." Seto spoke without moving his eyes away from the screen.

After getting said food, you had noticed dark clouds rolling across the sky, with flashes of light in between the angry clouds. Clenching your jaw as your anxiety spikes, you quickly move back to your car and sped (as legally as you could) back to KaibaCorp.

When you got back to Seto's office with the food, he hadn't noticed your anxiety yet, or the rapidly approaching thunderstorm. You plopped the food down and curled up on the couch. Reaching over, you took out your food and begin to numbly eat it while scrolling through your phone, tensing as you start to prepare for the first sound of thunder.

Soon the storm begins, first with a flash of lightning, and then a loud boom soon after. You jump, dropping your fork. That gets Seto to look up as it makes a muffled thump against the ground. "...you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You nod, going to pick up the fork from under the table. Another flash and boom sounded, making you jump and hit your head on the table.

Reeling back, you grimaced and held your head, and Seto moved over to you. "Are you sure?"

“I…” You sighed. “No. It’s the storm, I’m…scared.”

Seto didn’t do anything for a moment before sighing and pulling you back up on the couch. “I suppose I can stop for the day.”

“What? No, Seto, your work is important. Don’t-“

“Hush.” Seto tapped some more on his keyboard before shutting it, and moving over to you. “Mind if I sit here?”

He gave you a small smirk that makes your heart stutter. You nod and he sits down. Thunder sounds around you both, and you jump into Seto’s side. His heart warmed as you came to him for protection. He put a hand around you.

“It’s okay. No storm will hurt you with me here.”

You resisted the urge to cringe slightly. You loved your boyfriend, but sometimes he can say the weirdest things. “Thanks, hon…”

Seto’s grip tightened, then he leaned over to grab his food, and then grabbed your fork from the ground. “You can share my fork.”

“Thank you.”

Seto ate with one hand, his other hand around you. You watched him eat for a moment before he wordlessly offered a bite to you. You took the bite, then looked to the windows as rain began to pour down.

“It’s okay, we’re inside. Nothing can harm us.” Seto reassured.

“I know, just…” You sigh. “I’m sorry, I know this is probably childish…”

“Is that why you never told me about this before?" Seto asks, taking another bite of his food.

"...kind of." You then jump as lightning flashes and thunder rolls loudly in the sky. "Although, I guess you would've found out one way or another..."

Seto nods, setting the fork down. "Well, I don't think it's childish. People have fears, always have and always will. It isn't something childish or new."

You nod, sinking into his side a little, jumping and yelping a little when thunder sounded again. Seto leaned back into the couch and moved you into his lap, one hand on your head as he cradled it against his chest. His other hand rested on your thigh.

"Is there anything I could do to help?" Seto asks, his hand that's on your thigh begins to massage it, and the hand on your head gently scratches your scalp.

You begin to relax, but tense up again as you see lightning light up the room again. Seto's repeated movements are accompanied by a kiss on the forehead. You focus back on him.

"This is fine...thank you." You move your face slightly, so that it's in his chest.

Seto hums, and you can feel the reverb. It feels nice. It feels warm, and safe. You still tense and jump at thunder and lightning, but Seto's hands help you settle down enough. He occasionally plants kisses on your forehead or cheek, and makes small talk to try and distract you. Before you know it, the storm clears and the thunder begins to sound distant, the lightning becoming less frequent.

"Seems the storm is going away. Should we get ready to go home?" Seto asks, looking out of the many big windows, then back to you.

"In a minute." You mumble, snuggling into Seto's chest. "Right now I'm enjoying myself."

Seto cracks a smile. "Was this your plan?"

"No, but I'll take the outcome." You smile, making Seto let out a small chuckle before tightening his hold on you.

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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1 year ago

Um would you be able to do Seto Kaiba headcanons? I’m okay with however it’s written since i saw that children will be platonic and technically he was a minor in the beginning with being aged up later in the DSOD movie I believe. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable writing if you don’t want to

Um Would You Be Able To Do Seto Kaiba Headcanons? Im Okay With However Its Written Since I Saw That Children

Seto Kaiba Headcanons

Um Would You Be Able To Do Seto Kaiba Headcanons? Im Okay With However Its Written Since I Saw That Children

Warnings: mentions if degrading, mentions of punishments, yandere stuff


Made by mod Yugi (with the help of mod Yami)

Um Would You Be Able To Do Seto Kaiba Headcanons? Im Okay With However Its Written Since I Saw That Children

Seto Kaiba

Yandere type: possessive, stalkerish, quiet

Danger level: 9/10

Um Would You Be Able To Do Seto Kaiba Headcanons? Im Okay With However Its Written Since I Saw That Children

I’m sorry but if you are friends with him. You are not allow to have other friends only him and his brother

So if isn’t obviously he’s RICH RICH. I feel like he would try to buy your love? If that Makes sense, like if you don’t like him at all he would buy you things so you can like him or date him

I feel like he wouldn’t really know how to communicate well with you? He’s like creepily watching you and then sneaks up behind you and is like “how was your day.” Just like out of nowhere. in the dark. alone.

I feel like he gets jealous very very VERY easily, I feel like he would keep it in and wouldn’t tell you. He would just push his feelings down. Like very down.

If you were to keep struggling, he'd call you a "stubborn little thing"

He will have his bodyguards watching over you, no matter where you are in the Kaibacorp building, there will be at least one bodyguard near you

Cameras. Everywhere.

As if Kaibacorp already had so much security, it'll be ampt up at least 5 times from what it usually is

Even if you try to ask someone for help (either mokuba or one of the bodyguards), Kaiba will find out, one way or another

Even with all that, if you even manage to escape by some miracle, there's already about 5 helicopters searching for you, did I mention the tracking device Kaiba already built and planted on you?

Once he finds you, you're placed on his office, but you're not immediately punished, he likes to build suspense onto you.

You sit there, watching him type away on his laptop, you have no idea what he's doing, until around 30 minutes later, he'd slam the laptop shut, glaring deep into your soul.

He'll scold you for a bit, asking if you're stupid, some degrading, asking why'd you escape, then he'd call one of his bodyguards to come collect you, locking you in his room for hours.

All in all, you'd probably never see the light of day again.

Um Would You Be Able To Do Seto Kaiba Headcanons? Im Okay With However Its Written Since I Saw That Children
Um Would You Be Able To Do Seto Kaiba Headcanons? Im Okay With However Its Written Since I Saw That Children
Um Would You Be Able To Do Seto Kaiba Headcanons? Im Okay With However Its Written Since I Saw That Children

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1 year ago

Hey darling!!! <3, hope your day is good, well, i saw your Seto Kaiba dating hc's and i read the "He just gets even better when one day he comes home with a ring" snippet, AND I GET SO HYPED FOR WEDDING/HUSBAND SETO KAIBA HC'S, so can i request "married Seto Kaiba hc's"? if not its ok, but i will be so happy if you do it

Hey Darling!!!

just a moment to appreciate this handsome man's beaut-

Hello lovely! My day is going okay, I hope yours is as well <3

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Content: Seto Kaiba x GN!Reader

Warnings: Talk of children at the end (I made sure to separate that section from the rest of the headcanons incase people don't want to read that part)

Notes: I've started my second year of college and I already want to rip my hair out. I hope these headcanons are okay <3

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Hey Darling!!!

Seto doesn't want to trouble you with planning the wedding. He has professionals handling it.

However, obviously I feel you'd want a say in the color scheme and your own outfit at your wedding. Seto will absolutely let you make those decisions, he just figured you wouldn't want to bother yourself with the wedding plans. It would most likely be you doing all the work anyway, he has a company to run. (Wedding planning can take more than a year in some cases for those who don't know, and the more lavish and expensive it is, the longer the planning will be)

You two enjoy your engagement though. As much as Seto says he hates the press, he loves all the attention you two are getting from the Japanese media.

I think a lot of people thought Seto would never get married because of how snobby he is, and how focused he is on his company and a children's card game, so he can't wait to show up to every rich get-together with his arm around your shoulders, telling everyone you're his spouse.

Your wedding was in a lavish area off the coast of Japan. Mokuba was Seto's best man, while (Yugi friend/your own friend) was your best man/maid of honor. Your vows to each other were so sweet and loving, Jonouchi had to rub his eyes to make sure it was Kaiba you were marrying and not somebody else.

Because Seto is a famous man, your wedding was most likely televised.

The night was filled with laughter, congratulations to you and Seto, amazing food, jokes, and all around happiness. It was undoubtedly the best day of your life.

Your honeymoon was overseas though. Seto finally pried himself away from his work, and was looking forward to spending two uninterrupted weeks with you in Italy (or wherever else you choose)

Your honeymoon is filled with romantic gestures, long nights (hehe), and a whole lot of lovin'

When you come back home, Seto goes to work and you give Mokuba all the PG-13 details. How Seto treated you to nice dinners, how amazing the view was both in the day and night, and showed him pictures of you and Seto and your honeymoon

Surprisingly, Seto is the first one of you two to post your honeymoon pictures. They become flooded with supportive and loving comments, Jonouchi's comments never failing to make you laugh

Some days you'll let off Seto's staff early and make dinner for you two and Mokuba, or get takeout. Depends on how you're feeling that night

Seto appreciates it either way, and is just glad to get some time to spend with you and Mokuba at the end of his tiring work day

Sometimes you and Seto will have the same idea though, and you'll both get takeout by accident. The funniest is when you both show up to the same place and are like "What're you doing here??" "I could ask you that too"

Rarely does Seto cook, but damn is it fucking good. If he has a day off and decides to let his staff go home early, he'll cook for you and Mokuba

Seto lives to make your life easier. Need someone to manage your public account because the press can be too much to handle? He's going on a search for a suitable manager. Feel lonely by yourself at the mansion? He's asking Mokuba to surprise you with Yugi and co. (begrudgingly).

He's still going to be busy with work, but he'll make it up to you by bringing you on work trips whenever he can. He'll book nice hotels for the two of you, and always makes sure that he's all yours after five o'clock.

He confides all of his work troubles to you now, and if you thought he was stressing before when you were dating, it's now a whole new level. You're locked in with him for life, and Seto is about to spill all of his secrets to you. You suggest a therapist to help him regulate the stress, and he scoffs at the idea.

"Do you know how many people would put a price on the information I'm telling you? Yeah, no thanks."

So instead, you make ways to help him relax. You tell him about taking a bath with the whole nine - a relaxing bath bomb, candles, soft music...and he scoffs at the idea. So instead, you decide to trick him.

"Seto, there's something called an epsom salt bath that you can soak in, it helps you relax."

"Isn't that for sore muscles?"

"And weren't you complaining about how sore your shoulders are?"

You manage to get your husband in the warm bath, poured epsom salt in there, then sat carefully on the edge of the tub and massaged his shoulders. He relaxed enough to where began to close his eyes, and you slipped a blue bath bomb into the water. He was none the wiser about what you were doing until the bomb completely dissolved, you managed to light a candle or two, and he only opened his eyes when you began to play some soft music.


"Is this relaxing, Seto?"

"..." He won't admit it, but it really is.

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The next section talks about children, but no actual pregnancy! So if you don't like the topic, no worries! You can skip it <3

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Of course, with (some) marriages, comes the topic of children. In the Japanese dub of the anime, Seto tells Mokuba that he'll be his dad and look after them once they're in the orphanage (in the English its just big brother), which means you are now technically Mokuba's "adopted mother."

In the original manga, Mokuba was also in public school and had a lot of friends there, so I like to think that he sometimes goes between homeschooling and public school. If things become dangerous and Seto thinks Mokuba will be kidnapped again, he'll pull him out of school. But once things calm down, he'll allow Mokuba to go back to school. Which means, you and Seto are the best parents at the PTA meetings and after school events.

Of course, if Seto can't make it then you'll go for the both of you. Anything Mokuba has after school where he performs, you record it for Seto (and future memories).

Doing this for so long will make Seto think about what it would be like to actually have a child with you. I think he would want two, so they could have the same sibling bond that he and Mokuba have. And with how dangerous the world is, what if something happened to him or you or Mokuba?

He thinks about it for a while before finally bringing it up to you to see how you feel. If you're up for having a child with him, then he'll be ecstatic and jump right on it. If you biologically cannot be pregnant, then thats okay, adoption is absolutely on the table. Mokuba is excited to know that he's going to be an uncle.

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1 year ago

More season 0 Kaiba because I said so

More Season 0 Kaiba Because I Said So

You choose to run away from Kaiba. You stumble across Mokuba suffering from his own poison and your friends relieved. Yugi explains what happened and you all decide to leave. It creeped you out knowing Seto could get any information about you that he wanted.

It was a while before you saw each other again, but that didn't stop Kaiba from stalking you. He watched you through cameras, and made Isono tail you from a distance in places he wasn't able to set up a camera. But you finally crossed paths during Death-T.

You had fully planned to go through this with your friends, but Kaiba paid his staff to kidnap you and bring you to him without your friends knowing. Kaiba grinned as you were plopped down in front of him.

"How did I know it was you who did this?"

"My dear, who else could it have been?" Seto grinned, ecstatic that you were finally here with him. "You can watch the entertainment with me, and then once Yugi and his friends are crushed, we'll dominate the business world together! We'll be the most powerful couple out there!"

Another piece clicked into place in your head. Kaiba was not only obsessed with you, he was in love with you.


"Call me Seto."

"Seto, I don't love you. You're trying to kill my friends!" You didn't bother to let him off easy.

"You'll learn." He smiled, then grabbed your hand, his eyes piercing through you. "I promise, my dear."

"N-no, Seto. I really won't." His hand was soft, but him being close made you nervous. "Let go of me and let me go back to my friends."

"I'm barely touching you, and nobody else is in here. You could leave if you wanted to, but the fact that you're still here with me suggests that you want to be with me."

"No! It doesn't!"

Eventually you give up and wait for Yugi and the others to rescue you. You're forced to watch as Kaiba practically induces a heart attack into Yugi's Grandpa, and then Seto introduces you as his girlfriend. To everybody in the stands. Which is a lot of people.

Yugi, knowing you wouldn't dare be with a monster, challenged Seto to a duel. If he won, Seto would "break up" with you and give you back to your friends. But that meant if Seto won, you'd be stuck with him and your friends would die. Is a death match over you (and your friend's lives) really necessary? This all seems a little too dramatic.

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Again kinda short, but I like doing these little drabbles for season 0 Seto! The events might be a little wonky, but thats because it's been a while since I read the manga.

Here's my Yugioh masterlist in case you wanna request something!

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1 year ago

Happy Birthday Seto Kaiba!

Happy Birthday Seto Kaiba!

He'd get a Blue Eyes sheet cake for sure lol

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1 year ago

Whatever, but at least make Kaiba Seto lose to the reader in a match

Why did you send this twice anon

But, your wish is my command

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Content: Seto Kaiba x gn!Reader

Warnings: None

Notes: I did this as a warm-up, so its pretty short. If you want a part two where they reconcile, just send in the ask and I shall get to it when I can. Thank you!

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Whatever, But At Least Make Kaiba Seto Lose To The Reader In A Match

You watched Seto's life points drop to zero, and the holograms projecting your monsters and trap cards disappeared. Seto froze, but his fists remained shaky. His adopted fathers words rang in his head... to fail is to die, Seto.

He felt his heart skip a beat when his life points made that God awful sound, signaling he had dropped to zero. He never thought his partner could beat him in duel monsters. The arena stands slowly lowered them both to the ground, where Mokuba was watching. He loved you, but he loved his brother more.

Mokuba ran to Seto, yelling for him all the way. Seto was still frozen in shock, staring right at you. You felt bad, but at the same time glad to know all that time learning duel monsters has paid off. You began to walk over to him, and that's when you realized he had a hundred yard stare, instead of staring straight at you.

Mokuba tried shaking the sense back into Seto, but it reminded him too much of his first duel with Yugi, where he went into a coma. Mokuba felt tears well up in his eyes. As you approached Seto, Mokuba whipped around and suddenly turned on you.

"Don't you dare come any closer!"

"What? Mokuba, it's all just a game, I'm here to help-"

"No! You stay away from my brother! Get out!" Mokuba's tears fell down his cheeks.

You looked over at Seto, who continued not to look at you. His cards still laid on the virtual board. If Seto was going to act like a sore loser, then maybe you should just leave.

"Fine." And with that, you turned and left the area all together.

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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1 year ago

Hello I am here with Seto Kaiba brainrot

Can we get some angst head canons 👀

Oooo okay

Content: Seto Kaiba x reader

Warnings: Angst, possessive behavior

Notes: Taking a small break from writiing AOT stuff to write this (I'm writing like 3 things behind the scenes) this also turned into more of a cons list for Seto lol but we still love him anyway

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Hello I Am Here With Seto Kaiba Brainrot

When you guys get into arguments (it's not a question of if, it's a when) he becomes the pettiest bitch on Earth

Constantly does things to spite you when he's angry with you

For example, if you have some sort of pet peeve he knows of, he'll be sure to trigger it at least once

He loves you, but he values his pride more at times. That's something you'll have to come to accept if you want to be with him

He's also quick to shut you out at the slightest sign of negativity

Has a hard time telling you when he's upset

Is ultimately terrified of letting you in, even if he loves you

Thinks you'll become another abuser if he lets you in

He's got a lot of problems with trust, which leads to him getting...not jealous, but possessive very easily

He's not jealous, he's Seto Kaiba

He doesn't like you hanging around Yugi and the others, especially Joey/Jonouchi

Will do everything in his power to take you away from Joey, even if its insulting him heavily and physically pulling you away

Thats another thing you two might get in fights over

Don't think he's above the silent treatment, cause he's not

Also a huge hypocrite, he can tease you about things but if you tease him? It's dueling time so he can regain his pride

If you win the duel, he's going to give you the silent treatment for a week and actively avoid you

If you two ever got to the point of screaming in each others faces, he would throw you out of the house for the night. He doesn't care where you stay (as long as its not with Joey), but expects you to come back to him the morning after

Probably values Mokuba more than you, and will consider his ideas way more than yours

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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10 months ago


I have heard your cries and I have come to deliver

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Content: Yami Yugi x gn!Reader, Seto Kaiba x gn!Reader (separate)

Warnings: 18+, Minors DO NOT INTERACT!! This has mainly AFAB biology, but no use of she/her, Seto Kaiba degrades you

Notes: All characters are (obviously) 18+ here. I know this was kinda short, but I'm in the middle of finals and got out all I could before I got burnt out lol

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❥Yami Yugi

100% a soft dom. Can't tell me otherwise

He would also be a huge tease

Imagine him fingering you while whispering teasing comments in your ear...

"Oh love, the way you squeeze my fingers makes me want to just take you here and now...but I must keep my patience together."

He can be a little harsh in bed if you want him to be

He mainly does it for your pleasure, he barely cares for his own

He loves your thighs. He loves holding them up as he pounds into you from above, and he loves the look on your face as he does so

He'd drag his hands up and down your body, worshipping every single bit of it before having his way with you

Back to him being harsh, he wouldn't degrade you very much, but he would force your head into the pillows as he gives you ruthless backshots

He prefers being on top, but he wouldn't mind you riding him every once in a while

Purposely tries to last long so he can switch you two so you're below him again

He can't help it! He loves the way you look and the way your tits bounce as he gives you what you really want...

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❥Seto Kaiba

Would also be a dom, but not soft like Yami Yugi

He cares about his pleasure more than YY does, and he loves taking his frustrations out on you

100% degrading you

As he's giving you relentless backshots, he loves boasting about how much you must LOVE his cock, since you keep coming back for more, and sprinkles a little insult for you at the end

It's just boosting his ego lol

Loves holding your hips as he fucks you from behind, his dick reaching all the right spots

As you're moaning like a whore for him, you can only hope his assistant can't hear from outside of his office

If you're fucking him at the mansion, he's a little more softer. But if you tell him to go harder, he'll go harder

His bed is also where he does missionary, not doggy like his office. He does prefer to see your face sometimes

He doesn't like when you ride him, he thinks it takes away control. But he might be inclined to take up the offer if he's tired from work...

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Here's my Yugioh masterlist in case you wanna request something!

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1 year ago

Seto Kaiba but his hair is naturally green and he dyes it

Seto Kaiba But His Hair Is Naturally Green And He Dyes It
Seto Kaiba But His Hair Is Naturally Green And He Dyes It
Seto Kaiba But His Hair Is Naturally Green And He Dyes It

tee hee i lobe season 0 seto 🤭🤭🤭 hes so silly billy

Seto Kaiba But His Hair Is Naturally Green And He Dyes It

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