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There needs to be more black people in Mythology/Fantasy films. I want to see black fairies, witches, vampires and mermaids. Just something different for once.
Lesbian Period Drama - SNL
[NOTE: Please disregard any negative references to Portrait, as they are in no way accurate or similar to the problematic Ammoshite.]

One of the first places we shot on the pilot of True Blood was Sam Merlotte’s Bar. The kitchen Suzuki Ingerslev built in Merlotte’s had a walk in freezer & working gas burners. It remained my favourite set throughout all 7 seasons - when shooting in Louisiana many months later she took us to the actual bar she had used as inspiration. It was almost as amazing as our Merlotte’s, but not quite - They didn’t have a Lafayette. In the scene that was being shot that day, Lafayette, a male cross-dressing short order cook in the show, was expounding on his theory of men’s fear of the female anatomy.. specifically, the vagina. ‘I know every man whether straight, gay or George MotherFuckin’ Bush is afraid of the pussy..’ I’m not sure I have ever seen, before or since, people crowd around a monitor at video village with their hands clapped to their mouths from shock, sheer laughter and wonder as the actor playing Lafayette jiggled and shook and humped the butchers block to get his point across. it was completely original, funny, sardonic, risqué and brilliant. That was Nelsan Ellis. All of the above. I turned to Alan Ball when the scene was finished and whispered… ‘you can’t kill him!’ (Lafayette’s death at the of the first book is the cliffhanger that leads to Book 2…) Nelsan Ellis was the only actor in the 7 years of True Blood whom Alan allowed to improvise. Actually, I’m going to take that back. It wasn’t that Alan allowed him to do it, it was more that when Nelsan inhabited the world of Lafayette, he quite literally COULDN’T STOP himself. It was like he was possessed. In actuality Nelsan was quiet, smart, thoughtful, warm and kind. A published playwright himself. I think it would be fair to say that he taught all of us that intent and courage and fearlessness and freedom are the aspects of playing make-believe that spark the corners of the room where the dark is most impenetrable; to shine a light on those corners within ourselves is the very reason we go back time and again to Movies, TV shows and Theatre. To see that spark ignited. Nelsan had that electricity in an abundance I have rarely seen. I can’t believe he’s gone. - Stephen Moyer [x]

do i make you nervous, granger?

my favorite ships: shawn hunter and angela moore
“I love you, too. I always have.”

moodboard: dair (dan x blair)
Why was Raina Thorpe not make a series regular on Gossip Girl?
She was witty, charming, funny, stunning (the gold dress in the Valentine’s Day episode? Omg) and she had great chemistry with the cast!
for you i would fall from grace.
Happy holidays @scorpio-karma from @thetourguidebarbie! This takes place mid-S4 where Kai succeeded in killing his family and went off to be his evil self and then came back because an old friend told him that a powerful Bennett witch was interested in learning Expression. Shameless PWP, basically. I hope you like it!! Title: Don’t Blame Me, Taylor Swift because IT GIVES ME SUCH BONKAI VIBESSS
“Do you feel that?”
Bonnie took a shaking breath, more aware than she’d ever been of the surge of magic in her fingertips. When she’d made feathers float or given aneurysms the feel of it had always been heat, like holding her hand just above flame. This magic was different, an electric current that seemed to pull at her skin. She nodded, glancing at Kai with uncertainty.
“Close your eyes and push it out.”
She obeyed without thinking about it, her eyes shutting tight and her magic pulling harder before she exhaled, instinctively letting go. Kai was silent, and she blinked, turning to find him and catching the sight of the oak tree that had been just feet away, reduced to a grey skeleton of branches. She looked around, realizing that everything within a few meters away was dry and wilted. The grass sank with a crunch under her feet.
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To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995)
Dir. Beeban Kidron

@creatorsofcolornet event 7: wardrobe ↳ COSTUME DESIGN in CRAZY RICH ASIANS by MARY VOGT
remember that time in high school musical 2 when Troy got all jealous because Gabriella started hanging out with Ryan and he thought Ryan was moving in on her
and it was like

really troy



hogwarts common rooms + animations
There’s nothing hidden in your head / The Sorting Hat can’t see, So try me on and I will tell you / Where you ought to be.

“You will be the very goddess of humility, I am sure.” (The Ugly Little Girl, A Dance with Dragons) | Arya Stark as Greek Goddesses

All summer, I’ve been sitting in front of my favorite Manet and reading Colette in the park, hoping that I’ll lock eyes with somebody who’s doing the same thing as me and feeling the same things I am.

fleurmione siren & selkie au; “i am your friend. a soul for your soul.”
What do you think are Serena's good and best qualities? She needs a lot of love :( (1/2)
Personally my favorite is her forgiving juliet so quickly and calling lily out on her bs in S4, I don't think I would have been strong enough to forgive something as awful as what juliet did to her (2/2)
so many! i love that she’s genuinely a funny and charming person. i love a broody, sad character as much as the next person, but the suggestion that bubbly, bright characters can’t be just as complex has always been weird to me. one thing i love about her that people don’t really talk about often is that she’s definitely... a smart person. yes... serena van der woodsen... a smart person. like no she doesn’t go around making literary and film references all day every day, no she’s not a super studious scholarly type, but there are several moments where she is so excited about school. but nobody ever took her seriously, so her interest always faded (will never stop thinking about how excited she was when ben and rachel took her seriously, because she’d never been thought of as anything more than a hot party girl on page six... but then predatory ass ben developed a crush on her and predatory ass rachel developed a crush on her boyfriend). she’s just so much more than anyone thinks, y’know? and i love that and it makes me sad.
on that same note, i think she’s a harder worker than anyone gives her credit for. not just in terms of school or her career, but in terms of bettering herself, escaping drama, not falling back into her old behaviours. but it’s all just so... sisyphean for serena. because everyone loves to watch her crash and burn and because the nature of her world just won’t allow the type of growth that she’s desperate for. of course she’s not blameless (we see in 3x01 and 5x19 that as much as she hates the things that the spotlight does to her, she has no idea how to live without it), but god... she tries so hard! she wants to be better so badly but almost nobody else wants that for her!
and i agree that she’s a highly forgiving person, to a fault actually. juliet definitely didn’t deserve forgiveness after drugging her lol, but serena is i think a genuinely empathetic person. which is also why the ongoing “serena doesn’t understand that everything comes easily to her and not to others” narrative is so ?!?!?!?! she did understand! she was willing to expose her own mother’s federal crime because she recognized the differences between her lifestyle and juliet/ben’s and understood what led them to such terrible actions. she defended dan for the entire series and recognized the classism and elitism of her peers more than anyone. she tried to hold herself back from several opportunities because she understood where blair’s jealousy came from. just. ugh. the most misunderstood and disrespected character.

The story worth writing about Serena is that she still believes in love. She still believes happiness is waiting for all of us, and that our dreams are within our reach. She believes in goodness. She demonstrates goodness. She is full of hope and she delights in the hopefulness of others. That is what makes her golden.