Saving the world one muscle at a time. Teacher of embodiment, muscle meditation, and biomechanical enlightenment. Muscle and growth fetishist.
440 posts
Muscle Salon With Muscle Monk.
Muscle Salon with Muscle Monk.
90 minutes of gentle movement meditation once a month. A healing, sensual, and playful excursion into the world of biomechanical enlightenment. A sacred setting with honor and safety, the Muscle Salon is meant to be a place for sensitive reconnection with our bodies. We will be exploring our deepest core anatomy and developing new inner resources. As a Musclemonk, the Muscle Salon is part of my…

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More Posts from Muscle-monk
The revolution that starts from within:
the importance of understanding our own anatomy. The body is self reproducing, self organizing and self healing. The human body does all of this, but not without self-awareness. If animals are able to renegotiate many forms of even quite dramatic trauma that occur in a natural environment, shouldn’t the same be true for us? Wouldn’t a large part of that necessary somatic self-awareness simply…

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Why Somatic Experiencing Sucks
Why Somatic Experiencing Sucks I have a professional interest in trauma theory and somatics, but I am also an enthusiast of the new field of somatic psychology. In particular, I have loved the clarity, vision, and heart expressed in the works by Peter Levine. He even narrated his own audiobook, Trauma Healing, available on YouTube, and in it tells you in his own voice that he wrote this book and…

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Title:The Anatomy of Self Awareness
An Anatomical Description of Trauma Response: Three Bones Theory and the Sensory Stations of the Deep core. Biography: Jim Freda is a structural bodyworker and somatic social theorist focusing on the historical and cultural determinants of anatomy. Abstract: The human body is self-reproducing, self-organizing, and self-healing, but not without self-awareness. My argument is that there is a…

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