Saving the world one muscle at a time. Teacher of embodiment, muscle meditation, and biomechanical enlightenment. Muscle and growth fetishist.
440 posts
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Come to your senses!
One of the questions we have to ask ourselves in the current context is whether our best judgments and decisions might not be fundamentally and seriously affected -and even undermined- by our own unconscious and internalized disassociation, delusion, and denial. We consider ourselves to be highly educated and authoritative experts on the nature of reality at the same time as we are killing…
Join me for a muscle salon. I am hosting them soon online and in person.
It is important to remember
It is important to remember The body is self healing, self balancing, self directed, and self reproducing. It does all of this but not without self-awareness. If the body is like this then all of life is like this and so is the Earth. The body cannot heal itself from overwhelming trauma and perhaps neither can Earth. But our ability to heal the ability to heal is something that we should not…
A Grounded and Radical Hope
A Grounded and Radical Hope An appreciative response to a Deep Adaptation Forum post by Dan Vie and ChatAI: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/ZCLwGYYkCdX2zQu4/? It is irrational in my opinion to expect that more technology will solve the problems that it has created. This is because any new technocracy is little different from any old technocracy.  In my view there is a vast untapped reservoir…
Change begins from within—a e radical new argument.
Change begins from within. Not from without. Change that begins from within includes change from without. The opposite is not true. What I am trying to say at least is a bit new and is anatomical. There is not one without the other. Both are necessary. It isn’t such a complex argument but there are a couple of steps to it. Unlike animals we are at the very heart of both the environment and…
What is Truth?
What is Truth? Reply to a comment on my blog: https://threebonestheory.com/2024/09/04/the-paradigm-shift-and-the-body-change-happens-from-within/comment-page-1/#comments A lot of people say there is no truth and the best we can do is approximation. I don’t think we’ve really given the truth a chance. Jeffrey, I think that we engage in an awful lot of avoidance behaviors around the truth.…
The Paradigm Shift and the Body: Change Happens From Within
A response the Chip Hauss concerning the paradigm shift and my unique positioning in efforts for positive change. I am in a pretty unusual position. I am an historian and a somatic social theorist with an anatomically specific focus on the role that the body plays in psychology, culture and history. I did my undergraduate work at Columbia and doctoral research at UCLA in East Asian Studies, but…
A Handful of Bones
I teach a handful of bones along the axial line, part of the myofascial synergy called the deep core by Thomas Myers. It’s our postural center. The bones are central, prominent coordination centers facilitating interoception, stability and balance. They are shaped like grips and levers and are practically speaking bony servomechanisms for co-operating or conscious participation in our deeper…

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Meaning, Value and Moral Priority
Meaning, value and moral priority come from with life itself. They don’t emerge from intellectual activity, no matter how impressive or authoritative it seems.  The problem with our world is that it has been born from bad faith. Neither the invisible hand of the market nor the homeostatic properties of the natural world are going to heal the exponentially accelerated effects of our selfish and…
AI = Animal Intelligence =
AI = Animal Intelligece = biomechanical enlightenment = activation of a right hemispheric phase shift in the oscillations of the brain induced by conscious metastability in the myofascial synergy of the deep core. This interoceptive sensorymotor integration is bodywide and involves a coherent system of systems that at the same time is a singularity: our axial line and energetic core. Conscious…
Reminder! Embodying Prosociality
Prosocial Embodiment Circle: Workshop 6
Monday August 26 2024 @ 3-4:30pm PDT
RSVP: [https://calendar.app.google/BLMHayRFr89WVhRe6](https://calendar.app.google/BLMHayRFr89WVhRe6)

I am excited about this
I have recently found a new approach to the deep core that I am really loving. It is a form of bioenergetics taught by a chiropractor that focuses on meditative activation of the anchor sites of the axial line. She uses chakra sites but takes a very practical and physical approach to it. These anchor sites of course correspond across all different people and all different cultural perspectives.…
A Prospective Guide for Tea Monks
https://substack.com/@peacefulrevolutionary/note/p-140415619?r=2cl819&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action From the wonderful Substack article by the Peaceful Revolutionary. (What follows is my comment on this wonderful post on becoming a Tea Monk on Substack by the Peaceful Revolutionary.) I have decided to become a Muscle Monk. I use capital letters sometimes because it is very…

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Musclemonk Meets Joyous AI: Pt. 1
Musclemonk in conversation with Joyous AI MM: I would like to talk about how to save the world. JAI: Wow, what a beautiful aspiration! Saving the world sounds like a big task, but remember, every positive action creates ripples of change. 🌍💖 Let’s explore this together! What specific issues or areas are you passionate about? Maybe we can uncover some joyful narratives and actionable ideas to…

Embodying Prosociality
Prosocial Embodiment Circle: Workshop 6
Monday August 26 2024 @ 3-4:30pm PDT
RSVP: [https://calendar.app.google/BLMHayRFr89WVhRe6](https://calendar.app.google/BLMHayRFr89WVhRe6)
Evolution happens in the body and at Prosocial Embodiment we deal with it in the body.
How do we embody Prosociality? It is a simple but profound question.
What does it mean to embody something?
What does it mean to embody something as profound as prosociality?
Does it mean that we should try to behave in a certain way—that we should be kind, fair, friendly and equitable?
Is this enough for the evolutionary shift that we are seeking?
Are a new economic system and a host of sage policy recommendations for climate action, including the core design principles for community governance, enough? Or do we need to look within with a great deal more sincerity and scientific rigor? We certainly need many things, but in the end change happens from within.
Are we confident that a new intelligentsia is enough to lead us into the deep social change that we envision? This is the age-old problem of praxis and at Prosocial Embodiment we believe that change begins not only from the top down and outside in but also from the bottom up and the inside out.
The problem with every revolution has been that a new elite in the end just replaces the old elite. Top down solutions create new top down control systems. This will not achieve the kind of profound integration and cooperation required for prosociality.
The answers we seek exist within life itself. We base our exploration not only on intuition and spiritual impulse but on cutting edge fascial anatomy and a wealth of new research on topics like embodied cognition, somatics and interoception, coordination dynamics and neurophysics.
We look deep within the body to sense into a new form of somatic awareness and a consilient or holistic and integrative form of emergent perception and cognition. We are seeking the wisdom of the body and the earth that we are part of.
Please Join Us!
Join us in exploring the anatomy of our own deep core, the postural system of the body, our primal and self aware axial line. It is our interoceptive sensory motor system and a rich source of preverbal, natural wisdom and somatic resilience.
Together we will explore ways that we can embody prosociality + heal deep personal and social trauma starting deep within our own miraculous bodies.
Prosocial Embodiment Workshop 6: Embodying Prosociality
Embodying Prosociality Prosocial Embodiment Circle: Workshop 6 Monday August 26 2024 @ 3-4:30pm PDTRSVP: https://calendar.app.google/BLMHayRFr89WVhRe6 —– Evolution happens in the body and at Prosocial Embodiment we deal with it in the body. How do we embody Prosociality? It is a simple but profound question. What does it mean to embody something? What does it mean to embody something as…
Postural Collapse
A post on thread in Deep Adaptation Forum about “What is Collapse?”My very serious focus is on what I call postural collapse. This means the collapse of our structure. In the fight flight and play dead spectrum the defense cascade when we are overwhelmed we collapse. Even a small amount of trauma can induce collapse in our structure. This is one way to look at it but if you think about it…
Embodied Cognition and Collective Intelligence
it is very clear that in nature there is an evolutionary drive to greater and greater levels of complexity—but not without harmony, integration and, sustainability. From this perspective it would seem inevitable that something like collective intelligence would eventually emerge in the course of human cultural evolution. Indeed we can already identify in the ecosystem and in the body a functional…
A Perceptual Ecosystem
A Perceptual Ecosystem Truth is a perceptual ecosystem and it is sexy. It is not something that you possess in your head or that you argue about with words and symbols. That old idea is a foolish and youthful arrogance we are all guilty of. Interoception within our own bodies is the neurological basis of our animal intelligence. Truth exists within the world and our bodies, not in our heads.…

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Prosocial Embodiment Circle
Sensing the unseeable, beneath and beyond.. 🕸Prosocial Embodiment CircleOnline Embodied Playshop w Reyna PerdomoMonday August 5 @ 2:30pm PDT / 5:30pm EDTLink to join 👉 👉 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82172479763?pwd=I90yUnPS0a4kLaOTHEYrQeFbeacj1s.1——A collective embodied exploration of the invisible interconnection between the fascia, the body’s connective tissue, and the social and universal…
Armpit as Metastability
Biomechanical enlightenment should be both sexy and fun.
Armpit as Metastability The armpit a major locus of biomechanical metastability. The armpit is the heavily meaning laden and sensual body part that is also the coordinative center for the arm. It is deep, dark, and reaches deep within. And yet biomechanically it is by far more interesting than the superficial and blunt shoulder. This fact is important because of the tremendous amount of…
The Paradigm Shift
Modern science and modern reason is the attempt by modern man to impose order upon chaos. The problem that we did not anticipate is that the top down control system we are using is dehumanizing and denaturalizing the Earth. The more power we exert the more havoc we wreak. For this reason science and human curiosity are coming to understand a different order and a different control system, an…