Embodiment - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Muscle Salon Fri 6pm PST. FIX THE SLOUCH With Other Gay Men--self Massage, Biomechanics, Gentle And Invigorating

Muscle Salon Fri 6pm PST. FIX THE SLOUCH with other gay men--self massage, biomechanics, gentle and invigorating corrective exercise. A clothing optional and 420 friendly approach to presence, posture and power! Naked Anatomy at Eventbrite for tickets. #gay #MuscleMonk #nakedanatomy #musclesalon #gainer #stonerfitness #pdxstoners #musclebear #gaystoners #embodiment #posture https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2gRidjJAa/?igshid=18ys947btyxsx

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3 years ago
Muscle Salon Fri 6pm PST. FIX THE SLOUCH With Other Gay Men--self Massage, Biomechanics, Gentle And Invigorating

Muscle Salon Fri 6pm PST. FIX THE SLOUCH with other gay men--self massage, biomechanics, gentle and invigorating corrective exercise. A clothing optional and 420 friendly approach to presence, posture and power! Naked Anatomy at Eventbrite for tickets. #gay #MuscleMonk #nakedanatomy #musclesalon #gainer #stonerfitness #pdxstoners #musclebear #gaystoners #embodiment #posture https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2gRidjJAa/?igshid=a39gbrf5tw5u

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3 years ago
Today At 2pm Online! A Gay Embodiment Class--self Massage, Gentle Corrective Exercise, Invigorating And

Today at 2pm online! A gay embodiment class--self massage, gentle corrective exercise, invigorating and body positive. Today we focus on the anatomy of the shoulder. Tickets at Naked Anatomy at Eventbrite. #gay #MuscleMonk #nakedanatomy #musclesalon #gainer #musclebear #gaystoners #embodiment #posture https://www.instagram.com/p/CM-cR4hjRRH/?igshid=iuaglfnvtgby

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3 years ago
New Lifting Gloves From Shiek. #MuscleMonk #nakedanatomy #musclesalon #gainer #musclebear #gaystoners

New lifting gloves from Shiek. #MuscleMonk #nakedanatomy #musclesalon #gainer #musclebear #gaystoners #embodiment #posture https://www.instagram.com/p/CNDYxOGDqjr/?igshid=znxukdk22arq

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3 years ago
Muscle Salon Fri 6pm PST. Relax And Get Body Positive With Other Gay Menenjoy Self Massage, Muscle Meditation,

Muscle Salon Fri 6pm PST. Relax and get body positive with other gay men—enjoy self massage, muscle meditation, gentle and invigorating corrective exercise. A clothing optional and 420 friendly approach to embodiment! Naked Anatomy at Eventbrite for tickets. #gay #MuscleMonk #nakedanatomy #musclesalon #gainer #stonerfitness #pdxstoners #musclebear #gaystoners #embodiment #posture https://www.instagram.com/p/CNduFCDj4Qi/?igshid=64rivj623hte

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3 years ago
Rediscover Yourself In Your Own Body. It Feels Great. #MuscleMonk #nakedanatomy #musclesalon #gainer

Rediscover yourself in your own body. It feels great. #MuscleMonk #nakedanatomy #musclesalon #gainer #stonerfitness #musclebear #gaystoners #massage #embodiment #posture https://www.instagram.com/p/CNrfwtBjR7i/?igshid=fz1ux6luije1

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3 years ago
Muscle Salon Tonight 6pm PST. JOIN US! #MuscleMonk #nakedanatomy #musclesalon #gainer #stonerfitness

Muscle Salon tonight 6pm PST. JOIN US! #MuscleMonk #nakedanatomy #musclesalon #gainer #stonerfitness #musclebear #gaystoners #massage #embodiment #posture https://www.instagram.com/p/COBv_GUDZpf/?igshid=zsocjrvfxhhe

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3 years ago
Even Fat Guys Can Tone The New Deep Core. Roll Around With Us Online Friday 6pm PST. Muscle Salon, A

Even fat guys can tone the new deep core. Roll around with us online Friday 6pm PST. Muscle Salon, a gay embodiment class. Clothing optional, 420 friendly... Easy, Safe, Sexy and Fun! Learn about your body, rehab joint issues, fix posture, and build gentle strength from within. more info and tickets $20 at Naked Anatomy at Eventbrite. #MuscleMonk #nakedanatomy #musclesalon #gainer #stonerfitness #musclebear #gaystoners #massage #embodiment #posture https://www.instagram.com/p/COSE31zjEjp/?igshid=1mhe78wmbch8h

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2 years ago

Title:The Anatomy of Self Awareness

An Anatomical Description of Trauma Response: Three Bones Theory and the Sensory Stations of the Deep core. Biography: Jim Freda is a structural bodyworker and somatic social theorist focusing on the historical and cultural determinants of anatomy. Abstract: The human body is self-reproducing, self-organizing, and self-healing, but not without self-awareness. My argument is that there is a…

Title:The Anatomy Of Self Awareness

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2 years ago

You exist in your body. It is difficult to feel sometimes because it is beyond our capacity to tolerate such great wonder and beauty. Take a moment and feel yourself. Feeling sexy or feeling your body is not as rich and exciting as feeling your self. The difference lies in the great diversity, depth and quality of sensation and the structures that organize and contain it. It is a pursuit of enlightenment. Biomechanical Enlightenment.

You Exist In Your Body. It Is Difficult To Feel Sometimes Because It Is Beyond Our Capacity To Tolerate
You Exist In Your Body. It Is Difficult To Feel Sometimes Because It Is Beyond Our Capacity To Tolerate

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2 years ago

Muscle Salon with Muscle Monk.

90 minutes of gentle movement meditation once a month. A healing, sensual, and playful excursion into the world of biomechanical enlightenment. A sacred setting with honor and safety, the Muscle Salon is meant to be a place for sensitive reconnection with our bodies. We will be exploring our deepest core anatomy and developing new inner resources. As a Musclemonk, the Muscle Salon is part of my…

Muscle Salon With Muscle Monk.

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1 year ago

Touch, the absence of touch, and trauma. Reflections on the recent 2023 USABP Annual Meeting.

I just returned from a conference of body psychologists, where I presented but also attended a panel seminar on touch. For 90 minutes I listened to these people talk on and on about how wonderful touch is and how careful they must be and how to use touch and how to get permission for touch, and they acted as though they were dealing with nitroglycerin instead of just a soft animal. It was…

Touch, The Absence Of Touch, And Trauma. Reflections On The Recent 2023 USABP Annual Meeting.

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1 year ago

There is no guilt. There is no shame.

Musclemonk has something to say.

There is no guilt. There is no shame. There is no fear either. There is only self-awareness. That is, if you hold on long enough to your own breath. The challenges to be able to hold on long enough and this is what biomechanical enlightenment is about. Simple, friendly, mechanical, anatomical tools of structural centration that you can use to balance and ground yourself and find length and lift…

There Is No Guilt. There Is No Shame.

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1 year ago
There Is No Guilt. There Is No Shame. There Is No Fear Either. There Is Only Self-awareness.

There is no guilt. There is no shame. There is no fear either. There is only self-awareness.

That is, if you hold on long enough to your own breath. The challenge is to be able to hold on long enough and this is what biomechanical enlightenment is about. Simple, friendly, mechanical, anatomical tools of structural centration that you can use to balance and ground yourself and find length and lift from the ground up. This is simply a description of the anatomical functions of the deep core.

The deep core is largely automatic in function but welcomes our motor control and sensory awareness. It does this in some very obvious ways.

Our participation in it is an essential part of our identity. In this sense it is not optional. Without our active participation in the system, it becomes subject to postural patterns like the slouch.

The slouch is a biopsychosocial behavior. We have to consider it to be a complex and maladaptive behavior in the current context.

We are not just talking about appearances or social status. We are not just talking about the power mechanics.

The slouch is a repressive form of identity politics. It is a form of epistemological warfare, doublespeak. It is only the tiniest and the most personal symptom of civilization run amok.

But it is our battle ground. And by reclaiming the scapula and the armpit and rejecting the false anatomical shoulder we can begin a process of self reconciliation and self affirmation.

This kind of sounds like the gospel of the living body.

The armpit is a deeply sensitive area and is a conduit for tissues of awareness and healing both. The armpit is the sensory key to scapular activation, and the self organization of arm movement. It is here that we find a friendly and welcoming challenge of our guilt and shame and fear. The armpit will invite you into your self deeply. It will invite you into the powerful scapula bone, which is the most important bone of the upper body, and is the deciding factor in our core stability and posture.

 The nipples invite us into the armpit and mediate between the armpit and the groin not just myofascially but at the level of erotic energy.

This anatomy exists within you, independent of any research I may have conducted. It is there for you to connect to and activate. You can do this in any location or any time so long as you have your body. A slow and meditative approach works best when dealing with the postural muscles. A mirror and focus and time and touch and an openness to self discovery are helpful ingredients. Biomechanical enlightenment is something that starts when you put down the screen.

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1 year ago

This is an introduction to a theory of coordination dynamics as a form of embodiment, and I hope that you enjoy listening to it. Please forgive the frank and intimate nature of the video, the sometimes poor quality of the sound, but this is a genuine expression of a great deal of profound thinking and research.


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1 year ago

A handful of bones

A handful of bones A handful of bones just about all that we can hold in our mind as we go through the process of our complex daily full body movements. A handful of bones is enough to coordinate and balance the system in almost any position. Perhaps in our mundane daily movement of the body only a few at a time need to occupy our immediate attention. These are the most consistently…

A Handful Of Bones

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1 year ago

Biomechanical enlightenment is not arcane and esoteric.

Biomechanical enlightenment is not arcane and esoteric. Thinking about coordination dynamics the question we must consider is whether the several major coordinative centers of the body, complex multilevel bony systems, each produce a characteristic voice, an identity, a sense of the whole greater than the sum of its parts–one that is predictable and understandable. We suppose that this might be…

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11 months ago
I Am Inside This Enormous Obscene Thing.

I am inside this enormous obscene thing.

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11 months ago

It’s deep inside of there. That big bulge.

Its Deep Inside Of There. That Big Bulge.

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7 months ago

Armpit as Metastability

Biomechanical enlightenment should be both sexy and fun.

Armpit as Metastability The armpit a major locus of biomechanical metastability. The armpit is the heavily meaning laden and sensual body part that is also the coordinative center for the arm. It is deep, dark, and reaches deep within. And yet biomechanically it is by far more interesting than the superficial and blunt shoulder. This fact is important because of the tremendous amount of…

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