musesofawolf - Muses of a Wolf
Muses of a Wolf

292 posts

First Impressions Mattera Collection Of Meet Cutes And Meet Uglys From Yours Truly.(add A Swap To Swap

first impressions matter a collection of meet cutes and meet uglys from yours truly. (add a “swap” to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)

ankle, sender twists their ankle and stumbles forward, coincidentally falling into receiver's arms.

bark, a dog barks loudly, making sender jump and send their phone flying into receiver's face.

chips, sender and receiver both reach for the last bag of chips in the grocery store, their fingers touching by accident.

drink, sender chokes on their drink and ends up spitting it out all over receiver as they walk past.

emergency, in the middle of an awkward blind date, sender pretends to be receiver's friend and helps them get out of the date by faking an emergency.

french, sender pretends they can only speak french to get out of giving a stranger directions. receiver is a witness.

gift, sender is about to get scammed into overpaying for something before receiver steps in to help (and haggle).

hair, sender gets something they're wearing caught in receiver's hair and ends up yanking a chunk of it out when attempting to separate.

ice, sender is ice skating for the first time and skates uncontrollably in receiver's direction.

jail, sender and receiver are both thrown into the same holding cell at a police station.

kid, sender loses a child that they're caring for, only to end up finding them in receiver's company.

lock, sender crashes their ex's wedding, and receiver, a bridesmaid / groomsman, locks them both in the bathroom to prevent sender making a scene.

match, sender and receiver both end up being sat at the same table in a full restaurant.

nauseous, sender is drunk, and while receiver is attempting to help them, ends up throwing up all over receiver's shoes.

oops, sender is carrying a bag full of groceries that ends up breaking. receiver helps them pick their groceries back up.

plug, receiver walks into the bathroom to find sender stuffing tissues up their nose in an attempt to plug up a nosebleed.

quarter, sender doesn't have enough coins for the vending machine, so they stick their hand up the flap and gets their arm stuck just as receiver approaches.

rain, sender and receiver both get stuck under the same awning when seeking shelter from sudden rain.

shh, sender and receiver are both sitting beside each other at the movies. sender keeps whispering to themself every few minutes.

tooth, sender accidentally bites down too hard on their food, resulting in a tooth falling out and skittering across the floor to land at receiver's feet.

undone, the laces on sender's shoes ends up coming undone and they trip and fall, bringing receiver down with them and into the fountain beside them.

vacation, there's a problem with the booking of sender and receiver's hotel rooms and they end up having to share one. thankfully there are two beds.

woods, sender and receiver bump into each other in the woods. one of them is holding a shovel.

x-rated, in a bookstore, sender accidentally drops a few of the erotic books they were planning on purchasing on the floor, which receiver picks up.

yawn, sender, who is dressed down and has not yet slept, bumps into receiver, who is dressed up and just woken up, in line for coffee.

zap, sender calls out to receiver to ask for directions, but as it's late receiver mistakes sender for a creep and tases them.

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More Posts from Musesofawolf

1 year ago

send me a number for my muse to talk about …  could be npc’s from your muse’s canon or other muses! 

1. someone they fear

2. someone they love

3. someone they miss

4. someone they admire

5. someone they’ve forgiven

6. someone they feel dislikes them

7. someone they view as a mentor

8. someone they view as a role model

9. someone they would like to befriend

10. someone they’re holding a grudge against

11. someone they have romantic feelings toward

12. someone who taught them a valuable lesson

13. someone they have conflicted feelings about

14. someone whose choices have drastically impacted their life

15. someone they used to view positively, but now view negatively 

16. someone they used to view negatively, but now view positively 

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1 year ago

munday no-no and yes-yes list

Here is a meme that can show all of the things you hate and love when it comes role playing!

Send  🐶 for a role play related pet peeve. Send ☠️ for something that will result in a instant unfollow from you Send ✋ for a prompt/plot/concept/ anything you refuse to role play Send 📝 for a rule you think is important when it comes to role playing Send 💘 for your policy on shipping with your muse(s) Send 💞 for your policy on pre-established relationships with your muse(s) Send 🔍 for something you look for on other’s blogs Send 😊 for likable quality for a role play mun to have Send 🔪 for a fandom you refuse to associate with

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1 year ago

For Both of your boys please! ;;; ""someone they view as a mentor"" (And why?)


He sits there for a moment, and thinks, and thinks, a look of consternation coming over his face, and then the tension easing with a sigh as his hand rubs over his beard.

"I can't believe I'm going to say the second one, so I'm starting with the first. First mentor was the Captain that led my scouting battalion. My parents and I, we had our differences. My father was a drunk, a firm believer that what he did in life would amount to nothing, so he did nothing. My mother did the best she could, but there is only so much a working woman can provide, especially when her work company was...less than scrupulous. Out of necessity I enlisted, and met that first real mentor, Captain Shay."

Bryn's gaze grew distant, his silvery eyes gleaming as he leaned against the table onto his forearms. "He was a gruff, no nonsense type of leader, and he whipped us all into shape quickly. He literally mentored us into warriors, into fighters, and took a personal interest in us all. For me specifically, he helped me become independent, shed that baggage of the past, and finally own man. No longer the shadow of my father. He gave me a focus, a concentration, and when I showed affinity for scouting and rifles, he personally trained me. Even pushed me up to the rank of Sergeant so I could perform solo missions."

After a moment of retrospection, he groans again, and thunks his head down on the table, his voice muffled by his arms. "My other mentor would be Thancred." He lifted his head and grumbles out, "Despite his complete and utter lack of respect for authority or rank, he did a good job teaching me everything there is to know about spying, and blending into the shadows. His teaching methods were completely unacceptable and landed us in more danger than needed, but he did manage to get me to loosen up a little. I was a bit of a stickler for the rules back then and he taught me how to improvise."

He stares down the-layline-directory, his eyes gleaming, as he growls out, "If you even think of breathing a word of that to Thancred, I will show you exactly what he taught me in terms of interrogation tactics."


"My mom!"

His answer was fast, smooth, and without a single ounce of hesitation, his feet swinging under the table. "She taught me almost everything I know! From archery, to Menphina, to cartography and trade. She wanted me to have a well rounded education, and she taught me so much.

"She also taught me how to be kind. To care and look out for those in need." His voice had softened, his eyes too, as his fingers interlocked in front of him on the table surface. "She taught me to look for the good, to always treat others with respect, and help wherever I can. It's always served me well. Even if I have been burned by it, and certainly had my kindness taken advantage of, I still wouldn't..." he paused, mused for a bit, and then smiled. "Yah I really wouldn't change anything. It is all what made me the man I am today. And I'm proud of that man."

He grinned, and chuckled out, "Oh and she taught me that too, self worth! She's a pretty great mom!"

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1 year ago


“Ah.” He hummed, watching the territorial dragon sweeping the loop to begin turning, the world upside-down as his slitted eyes watched the skies while laying on his back. It was with a gleeful smile that he looked up to the man above him, arms stretching out to curl around that warm neck as he used the leverage to pull himself up, feeling the soldier’s breath against his lips from the short distance. “New Hunt to play?”

The tail curling around his waist was almost...familiar now, as if he was used to it, knowing that it was the half-dragon's way of a hug, and he was happy to let it last, his movements slow but still steady, making sure not to upset the chuckling dragon on his boots, that mirth curiously familiar.

Bryn had to chuckle at the words that Whillow offered, fun he had called it, and the stoic soldier wouldn't disagree. The smile on the gecko's face was infectious, just a slight upturn at the corner's of Bryn's lips, his eyes on the little dragon's as--

Shadow, passing overhead, and a roar of anger, had Bryn's skin crawling, the beat of wings so close, claw slashing towards him as he turned his head, his hand lifting, shifting, changing, claws extending, silver-white fur rippling, bones cracking as he readied himself--

Whillow was faster, stepping off, back, kicking Bryn's legs out and pulling him down, forward, the soldier's arms shooting out, catching himself in the fall, stopping just shy of crushing Whillow. Chest to chest, he hear the heavy swish of the dragon flying over, low and close, clearly targeting them as the silver eyed warrior let out a noise of shock, disbelief that he hadn't heard, or seen the dragon, his paw curling and claws digging at the wood, and his eyes snapping to the white furred appendage as he suddenly focused his breathing. Slowly, carefully, his paw shifted, the elongated fingers, cracking and shrinking, claws returning to nails, fur receding, hand returning to normal size, and with a roll of his wrist, there was no sign that it had been anything but a Hyur hand, his eyes sliding to Whill's to see if he had noticed, finding him slightly out of breath, and beneath him.

Beneath him.


His eyes glowed a bright silver for a single moment, and then he clamped down on it, lifting himself slightly to relieve the weight pressing against Whillow, rolling off him and bouncing up onto his feet, unslinging his rifle as he rose into a crouch and glanced at his now running around chocobo, then up to the flying dragon as he noted its size, its loop, and the clear anger it held. He pressed his thumb to the firing hammer of his rifle, charging it, as he tracked the dragon and murmured softly.

"We need to take out the wings." His head turned, nodding to Whillow as he confirmed. "Yes, new hunt, and a dangerous one. We need to get it on the ground. Aim for the wings. On the next pass, when it's low." Bryn let out a sharp whistle, and then pointed out to the distance, Featherflame turning towards the pointed location, as her owner let out three sharp whistles, the signal to return at high speed once it reached the point it was designated to go, staying crouched as he aimed his rifle out around where Featherflame was, the dragon roaring and circling slowly, the dashing red feathered bird seeming to draw the large beast's attention, clearly presenting a bit more of a meal as the bird skidded to a halt, turned, and then began to make a hundred yard dash back towards the two riders.

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1 year ago


Disoriented, a bit bruised maybe, but mostly really dizzy, eventually something stopped his trajectory with a suddenness that left the La’Mellaen fool with his eyes closed as the world spun around his senses, trying to get his bearings; ending up with just a mirthful laugh before laying down with a sigh. He trusted Bryn to have the rest of the game for the next few moments.


The lilting tone of Whillow's confirmation told Bryn all he needed to know, the Sergeant readyin g his weapon, tracking the beast as it flew around and then after his mount, praying that he had timed everything right, that his poor chocobo would be just out of harms reach, and that he would get lucky with his shots.

Bryn was ready, ready to shoot and punch a hole through a wing, to rapid fire if needed, but his gaze flicked to Whillow, in surprise and admiration, as the wily half-dragon went sprinting towards a wall and just...climbed it. He was up high so fast, that Bryn barely had time to comprehend what he was doing. All he could realistically do was shoot him a questioning look,

Featherflame was having an absolute moment of panic. She was not running now because her owner had told her, no she was running because death was right behind her. And her little bird brain did not want to get snuffed out just yet, instincts demanding she run as hard as possible towards the two people who could save her. Her eyes were fixed on Bryn as she ran, panic evident in her fwees of distress, taloned feet kicking up dirt as she noted that the other new rider was up high, no time to think as to why he was up there, the little beast hardly a concern when the large one had her tail feathers in it s mouth, and that meant that there was a--

Whillow jumped, flew, and Featherflame looked up in shock, a little sounds of surprise escaping the beaked mouth, and then Whillow was on top of the dragon, and Featherflame was no longer in danger.

Bryn's mouth actually dropped open. He had not expected Whillow to do that, frankly, he wouldn't have thought the most insane person in the world would jump onto the back of an angry dragon! Instead of angrily scowling, he found himself in awe. The leap, the timing, the sheer strength it took to rip down the dragon's neck and through scales, it was spoke to the fighting prowess that Whillow had just in his instincts and body. But, even as the little dragon dragged down the larger beast's back, it was all unrefined. There was no tactical moves, or focused attack, it was just wild slashes, bites, full on animal.

Still, the job was done, a wing ripped free of its connecting sinews, the next lunged upon with a frenzy, and suddenly, the dragon was plummeting towards the ground, its passenger clinging to its back, Bryn tracking the dragon as it fell and skidded against the dirt--

"WHILLOW!" He roared the black scaled dragon's name as the petite man was launched, the soldier rising up and sprinting towards the now beached dragon as he levelled his rifle at hip level, a full on sprint. Featherflame went flying past him, in the opposite direction, a questioning squeak as to what Bryn was thinking, the dragon thrashing about as Bryn pulled the trigger. The bang echoed, the ball of aether slamming into the dragon's chest, puncturing scales, his chest, a lung within it, as Bryn kept running. His thumb pressed to the firing mechanism, using the aether within him to rapidly charge the next shot, his eyes gleaming angrily as he felt the next shot ready, and firing again. Still roaring from the first, the second shot slammed into its exposed neck, choking off the roar and causing the beast to posture, head coming down, eyes angrily searching for who had just hurt them, and finding Bryn right there, bayonet fixed, and rifle levelled.

The blade slammed into the large beasts skull, the Sergeant twisting his rifle with a roar of his own, booted foot slamming into the top of the dragon's snout, keeping it closed as he saw its eyes focus on him, angry, hurting, and Bryn just growled out, "This is for Whillow!" And pulled the trigger.

There was no sound, the concentrated, heated aether going from barrel into skull seamlessly, blasting out through the neck of the beast, and Bryn watched as the light slowly faded from its gaze. He panted, heavily, glancing down, and then realized he was covered in ichor from that last shot, wrenching the bayonet free, turning towards his mount and--

"Whill!" He was running, eyes searching, finding the little dragon laying on the ground right up against a tree, where he had rolled to a stop as the soldier sprinted towards him, rifle slung over his back as he yelled again, "Whill!" Skidding to a knee next to the dragon, his hand pressed to his chest, to feel for a heartbeat, his eyes going wide as he didn't feel one, or at least not one he was familiar with, his breath sucking in as he rumbled out, "No, come on you little bastard! Wake up!"

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