109 posts
It Wouldn't Matter If Hamas Cured Every Illness The Hostages Already Had & Sent Them Off With A Complimentary

it wouldn't matter if hamas cured every illness the hostages already had & sent them off with a complimentary rolex watch. the zionists will always accuse them of 39681496 things they didn't do & kill random children about it.
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More Posts from My-woozi
hi all,
please encourage sm and nct to put an end to this st*rbucks collaboration on platforms the members and sm monitor like lysn bubble and weverse. here is a link with pictures and a message template to use: link
taeyong posted on his ig story (now deleted) prompting fans to boycott, so spreading the word is working. if you have not already, please join in!
though the brand may not be on the bds list, shareholders have ties to isr*el:

edit: renjun also spoke up on his story (also now deleted), i urge you all to start/continue speaking up against the collaboration and atrocities happening!

soft - yoon keeho
sum : he doesn't know it but he is more than what he think he is.

keeho can be bit mean. you know that. the words he spew sometimes can be bit hurtful, offending. not that he mean it in a negative way.
one time intak has been ecstatically showing you the shirt he had been eyeing on. it was certainly... fashion, something what you won't understand as per keeho words. intak was going on this little rant on where to wear it and how to style it when keeho came in. "who's shirt is that?" when he see the visible pout on the other boy's face he immediately retracts. "it's really... cute. it actually suits you," and a bunch of advice on how to style it as to make it up to him.
keeho can be blunt. in the way the truth hurts, he barely bother cushioning his frankness.
keeho can be a lot of things he didn't mean. he said he don't care much about other people but everything he did prove otherwise.
jongseob was sick the other day. the doctor said he overworked himself to exhaustion. barely sleeping, barely eating, only coming home when he needed some change of clothes. keeho naturally got into the youngest business right away. nagging him to point where jongseob was already dozing off, not caring about their leader worries anymore. his words were a lot but his hands were gentle. wiping the sweats off jongseob's face, cooking porridge for him, preparing the water for him to take with his medication. keeho was the one who nursed him back to health, basically.
keeho's 'don't care' behavior doesn't apply to the ones around him and maybe he doesn't even realize this.
but when keeho is with you, he is everything but what he claim he is. his words are gentle. thoughts were put in every sentences he said to you. the jokes are for you to laugh at, the compliments are for you to know how much he appreciates you and the honesty he gave never were to maim.
keeho is soft. as soft as the plush he gifted you when you said you always miss him whenever he's not near. he claimed they were for you to hug and think of as his stand-in for whenever he's away from you.
keeho is sweet. as sweet as the cherry chapstick he bought you three months into the relationship. saying that you need to stop your habit of picking your lips dry skin. "it's ruining you pretty face," he said.
keeho maybe doesn't know this but he is loving. he doesn't parade his love. instead, his love was subtle. only appearing when needed. if you look for it hard enough, it'll show. but you don't need to do that. because for you, all of his love is laid open for you to receive.
never better than - choi jiung
sum : maybe you're just... never enough.
[ note : f!reader, angst and it's quite long. feeling inferiority (not to jiung), self insecurities, injury. ]

"really jiung?" you question him after holding him back from the group. "out of all people here, you really just gotta go and flirt with her? out of all of the people here?" when jiung didn't say anything, you know you're done here. "you're really an asshole jiung," just like that you left him and turn back around.
this hiking trip was something you've been looking forward to. what something was supposed to be a date between you and jiung quickly turned into a group hangout between your group of friends. you loved the idea of merging both of your group of friends and see no issues about this. clearly that was a mistake on your part.
few months into the relationship, you confided to jiung about one of your insecurities regarding one of your best friend.
you love your best friend. she never did anything bad to you. but it doesn't make the fact that everybody you have taken a liking to seems to like her more than you, any better. you have a feeling that it's because she is everything... more than you. softer, more feminine, more lady-like.
to put it in easy words, she is the definition of the woman every guy wants to bring home to meet their parents.
but she is a sweetheart through and through which made you feel stupider than you're already feeling. because she never tried to reciprocate all those guys advances even when she doesn't know about your crush towards them.
so when you first bring up this trip you thought that the outcome could be different.
jiung and you have been together for the past six month and although you've never officially introduce your friends to him but they know of each other. jiung had seen her picture and he never said anything. he never bothered to follow her accounts anywhere.
this is a relationship that you want to last a long time. you have deep adoration towards jiung and even if you don't know yet if you could call it love, it's definitely something close. it's just... you thought he would be different.
the few minutes in the meet up and it seems like jiung was already enamored by her. you realized he kept taking glances at her but you tried not to think negatively. it was all futile when he started leaving you behind to catch up to her.
only when you took a bad fall he finally came to your side, fussing about how you should watch out and be more careful. you felt sting on your left arm but your heart hurts more. do you have to be hurt for him to finally remember your existence? so you brush him off in annoyance, saying you're fine and that was all it took for him to leave you and went back to your friend.
you tried to focus after that but he's making it hard to. you can see how he really tried to start conversations with her but she kept ignoring him and kept moving away from him.
when you can no longer take it, you call out to him. he didn't look annoyed but he just probably kept it down so others won't see it. you tried to think of an excuses for his behavior but when it seems like he himself can't give you one, you just walk away from him.
the lone walk on the way down give you so much time to think. thinking about everything, about jiung, about your relationship, your feelings and most importantly your hurting left arm.
turns out, you fractured your left arm when you took that bad fall. the doctor said that you probably made it worse when you decided to drive yourself to the hospital. now you're sad, in pain and your arm in this ugly cast.
"make sure to not get it wet. try ask for someone to help you with everyday chore if you could and of course i'm going to tell you to be more careful after this."
when you walked out of the hospital, you feel empty. everything replay in your head. you wonder why it has to be you. why it has to be her, your own best friend. why, why and why you were always never enough.
the drive home was painstakingly slow. the walk into your home was numbing. you can no longer trust jiung with this relationship. it's inevitable that the breakup happened after today and the sooner you do it the better. it will give you more time to heal and move past this.
so you packed the few things jiung had in your apartment. including the little trinkets he had given you randomly, saying they reminded him of you. there is no point on keeping them after this when you're no longer going to be the one in his mind.
you haven't cry yet and honestly you don't know if you are able to right now. it doesn't feel real how just last night you guys were laying in bed thinking about where to go next week for your weekly date and now here you are packing his stuff because... well because, because he is smitten with your own best friend.
once you finished packing, you took pictures of his belongings outside of your door and sent them to him. 'we're done. all of your stuff are in here. i don't want to see you anymore,' and with that, you blocked him everywhere.
maybe, maybe one day. one day you will find a fitting man who will finally only have his eyes on you. a guy who's willing to give you the moon if you ask for it. a guy who's love is so overflowing all you had to do was smile at him and that will swept him off his feet. a guy who unfortunately cannot be jiung.
You should be furious that people trying to escape genocide in Gaza, Sudan, Congo all need raise an absurd amount of money just to survive
You should be furious at how these people went through atrocity after atrocity and still need raise tens of thousands of dollars to get away
You should be furious at this insidious thing that completely encapsulates how capitalism feeds off of blood