Keeho Fluff - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

someone better write a super fluffy and cute keeho fanfic rn and send it to me or else bad things will happen to u

Someone Better Write A Super Fluffy And Cute Keeho Fanfic Rn And Send It To Me Or Else Bad Things Will

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5 months ago

soft - yoon keeho

sum : he doesn't know it but he is more than what he think he is.

Soft - Yoon Keeho
Soft - Yoon Keeho
Soft - Yoon Keeho

keeho can be bit mean. you know that. the words he spew sometimes can be bit hurtful, offending. not that he mean it in a negative way.

one time intak has been ecstatically showing you the shirt he had been eyeing on. it was certainly... fashion, something what you won't understand as per keeho words. intak was going on this little rant on where to wear it and how to style it when keeho came in. "who's shirt is that?" when he see the visible pout on the other boy's face he immediately retracts. "it's really... cute. it actually suits you," and a bunch of advice on how to style it as to make it up to him.

keeho can be blunt. in the way the truth hurts, he barely bother cushioning his frankness.

keeho can be a lot of things he didn't mean. he said he don't care much about other people but everything he did prove otherwise.

jongseob was sick the other day. the doctor said he overworked himself to exhaustion. barely sleeping, barely eating, only coming home when he needed some change of clothes. keeho naturally got into the youngest business right away. nagging him to point where jongseob was already dozing off, not caring about their leader worries anymore. his words were a lot but his hands were gentle. wiping the sweats off jongseob's face, cooking porridge for him, preparing the water for him to take with his medication. keeho was the one who nursed him back to health, basically.

keeho's 'don't care' behavior doesn't apply to the ones around him and maybe he doesn't even realize this.

but when keeho is with you, he is everything but what he claim he is. his words are gentle. thoughts were put in every sentences he said to you. the jokes are for you to laugh at, the compliments are for you to know how much he appreciates you and the honesty he gave never were to maim.

keeho is soft. as soft as the plush he gifted you when you said you always miss him whenever he's not near. he claimed they were for you to hug and think of as his stand-in for whenever he's away from you.

keeho is sweet. as sweet as the cherry chapstick he bought you three months into the relationship. saying that you need to stop your habit of picking your lips dry skin. "it's ruining you pretty face," he said.

keeho maybe doesn't know this but he is loving. he doesn't parade his love. instead, his love was subtle. only appearing when needed. if you look for it hard enough, it'll show. but you don't need to do that. because for you, all of his love is laid open for you to receive.

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2 years ago

* 10:32pm *

* 10:32pm *
* 10:32pm *
* 10:32pm *

keeho was always there when you needed him. even if it was the tiniest problem, he would back you up and assure you that everything was fine. an angel is what he was.

nights like these where you had your head layed upon his chest, listening to his heartbeat were your favourite. ever since the first night the two of you spent together, you couldn’t sleep without each other after it.

the soft touches he placed upon your back always out you at ease. his gently reassuring words that he whispered out every so often only added to your comfort, making you feel like the most special person in the world.

“ sleep well my gorgeous princess. see you in my dreams.”

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