389 posts
2/100 Days Of Learning Programming
2/100 days of learning programming
I completed today's taks successfuly.
Still listing to some introductions and basics but according to a plan.
One of the most things i loved today was the sdk
I think I might continue in the web development way as a backend developer
And the most 3 language I want to master are Javascript / html and Payton ❤️
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ولولا خلالٌ سنّها الشعر ما درى
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- أبو تمام.
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1/100 days of learning programming
بسم الله
It's just a start
One of my coworkers has sent me a starting plan. Today all i did was organizing the ideas/ links and making timetable.
I have also enrolled in the web development challenge track that powered by ITIDA
I hope i could spend around 1 hr 30 min 5 days week and Shar my progress right here.