myousa taught university art for a long time but she got tired. this is the art blog. grown-ass woman who makes art sometimes.
898 posts
Day 12. Scribbly As Heck Because The Show On Friday Is Kicking My Butt, But I Did It Anyway.HA HA TAKE

Day 12. Scribbly as heck because the show on Friday is kicking my butt, but I did it anyway. HA HA TAKE THAT EXCUSES
Oh god I want to die right now.
(Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett, somewhere between stage and film)
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And here a cheerful and fancily dressed volunteer demonstrates the Smiling Mask.

I went to the beach today and had a really lovely time, but had to come home and deal with the student loans people, so here is today's favorite character for the fanart challenge, on account of my need for something sunny.

Number 16 and I should be caught up with Verb. I decided that I should draw my two favorite fictional favorite samurai.

Day 9. After fighting with code all day, I have nothing to say.
(Puddleglum from the Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair)

Day 6. I adore this sack-of-bones show and no one is capable of making me feel the slightest bit of shame about that.