Masks - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Photos From, 1999
Photos From, 1999
Photos From, 1999
Photos From, 1999
Photos From, 1999
Photos From, 1999
Photos From, 1999
Photos From, 1999
Photos From, 1999
Photos From, 1999

photos from, 1999

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3 years ago

Being LGBTQIA+ (and discovering it just before COVID-19) is so funny right now.

My school is open, but we have to wear masks and there is one person I have never properly talked to, but we wave at each other because I complimented her rainbow mask one time.

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4 years ago
Douglas Island News, Alaska, November 15, 1918

Douglas Island News, Alaska, November 15, 1918

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3 years ago
The Des Moines Register, Iowa, October 28, 1918

The Des Moines Register, Iowa, October 28, 1918

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7 years ago
So Ehm Not To Add More Fuel To The Fire But What If Mark Just Meant They Were Dead Like Maybe Theyll

So ehm not to add more fuel to the fire but what if Mark just meant they were dead like maybe they’ll die in the same video this time. I mean Mark managed to kill himself in at least 17 different ways so the ego’s have some catching up to do right ?

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7 years ago
Okay. I Had Time This Morning To Draw A Bunch, So Heres Todays Batch!
Okay. I Had Time This Morning To Draw A Bunch, So Heres Todays Batch!
Okay. I Had Time This Morning To Draw A Bunch, So Heres Todays Batch!

Okay. I had time this morning to draw a bunch, so here’s today’s batch!

The first one is Dragon!Geno! I got the idea of drawing the au sanses as dragons from the greatly talented @moonspirit01 and their Undertalons au! Also, the original Geno Sans belongs to @loverofpiggies (if I’m not mistaken)

And guess what? There’s another easter egg in Dragon!Geno’s image. Let’s see if people can find this one.. (^_~) Good luck!

The second drawing is my persona’s mask (*couch* nilakanta’s head *couch*) lying on a cliff during the moonlight.. or something like that.

And then the last one is a chibi Nilakanta. Cause why not? He’s really cute like this. ALso, click the image for a surprise! (not a big one mind you, but it’s still cool)

Yeah, art and Nilakanta belong to me.

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Create Create Create Till You Can No More

Create create create till you can no more

A drawing based on a fanfic I'm working on (that I need to continue writing 😅). The story is a little complex and a bit tricky to put on paper (or type) but it's a concept of the story is one I enjoy thinking about from time to time.

I just need to put some into writing...

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Oh Snap! Who's That In The Background?~

Oh snap! Who's that in the background?~

Omg, its Ink! Welp, I guess this make this an inktobertale piece then (lol).

Ya I just decided to sneak him in and I shall dub this the creation (WIP) piece. Work is rough so I have to take a break from drawing for a bit (which is why I'm not uploading inktobertale stuff regularly). Btw, I mentioned this drawing is based on a fanfic I'm working on. When I write more on the middle bits of my story, I'll share it with u guys. (Sorry that story is taking me awhile to write. There's a lot of drafting I need to do first beforehand to get my thoughts straight on what to do next 😅).

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9 years ago
Masked People

Masked people

I go too far for this.... it’s time to do some digital artwork.

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7 years ago


want to see the real me? you will pay for it. (✺ω✺)

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10 years ago
Don't We Look Cute For Halloween :)

Don't we look cute for Halloween :)

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11 months ago


At the ask of @dragonstylemeringue, I made a MudWing opera mask!

Tho, I'm gonna be honest, I had forgotten it was specifically an opera mask, so I made a tribal mask first before I realized xD Perfectly fine tho, I really enjoyed making these!!

Here is the art


The subject who is wearing the masks is my MudWing oc Doe<3

The right mask is the opera mask, which I'll discuss first:

•These masks are worn during theatre performances, where the actor either acts, sings, dances, or a combination of all three

•The masks are elaborately decorated to fit the role the performer is taking on. For example, Doe was taking on the role of a swamp witch, which is why her mask has herons, a storm cloud, and a third eye. MudWings will also make costumes to go along with their mask

•The opera mask is clamped on with leather straps below the chin and wrapped around the horns, then secured on with metal clips at the ends

•MudWing dances use a lot of rugged, strong movements, with a lot of stomping and wings slowly flapping with the beat. It's similar to fut san, which is a chinese southern lion dance that embraces powerful moves that are derived from kung fu

•MudWing singing is very throaty, with croaks, ribbits, and roars often being thrown in to give it emotion and strength. While the songs would sound strange to say, SandWings, SkyWings, and IceWings, they would angelic and soulful to MudWings, SeaWings, and RainWings


Now for the tribal mask!

•The tribal mask is given to MudWing troops when they are seven years of age as a proper gift for their endurance, strength, and perseverance for getting to that age, as many, especially in the lower class, don't

•The mask is normally green, black, or grey in color, with a gator like ridge right on the snout, and little gator tails at the end of the first chains. This is because the MudWing's first ever queen was Queen Alligator, who had brought thr tribe together and gave them long prosperity, with not only her great leadership, but her knowledge on crops, and the importance of staying together

•On the first chains are also polished clay beads, sized and painted to resemble the MudWing's sibs. The biggest one is the bigwings, the second oldest is the second biggest, and the smallest is the youngest. The beads vary in amount, depending on how many siblings they have and lost, for their bead is buried with their sibling when they pass on

•The second chain holds a raindrop shaped bead, and is the mask wearer's own color. The reason for the singular to be on a different chain is to remind them that they are still an individual who can do things even if they must do it alone

•The clay nodes all over the mask serves two purposes, being so that the clay doesn't pop or crack during baking, and to give it texture, which is something MudWings heavily enjoy

And that about wraps it up for the masks! Thank ya so much for reading☆

Y'all have a good day/night where you are now, and take care🎉

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2 years ago

I don’t know if the bookstore or Wil required them, but I am still absurdly happy to see a crowd in October 2022 where everyone is wearing masks. Yay for sensible, considerate people! The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is the only other place I see all-masked crowds these days.

Holy Crap Look At All These People! (at Vromans Bookstore)

Holy crap look at all these people! (at Vroman’s Bookstore)

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