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God, What A Bunch Of Spoilsports. Those Bitches Were All Just Jealous

God, what a bunch of spoilsports. Those bitches were all just jealous 

“Oh my God, you need to get to a hospital”” “There’s, like, something totally wrong with you!” - Yeah whatever. They could all go to hell.

Samantha luxuriated in the feeling as her tits jumped up another size, quivering as she walked along the corridor with a new confidence, and a staggeringly gorgeous rack. She had long removed her bra, which by comparison had been little more than a glorified vest.

With the clack of her heels and the enlarging bounce of breasts, she felt powerful. An echo could be heard of the small horde who had started to meekly follow her down the corridor. Mmm... Her shirt was about to give way. Soon their curiosity would give way to full blown adoration. She chuckled... Delicious.

mysafetystars - Safetystars
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9 years ago
I'm listening to my favorite radio station while sitting in traffic. I've only been tuned in for about two minutes, having just dropped off my 1-year-old daughter at her day-care provider's house...

Oddly hot. Needs continuing.......

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9 years ago

“Well, what can I do? I spent my last paycheck buying new clothes and this custom bra!” 

Ally winced at the tightness, which would have been excruciating but for the overcoming pleasure of her boobs as they bloated bigger and bigger

“I guess I’ll have to make do without. Oh well, better get started on that back training regimen!”

A seam uttered an ominous rip. 

“Looks like I’m going to need it.”

A nipple surfaced from above the straining lace, causing her to suck in a deep breath as it hardened in the cool air.

“Now, if I could only figure out a way to work out aaaand relieve this insane sexual tension.”

She smiled, cat-like, as an idea came to mind. Ally fumbled for her phone, somewhere beneath the wall of swelling tit, and quickly pressed redial.

All mock-innocent and girlish, she spoke into the mobile, curling her hair between two fingers while her breasts pushed further and further.“Hey Davey, do you think you could pwetty pwease come over and help widdle ol’ me out with something...” Her voice deepened to a husky tone as her other hand examined the heft of quad-boob spilling from the top of a cup. “...personal?”

A strap finally gave out and snapped like a catapult, coming to hang quivering while she paused, listening to his response. She crossed her legs, impatient with arousal, and took in her own fragrance.

“I think you’ll like it... but hurry, big boy, I’m growing impatient.”

mysafetystars - Safetystars

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9 years ago

are we able to link pictures you might find interesting in hopes of having them captioned or is that a no go?

Cool with me. Go for it if you like. ^^

9 years ago


Can you imagine being best friends with a size shifter and watching them grow for the first time?

Just craning your neck up to keep eye contact as they swell and grow, towering over you at an alarming rate and constantly speaking in hushed tones, saying reassuring words to keep you calm as they keep on growing. You’d watch as fingers that once fitted between yours became longer than you were, how the eyes you’d looked into a million times before became big enough to look like great pools..

Soon they’d be gigantic, leaning over you so you’re engulfed in their shadow and every breath they take feels like a gentle breeze, maybe you’d be frightened but they’d be there to calm you down- reminding you they’re just your friend.

Perhaps once you’d both got used to them being so huge they’d reach for you, fingers running gently over you and curling behind you so you find yourself leaning into their hand. Their hand would tip, you’d slide into their palm and find yourself sitting breathlessly in your now giant friends hand- staring up at their familiar face as they carefully pick you up with a friendly smile….

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