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This feels incredible. I’ve ripped clean through my bra, and now the straps of my dress are straining too. I can feel the soft cloth growing taut against my enlarging breasts, almost rough to my heightening sensitivity.
The bra has slipped down, and the fabric of my clothes is ripping away too. My boobs are bigger than my head, growing fast and torturing me with pleasure. At last, the hated garment is gone, and my juggs stand proud, quivering to greater proportions as my fingers find nipples. I never want this to end...

She looked in the mirror.
“What the FUCK?!” said Mirri, her voice echoing across the empty gymnasium.
Her eyes poured up and down the body in front of her. Her body.
Where before flab had covered plainness, now every curve and muscle accentuated a beauty that radiated from her very core. Plainly speaking, MIrri was fucking hot!
She moved, memerised by the ripple and jiggle of lithe muscle and ample contour. She was so focused, slowly shifting her body to stare at the perfect hourglass; powerful calves, thick yet yet graceful thighs, wide hips and a buxom derrière, a small but powerful waist, a full and bountiful chest, and sensual good looks to stun and amaze... She didn’t notice that he was still changing. Growing.
Mirri’s hand slowly slid up the mirror as she peered closely at her large, dark eyes. Unconsciously, he bent forward to adjust to her increasing height, and sticking her ass out was enough to finish off the panties straining at her waist. They shot off as her hips blossomed outwards,even as the straining material on her thighs gave out. Her socks began to ladder, thinning as their content enlarged.
Her hair trailed down now to her waist as she now bent to her knees to examine her high cheek bones. Growing bustier and getting toned was one thing, but the unfamiliarity of her own face was bizarre and fascinating. Sculpted and delicate under her hands, she tingled with sensation, blushing at her own arousal as the remnants of her shirt shredded under the unassuagable heft of her massive boobs, expansive and cold against the mirror. She was still rising higher, a good 14 feet at least now, but her proportions had doubled. Her ass stuck out like some exquisite shelf, tapering to lush thighs that ached to wrap around a strong man’s waist. Her tits were mind boggling, HUGE. They were almost twice the size of her own head, or about half a dozen times the size of a normal man’s.
Of course, this is all in the past tense. Mirri was growing, transforming by the moment into a true goddess. Legs lengthened, mounds swelled as she stretched. Within her, a flame rose, an augmenting whisper that began to call to her within, telling her its need, getting louder and louder, making her sweat at the temple and quiver in the knees with keen arousal. And still he got bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Her breath came short as she approached the very top of the mirror, bent over even as she was. Realisation would come soon, and then... what would she do?
Well, Raymond would find out as his keys began to turn in the lock of the front door of the gymnasium.

I can’t help but imagine myself as her, knowing you looked at her like that. That’s what I want, I always have. And now, I’m going to get it, and... so will you.
It’s funny, but I didn’t think I would like it, that it would feel this good... growing.
We’re watching a movie now. You didn’t notice when you came in and... that was ok. I know it’s because you wanted to talk to me for me, no matter what I look like. But, well, I wanted - want you to notice me. So I went into my bedroom, just for a minute, and I took another pill.
So we’re now sitting on the sofa, watching the film. You’re pretty focused, and you give that cute smile as you watch a funny part. I can’t even remember the movie’s name. You have another piece of popcorn and then, noticing I’m not watching, you turn to ask if I’m ok. For a moment... it seems as if something catches your eye when you look over, but I’ve already mumbled a ‘yeah’ before sharply turning ninety degrees to watch too.
The scene is sliding past my eyeballs, and I’m so aware of the hot, dense air in between us. And then, that decreases, ever so slightly as I get bigger. I don’t dare look down, not after last time, but I can picture it happening, just like before, as my little boobs begin to creep, edging their way forward, even as the whole shirt begins to tighten around me. I’m so desperate for you to look over, to see me as it’s happening, but so afraid of you noticing too.. I think about that, picturing-- I stop myself, feeling my nipples grow even harder, They feel so much larger than before, and longer and-- I quietly gasp, feeling them brush against the soft cotton, rough against my newly sensitive areolae. My feet now touch the floor.
The space is shrinking between us, even as I’m growing. It feels... really good, but I can’t think about it. I’m torn by panic and excitement. This is what you want, but will I be enough? My head is now level with yours, I notice out of the corner of my eye, as I can feel myself being pushed forward a little as my ass enlarges too. I’m getting soo big!
I’m hoping you’ll see me, and with every nevrous breath I take, I can feel my- tit, pumping up, bloating bigger and bigger, just how you like. You’re leaning, just a little closer now, maybe because I’m so much heavier on the sofa, or because I’m now closer to youu, or maybe you’re seeing me in the back of your head? I’m looking down at you, wondering. You’re so sweet and cute, and I want to be all that I can be for you. More.
I feel a button pop on my shirt and, in my excitement, I go for another pill. My shorts are way too tight now, and I have to squeeze the bottle from my pocket. My thighs feel deliciously thick as my hand smushes into them, prying the cap open. Quivering I lift another pill to my lips. My mouth feels dry, but I swallow it, remembering how huge one had felt the first time it was in my mouth..
I can feel the growth coming again, hot in me, making me want you all the more. I... know you;ll want me now, I’m so big that I can- convince you, I know it. I reach a hand and pick up the remote, tiny in my hand and turn off the TV. I’m stunned by myself, but you look over at me, and I’m too frantic to think of anything else. Shocked silence for a moment, until I clear my throat and, towering over you, my huge breasts, bigger than your head, with an ass to match, whisper, as I feel the slow beginning of the next pill.
“Do... Do you like it-me, like this?”

Bigger... Have to beat my high score. More gaming equals more practice equals better scores equals bigger tits. The international competition in 22 days 6 hours and 13 minutes? No I’m totally relaxed for that, y’know, I guess I’ll take part... Maybe.

That’s the only word she can think, as she spirals out of control. She’s totally lost to the pleasure now, growing for eternity in one unending orgasm. We can only hope that our calculations as to the speed of red shift are woefully underestimated.

The skirt creaked, the seams just about to rip a little further. Kayleigh felt a warm afterglow as she walked along the office corridor back towards the labs. Today with Tom had been sooo good she thought, feeling a tingle. He really had been right about knowing how to pleasure a girl from the back as well. Mind you, she considered, unaware of the new inch of ass being put on show under the rearing skirt as her lower half continued to thicken. With a cock that big, should she have been surprised?
She walked along, her ass flaring out more with each step, hungry for him. It was almost enough to make her forget about the chemical spill from earlier in the day. Her ass tightened pushing out another few inches like a shelf behind her. Kay licked her lips absent mindedly. It was kind of exciting knowing his cum was inside her, deep in her ass. They normally used condoms but the feeling of him going in raw had almost made her not need lube. So thick, and sooo hard. She was unaware that by now her hips were so broad that she could take Tom whole with relative ease. The thought of him sliding into her, pumping his cock into her ass, filling her up, it made her feel sexy, and she bit her lip, feeling the fabric of her skirt tight across her skin, making her shiver in wantonness.
It made her feel like a real woman. She continued to walk, her skirt slowly coming apart as she grew bigger and hornier. By the time Kay would get to her desk and sit, half naked, she would have already paged Tom to meet her there for round 2.

”Hey shorty, angle the camera right, I’m still growing here!”
Daniela smiled knowingly. She was beautiful, and it took Matt all concentration to hold the camera steadily on an average day. But this was a growing day.
When she had first come to him, shy and enchanting, she had been a lovely girl of about five nine. Now, she towered over him at six foot eight, and her allure had only increased. They were good friends now, two years down the road, more than good friends. That last part had to be secret until they earned enough to break away and form their own agency, but Dani could never resist flirting with her secret boyfriend, even at the workplace.
Matt adjusted the lens and pointed it up, a full head above his own. He examined the smooth skin and delicate features of his model, the utterly breathtaking curves of her lips, hips, and thighs. And then there were her breasts. They jutted audaciously from just below her collarbone, riding high and firm on her chest, but with just the right amount of give to make one hunger for them. He thought of the feel of them, and felt a stirring down below. This was not missed by Dani, and though she said nothing, her eyes sparkled with dangerous desire as she continued to gain inches all over, and she raised an eyebrow.
Her lascivious stare required no more directing. His camera began to click, taking in each moment as her top visibly tightened and stretched, slowly exposing midriff and cleavage. The material was thinning as she climbed higher, and visible creaks could be heard as stitches began to pop and give way to pliant flesh.
Dani adjusted, ever so slightly, as she began to approach seven feet in height, as her hips widened further. Her curves were disconcertingly enticing, and only growing more so, several steps ahead of the rest of her body. Matt could see her top lifting over the top of her ass as it plumped outwards. The girl’s thighs thickened to crush his libido. As Matt attempted to focus, he heard her sigh in pleasure as her top gently tore down the front. In the back of his mind he knew this was the one. She was the one for him, but also this would be the set that bought them there liberty. The line of cleavage was a deep well as the ribbons of shirt fluttered insignificantly about, and she rose on lengthening legs, a quiet, deep moan building in her. Her expression was purely carnal, and he worried that when, as on every growing day, she took him to bed after the shoot, they might be heard in the trailer. The heft of her enormous assets and the toned look to her svelte legs confirmed it. Perhaps he could persuade her to go to the motel he’d spotted down the road on the way there. They’d have more than enough to pay for repairs when all this was done.
Jeeze, she was getting huge. The anticipation beaded on his forehead, and his shorts felt all too constricting. When she stopped, his amazon stood in the tatters of black cloth at seven foot one; powerful and wanton. He shut off the camera and took her arm and walked off, caressing her soft skin. She was yanking him along by the time they reached the door, though he was by no means lagging. When she got like this, she was a slave to her own needs, desperate for him. He smiled, and began a light jog beside her. He couldn’t wait to try out her new size and curves.

She eyed you, lightly swaying her hips from side to side enticingly, knowing she wouldn’t have long to wait before your dick was ready again, and you could fuck her again to make her ass even bigger. All she had to do was-- her legs spreading brought you back to full hardness, and she grinned, sliding her panties down to reveal the glory of her gigantic heinie. She gripped the edge of the sink, and spread those vast cheeks, ready for you, ready for your cum - ready to grow,.

All the free drinks you could get at a pool party? What could go wrong? Nothing, as far as Mrs Macauber was concerned. So she’d gone up a couple of cup sizes during the course of the event. Alright, more than a couple, or a few. A lot. But, you know, no good party was without a fun surprise or two (or several)! The sun was hot as she lay in the deck chair. She relaxed, getting better acquainted with her daughter’s friends, some sweet boys from her science class, who all seemed very eager to share a drink with her. She took another sip, and her third replacement bikini let out a creak of protest. A handsome youth topped up her glass almost immediately, smiling. She could swear it was getting better with every taste!

She secretly knows what his cock can do. That’s why she’s been dating him for six weeks, hoping to get a taste. She’d been pretty forward, but he’s resisted until tonight. Now she’s going all out.
She’s already good looking, tall, and slender while curvy where it counts. But you can see it in her eyes. As if that was enough. As if anything could ever be enough. She’s got him on the ropes, she can feel it, and now it’s her turn to hold back a bit, let him chase her hungrily.
He takes the bait, and she cannot resist a coy smile, only just disguising it with a flutter of her eyelashes. It takes all too long for him to suggest getting coffee after.
They’re in the car now, and she’s corralled him to her place. She’s nervous now. She’s been anticipating this moment for so long... He senses it, and smiles, squeezing her hand. She gives him her key and lets him lead her on through her front door.
It’s been six months now, and he hasn’t had a full night’s sleep in the last two. She’s always waking, or rather, getting him up so she can take another ride. He couldn’t stop her, even if he tried. She’ll turn him on his back, or lie down and pin his groin to her, pumping him for her desire. Her strong, large hands, still delicate somehow, will grip his buttocks, and drive him into her to the very hilt, and then repeat it, over and over, even as she cries out the whole time, making the whole building shake with her orgasms. Sooner or later, she can always make him come. She’s never out of tricks, roleplays, or new moves. At ten feet tall, she insatiable.
Now it’s gone so far that he can feel her growing against him, taller, fuller, stronger, and hornier, even as she’s forcing his cock back to life for another round.
She’ll force him to fuck her tits as they swell around his dick, engulfing more and more of him, and she’ll cry out for him to grab her nipples, thick enough to fit in his palms as he stretches out his arms further to keep ahold, and the whole time she’ll beg him to come for her, to make her grow bigger.
Other times, she’ll bend low and get him up on to a high piece of furniture in their new house, and he’ll plump up her ass, pounding between the cheeks while she challenges him to fuck her harder.
She’s shown him some great things. Once, she managed to make him ejaculate just by moving her pussy muscles over his dick. Her favourite though, has always sucking him off. That’s what makes her bigger all over, causing her to stretch as she licks up and swallows his jism, enlarging with every load she drinks, much like her appetite. His giantess is so good that she can continue blowing him after he comes and get another load within minutes, though she’s always aiming to break her record.
He has had a secret too, for longer than she’s had hers. He has wanted this.
Some days she’ll want to be seduced. There’s not a shadow of a doubt that his amazon of a girlfriend is still just a lady, albeit an absurdly endowed giant one. They’ll have wine, eat the dinner she cooked, and she’ll listen to his jokes, and they’ll make love. She’ll cry out that she loves him, unable to stop herself admitting that she is as much his slave as he is hers.

“Hey, look Hon, canyonception!” she giggled, setting her tits awobble in her undersized dress. This had certainly been an... eyeopening camping trip. You two were now official, and decided to take a weekend off together. It was there that she showed you why she had been so reluctant to have sex before you were an item.
“This is gonna sound weird, but I need to warn you from before... When I fuck, they grow. Like, BIG bigger, depending on how turned on I get”
You were even now contemplating what kind engagement ring to buy.

Yeah, she’s maintaining that poker face, but I can literally feel how turned on she is by the idea. Bigger again I told her, that was my offer. She said she’’d think about it, but I could by the way she’s already adapting her posture, accentuating her new assets... the arrestably low cut top isn’t a bad hint either. She’s already hungrier than even she knows for it. That’s how addiction works.

Bigger tits, bigger ass, taller.
Bigger tits, bigger ass, taller.
It might seem formulaic, maybe even dull. Yeah fucking right, who are you kidding? Like your dick isn’t already aching for your hand. Cause that’s all you know you can get. But you never know, the injections have been making me pretty fucking horny boys.
Tell you what, whoever gets the last but to pay for the next one gets two minutes on a private chat window. Hey, hey, there we go, very goood. Mmm... I can’t wait to grow... so much bigger.
Now, that’s more like it! Hey, I’ll tell you what. If I like whoever gets the prize, well, who knows... And heck, haha, I’m nearly eight feet tall, can just one guy be enough anymore?
We’ll see. I need to size up my options, on a MUCH larger scale.
But in the mean, it’s like I said, big boys... grow my tits and ass, and make me taller.

If I’d known growing was so much fun, I would have listened to you ages ago! I mean, look at me now, I’m huge!!
Not to mention, it’s quite a confidence boost knowing I can’t be in a room with you without you having a hard on. And I mean, you’re practically coming in your pants listening to me talking about it.
Come on, sexy, let’s go grow me another few inches. I should be ashamed, but I’m already soaked just thinking about it, and that in itself is just turning me on more... Hurry up, or I’m gonna carry you by your schlong.

Soo, what are you more surprised at?
Your tongue is tied as the enormous tits attached to your ex-girlfriend loom in the yellow lamplight. She smiles devilishly, and her eyes follows yours down below her chin.
Hmm... Seeing me? The fact that I’m in your bed naked? Or is it, maybe, these puppies?
You do not hear the clunk of your briefcase connecting with the floor, nor the ominous crunch of the delicate $1000 Mac. Your jaw sags as she slowly rubs a nipple, and you are transfixed as it swells to hardness, even as you follow suit.
I’ve tried to be a good girl, waiting for you all day, while these babies ached and ached for you, but I couldn’t help it... I had to touch them, just a little bit.
Her touch increases, and her hands begin to ply the soft, rippling flesh in earnest. She inhales, and her chest seems to swell before your very eyes. You take a step forward.
The pills work on their own well enough, but are sooo much better with a... catalyst. And there’s only so much a poor girl can do by herself.
And you are startled to your senses as her breasts actually begin to push out, splaying her fingers further and further apart as she toys with them. She gasps at the sensitivity, and the low moan she utters fills your mind.
S-s-so biiiiiig! Ahhhh!
Focus returns to her stare as her back arches, and as she comes down you see her boobs have already made up the distance. She spreads her thighs, and you hear a wanton whisper as her fragrance overtakes you
Help out a growing girl, will you?

He watched me dancing for him, growing more aroused by the moment as I slipped off another piece of clothing. I saw his pants begin to bulge and strain against an iron lust growing in their, and then, as I turned to reveal my naked breasts, my panties became soaked as I saw his body suddenly expand.
The muscles began to tighten, swelling outwards. His enormous shoulders widened, and his arms bulked up further, and I watched his hands clench as the fingers thickened. His broad torso was a rugged mountain range of pectorals and ripped ab canyons, deepening and swelling more and more by the second with his desire for me.
I desperately began to shed more of my clothes, watching his breathing grow more ragged, seeing the feral glint in his eyes as he began to advance towards me. I felt his strong arm stop my frantic movements, and I could only stare as I he lazily shred the rest of my garments with a flick of his wrist. He moved in closer, and a moan of desire escaped me as I realised he was now almost 2 1/2 feet taller than me. His cock, thick almost as a water bottle, pressed against my thigh, rock hard, and I stood, petrified by my desire to be dominated by this man.
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‘The formula worked, they look awesome They’re so sensitive!’ thought Ludmilla, watching the buds of her nipples stab at her shirt and shivering in response. Her grip tightened as she pulled downwards, over the humps of growth, trying to examine them as the tank top tightened.
Ludmilla stared, watching her tits grow, from plum-sized to oranges, then bigger to grapefruits, and then the promised melon range. Her whole body felt on fire, and it was all she could do to stop her self from fingering her clit. But no, she wanted to remember this feeling...
They were so big, and so powerful. Unbeknownst to her, these thoughts floating in her inebriated pleasure were reflecting other things too... She admired the heft of the tits, the way they hung down from her chest. Below them, abs began to ripple, pressing tight against her core. Ludmilla strained against her shirt, and heard a rip. She attributed it to her tits, which were now bigger than cantaloupes, but the shirt could have taken more. What was shredding the nylon was the brawny muscles pressing against her boobs. Veins began to stand out, and her shirt began to feel even more constricting, ripping a little further, as her boobs suddenly bloated to match the inches of bicep and height that were beginning to manifest. The growth was just starting
“Uhhh! I’m going to be massive!” she thought, as her breasts swelled towards head size. Her legs had thickened, and each taut muscle was pumping her with a craving. She shivered, and her tits jiggling were accompanied by the ripple of her back muscles as they strengthened to easily support the weight of her ginormous bounty. The air was rank with the smell of her sex. She needed something in her, and soon...
Ludmilla pictured Nadyeshka, her gym instructor, kneeling before her, licking at her throbbing clitoris. Ludmilla’s ass flexed and tightened, and her top began to split down the back as her shoulders broadened to match the seven and a half feet of horny demigod she was transforming into. Her guns only grew larger, tearing away her top completely, revealing her breasts, far larger than watermelons, swaying at her waist. The changing room ceiling began to look a little low, but Ludmilla was already kneeling, playing with her massive jugs, thinking of all the things she wanted to do to the imperious instructor.
‘She can’t say no to this!’ thought the eight foot bodybuilder, running her hands over the gigantic teardrops hanging off her chiselled chest, blissfully unaware of just how true that would soon be.
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“Manon, fetch me something else to wear, will you? This blouse is becoming a little... inadequate.”
Claudette lowered the hardback volume of Les Fleurs du Mal from in front of her. That was the only place she could read from with an unobscured view now. She experimentally tugged at the tight polyester which failed to encase her. There was little give, but it still stung as it snapped back like a bowstring. She winced, and then smiled. Claudette had no idea what was causing the augmentation of her breasts, and visits to doctors had shone little light.
The Parisian socialite had shrugged. Yes, people would say what they would; didn’t they always? But it was better to be talked about negatively than not to be talked about at all. She pulled a tablet from her new Chanel handbag, and examined her schedule. She had gym in an hour, where she and Cristophe would be working on another back-focused regimen. That left plenty of time for to buy some new outfits, and a well-needed larger sports bra. Free until 3 O’ Clock after that... Perhaps she would have the boy again today, she felt inclined towards a little fun.
Claudette buttoned on the chiffon kimono, luxuriating in the feeling of the soft material against her chest. One of the wonderful things about the condition she had developed was that it gave her even more excuse to try and buy new clothes. More than that, it was fascinating from a design perspective. Her slim, lithe body had sprouted a bounty which stretched from just below her collarbone to two-thirds of the way down her ribcage in a graceful teardrop, and rested gently on her upper arms on its sides. Claudette turned to observe herself from profile. She thought she cut quite a figure, gently brushing the fabric above her nipples, a full span from her body now, angled ever so slightly upwards. They stiffened and she muttered an oath before chuckling.
She gently applied makeup, Manon fetching her this and that to complete her look. She found that she did not need to lightly over apply her lipstick. She pouted, admiring their bee sting plumpness. Well that was new. As was a slight increase in height. Manon had to quickly unhem the lower part of her outfit, as well as to put a thinner insole into her shoes. Claudette’s heart skipped a beat as inspiration for new a whole line of clothing began to take form in her mind. She descended the stairs, exhibiting an inimitable grace as she walked with ease in slender 6-inch heels, her bust trembling ever so slightly. Manon wondered about the amount of thigh her mistress was showing today, but Claudette merely returned a knowing smile before lighting a cigarette. The fashion designer stepped out on to the busy street, where her driver was waiting. She would not let these developments hold her back. Far from it; she would embrace them (figuratively, of course, she mused). Claudette was an artist, and her body was her palette. What paintings she would give the world...
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She glowered at her phone, working to keep the fury from wrinkling her smooth face.
That fucking bitch. That little cunt. That whore slut!
Alicia breathed in, her sizeable D cups straining at the tight top. HOW did that fugly little nerd do it? How could possibly...
Alicia strained as her mind fogged over, but her anger helped her to retrieve the thought from the mist of confusion.
And it was like no one had noticed! Like they had all accepted that B-O-na NOtitzgerald was suddenly a massive hottie with huge tits. What was...
Alicia breathed in hard again, her nostrils flaring as memories flickered before her eyes, seeking to replace what she knew was real. No! She knew what was right! She was the fucking queen bee of the school. Everyone should be worshipping her, the way things were supposed to be, not this fucking blow up nerd who'd suddenly learned about deodorant. The images flashed and sparked in her head, and she let out an anguished scream.
Suddenly it all stopped. Yes, she was not crazy. Fiona fucking Fitzgerald had found some way to basically become every nerd-- ok, every guy's fantasy, and somehow make everyone think it had always been that way. Well, almost everyone.
Alicia adjusted her boobs, exposing a few more inches of cleavage. She had remembered for a reason, because she was meant to be the one in charge. Oh, she'd play along for now, but she would find out how that bitch got so fucking taĺl, where those curves came from, and then Alicia would take everything away from her.
As she mused on this, Alicia felt herself go wet between her ample, smooth thighs. Her hand pressed against the supple flesh. Fiona today... The world tomorrow. Her nipples became taut within her shirt, and a moan escaped her as she stared intently into the mirror.
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Carla felt the rush of euphoria begin to ebb as her growth completely ceased.
Only 2 pills left.
Carla picked them up in her hand, and thought about the power that lay in these tiny capsules.
A muscle twitched, and she moved our of the way of a 'low' beam. Then Carla twisted, rising on to her toes, feeling taut muscle and the delicious feeling her top stretch tight across her rack.
She raised the pills towards her luscious lips, and whispered.
"Now the question is... tits, muscles, or height?"

Ripped Girls 🔥🔥🔥🔥