Expansion - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

Bigger again, huh? You know, I’m beginning to think that I’ll never have enough tit for you!

Oh, but don’t worry, I’m hardly pouting about it. In fact- and this is a secret, so shhh!- you might like it, but I lov- uhh! Sorry, it’s hard to ah! -concentrate after it starts because mmm.. -it ooh! -feels so good! Ohh! OHHHH!

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9 years ago

Never mind that she had just graduated with a PhD in a special branch of organic and biochemistry and molecular biology, because she was putting her talents to use in order to obtain ‘empirical evidence’ on a hypothesis she had suggested regarding whether size affected the pleasure scale.

Right now, however, she said she wanted to be your bimbo fuck doll, your own personal slut. Your feet motioned you forward as, wide-eyed, you saw her gain another three inches…

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9 years ago

‘Time is ticking, and my hourglass is only filling.’

Jenna smiled to herself, admiring the photo she had just taken of herself. Her figure, even to her, was breathtaking - even shocking. She was now the proud owner of a generous E-cup, verging on F, and a behind which devoured her ex-boyfriend’s Batman shorts, the only thing that currently fit her.

She looked down. ‘Damn, all the right junk in all the right places.’ Her grin widened, and she snapped another pic. Of course, there was a hell of a lot of getting used to, but she figured that the endorsements she would soon be getting from her  online profiles would pay for a new wardrobe, and much else besides.

She pictured Andy’s face agog as photos of her flooded the internet. He would cry himself to sleep, thinking over his spent dick that he could have had this all, just for him and him alone. He would know how badly he had fucked up when he left her that night alone in the construction yard, and hadn’t even bothered to see if she was alright. The explosion had changed her, while he was off with some floozy, but this bitch was now back, bigger and better than ever. She felt a slight tingling, and cooed, enjoying the sensation rushing through her...

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9 years ago

Your mind told you to back away, but a certain other part of you drew closer to her. She grinned, her panties catapulted across the alleyway.

“Looks like I’m not the only one getting bigger!” she advanced hungrily upon her prize, licking her lips as she knelt before you, still looming larger than life “Let’s see if I can give you a spurt of your own.” You felt her hands clamp tightly around your ass, lightly thumbing the buttocks, which were taut with anticipation. You wonder if she had even noticed the trousers she had ripped away.

mysafetystars - Safetystars

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9 years ago

It was beyond you how she hadn’t noticed yet. They were fucking enormous, and the leather was getting so tight. How long till she was going to burst out? Boob piled upon boob, spilling out from the top, producing a cleavage larger than most women’s busts.

And she just kept on chatting to you, unaware of your popping eyes, gaping mouth, or of her own massive expansion.

Continue this ;)

mysafetystars - Safetystars

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9 years ago

‘Oh dear, another outfit soon off to the morgue’, she thought as she absent mindedly considered the tightening material stretching to its limits over her body. She turned back to her phone. ‘Ah well.’ she mused, feeling the dull thrill of pleasure zinging across her skin as it expanded outwards in her legs, ass, and breasts. The feeling was electric, as the cloth continued to try to constrict her in its struggle against her growing assets. It began to give ground, and stitches one by one began to pop, well on their way to shredding. Mia merely allowed the corner of a smile show as she waited for the wardrobe team, deciding not to mess with a good thing, but merely to enjoy it. Like her daddy had always said ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’

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9 years ago

God, what a bunch of spoilsports. Those bitches were all just jealous 

“Oh my God, you need to get to a hospital”” “There’s, like, something totally wrong with you!” - Yeah whatever. They could all go to hell.

Samantha luxuriated in the feeling as her tits jumped up another size, quivering as she walked along the corridor with a new confidence, and a staggeringly gorgeous rack. She had long removed her bra, which by comparison had been little more than a glorified vest.

With the clack of her heels and the enlarging bounce of breasts, she felt powerful. An echo could be heard of the small horde who had started to meekly follow her down the corridor. Mmm... Her shirt was about to give way. Soon their curiosity would give way to full blown adoration. She chuckled... Delicious.

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9 years ago

Well, it’s not too bad. A little bigger this week. Honestly, not had a lot of time at home with le boyfriend to continue our massage treatment. I swear I can feel the strain coming off him, haha. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well, my man’s certainly going to be very FOND tonight when I surprise him with the new lingerie I’ve bought. Of course, it’ll soon be too small, he’s getting faster with his technique (I swear i’ve almost caught him practising on a pillow once or twice)... but then, I don’t reckon he’ll mind the expenditure.

Must go now, arriving at flat. Top feeling super tight. Gonna save this pic since I won’t be able to wear this again.



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9 years ago

Something felt... odd, Jennifer mused to herself as she looked through the magazine. Still, she could not tear her eyes away from the volume - her first publishing! True, it wasn’t where she wanted to be, she thought, unaware of the uncomfortable feeling tugging at her bra straps, lightly mixed with a pleasure percolating from her chest upwards.

She was thrilled. She was coming up in the world, Jenny was a real writer now! She beamed with pride, flicking a page as her breasts expanded obscenely. All the emotion and tit was welling up, aching for release. Jennifer grinned, exulting as she came to the last paragraph and her boobs decimated the remnants of her bra, bouncing free beneath her tight shirt, searching for new rips to form. She reread a sentence, having lost focus for a second. Something... Then she lifted the magazine a little higher. The view was being blocked by her... tits.

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9 years ago

‘Man, this is some serious bullshit’ thought Shinae, looking at herself in the mirror. The cosmetic she had spent three years perfecting in her lab was supposed to make your skin softer, not... 

She scrutinised the astounding curves before her. Sean always denied that he was trying to feel her up when he soaped her up in the shower. This was always a great source of amusement, and it certainly built tension before one thing led to another. Well, here was tangible proof to the contrary... She ran her hand over a breast, larger than her whole head, and jumped in surprise and pleasure as a nipple larger than her thumb sprang to life. Very tangible proof.

Sean was out at the store, getting a few groceries, and she examined his handiwork. Her boobs were fucking gigantic, and she had an unbelievable booty to match. Shinae couldn’t help touching it... herself. She began to sigh with pleasure as she felt the thickness in her thighs, the prominence of her ass, and the immeasurable enormity of her tits. FUCK!

She fumbled for her phone, and sent Sean a hasty message, bearing a single word. “Condoms”

Then Shinae went to the bathroom and grabbed the remaining cream. She put  it on the bedside table before undressing. She was fucking spectacular. She found the sexiest things that sort of still fit, and turned off all the lights, and waited...

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9 years ago

I felt his  cum coursing through me, willing me to grow for him. I started to feel hot, my pussy burning with the wanton emptiness that needs filling. My hands ran over my body, feeling the hot sparks as I changed and grew, my hips swelling far outwards to diminish my shoulders, while at the same time raising into the air, pivoting to a perfect-fucking angle beneath my huge, pert ass. And the pressure against the padded bra was intense. My breasts bounded forth past plentiful handfulls and beyond, easily ripping through and jiggling to a bounty past head size. I almost blacked out from the ravening coming wracking my entire being.

I was still changing, growing ever sexier, and I could feel my toes gently extending towards the edge of the bed even as my hair tumbled further along the other way. Somewhere amidst lust, my hand had dialled my boyfriend’s number, and I was now moaning away insatiably as I pressed the buzzing device deep into my throbbing twat.

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9 years ago

I couldn’t take my eyes off her, examining the potential that lay within. Under my gaze, the hidden structures in her DNA pivoted, and I saw her untapped. The small scanner I held ran over her body, taking in the already generous curves, and flounting all precedent. I watched the screen seeing her bust expand larger and larger, tripling in size. My mouth dried as I pictured the tank top she was wearing stretch and begin to tear, and I could almost hear the moans ripping from her hungry throat at the pleasure. 

She smiled coyly at my obvious attraction as I moved over to her. As we introduced ourselves and got talking, I began to suspect that this girl would be more than eager to talk about my interest in biology soon enough...

mysafetystars - Safetystars

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9 years ago

She had finally bought it. ;The Crows’, the little alley bar off the high street, was now hers. After seven years!

Dawn remembered the hell she’d gone through to get it, but it was all worth it now. Soon enough, she thought, as she took down a freshly polished glass, she’d be living the dream.

Dawn had always wanted to run a pub. Ever since she was young - maybe it was too much East Enders, who knows? She’d always looked on at barmaids in envy, and now she was to join their ranks, and excel.

She picked up a bottle of golden alcohol, the label faded. It was common practice in this area, she had read in a book, for the previous owner to leave a little something for the new buyer, and she intended to fully enjoy this.

She sipped at the honey liquid, enjoying every drop, relishing the gilded sweetness. Before she knew, she had poured herself another glass, and before long the bottle was empty. Dawn felt giddy with a tingling sensation, and giggled as she felt her tights begin to tickle.

Breathing heavily in a careless grin, Dawn attempted to pierce her double vision enough to read some of the leftover script on the back of the bottle. Dawn adjusted her position, lowering her head as her torso gently rose on the chair. She craned forward, and her ass jutted out voluminously.behind her. Oblivious, she ran a finger over the old paper, her thighs thickening delicious and plump, and she wiggled, adjusting to her widening hips. 

A dim burning sensation was rising below the pit of her stomach. Dawn felt a strong craving for... something. Her hips continued to widen, and her rump to expand meatily, filling out firm and smooth, swallowing up her clothes as she grew bigger still. Her other hand trailed down to begin stroking an enlarging haunch. The ferventness of her rubbing increased with her size, and as inch after inch crept across her frame, so her fingers edged towards the tightening camel toe in her now ludicrously small outfit.

Dawn’s digits had no problem slipping between the gaping hole in her tights, and as she rubbed up and down it seemed that she knew that it would only be so long before the rest gave way too. Ass spilling out over the sides of the stool, she decided she simply had to call the previous owner about the delicious stuff. 

Though she would have no luck with that, Dawn would find that, for some reason, she was now getting an inordinate amount of tips, which was just as well because she needed to buy so many new clothes. It was odd, but she couldn’t remember outgrowing any of them, but at least she had something to pay for her outfits

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9 years ago

Totally ridiculous, check. Totally hot, double check. Jenny had found out that her bossy, Chuck Selman, like ‘em big. Well, with what she was packing now, she was sure she would be able to catch his eye now. She took off her PJs and put on the sluttiest underwear she could find. Jenny almost tipped over rummaging through her dresser. She marvelled at her new centre of gravity as she moved over towards the wardrobe. A thick overcoat to cover up, conspicuous on a summer day, would serve to get his notice, and to (badly) conceal her assets for the moment.

She imagined stepping into his office ans deep, sexy voice asking her to ‘please, take off your coat’. She grinned, seeing the thick cloth pool around her feet, revealing  tits practically exploding out of her lingerie, bought when she was still a little C cup, instead of the owner of an unimaginable rack that was so big you could see it from the back.

She finished her makeup, and donned the heavy black faux fur, the velvet lining making her skin tingle. Oh God, she could barely wait. Her fingers ached to stroke herself below,  as she had done so many times before when he was an all but unattainable fantasy. But now... her resolve tightened. She wanted to save herself for him. She called the cab to take her into the office - half an hour late. That ought to get his attention, he hated lateness, and would want to see him in his office. Jenny grinned, and dialled the number. It was a good thing her paycheck had just come in; she wouldn’t be able to drive until he got used to these new things. She squeezed the coat buttons into place, unable to resist touching them for just a little too long as she finished enclosing her prodigious bust...

mysafetystars - Safetystars

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8 years ago

This feels incredible. I’ve ripped clean through my bra, and now the straps of my dress are straining too. I can feel the soft cloth growing taut against my enlarging breasts, almost rough to my heightening sensitivity.

The bra has slipped down, and the fabric of my clothes is ripping away too. My boobs are bigger than my head, growing fast and torturing me with pleasure. At last, the hated garment is gone, and my juggs stand proud, quivering to greater proportions as my fingers find nipples. I never want this to end...

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8 years ago

Brooke sighed with contentment, examining the band of gold on her splayed fingers. It had finally happened, Tom had proposed to her.

She smiled, picturing the look of astonishment on his face as all the blood drained away from it. These new bra busters hadn’t been no help either!

Hmm... Perhaps she should hedge her bet and go for her ass next? Of course, he;d get all he wanted and a great deal more to learn to handle all too soon now...

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8 years ago

She looked in the mirror.

“What the FUCK?!” said Mirri, her voice echoing across the empty gymnasium.

Her eyes poured up and down the body in front of her. Her body. 

Where before flab had covered plainness, now every curve and muscle accentuated a beauty that radiated from her very core. Plainly speaking, MIrri was fucking hot!

She moved, memerised by the ripple and jiggle of lithe muscle and ample contour. She was so focused, slowly shifting her body to stare at the perfect hourglass; powerful calves, thick yet yet graceful thighs, wide hips and a buxom derrière, a small but powerful waist, a full and bountiful chest, and sensual good looks to stun and amaze... She didn’t notice that he was still changing. Growing.

Mirri’s hand slowly slid up the mirror as she peered closely at her large, dark eyes. Unconsciously, he bent forward to adjust to her increasing height, and sticking her ass out was enough to finish off the panties straining at her waist. They shot off as her hips blossomed outwards,even as the straining material on her thighs gave out. Her socks began to ladder, thinning as their content enlarged. 

Her hair trailed down now to her waist as she now bent to her knees to examine her high cheek bones. Growing bustier and getting toned was one thing, but the unfamiliarity of her own face was bizarre and fascinating. Sculpted and delicate under her hands, she tingled with sensation, blushing at her own arousal as the remnants of her shirt shredded under the unassuagable heft of her massive boobs, expansive and cold against the mirror. She was still rising higher, a good 14 feet at least now, but her proportions had doubled. Her ass stuck out like some exquisite shelf, tapering to lush thighs that ached to wrap around a strong man’s waist. Her tits were mind boggling, HUGE. They were almost twice the size of her own head, or about half a dozen times the size of a normal man’s.

Of course, this is all in the past tense. Mirri was growing, transforming by the moment into a true goddess. Legs lengthened,  mounds swelled as she stretched. Within her, a flame rose, an augmenting whisper that began to call to her within, telling her its need, getting louder and louder, making her sweat at the temple and quiver in the knees with keen arousal.  And still he got bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Her breath came short as she approached the very top of the mirror, bent over even as she was. Realisation would come soon, and then... what would she do?

Well, Raymond would find out as his keys began to turn in the lock of the front door of the gymnasium.

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8 years ago

All the free drinks you could get at a pool party? What could go wrong? Nothing, as far as Mrs Macauber was concerned. So she’d gone up a couple of cup sizes during the course of the event. Alright, more than a couple, or a few. A lot. But, you know, no good party was without a fun surprise or two (or several)! The sun was hot as she lay in the deck chair. She relaxed, getting better acquainted with her daughter’s friends, some sweet boys from her science class, who all seemed very eager to share a drink with her. She took another sip, and her third replacement bikini let out a creak of protest. A handsome youth topped up her glass almost immediately, smiling. She could swear it was getting better with every taste!

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8 years ago

We wanted to see which of us you preferred, so we BOTH drank the recommended serum dosage... times 10!

Easy rules - the BIGGEST wins.

Now get fucking.

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8 years ago

Marianna was lounging by the pool when she started to grow. She did not know how, nor why she started, but there it was.

The sun at its zenith had baked on to Marianna’s skin as she lay on her crisp white towel beside the pool. The scent of tanning oil, rubbed all over her smooth skin wafted in the air, dates mingled with the slight, sweet smell of the beads of sweat that trickled down her slim, petite body. As the rays crooned their fullest, in her languor her eyelids began to grow heavier and heavier, and the toned muscles relaxed.

She remembered that she dreamt, but Marianna never knew of what. She awoke to find her feet cool and damp, where the edge of the pool lapped at the sides. She stretched a little further, wriggling with the relaxing pleasure licking over her brazen calves, and sighed once again, content to keep her eyes shut. She could feel the sun, only but a little lower she suspected, radiating a warmth that washed over her in waves, and the contrast of the water was wonderful. Now, this was the way to spend an afternoon. She spread herself further, and drifted back into a deep sleep, comfortable under the weight of her softness, feeling the gentle scorch drifting over her flesh.

At first, no one would have noticed, but Marianna’s towel, inch by inch, had slowly begun to disappear underneath her. She breathed deeply, her chest rising and falling just a little less with each expansion. Occasionally, a small gasp would escape her, and she appeared to tighten with pleasure before blossoming further. Her tightening panties were wet with more than just the occasional splashes her feet made as her legs elongated towards the pool, and the splitting seams of her constricting bikini top tickled her sensitive breasts as they slowly spilled out over the top.

Marianna, not so much as getting taller, was enlarging. While her generous booty and thick thighs lengthened, her proportions stayed the same, so she remained as voluptuous as when she was merely five foot five. Now… the calves of a six foot one woman hung over the poolside, gently stretching. The growth was steady and constant, and the dozing Marianna was becoming wetter and wetter by the minute.

Marianna moaned loudly, passing the 7ft mark, as if eager for the next benchmark. Her towel was no longer visible under her, and her swimwear was slowly following suit as her tits and ass engulfed the garments with their pliant, bulging enormity. Her nipples showed rock hard through the thinning fabric, and her lower half was completely soaked, even as her thighs approached the pool to follow her submerged shins.

The pleasure was steady and intense, not allowing her senses a second’s rest as it assaulted her with ounce upon ounce of gigantic pleasure. Soon, she was almost twice her original height, and approaching dangerously close to coming. She quivered, setting her assets to a jiggle that showed the amazing quality of her clothing which still somehow held under the gargantuan strain of the wanton slumberer. Her fingers dug into the flesh of her pussy and titties, kneading the flesh to spur on her release. All her subconscious mind knew was how good this felt, and was bent on getting more.

Still the amazon swelled. The ends of her long, blonde tresses tossed as she bucked under pleasure, and the nearby furniture shook and toppled as she rocked in ecstasy, her long fingers fluttering over her tingling torso and thighs, rubbing to feel more of the sensation overcoming her. She was getting so close, some part of her knew, and her bronze skin was afire with the roar of growing anticipation. Her back, aided by her capacious rear, arched, on the brink, and she shot up, inch by inch, as she played with herself, fingering her raw clit beneath the shredded, skin tight panties. The air was now heavy with the scent of her sex, and every little breeze made her shudder… And then it came, like a thousand thunderclaps down on her, a racing orgasm that ripped her from the land of nod and into the waking world, tossing under the violent blasts of pleasure that tore through her, one by one, excruciatingly exquisite as she exploded outwards to fully twelve feet in height.

She lay there, writhing and squealing, trembling as she extended slowly. Oh wow, that had felt amazing! She’d never experienced anything like that, ever. She could still feel it all over. She drew a finger up an ample thigh and jolted at the response.

“Well, that must have been a good dream,” she mused to herself, a grin quirking on her lips as she bathed in the afterglow of coming. “If only I could remember what, or who, I was doing…” She shrugged her massive shoulders, not noticing as her left strap gave way under a torrent of burgeoning titflesh, exposing an areola capped with a nipple bigger than a dollar coin.

She giggled headily, feeling amazing, her breath still coming quick. 

It was only when she slipped into the pool, still grinning, and attempted to move away from the shallows that she realised something was up. Her eyes fixed on the sign that read ‘9ft’, beside her plump, rounded ass stretching the bikini bottom to the thinnest of G strings, and then moved up and down taking in the rest of her body as it gradually rose further above the waves.

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