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Something Felt... Odd, Jennifer Mused To Herself As She Looked Through The Magazine. Still, She Could

Something felt... odd, Jennifer mused to herself as she looked through the magazine. Still, she could not tear her eyes away from the volume - her first publishing! True, it wasn’t where she wanted to be, she thought, unaware of the uncomfortable feeling tugging at her bra straps, lightly mixed with a pleasure percolating from her chest upwards.

She was thrilled. She was coming up in the world, Jenny was a real writer now! She beamed with pride, flicking a page as her breasts expanded obscenely. All the emotion and tit was welling up, aching for release. Jennifer grinned, exulting as she came to the last paragraph and her boobs decimated the remnants of her bra, bouncing free beneath her tight shirt, searching for new rips to form. She reread a sentence, having lost focus for a second. Something... Then she lifted the magazine a little higher. The view was being blocked by her... tits.

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More Posts from Mysafetystars

8 years ago

She secretly knows what his cock can do. That’s why she’s been dating him for six weeks, hoping to get a taste. She’d been pretty forward, but he’s resisted until tonight. Now she’s going all out.

She’s already good looking, tall, and slender while curvy where it counts. But you can see it in her eyes. As if that was enough. As if anything could ever be enough. She’s got him on the ropes, she can feel it, and now it’s her turn to hold back a bit, let him chase her hungrily.

He takes the bait, and she cannot resist a coy smile, only just disguising it with a flutter of her eyelashes. It takes all too long for him to suggest getting coffee after.

They’re in the car now, and she’s corralled him to her place. She’s nervous now. She’s been anticipating this moment for so long... He senses it, and smiles, squeezing her hand. She gives him her key and lets him lead her on through her front door.

It’s been six months now, and he hasn’t had a full night’s sleep in the last two. She’s always waking, or rather, getting him up so she can take another ride. He couldn’t stop her, even if he tried. She’ll turn him on his back, or lie down and pin his groin to her, pumping him for her desire. Her strong, large hands, still delicate somehow, will grip his buttocks, and drive him into her to the very hilt, and then repeat it, over and over, even as she cries out the whole time, making the whole building shake with her orgasms. Sooner or later, she can always make him come. She’s never out of tricks, roleplays, or new moves. At ten feet tall, she insatiable. 

Now it’s gone so far that he can feel her growing against him, taller, fuller, stronger, and hornier, even as she’s forcing his cock back to life for another round. 

She’ll force him to fuck her tits as they swell around his dick, engulfing more and more of him, and she’ll cry out for him to grab her nipples, thick enough to fit in his palms as he stretches out his arms further to keep ahold, and the whole time she’ll beg him to come for her, to make her grow bigger.

Other times, she’ll bend low and get him up on to a high piece of furniture in their new house, and he’ll plump up her ass, pounding between the cheeks while she challenges him to fuck her harder. 

She’s shown him some great things. Once, she managed to make him ejaculate just by moving her pussy muscles over his dick. Her favourite though, has always sucking him off. That’s what makes her bigger all over, causing her to stretch as she licks up and swallows his jism, enlarging with every load she drinks, much like her appetite. His giantess is so good that she can continue blowing him after he comes and get another load within minutes, though she’s always aiming to break her record.

He has had a secret too, for longer than she’s had hers. He has wanted this.

Some days she’ll want to be seduced. There’s not a shadow of a doubt that his amazon of a girlfriend is still just a lady, albeit an absurdly endowed giant one. They’ll have wine, eat the dinner she cooked, and she’ll listen to his jokes, and they’ll make love. She’ll cry out that she loves him, unable to stop herself admitting that she is as much his slave as he is hers.

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9 years ago

She had finally bought it. ;The Crows’, the little alley bar off the high street, was now hers. After seven years!

Dawn remembered the hell she’d gone through to get it, but it was all worth it now. Soon enough, she thought, as she took down a freshly polished glass, she’d be living the dream.

Dawn had always wanted to run a pub. Ever since she was young - maybe it was too much East Enders, who knows? She’d always looked on at barmaids in envy, and now she was to join their ranks, and excel.

She picked up a bottle of golden alcohol, the label faded. It was common practice in this area, she had read in a book, for the previous owner to leave a little something for the new buyer, and she intended to fully enjoy this.

She sipped at the honey liquid, enjoying every drop, relishing the gilded sweetness. Before she knew, she had poured herself another glass, and before long the bottle was empty. Dawn felt giddy with a tingling sensation, and giggled as she felt her tights begin to tickle.

Breathing heavily in a careless grin, Dawn attempted to pierce her double vision enough to read some of the leftover script on the back of the bottle. Dawn adjusted her position, lowering her head as her torso gently rose on the chair. She craned forward, and her ass jutted out voluminously.behind her. Oblivious, she ran a finger over the old paper, her thighs thickening delicious and plump, and she wiggled, adjusting to her widening hips. 

A dim burning sensation was rising below the pit of her stomach. Dawn felt a strong craving for... something. Her hips continued to widen, and her rump to expand meatily, filling out firm and smooth, swallowing up her clothes as she grew bigger still. Her other hand trailed down to begin stroking an enlarging haunch. The ferventness of her rubbing increased with her size, and as inch after inch crept across her frame, so her fingers edged towards the tightening camel toe in her now ludicrously small outfit.

Dawn’s digits had no problem slipping between the gaping hole in her tights, and as she rubbed up and down it seemed that she knew that it would only be so long before the rest gave way too. Ass spilling out over the sides of the stool, she decided she simply had to call the previous owner about the delicious stuff. 

Though she would have no luck with that, Dawn would find that, for some reason, she was now getting an inordinate amount of tips, which was just as well because she needed to buy so many new clothes. It was odd, but she couldn’t remember outgrowing any of them, but at least she had something to pay for her outfits

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9 years ago

‘Man, this is some serious bullshit’ thought Shinae, looking at herself in the mirror. The cosmetic she had spent three years perfecting in her lab was supposed to make your skin softer, not... 

She scrutinised the astounding curves before her. Sean always denied that he was trying to feel her up when he soaped her up in the shower. This was always a great source of amusement, and it certainly built tension before one thing led to another. Well, here was tangible proof to the contrary... She ran her hand over a breast, larger than her whole head, and jumped in surprise and pleasure as a nipple larger than her thumb sprang to life. Very tangible proof.

Sean was out at the store, getting a few groceries, and she examined his handiwork. Her boobs were fucking gigantic, and she had an unbelievable booty to match. Shinae couldn’t help touching it... herself. She began to sigh with pleasure as she felt the thickness in her thighs, the prominence of her ass, and the immeasurable enormity of her tits. FUCK!

She fumbled for her phone, and sent Sean a hasty message, bearing a single word. “Condoms”

Then Shinae went to the bathroom and grabbed the remaining cream. She put  it on the bedside table before undressing. She was fucking spectacular. She found the sexiest things that sort of still fit, and turned off all the lights, and waited...

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9 years ago

She was out of my league now... She had to be, right?

And yet, here she was, thrusting her thickset hips back and forth in a slow sensuous tease, her eyes closed and utterly focused on my cock between her lips. I could taste the desire on her tongue, gyrating around my rapidly swelling shaft, stretching every inch of growth she wanted from me.

My body was but a slave responding, and I felt all the blood rush from my head, down and down, into the swelling veins. Like my girlfriend had on that night, I could feel my dick getting bigger and bigger.

As I lay there, unable to move from ecstasy, my eyes ripped into her fat, plump thighs, bending back and forth on her hips, so widespread that they were almost twice her shoulders. I heard the gentle slap as her round ass came to touch the back of her legs over and over, slick with her pussy’s ready wetness.

My penis stretched again under her ministrations, gaining inches in girth as well as length, bulging between her sensual lips. A deep moan issued from within her, and I felt her hard nipples grow erect as her mammoth rack rubbed up and down against my straining balls below. How fucking big did she want me??

No other woman could have handled this. As she let loose a deep sigh, straightening to her fully impressive eight and a half feet height, I felt myself harden all the more, and gasped, looking down as I grew another few inches there on my own, remembering as I had watched her grow, getting bigger, taller, curvier, becoming a living embodiment of sex. The meteorite had done something else to me, had given me the reason why only I alone would ever be able to satisfy her... thick as a coke can, and a foot and a half long.

“Haha, and I thought this was going to be comfy for me...” her voice resonated with pleasure, and lust smouldered in her gleaming, dark eyes. She flicked her long black black hair behind her, and began to lower her huge hourglass on to my expectant erection.

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