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Heather Nesheim - Https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch - Https://twitter.com/heddarsketch
Heather Nesheim - Https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch - Https://twitter.com/heddarsketch
Heather Nesheim - Https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch - Https://twitter.com/heddarsketch
Heather Nesheim - Https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch - Https://twitter.com/heddarsketch
Heather Nesheim - Https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch - Https://twitter.com/heddarsketch
Heather Nesheim - Https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch - Https://twitter.com/heddarsketch
Heather Nesheim - Https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch - Https://twitter.com/heddarsketch
Heather Nesheim - Https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch - Https://twitter.com/heddarsketch
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Heather Nesheim - Https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch - Https://twitter.com/heddarsketch

Heather Nesheim  -  https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch  -  https://twitter.com/heddarsketch

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More Posts from Mysteriouslysparklyglitter



It’s 2017 and the Hungarian government is legitimately taking about putting us in “camps”. I never want to hear another gadjekane fuck tell me that our people don’t suffer in Europe and all over the world.

Has anyone noticed THE HOBBIT???

Mama!hawk May Be My Heart, But Papa!flame Is My Very Soul ()
Mama!hawk May Be My Heart, But Papa!flame Is My Very Soul ()
Mama!hawk May Be My Heart, But Papa!flame Is My Very Soul ()

Mama!hawk may be my heart, but Papa!flame is my very soul  ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

Okay, so I just saw this and I couldn’t help but ANGST (because old-looking photographs make me sad, OKAY??)

Suffer Enjoy

Roy was sitting down at his table. First day of work, after, well, everything. He took in the view of his office and started to feel it’s emptiness and size. There were so many memories laid upon the shelves of this room, yet he recalls none. He looked down at his table, noticing the cup of coffee that was seated upon it. Must be Fuery, that caffeine-addicted comrade. Roy took a sip, only to notice (maybe for the first time in forever) how bitter and unpleasant is the taste of coffee. He added some sugar. It didn’t help. Even if Hawkeye was never making his coffee, Roy had to admit that without her it will never taste the same. Whatever she was adding into it is gone forever, gone with her. It was an understatement to say that Mustang was not feeling well. Because ‘not feeling well’ is not something you say to a person that feels emotionally torn over a cup of coffee. Coffee was the colour of her eyes. Coffee was the colour of the dirt she was shot on. Roy could see it as a vision, her pale face, filled with pain and defiled with her blood. That memory was all that was left of her. He spilled the coffee in the bin next to his table and got up. As he was putting on his coat he decided to leave the Headquarters. The alchemist prepared an excuse of being sick, but he knew his subordinates would pardon him anyway. After all, he was terminally ill with loss. He got up, proposing to himself to drown the sorrow with something stronger than coffee. Mustang will never know what was the volume that would fill the emptiness because, at that moment, his friend came trough the door. His friend Maes Hughes was looking worried, which made Roy straighten up a bit. Hughes knew very well what his friend was doing. He also knew there was no way talking about it would make this easier for Roy now, would it? Instead, he fumbled around his pockets and decided to get to the point:

“I have something for you… I found it in some old files. It’s, well, it won’t fix anything, Roy. But I feel like you’re the person that should have it. Like you’re entitled to it.”

Hughes handed him a white piece of paper, no wait, it was a photograph. Roy looked at it and felt his heart shake. On the photograph was none other than Riza Hawkeye. Her ocean-like uniform was covered with less medals than Roy had remembered or, at least, less than she deserved. He looked at her posture, as proud as always; he looked at her hair, as golden as always. For a split second he felt her being there with him and the image of her lying on the ground, soulless, became non-existent. Because for that split second, he looked at her face.

“It’s perfect.”

He could feel his eyes letting go of the tears that were pilling up.

“Thank you.”

His gratitude could not be heard from his tone, because these words were said in a rushed voice that tried to outrun the emotions, the kind of emotions that make people unable to speak.

Maes silently looked at his friend, with an expression one could find humorous. Roy was never the crying type. Maes was sure that his friend didn’t even have tearducts. He always joked that if he ever saw Roy cry, Maes would be prepared to get up, even from his grave to witness it. Now that he actually convinced himself of Roy’s humanity, the soldier felt that he had seen something incredibly private, and therefore felt the need to get going. He simply walked away knowing that Roy wouldn’t mind his bad manners.

The Hero of Ishval was still looking at the Hawk’s eye he held in his hands. He was able to remember her again, properly. Her voice, her walk. Her smell, her strength. Her virtues, her faults. No this was not the woman he saw bleed out in pain. This was an angel. An angel that gave everything for him. How can an angel promise to follow him into hell? He took the photograph and held it close to his heart. He held it gently because he didn’t know how frail this Riza was. And he didn’t feel like losing her again. After a few moments he stopped with his emotional episode to proceed with the intention of leaving Headquarters. But now he didn’t have alcohol in mind. Now he found the strength to move on. He, no, They had a dream. A dream worth fighting and dying for. Just like she did. Just like he will.

Thank you for reading,

I don’t feel like polishing or editing this so please forgive me gramatic errors, repetitive wording and the lack of well-educated vocabulary. This was something I thought spontaneously and so spontaneously written it shall be. Thank you again!

Lets Just Make A Quick Drawing To Cheer Ourselves Up
Lets Just Make A Quick Drawing To Cheer Ourselves Up

“Let’s just make a quick drawing to cheer ourselves up”

*Me, three hours later* “Fuck.”

Yesterday I was looking at the FMA artbooks by Arakawa (I desperately want to buy the 3rd one but the shipping is so expensive to Chile T_T ) and there’s one photo with Riza and a huge smile? I was like “Bless this picture forever” like, we don’t get to see her smiling that much, most of the time she’s serious.

Also, I thought that maybe Hughes was carrying around a camera to take photos and he was the one who took some of them. (It’s very plausible, I mean, look at all the photos he has of Elycia)

Bless her smile.

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I haven't seen the 2003 anime, so my opinion is might be a little bit biased. I think that many people don't understand that the brotherhood Roy is a really good actor who has two faces: the selfish womanizer with an immense amount of arrogance and the protective man who seeks his redemption in helping his country. The latter is 'the real Roy'. He does feel torn after the war (manga portrays this better) but he doesn't let his guilt stop him in his redemption. He wants to become the Fuhrer for that purpose! I could write pages about him throwing away his vengeance for the sake of his goal! My point: Brotherhood Roy is a good man who uses his guilt and regret as a fuel that moves him to redemption and a new beginning. And that is honestly one of the most inspiring things I have seen.

When it comes to Edward, I don't really see many problems with him. He is a cunning boy who has a strong moral code (he never killed a person) mixed with the determination of fixing his mistake. He has a complex about his height, which many take as a comic relief thing, but in reality it puts Edward down and is one of his insecurities. He's a little bit awkward and a huge nerd. He wants to be there for his brother. Ed tries to be 'cool' all the time and never cries. There are so many analyses about this character and the certain things he'd done a certain way. When he gave up his gate, you could really see how grown up he was. Unlike so many protagonists, Edward gave up the VERY power that made him special and 'lowered himself to a mere human'. But how does he see it? Edward accepts it. His humanity. He thinks that no matter what power they had, humans will always make the same mistakes with it, therefore proving that they're nothing more than just humans. Edward is a human who went from being obsessed with alchemy to a human who realized what he is.

Thank you for reading! This was a long one...

How can FMA 2003 have a better Ed and Roy, it doesn't have the scene with Roy not killing Envy or Ed defeating Pride

I mean…

I don’t really think Ed defeating Pride was a particularly defining moment of his character, so while losing it might be less cool in some way “makes Ed a less good character” wouldn’t be one of them?

2003 Ed and manga Ed are very different characters, they’re both pretty great, but I like 2003 Ed more? And I think he’s a more unusual character. I love how he cries all the freaking time. I love that he’s both a very emotional guy and a rationalist who’s obsessed with being RASHKONAL and how his views can EXPLAINZ EVERYTHING but he’s still not ashamed to show his emotions–like that’s kind of a weird combination.

As to Roy, that was a powerful moment, but the reason I prefer 2003 Roy is because it focuses more on his guilt and less on his vengeance. I find that the most interesting aspect of his character. There are a lot of characters who explore the vengeance narrative already, like Scar.

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