mysticstarlightduck - ✨majestic✨

1279 posts

Character Voice Tag!

Character Voice Tag!

Thank you so much for the tag, @willtheweaver (here)! I'll go with the main cast from Of Starlight and Beasts for this one (:

MY LINE WAS: "You want me to eat that?"

YOUR LINE IS: "One could say I've failed this task successfully"

Corah: "Oh. Oh hells no. I don't know what that is but I'm not eating it, that looks foul and I don't even want to know where you've found it, for the sake of my sanity"

Arammys: "I'm sorry in advance if I sound rude, but what the frick is that? Huh? You're telling me that thing can be eaten? I may not remember much but even I feel like we'd better stay away from that."

Eidan: (slowly pulls out a sword, as if daring you to try his patience) "You come any closer to me with whatever that thing is one more time and I swear to all the Gods I don't believe in that I will take you to the same plane of existence as your ancestors. Good. Glad to know we're on the same page."

Masen: "Oh Gods, what in the unholy fuck is that? (actually gags) No I'm not eating that!!! Whatever it is - I don't even think we should be in the same mile radius as that thing!"

Kyran: "No. The answer is 'no' and it will keep being 'no' until all of the the stars explode, thank you very much, because whatever that 'food' is, it looks more hazardous than a plague ridden mice nest."

Maryon: "Excuse me, I don't think I heard you correctly - are you suggesting you want me to eat that? I think poison ivy would be less disgusting to eat than whatever that 'delicacy' is."

Nimwen: "I know you mean well, dear, but suggesting you want me to get a taste of that is one surefire way to make me question our friendship."

Leora: "... Uh. No. Thank you very much. I would rather just starve, than eat that. Ever."

Rin: (has already started eating the thing before anyone even suggested it as an option. finishes it in five seconds and wipes off his hands) "Huh. It wasn't half bad. I had tastier bugs though. Not a favorite, but could be much worse."

Tomasa: "Friend, I'm not sure about you, but that thing right there ain't edible, alright? I don't care what it looks like - I've eaten some pretty crazy stuff in my dragon form, but that right there is too much even for me."

Elias: "I don't know what that is and I frankly don't want to know. It looks like something that would come out of a dead kraken, and that's putting it nicely. No, of course I'm not going to eat that!!! What were you thinking?!"

Florynce: "Is that what you guys eat in the capital nowadays? (turns her head and giggles) You people are getting weirder by the day, even I'm not that crazy!"

Tagging (gently): @mk-writes-stuff, @eccaiia, @the-ellia-west, @memento-morri-writes, @little-peril-stories, @littleladymab, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @talesofsorrowandofruin @doublegoblin @oh-no-another-idea @cowboybrunch @ybotter @thepeculiarbird @crowandmoonwriting @your-absent-father @rickie-the-storyteller @jasperygrace @jay-avian @saltysupercomputer @winterandwords @autumnalwalker and OPEN TAG

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More Posts from Mysticstarlightduck

10 months ago

OC Interview Tag!

Thanks for the tag, @mk-writes-stuff (here)!

I'll go with Corah (the main character of "Of Starlight and Beasts") because I don't think I've done this tag for her before!

Are you named after anyone?

"No, not really."

When was the last time you cried?

"I don't really cry all that often - at least not in front of people. At least I try not to. When I'm sad or something truly upsets me I just kinda, shut down and run off to try to find somewhere I can truly be alone. Then I cry. The last time I truly cried was when our kingdom was attacked by those horrid monsters a few months ago. It was chaos and I can't help but feel I could've done something to prevent it, even though that's a foolish notion."

Do you have kids?

"No, of course not, I'm too young for that, I'm only nineteen! I'm almost still a kid myself. And I've got a whole world to see, a lot of adventures to have, wrongs to make right and monsters to fight before I can start thinking about that. If I ever have children, I'll try to be like my Dad was for me - present and caring, as a parent should - not like my mother who left when I was little and never once looked back. Sometimes, because of her, I worry that - if I eventually have any children - I might not be a perfect mother, if I ever become one."

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

"Only sometimes! It depends strongly on my mood and whom I'm talking to. If I'm happy, I might use sarcasm to make some light hearted jokes, if someone is doing something annoying on purpose I'll use sarcasm as a rebuttal, and so on and so forth. I try to be very careful not to hurt other people's feelings, because it doesn't hurt to try and be as polite as possible to everyone you meet - its common courtesy and even a simple smile and kind words might make someone's day much better, because you never know what they're going through. But on a less serious note, I tend to use sarcasm a lot with my friends - mostly because I trust them and also because they're incredibly sarcastic as well so they're able to match my energy very well!"

What’s the first thing you notice about people?

"I try to understand a bit more about their intentions and morality, if they're trying to help people or if they're using power to cause harm to others. I can get a general vibe of whether someone is good or bad from a first impression - but I tend to give anyone the benefit of the doubt until I'm proven wrong. I also notice try to notice the little details that might give me some more insight into that person's personality and daily life. Sometimes the details speak the loudest, because everyone is so unique and different in their own personal way."

What’s your eye colour?

"Dark brown!"

Scary movies or happy endings?

"I personally like both! When I was a little girl I used to adore the kinds of tales that had very intriguing and scary events that the protagonist had to face throughout the story - the more epic and high stakes the obstacles the better - as long as the hero triumphed in the end. And to this day, though my taste in books has certainly matured that preference hasn't changed. I think that, when you grow up in a kingdom that is constantly beset by monsters and horrors born of dark magic, you learn that fear is a natural part of life, and you learn how to deal with it in a way that doesn't let it consume you - you learn to grow from it, and to use that fear in order to create a better future. My Dad comes from a long line of monster hunters, so I was naturally raised with a lot of tales about eldrich creatures from far off lands and the knights who defeated them."

Any special talents?

"I am a knight-in-training, and I take my training duties very seriously. Because of this I can say I'm pretty talented when it comes to fighting, especially with the use of swords, spears and daggers. I'm also good at archery and I've learned how to fight wearing plate armor (the weight of that amount of metal takes a while to get used to, but once you do it becomes pretty much second nature). Though I take pride in those talents I've nurtured, I still have a lot to learn - hubris can lead to fatal mistakes in a fight. I also like sewing and making simple jewelry out of daily items, and I think I can dance well enough to not make a fool of myself in front of everyone in a masquerade. At least I hope so!"

Where were you born?

"I was born in the capital city of Tirawen, and have lived there ever since. It's a beautiful city, with good people and an incredibly vast set of cultures, but its also a very complicated place - the nobility is trapped in a constant 'dance' of which House has the most power and influence, and as such, gossip and intrigues are a harsh reality one has to deal with when around the city's elite. The kingdom also is constantly beset by monsters, though due to the capital being in the heart of the kingdom, it is usually safer than the provinces, despite the kingdom's magic barrier shielding most of the land. Also, fun fact that some people don't know: due to our kingdom being constantly in contact with that same magic, people from Tirawen often have longer lifespans - up to 200 years old if they live really close to the heart of the kingdom where magic is the strongest! I just find that pretty neat!"

Do you have any pets?

"We have an old dog named Miss Hilde who is the sweetest little thing - despite her being the biggest dog I've really ever seen. She's incredibly playful, but don't let those big, seemingly thoughtless eyes fool you - she's a sneaky and sassy pup who likes making a mess at every chance she gets, because she knows she'll get away with it. Or at least that's what I think my dog thinks, haha."

What sort of sports do you play?

"Does jousting, horseback riding, swordfighting and other knightly duties - like archery, duelling, etc - count? I hope it does, because that's pretty much a lot of what being a knight entails - at least I'm constantly exercising, so hopefully I'll be a healthy and buff old lady when I eventually grow old, haha."

How tall are you?

"I've always been pretty tall for my age, which has definetly come with its own sets of advantages and disadvantages."

What was your favourite subject in school?

"Hmm. In my time at the academies I used to really like subjects such as 'History of the Ancient Realms', 'Handling Magic', 'the General Sciences of Alchemy' and every single class that had something to do with improving my abilities as a knight!"

What is your dream job?

"I think I've probably already talked your ear off about wanting to be a knight, by now, so I think we've got the answer right there, haha. I cannot wait to pass my Trials and be fully knighted as a soldier of the realm - then I'll be able to serve my country and protect the people from the monsters that lurk in the night, as well as bring honor back to our family name... Which is a very complicated subject for another time."

Tagging (gently, no pressure): @agirlandherquill, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @littleladymab, @little-peril-stories, @illarian-rambling, @elshells, @winterandwords, @writernopal, @moonandris, @eccaiia, @inky-duchess, @i-can-even-burn-salad, @clairelsonao3, @thepeculiarbird, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @ybotter, @aalinaaaaaa, @autumnalwalker, @oh-no-another-idea, @cowboybrunch and OPEN TAG

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10 months ago

Who else out there has to woo themselves into writing? Like, my darling brain, I am going to set the vibe so good for your right now. Got the lights turned down just right. All wrapped up in the comfiest pants. Oh yeah, that's absolutely your favorite seasonally inspired scented candle burning right now. Here, have this delightful cup of herbal tea as well, gorgeous, that'll really put you in the mood. And the mood is 'make words happen' now GO!

10 months ago

OC Interview

Rules: answer the questions as an OC

Thank you @illarian-rambling and @elsie-writes for the tags! Going to do this one for y’all’s favourite boy Stellaris :)

Are you named after anyone?

“No, nobles don’t really do that anymore. I’m kind of named after the stars, but I don’t think that counts.”

When was the last time you cried?

“Oh, apparently I’m weird about this. I don’t cry much. When I’m sad, I usually just don’t do anything at all, and when I’m stressed and overwhelmed I throw fits. So, a long time ago, I guess?” (By “throw fits” he means he has meltdowns)

Do you have kids?

“No, but I want to one day! Once I know my fiancée Ambition a bit better.”

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

“No. Sarcasm is confusing and I don’t understand it. Why don’t people just say what they mean?”

What’s the first thing you notice about people?

“Their hair colour, usually. Or how tall they are.”

What’s your eye colour?


Scary movies or happy endings?

“Happy endings. I don’t like scary movies. They’re… scary.”

Any special talents?

“I can make illusions between my hands, I guess? And I’m good at making dioramas. And I know a lot about Old World history.”

Where were you born?

“Um, here on Sixth Station?”

Do you have any pets?

“No, but I wish I did. Animals sound so cool. I think I’d like snakes. They seem really cool.”

What sort of sports do you play?

“I don’t play sports. I’m not very athletic, and I get tired easily and find it hard to breathe really quickly.”

How tall are you?

“I’m 5’5”.”

What was your favourite subject in school?

“History. I loved history. Sometimes, my tutors had to physically take me away from the tablet so I’d stop reading about it.”

What is your dream job?

“I wish I could be a historian. I can’t, but it would be so cool.”

This was fun! I hope y’all like it :)

@mysticstarlightduck @willtheweaver @rkmoon would y’all like to play? Questions under the cut

Are you named after anyone?

When was the last time you cried?

Do you have kids?

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

What’s the first thing you notice about people?

What’s your eye colour?

Scary movies or happy endings?

Any special talents?

Where were you born?

Do you have any pets?

What sort of sports do you play?

How tall are you?

What was your favourite subject in school?

What is your dream job?

Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?

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10 months ago

Personality Through Quotes Tag

I was tagged by @illarian-rambling (here)! Thank you so much (:

MY PROMPT WAS: "A quote about siblings"

YOUR PROMPT IS: "A quote about their relationship with money (in the past and nowadays)"

I'll go with the main cast of "Of Starlight and Beasts" for this one!

Corah: "Oh I wish I had siblings! I've always wondered what that would be like - I mean, I've seen enough siblings around that I have a rough idea, but that's always such an individual experience. It would've been cool to have someone my age, other than just regular friends, around at all times. Though I'm sure we'd have driven Dad crazy with our antics if that was the case - I was chaotic enough on my own (giggles)."

Arammys: "The bond between siblings is among one of the strongest there is, and often one of the purest. At least that's what I...think - in my intuition, I mean. I haven't had any progress in recalling my memories, so I can't speak of my own experiences with siblings - if I had any at all - yet. But something tells me that my intuition might be right, at least in my case. At least I hope so and I want to remember whoever they were, or are."

Eidan - "I didn't have any siblings or parents, but my older cousin fit both of those roles perfectly throughout my childhood - he was the closest thing I've ever had to a true family. We didn't have much - we often had nothing at all - but we had each other, and he always kept me safe, and was always there for me when I needed him the most, even if we sometimes annoyed each other to no end. And though he was not my brother by birth he was by choice - and I just wish I had known how lucky I was before it was all too late."

Masen - "You know, having siblings ain't what it's cracked up to be. Especially if you have a twin. Yeah, it's all loyalty and mushiness until they've got something else they want to achieve - and that something's more important than you. Then they stab you in the back when you least expect it and run off with the people with the money into a perfect new world where you're not invited - Yeah. (shrugs awkwardly) I realize this got a bit too specific, my bad."

Kyran - "What even is there to say? You're born, and so are they, you grow up trusting one another until they start hanging out with shady people and become someone you barely recognize, and then you annoy the hell out of each other and don't speak for the next five years. Oh, and then they blame you for leaving them when they were the ones who made that mess to begin with -"

Elias - "(Without a drop of emotion in his voice) My siblings are the reason I truly believe I will have gone fully grey before 30. I'm almost certain they're trying to make it a competition. They're twins. I do not know where I went wrong with my life but here we all are. Now pass me the rum."

Tomasa - "I don't have any siblings, Gods know Ma had enough trouble keeping me in line when I was a little ankle biter. But I've been told having 'em is like flipping a coin. You are either best friends for life or want to kill each other. Sometimes both, from what my friends tell me, ha! I don't really fancy having any siblings of my own, if I'm being honest - but having someone I could prank 24/7 does sound really tempting. I guess Arammys will have to do (laughs, already plotting her next prank on the poor, unsuspecting mage)"

Nimwen - "I've learned your true siblings aren't always those you're bound to by blood. They may be, sure, but not always! Sometimes, the strongest family bonds are those we choose, bonds nurtured like a small weed that grows into a mighty tree - and I personally know that to be one of the most important truths of life. "

Rin - "I never really cared for that. That's just another word - and that's it, a word. Most bonds are a fantasy made to comfort the hearts of the common folk from the harsh truth. Real people are fickle, they don't care for you when they've got no use for what you have to offer. My Nest surely didn't. (There's a moment of pause and a sense of sorrow behind his eyes before he shakes it off with a sly smirk, hiding it) But who cares for that sentimental junk. Besides, gold's a much more reliable company, don't you think?"

Leora - "Family is the most important thing in the world - by blood or by choice it matters not as long as the sentiment is there and it is pure. I would do anything for my siblings and I know they would do anything for me. I know this all too well. Where we come from, you learn to make your actions and your words count - you never know what tomorrow might hold and you must cherish those you hold dear, always, because they can be taken from you. At least, that's my perspective."

Florynce - "Mine have been dead for many years now. I remember all of their names." (You think she's about to say something else about them, but she changes the subject so jarringly you almost feel whiplash) "I don't wanna talk about that. Do you want to see this cool bug I found? It's glowing."

Tagging: @mk-writes-stuff, @eccaiia, @the-ellia-west, @memento-morri-writes, @little-peril-stories, @littleladymab, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @talesofsorrowandofruin @doublegoblin @oh-no-another-idea @cowboybrunch @ybotter @thepeculiarbird @crowandmoonwriting @your-absent-father @rickie-the-storyteller @jasperygrace @jay-avian @saltysupercomputer @winterandwords @autumnalwalker and OPEN TAG

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10 months ago

OC Interview Tag

Thank you so much for the tag, @mk-writes-stuff!!!

Rules: answer the questions as an OC

I'll go with Maryon from my WIP Of Starlight and Beasts for this one!

Are you named after anyone?

"I'm not exactly sure, if I'm being honest. I vaguely remember reading something about someone named 'Maryan' being a popular character in a beloved folk tale in the kingdom where I was born, so I think that could be where I got my name from. It's not like I can ask my biological family that, though. They've been dead since forever - maybe if the roads weren't so godsdamned riddled with bandits that wouldn't be so. But noo, the King of Tirawen has 'more pressing' matters, or so I've been told. Well he can shove those 'pressing matters' up his royal arse, nothing will ever be an excuse to neglect his citizens' needs - ! But I digress, do move on."

When was the last time you cried?

"Oh, that's a rather interesting question! I don't quite remember, if I'm being honest. It's not like I'm bottling up my feelings or anything like that - far from it. I just that I haven't had a reason to cry in a while. Things have been going pretty great. Despite the, you know, looming war that's on the brink of changing the continent forever and all."

Do you have kids?

"Goodness, no, there's far too many things I want to pursue before even thinking about having children. It's an endearing thought, sure, but certaintly not enough to be one of my top priorities within the next ten years or so."

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

"Only when I'm severely annoyed. I think that, while irony and sarcasm can surely add an interesting layer to any communication, there are more effective ways of making your words sting. Like speaking them while pointing a poison dagger to one's throat, for example! Just kidding. Or am I? (winks) We'll never know. But in all seriousness, I prefer keeping those kinds of confrontations to a minimum - being polite and kind often solves more disputes than rage, and those are words I try to live by."

What’s the first thing you notice about people?

"I'm quite perceptive - being the adoptive daughter of the most powerful spymaster in all of the Frosts has definetly given me an edge when it comes to reading people and deciphering their true intentions without even needing much effort on my part. People usually do all the hard work themelves - their choice of words and body language reads like an open book to me after just a simple conversation. So there's quite a lot I can notice about someone after first meeting them - but their intentions, feelings and morality are definetly the main ones."

What’s your eye colour?

"Dark forest green. Or so I'm told - Eidan, my boyfriend, can be quite the romantic. Either way, I rather like that color and I find his description of it to be very sweet!"

Scary movies or happy endings?

"I adore reading any kind of book, the more intriguing the story is the merrier! I usually don't have a strong preference as long as the tale is gripping enough to keep my attention focused after the first ten pages of the book and especially if there are deeper meanings to be found beyond just pretty words. If I had to choose, I would say a balanced mix of scariness and happiness in a story is ideal, though I do lean more towards the scary!"

Any special talents?

"Oh, many! I've been trained in the arts of espionage, dyplomacy and politics from a young age, and I've also learned quite a lot of fighting techniques, poison recipes, and languages! I'm also an expert knife thrower, and know how to survive in the wild. I know how to manipulate an enemy to fall into a trap I've laid out for them, just as I know how to persuade a potential ally to help with our cause, with just my words as my tools. Currently, I'm still working on learning how to cook without causing a potential fire in the castles, but I'm getting better at baking!!!"

Where were you born?

"I was born in one of the many provinces along the outskirst of the capital kingdom of Tirawen. My birth parents - from what vague childhood memories I can still remember - were very successful merchants. However, one of their many trips out of the kingdom's main road would prove to be our last - bandits, you see, as I mentioned before. A very tricky sort. I don't remember much of what transpired, if I'm being quite honest. What I can remember is being lost in the woods of the Frost for a while before being saved by the man who would go on to become my adoptive father, a spymaster otherwise known as the 'Serpent of the Frosts'. He took me, then a lost child of around five years of age, under his wing as his own child, and gave me a chance at the life I have today."

Do you have any pets?

"I have a 10 year old cat whom I named Sir Thurston who seems to love randomly appearing and disappearing at random places around the castles at will. I've also got twin pet snakes named Knack and Snap, one purple and the other white. And though they're highly venomous (and capable of breathing out ice shards like a dragon does fire) they've only ever bitten my enemies. They're also real cuddle buddies and very sweet if you give them something tasty to eat!"

What sort of sports do you play?

"Well, if these count as sport where you come from: swordfighting, archery, knife throwing, martial arts, tavern brawling (on occasion, but don't tell Father, haha), climbing random stuff so I can get to high places. If you count chess as a sport of sorts - though it is more of a competive, strategic tabletop game - I'm rather good at it!"

How tall are you?

"Shorter than most of my friends, or so it seems. Eidan especially. But no matter. Being smaller has its advantages too - it makes sneaking around easier and makes spooking my friends by randomly appearing behind them that much fun!"

What was your favourite subject in school?

"I had private tutors, other than my own adoptive father himself, so not exactly a school in the traditional sense of the word, but my favorite 'subjects' were politics, foreign ancient languages and botany (especially when it comes to rare plants and their effects). I also really like poetry, especially the ones from the fallen kingdom of Idraven - its very interesting to see how that society saw the world, though their demise never fails to bring me a strong sense of sorrow whenever I think about it for too long."

What is your dream job?

"Becoming a spymaster, like my adoptive father. Not only have I been trained for this since I was a child, but I also really look forward to being able to serve the land which took me in when I had nothing else in the world. Being a spymaster is a high honor in the Frosts, and nothing could fill me with more pride than being deemed worthy of serving our Queens and protecting the realm from behind the scenes."

Tagging (gently, no pressure) @eccaia, @cowboybrunch, @tabswrites, @littleladymab, @little-peril-stories, @oh-no-another-idea, @rickie-the-storyteller, @thepeculiarbird, @cabbojage, @the-ellia-west, @clairelsonao3, @crowandmoonwriting, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @winterandwords, @willtheweaver, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @gummybugg, @doublegoblin, @autumnalwalker, @moonandris and OPEN TAG

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