mysticstarlightduck - ✨majestic✨

1279 posts

WIP Questionnaire Tag

WIP Questionnaire Tag

Thanks for the tag @diabolical-blue (here)!

I'll go with Supernova Initiative for this one!

1. What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?

I had wanted to write a science fiction/space opera story for years now! I've always been a huge fan of Star Wars and similar series, and I've always wanted to write something similar! I guess that the actual first part of this WIP I've ever created was the setting - it has remained the same/similar from the first iteration of an idea of this story, while the main characters, title, and plot underwent many, many changes until it all got to the version I'm currently writing!

2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?

Curiously enough, the Supernova Initiative book series is going to be more akin to a "TV Show" format - like Clone Wars, The Last of Us, or Game of Thrones - than a traditional novel format. That's a bit complicated to explain further, but the gist of it is - the chapters are going to be the "episodes", which in turn will be divided into acts/seasons that take place in specific time frames, with the first (5 episode/chapter) taking place 10 years before the main story!

If I had to choose, I would say that the theme song would be a rather energetic rock/pop song! With a similar vibe to these:

(Check out the full WIP playlist)

I'm Dangerous - The Everlove

Shame! Shame! Shame! - Reinaeiry

Let's Do This - Outskrts

El Dorado - Stellar

Anti-Gravity - Runaground

I think that the song would need to have this rebellious/badass energy, mixed with a generally fun beat and good lyrics that touch on the overall theme/plot of the series! Plus a generally youthful vibe!

3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?

I really love most of the main cast from this WIP!!!! But my Top 3 definitely are Jack Tithus, Gabi Ophyria, and Deimos Soll!

Jack is a really sweet, kind, and slightly reckless guy, who is at the same time outgoing, extroverted, and funny when he wants to be. He is defiant towards authority and fiercely protective of those he loves, to a dangerously selfless degree, all of which are tropes/traits I really enjoy in characters.

(Plus, in a way, Jack is one of the characters that kind of holds a condensation of some of my own personality traits, in good and bad ways - which was something accidental at first, but which I then embraced. )

Gabi Ophyria was one of the characters that came to me a bit later during the plotting of this book, which was surprisingly clear to me from the get-go. She's a brash, loud, fierce girl who lets no one talk her down and who believes in fighting for what she believes in. She also has anger issues - which is something she struggles with and eventually overcomes as her arc progresses, especially as she learns to let herself be vulnerable and trust others rather than try to be unbreakable all the time.

Deimos Soll is one of the most badass characters in this WIP and I just adore him. In a superficial, bad summarization, lol he's basically a young adult, alien version of John Wick and honestly is one of my all-time favorite characters I've ever written. He starts out in the backstory chapters as an awkward, fearful teenager lost in a moon he knew nothing about, but eventually grows into the deadliest and most efficient sniper this galaxy has ever seen, and one of the biggest threats to the Junction. I just adore writing introverted badass/morally grey characters who have a heart of gold. One of my favorite tropes!

4. What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?

Definitely other space opera/sci-fi adventures like Star Wars, Star Trek, or Voltron! Those stories introduced me to the space opera science fiction genre which I love so dearly, so I think that pretty much anyone who likes that genre will probably like one of those movies lol. I also think that my future fanbase might also like Six of Crows or the Bad Guys (the DreamWorks movie), as the "found family of misfits working on a heist" trope is a pretty big trope in the first acts of this WIP as well!

5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?

I think the hardest part about this WIP is that its structure is something I haven't seen before - as in, it's essentially a "TV Show but make it a Book Series" at its core. That means I have to improvise a lot with how I structure the story's chapters and how I structure all the events of the story. One good thing about this format I'm trying to recreate is that it is really visual, and I'm a really visual writer/person, so that means I get to make a really vivid world and characters!

6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!

There are! A lot of them actually. Since this is a science fiction/spare opera adventure, a lot of the story involves the main characters traveling from planet to planet, especially during their heist mission and after the plot progresses.

They visit all kinds of planets and thus all kinds of biomes - the dusty mining moons like Cethea III, giant winter desert planets like Ivion, or flourishing forest dwarf planets like Stryxus. Cethea III - the homeworld of the MCs in the backstory chapters - is known for giant elk-like oxen that roams the dusty wasteland, as well as smaller lizard creatures and a few strange, venomous mammals. They also have giant birds, known as Harpies, which have a powerful screech capable of blowing out one's eardrums when too close.

Ivion is a gigantic winter desert, home to equally gigantic winter creatures, ranging from two-headed mountain lynx to absolutely enormous dragon-like creatures that burrow underneath the blanket of ice. It is also known for famously adorable, three-eyed, surprisingly big rodents similar to lemmings, which live in packs.

Stryxus has a biome akin to that of a tropical rainforest, which means the wildlife within it is incredibly varied despite the planet's small size, and that it has a vast variety of insects, mammals, lizards, and all kinds of animals you would expect from that environment. And even some you wouldn't expect.

The oceanic depths of Thallassen, in the heart of the Khosmonian galaxies, host especially gargantuan creatures, from pacific whale-like creatures with four, giant glowing eyes, to monstrous predatory lamprey-like creatures that lurk in the water.

7. How do your characters travel/get around?

The main form of transportation between planets, settlements and galaxies are starships/spaceships of varying shapes, sizes and fuel capabilities. Each planet has its own varied form of in-land transportation, but ranging from different animal mounts, hoverbikes, bullet trains, specialized boats/ships, submarines, and/or especially flying cars in the big cities.

8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?

I'm currently writing the first draft of this WIP, and am around the third or fourth chapter of the Prologue Act (which consists of five chapters, or episodes). I already have an alpha reader (@sarandipitywrites) who is helping me a lot with ironing out the details of this story! I'm really happy about the progress I'm finally being able to make!

9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) You think will draw your audience in?

General tropes: Found Family, Heists, Space Exploration, Whump (especially Lab Whump), rebelling against the system, Dystopian Utopia, Secret bioengineering scheme (as the main threat from the villains), loveable cyborgs/robots, etc!

For romance: Friends to Lovers, Rivals/Enemies to Lovers, Grumpy/Sunshine, etc

Familial/Friendship Tropes: Wholesome father-daughter duo (who are a former assassin and his feisty adoptive daughter), Protective Older Brother & Willful Younger Sister, Adoptive Siblings, general group of misfits fighting against an oppressive government, etc.

For more tropes & details, check out the WIP Intro!

10. What are your hopes for your WIP?

I hope I'll be able to finally finish the first draft of this story this year and that I'll publish it (probably self-publishing or something similar!) in the near future! I generally also hope to have a lot of fun writing it, and that other people will have fun reading this too (especially my friends)!

Tagging (gently) @your-absent-father @ray-writes-n-shit @drchenquill, @saltysupercomputer @agirlandherquill

@sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,

@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling

@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart @sm-writes-chaos

@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers

@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid

@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams

@the-golden-comet, @elshells


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More Posts from Mysticstarlightduck

8 months ago

Character Intro - Cassiopeia Tithus

Character Intro - Cassiopeia Tithus


☆ ・・About/General Info ・・☆

A genius young inventor, Cassiopeia - or Cassie, as she's usually called - has always had a knack for robot engineering, making her first robots out of scrap metal in a junkyard when she was just a little kid. She's the younger sister of Jack Tithus, her older brother and only guardian, who raised her alone after they were orphaned. Cassie has a big heart and an undyingly optimistic outlook in life - always looking for the fun and good side of things, even when there is practically none. She is a key character in this story, and the secrets encrypted into her blood are tied to one of the main plot twists of this book series!


☆・・More Info ・・☆

Pronouns - She/her Age - 18 Current Role - Part of the main cast Appearance - Cassie has medium to long curly dark brown hair, which she usually paints/streaks in different shades of blue and purple, a habit she has had ever since she was a little kid. She's around 5,3ft or 161cm, and while she is rather slim she is also surprisingly strong. Her usual outfit consists of a colorful T-shirt with a fun print, oversized - often in neon hues - hoodies, cargo pants with flashy belts, and a pair of old purple sneakers. She always wears her half of the trinket necklace, which matches the half she gave to Jack as a gift.

Personality Types -

✶ Enneagram: 4w3


Occupation: Inventor, robot engineer/mechanic, intergalactic thief. I believe she would also identify herself as a part-time menace to society lmao Species & Place of Birth: Human; Cethea III Sexuality: Straight



✶ Character Playlist

Playlist Sneak Peek:

Said and Done - Reinaeiry

I'm Just A Kid - Simple Plan

So What - P!nk

What The Hell - Avril Lavigne

Let's Do This - Outskrts

Only Teardrops - Emmelie de Forest

And more!


✶ Tags:

#wip supernova initiative

#oc: cassiopeia tithus

#oc: cassie tithus


Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,

@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea

@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child


@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix

@elshells, @thecomfywriter

Let me know if you'd like to be added!

Source for moodboard pictures & music playlist: Pinterest & Spotify respectively

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8 months ago

For an OC of your choice:

🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?

Thank you for the ask, @dreaminggoblin-yells! Sorry for the late answer, this week's been chaotic!

I'll go with Jack, Gabi, Deimos, and Lyorna from Supernova Initiative!

Jack Tithus - He's one of my favorite characters I've ever written, so I basically like everything about him LMAO. But if I had to choose, I would say I like how he is fiercely protective of his friends and family, how he is effortlessly charming and funny when he wants to be, his youthful nature, and his defiance towards authority that leads him to be almost reckless when it comes to fighting for what he believes in.

Deimos Soll - I love how cold, ruthless, and downright badass Deimos can be in combat, as he is one of the most efficient and deadly snipers in this story. I also like his character growth throughout the book and how he undergoes multiple changes during the story. I also like how, despite being a smooth-talking, cunning, and often deceitful young man, he ultimately chooses to do what is truly right and be loyal enough to help his friends out of the mess he got them into.

Gabi Ophyria - I like her fiery nature and often brash personality which hides a heart of gold deep down. How she is someone who will never back down from a fight and often solves problems with her fists rather than thinking things through, but is still a kind, passionate, and lively young girl who stands up for the underdogs and loves her friends and family fiercely, more than anything.

Lyorna Alyrii - She's a delicate, introverted girl who prefers to solve things through diplomacy and loves finding beauty in the world even when things seem hopeless. Despite what this might lead some to believe, her graceful exterior hides nerves of steel and a fierce determination - most underestimate her based on assumptions, and that's the worst mistake they could ever make. She's brilliant and sharp, and though she believes in mercy and kindness first, no one should ever want to see her bad side and how far is willing to go if someone tries to cause her or her loved ones harm.

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8 months ago

WIP Anagram Game

Thanks for the tag @drchenquill (here)!

I'll go with my WIPs Supernova Initiative and The Forgotten Ones!

Rules: You will be given a word, and you must share 1 sentence from your WIP/s that starts with each letter in that word!

My word is: BATTLE

B (The Forgotten Ones, Ch. 1) - But only for a moment, before the fire in his eyes faded out into worry.

A (Supernova Initiative, Ch. 2) - At the moment, the three of them were making their way down a busy inner street in the center of the settlement, the perpetually dust-grey sky lit up by the neon lights of the myriad of shops, eateries, and clubs scattered around and into a maze of side streets

T (The Forgotten Ones, Ch. 1) - The stern, matter-of-fact voice of her half-brother was the first she could hear.

T (Supernova Initiative, Ch. 1) - Turning a corner around a quieter part of the slums, he made his way to the local junkyard.

L (Supernova Initiative, Ch. 1) - “Look, we kinda…stumbled into you - not literally, but y’know what I mean - and you looked like you needed help. You seem pretty hurt…”

E (Supernova Initiative, Ch. 3) - Even though she knew she wasn't supposed to come here, Gabi was giddy at the sheer concept of finally stepping into this place - especially unsupervised.

Your Word is: HUNTER

Tagging (gently) @your-absent-father @ray-writes-n-shit @diabolical-blue, @saltysupercomputer @agirlandherquill

@sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,

@winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling

@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart @sm-writes-chaos

@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers

@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid

@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG

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8 months ago

Character Intro - Kye Thalax

If you like this, please reblog! 💕

Character Intro - Kye Thalax


☆ ・・About/General Info ・・☆

A ruthless mercenary and occasional assassin who specializes in poisons and deadly chemicals, Kye starts out as the most morally grey character in the crew, an antihero who isn't afraid to do terrible things or be downright evil to get what he wants. Haunted by his brutal past, Kye has become quite unpredictable and sometimes harsh to others, even when he doesn't want to be. Kye also often resorts to deceit and manipulation to take down his enemies, an prefers to find smart and creative solutions rather than trying to face problems head-on or through sheer strength. He was a childhood acquaintance/friend of Artemis, but the two have long since become rivals due to an incident in their shared past that has been left unresolved.


☆・・More Info ・・☆

Pronouns - He/HimAge - Unspecified yet, but around 19 or 20 years old Current Role - Antihero & part of the main cast, rival to Artemis Zreeth Appearance - Kye has long, straight greyish-white hair, usually effortlessly styled loose. He is thin and lanky, as well as rather tall, standing at 6ft or around 182cm. His eyes are an icy cyan or light blue hue, and he has a very sharp gaze. His outfit usually consists of a black long-sleeved shirt, a dark grey or black jacket or overcoat, grey pants, and polished black leather combat boots - he also always wears gloves, usually either stark white or pitch black.

Personality Types:

✶ Enneagram: 6w5


Occupation: Mercenary, assassin, chemicals and poisons expert, intergalactic thief. Species & Place of Birth: Khylet (alien), Thypsiell (planet in the Khosmonian Galaxies) Sexuality: Unknown



✶ Character Playlist

Playlist Sneak Peek:

Hero - David Kushner

Casualty - Hidden Citizens, Tash

Super Villain - Stileto, Silent Child, Kendyle Paige

I Am Machine - Three Days Grace

Living Hell - Bella Poarch

Wildflowers - Tom Petty

Assassin - Au/ra

And more!


✶ Tags:

#wip supernova initiative

#oc: kye thalax


Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,

@saturnine-saturneight @diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea

@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child


@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood @amaiguri @lyutenw @finickyfelix

@elshells, @thecomfywriter

Let me know if you'd like to be added!

Source for moodboard pictures & music playlist: Pinterest & Spotify respectively

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8 months ago

Character Intro - Jack Tithus

This is a character introduction for Jack Tithus, one of the main protagonists of my WIP Supernova Initiative!

If you like this, please reblog! 💕


☆・・Aesthetic/Moodboard ・・☆

Character Intro - Jack Tithus


☆ ・・About/General Info ・・☆

A charming and rebellious intergalactic thief, Jack is currently the most wanted man in all of the Junction planetary systems. Using heists as a tool to stand up against their galaxy's oppressive government, he has gained quite a reputation. Otherwise, Jack is a caring older brother and a good friend, someone who would do anything to keep his loved ones out of harm's way, even if it means endangering himself.


☆・・More Info ・・☆

Pronouns - He/Him

Age - 25

Current Role - Protagonist, and part of the main cast

Appearance - Jack has bright auburn hair styled into an asymmetrical bob with an undercut. His skin is warm white, and he has a small scar on the bridge of his nose from a gunfire that nicked him. He has average height - around 173 cm tall - and a lithe, but athletic, build. His eyes are dark brown and he has a kind smile. Usually, he wears practical clothes - his usual attire consists of a simple T-shirt, a synthetic leather pilot jacket, cargo pants, and boots. He also always wears the trinket necklace Cassie - his younger sister - made for him some years ago.

Personality Types -

✶ Enneagram: 8w9


Occupation: Intergalactic thief, pilot, rebel

Species & Place of Birth: Human; Cethea III (a moon of the planet of Ivion in one of the Junction systems).

Sexuality: Asexual



✶ Character Playlist

Playlist Sneak Peek:

Fight Fire with Gasoline - Self-Deception

Panic Room - Au/Ra

Protector - City Wolf

March - Jesse Abbey

Strong for Somebody Else - Citizen Soldier

Play Dirty - Kevin McAllister

And more!


✶ Tags:

#wip supernova initiative #oc: jack tithus

Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,

@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea

@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child,


@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix

@elshells, @thecomfywriter

Let me know if you'd like to be added!

Source for moodboard pictures & music playlist: Pinterest & Spotify respectively

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